DURHAM GOUNTY /AGRICULý TURAL. CALENOAR -Jiurs., April 2nd, 8-00 p.m.ý - Or- ganîzation of Durham Cony4X Agricultural Clubs, in Tnwn H1I17,I-al, OrOno, AMl farm iyoung people 12 týo 20yearS of age are wvel-omie. April 7th-9th -. Central Ontaril Sprlng Show - Mémoorial Arenia, b rtiursday,A4i19th-, 8 f00p.m Sa-fe Drivjing week, a meeting wîill be sponsored by the Durham Coun- t'y Federation of Agriculture in thle Odidfellow's Hlall, Orono Salety Quýiz, etc. Wednesday, April 15th, 8:00 pm Durjham 4-H Poultry Club meetin-g, Department of Agriculture, B.oard Room, BQwmanville. Friday, May 22nd, 7:30 .p.m., Dur- hani Counity 4-HI Club coaching :nite, Fui articulars to be ainnotunced at a later date. Friday, May 29th, Durhairn ounty, LTivestock Judgelng Competition. Time and place to be announced. June tst to 5th, Agricultural Rep- resentatives Conferenace, OAC, Guelph. Wednesday, June 17th, Durham Shorthorn Club, Twilight meeting, Glor,,qiadle Farrns, Port Hlope. EMr'. Pand Mis. AnodWallace vis-L OCA. ited with Mr-. aMrs. Doniald M- Gee, Rcmn hI eety Mi-. and Mrs. E. H. Samuel spendfing a ±ew days sk-ýing i Lauirentian Mounta.ins. AU. and Mrs Jonjes, Newtonvi visited on Sundcay wýith -Mr. and-,L C. C ornish anmd family. Mr. andMs.Grd Chýani Haýmpton s ýpent Sndaywith1 and MrsAer Mithel-ad fa ily. Mris. Chairles DCle f Eanic cldonfriendos in Orojno receni are Joan, Mrs. H-. heIPihTorontol ),ming service. soni CailFlin otrf liott La ke. fai ntiý I Now Spring lias arrived co~me in and see ourI display of Hats. They are the very best of straws Iand the latest hi styles. ~ hter son .unt, El- NewcastIè Dr Ci RU Free Pick-up and Delivev' in ORONO - KFDAL - KIF ENTEI3PRIS -WESLYVý PORT GRANtY NEWTON liii w Cartnan. On Friday between 11:00 o'clock and 2 o'cock traffic on highway 115 was lined up fi-ou just south ol Kirby to thie south of O-ono. The icy condition of the r-oad jÙst nit of Win Cochrane's wvas suLICI! 1 L cars wýeje uniable to matke tlie.slighti grade A n1 be of'ini, accdet Occured aild to tuckýs wee u puln ar's otof lthe snowý.Itok shoristaneas taficwasofe ata standstll for peiods of fiftoen A.. ~ UNITED CIURCII il Rev. Basil Long SUNeDAY, APRIL 5th *Orono Kirby - - 1 a.mn. - 2 p.m. - :0P.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 a.m ...... . Orono 2 p.m. ... ý.... -...... Kirby ~2 p.in,....... .... Leskard ORONO TINSHOP AiN IBRAN DRAM -HE NDERSON PAINTS FOR AIL PURPOSES OPEN DAILYN 8:00 a.m. ',0 5.30p. CLOSED WÉE Open Fri. te R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Oron% Ont D. P.M. 9p.m. te, ,~ *I j IWELUUiVI - .LLuI TViL.L.E Ëf Mrs. Robert Cooper and family of j ~ PO RTB ITAIN - NEWCASTLE L ondon are visitinig withl relativesî ftin Orono. AGENCY IN, ýPAULINE'S AT NEWCASTLE I ft1- Ti is an o«erless Cleaning IY. Congratulatiois toMr.and Mr's' Ugrat elle nPatçB -L. Bail on the birth of a son and t i am t rundi IatçBg Mi-% and Mrs. Ronaidlda Hiock on NEWCASTLE 3831 JACK LEE@S the birthi of a dlaughiter. Mrs Gi-etGasb 0 Kngto ISATIFACTION GUARANTEED visited het mother Mrs insto ln Agent for Acadlian Cleaners and Pressers Ltd. MIrs. Glenni Wiggins, Gregory and Linda, Don M1ilîs are spericing the ~O Easter Ho.iclays with M- and Mlrs, M. B. Staples. I-. and i-s. Alex~ Watsoni spent 0t]s 4i Watson and family, Waterdown O lEetty Ann returned with them r t]M ya + a f ew dlays holiday. V Mi-. and Mrs. Neil Wood and dauhtes, akeiel spntEaster t Sundlay witt Mi-. and Mrs. Chas. dauhtes, akfied sentt] First Quality 490 needie, ecial pr. 77e 2 pr. $1.50 1Wood. MI _. and Mrs. R. E. Logan, Mr.