I -. DerAnne Hirst. I'M flot wtito ask you bow to get ihis boy -back, 1 dori't want hini. But 1 do want to know how a 1 girl ean te-Ii whoe- a'boy is just ±(eediing ber a bne, or iS really, piincere. 1 went steady with this zïne for thjree weeks tuwhich I know nowv was silly) bul he told me rvight awýýay how- much he 1]oved mcr-e and he drew a rosy picture ùo! our, future.- "Then svd denly it was ail over, H7e walked out!. He said he jus! ]ikes to d1ate a girl a dozen time-s or soi and then dlitch. ber. Later2 Ilearned be was that, kind. ,'Are ail boys ilke that? Do they just string you along unt"il they hiave you at their feet atrd then wl out? A deýcent girl1 ran'!L ike a boy sh's afraid tri trust. "HÀowcan a girl k-now tvhen a Ï ioy is telling the truth and whenlhe is not? I'r ûonly 17, but h.onestly I feel like 90 IFm fed Ujp with them iali Are tLhey a-l like this one? OLD LAM ~ THE MALE ANIMAL "No, my young fiend, a-Il *bo)ys are not like this one, but *the species boasts' a larger * mernbership than we like to 'adjmit, Conceted as a pej- *cock, the'y fi' l frmý one girl *to anothe.r trying out vaTiUs * shnanians o wini her over, *anid threy file the resuOlts with *thé smnug commenjt, "Thatwa *easy?'r They are Out forE- *perien.ce withi a capital E, and * fot concernied at ail with thic Four baiy Patches 784 Colïrs run nio! in tiîs quilt mnade o! scraps - tlle1more0 the mlerrier. It's juts'! four patches, easy-to-pi ece. Use one block alone for a p1llowN cover'. Paittern 78-1:cht, directions, 01ten patches, yardageIÏCS for SedTRRTï-FIVE CENTS samscanni-ot be2 accepted,us postal note for safety) for this3 patturc, 1to LAURA WELR Box 1- , 123 Eighteenth St., New Toro,ýn t Ot. Print plainly PA1T- TEJiN NUMBER, your INAMTE and 'lADLIIESS. SeoL oracopy of 1959 La,~ wI'eLe(1ýr Neeçllîecraft Book. It bas lovey dsigs to ordler: emnbrol- qui 1tiog, toys. Li the book, a spe- ciel srrs to rnake a littie girl happy -- a cutout doîl], clothes to coo.Send 25 Cents for this boo k. '-y / ro style, t*l gsnl's state when theý, toss hîeS Sa cereless goodboye. SYouý serv1ed this boy as Ex- hibit c9or 19 in lis buo)k. Let * het truth lie there, but uISe it to your advantege *To go steady witbi a boyý Sfrom th-e verY first d1ate is to -set hilm on 'top tof the world, a fla'!tering but foolisb g-es- *ture. Imimedietely you are cut off1 froni othes' dates, automa- * tcally removed from cireula- *tion. If your next beauwnt *%to go steady 50 soon, say "Ov 1' don', knPow yo0u w eil * enuh" an-d le! hlm wjý,or'k to *win whatever lautrels YOuI firnd *ho. deserves. That will put -him *ý on is toes, and yoiu wiJ'll he *his liat as one girl that baý-s I o be shown. He expected you *to fa!, on his nteck, and then *you'd have been like ait the *rest be has known. Bt VOlh '~favours are flot to be had for, *the' asking. Tbhat's flot good *enough for a girl like you. *Rempember this: Boys lik-- *to date the girl! that other *ý boys date, When-, they see b1er * round with several, tbey bzu- *gin tIo wonider what. secret at- *traction she bas, and make u *their business to findi ou t. 'lYes, evéry boy bhas a Une, *Thte smart girl lets !hlmitOss * t out, shie n'bbles at It, but she dentsalwthe bai!. * ny webeasproved ho !s worth ber time -- depend- * b1e, considerate, anid someone *sbe's- prouid to be seen wt *-is he wortb ail yuitune * -anid eyen then be should be. *onily on, probation. REBELLIOUS DAUGHTTER Dear Anne FHirs!: 1 arnionly 16, and wvas looking forwýarid Vt a fine suïnmper wvitb nothîni-g to do but fun. But mny fatherbs iasked ne to work, in bis office part-tinme, with only two, weeks of! lasuad about thle Vwhole idea andI told bum so but o! course i wlll do it. "Las! terïn 1,studied lhard, a nd I thinik the family owes m ne a. gcood time till gohool starts agýain. lokve nmy Dad. bu'! I tbiok lie- u being unreesoneble. How do you feel about it? DS-UTD *Youirinetter was far too 1long *to pnint, bu:t from ik, I gatheru *that you are so interested y, *your father's business thýt- *wheo yvou graduate froi l o-. *legce you hopé to take chariige *of its wvori's depajrtmYent *Thenwh do you ob.ject - to ~ learning wb tîucndr *ing this coming Oummer 1clarn aboutithe bsnsti m fstr 'yu ill etL aeýa d:i IL ut. You wi'cehe1srprused-lu * much you L1cao ic(k up ýeen un ~ halfdays ow. Yur approauh Sto it now la ischildi; you r *not being a gond sport 1 1 ex-pect thaýt you[ ate a s a1lloi orked every surrmer off for funi. Rmme tal,, * and be fair:j; ÀL Will shoW Youl rsctforhi judgoienýjt, alld '~ thr. f ou are-0be parti- ners ome ay, hat onirade- *ship canno11,t ben to soon To Eey 6GilVWo VWents Beý Popular: It isn't the nma of boys youdaeit is wv.7 the aethet (coun1ts. MWalt e smre any iiew ascquainiance is wu2rtl youir tim-e , . . Ane firs! heshelpe thiouýsao! teenag'ers ihow t bae he kind o! fun fthatlasta. Write heýr et Box L1. 13 Elgb- teentb St., New Torouto, Ont aree-to)p, insolentcrtue - it might be spring for thien but it wvasn't [or us. They wvere bothe wrong anyway - 1! wasn't. spring for tbemn either. The next day we wtere hack to ,winter agpfl. ~Yesterndy,ý, afrernoon Dee ai-d Two-Way Draina We didn't thint it could hp pen-. - but t did. ýWe go'!te un our beseneot -- tIita was thse nighJt wbene thlere das-athree- q uarter inch rein! ail in- maruy Ontario diýýfr.ctS, I oiŽ the night and hada' - wincl drivinig rein agalos!ts front, of the luuse. Fromn the wîndow I 1could see fonda everyý- where, including tise road. Pres- entbty1Iwent dwsarfon the sLu-u(p-pumnp wrigah ih and 'iy va smnall trictle of wani- acos ise floor. 1 -I ýhougt there wan' oo much to worryabu and ,venut back to bed ithu w ak ring Pari'!ner. About .five ocokhe was ýwaIke anddo- stairs andiby Hut tueLt a dii fiere:(-nt storyý. Wate'[r %-,es m ingo i n a t several placesý. Wormý; tri'h tatthe csuiip-pitp wsnr t opeatig popely.We colrt(II, taike ai ueiaue onthat qui tting s a1 plumber was sent for. Hle put on a P, r 7 witch and tisen t ,-wl'- ai. rib.We thought we were lucy ot ivn to buy a new puot Pl ut een i it wold hv been better tona odeba- ment. HowOver, ýI th-jen1- woS stil -work to do -'0sweeping water away froilte furrnace and. over towards the ý-drain. LaIter On BobD cin t o tersufixed a pipe acroaýs the floor, so there wats clbttr ranagce. Wvïilth tat donc ewreablIe to sleep iL com- fot. ,xtt-oniog ,aIter listen.( ing, o fi te radio and hring o! theflo dmaein so monn'y dis- tniets we wre asam ,Co ee sorry or ourse Îves. For inistance, one morning a>! the hidesrthe entire ucon- versatfion was about floodeidbae mTents - and even o!fgounId flors beingc- under waýter. At one, drug1-store eighit Lchecs o! water et thle streeýt leVel arod six Îincies in a nearby restaur-ant. One wo- man seid comei spriog ther e oudbe a "For Saile", notice up outside their bhouse. I cen'! aee rnuch -lpoi]It inthatý. 