[t nd Mrs. NomnAllin, Joanl andO Wonder Bobby ý,Pins AOO Pins to ' card, Black Sharon visiteci with Mi-. and Mrs- L E. G. Hay, Don and Bill, islington . or Brown. Red StWi aVýlue. Card19 on Good Friday.U Mi-. and Mirs. Rober-t Johnston and amiy hve ove ino te ~ Chenille Bed Spreads, dcu b bed size and fa t tly he noveth o thOrono? , apartment 1t Mi-. nd rs. A. b. o 1 83"x 100 ". Price each..........$4.98 beIooey. andvian M.A.L Off icers and members of Oronio Rayon adN ion Blanhiits, satin bound. Lig Lodge No. 4136 I.O.OF. .paîd a Fi-at- f size 72" x 84",ý Outstandlng Value.. . $45 ernial visit to Cobouirg Lodge No.. 136 and conferred the Degi-ee of9 Truth on a class of candidates, j Wednesdlay nîght, Mai-ch 251h. Half Slips, Ladies'Rao Elastie wat. This visitation was much enjoyed aco by al, t Colors white, coral reef, reflection blue, Sizes SMedium and lre ed Star Value. Each 98e Mrs. . Watson-i is a patient Iin re the TorntGneralsita. ft r.E. WhViite is a pa'tiîent rn thle t Ladies Wa9i .s-, larýge assortment, latest styles tand colors. Sizs 32 to 38. Each .......... .$1.00 F~ling Officer Charils V. W'alker, Mî~ W aIei ndfarniily of Trenton t spen'ýt the weekenid vith the latters parnt M-.andm! s hilst Misses BelI-Lowýý Cardighs, Texturized grain Cooper.orangeice,rna y. 'ize 8 to 14 Each $4.79 M.aid Mrds. Cecil Fer-guson and~ £aily vof Ptroruhspent SurI'- Bti.... I dy wth i-.andMrs Chile Raribmoo. es.... 99e AflM. and MsRssTylor of Mi-. George rntiog imis, v!site<I 1his mothier MUrs. Johni Ai-n- Easter( Chocolat' Bunnies and Eggs clearing at Haîf Price Mr.AllsonCowall, To ,to isi- ted in Orono on Sund(ay.g SAVE MDE SERVE YOIJRSELF l Mi ss Carolyni MacArthur of Toi--t onto spent the Easterwelndît Mi-r and Mrs. A. A. Di-urmond.ic t] RONO 5 TO $1.OO " S uRFt Mr. and Mi-s.Be CarmanofPe tpn visited with Mi-. and Mrs. W. H. THE PRICE 0F GOOD LIVI '/G CANADIANS are still enjoying 1.the world's second highest standard of livine' They can do this because of,,li e contribution of manu4acturing to our nati nal progress and prosperity. Perhajps Canadians can, buy some things cheaper èlsewhere than iii.Canada. But if they are not wiWng to pay Canadian prices for- Can-~ adian prçAiicts, our 0wn ,wrkers will rl9t for /lonig ie àle Vo rleceive 'Cainadian' wages. N'or will Cafiad'an goverin nts receive..Vhe ax r y- enues they' require to sustain Canada's welfare pr-ogyamm.es. rere isa rc to: pay for everything, .hcludl- in the Canadian st ndard of living. STEEL COMPANY OF C MADA MONTREAL GAW HIAMILTON "ÀRD TORONTO GORC O OEEKLY IE l LLE J VLE N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -4 N N N N N N N N N. N. N N N N N N s. N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N