1I would Say fer better to reinforee the walls ag-ainst floodirsg. To seion'e piace and buy another mnighit bejup ing, from tise fryrng pan, r)tû tie fire - or meybe frorn a stream ioto) a lake would bec a better ýîile. We nmay neyer 1have a s ituation likt ths again, Af ter ail it la only the resul! 0of 50 mIuch fro-tin the goudthr is no na;.turel drainage fr th supe r, -abujndance o! sulrfa ce And do you kn.ýow whet? Wniseu the rain stop.ped nd tise suin camne ou! 1 went sloshing througb the water t O get thse nmail end there-, il you pie-se, vas Pa crow md arobi siginglus!ly romn Fo a, arrj--narrow sheatis for dates, a rintantie ovet-~ skirt to malte o! bree-zyçhfo tung,cýottorior sut fior es PitdPattero U710: Jr. Miss drsLakesý 2% yardJs 39-inch fabjri';c; ove-ri!37eyards,. Printed drecion n eaichipat- terri part. Eesier,acute ScdFORTY CENTS (40é) (stamps ceannon!be accepted, use posta!. note for sa!e!y)- for this pat!ejýrn.Please p rint ran, SIZE, NAMIE, ADDRESS, STYLEr Sedorder to ANNE~ ADAM\,S,. BOX 1, 123 Eighteenth st., e famnily1' camne in for a visýit. told her to bring skates for theý ch)ildren asj we had plety i fice- But by the tîmne theY go! here the ice was covered Witb no SuIchl quietk changes - looks as îf we can neyer gpess rigbt. Ai- ter playing with our' toboggan for, awhile the boys cairie Lto the bouse and it wasn't long be- fore Jerry provided us with a littie excitemnent. Dee put hlmr loto the crib for a nap( wve al- waysv, keep a crib ito the spore roo m ), if teei miinutes later there -%as a terrifie thum-p anid then a yell. Dee rushed loon h bedroom and fou,,nd Jerr 'y ont floor, fiat on, bis tuiiilny. Appar- ently be had tried to clilu ~e the high side of the crib, couldn't quite niake it, and over- balanced. It is ýa mercY the gond Lordwothesover children and1 oosor Jerry would have a small chance o! suryival. He is more msievous thn il the others put togethier. And 3a most ang-icsmule, of course. Th) s roroing 1 wva s in awa,-ke !hinking about daylighit savingi time wb1iCh will sono be wlith uLs once agaiu. éAnd 1 was; tbinking1 i.what a handicap Ltla to the ffrpier and how little dif- ference t matesý to anyvone cisc. And becautse ij! makes an little difference to town aand city fok surely greater Colinsid eratLon Could be gîven fo(-thefanmer whei i you consider the incon- venience hie sifera frorn April to October. tJsually bu failsin u ine by puitting. back the clock but jti'!do.esýn" dry the dew on the grass. And cowa cannot be put out to Pasture on wý.et a!alfa1o they'l bluet. Nor cars.bey b raked or blaed urotil it's dry. That rmeanis farn-ers l!ose hours o! preclous lime, day efter day, wvek aft.er weekc, No one, other than the fermrer, takea the leas! bit o! notice.,-Andf yet, surely thse farmenr's worl< la more îimportant than tire office worken's pleesureii-. The fermner La baving a biardî 'nnLIug tlme as t la, Wltb higis production cos and 'low -rêturns, Trans-CorÇS:ki Aitr unes SUINWAR 0 SS ES 0 Aqe 20 26 * single * jr1 MA3triculation or susiness eq*jlvalent *Hpight 52" to 5'7" 0 W.ight in #roporfiofl Io helght but flot over 130 lI>s. *Ns'sTraining flot requireci Salary range $275-$400 t'luency in Englisb cessentaI l- Aýdcfiýninal anguages and expert- ence in %workià.g wiiii the public dei ra bie APipplfcats able io meet the aboVe qualcations shiotild have a pflea.,- Ing personality and be t>f good aprae.U rn a b 1ié, W consider aJpplicanti s h wear gýlassesý. conteet lenses ) r fi dentuires. Plcasa ýreply to neareatý Employment aOffice: 663 Yonge St.-Toote 352 Donalci S.-Wrýnnipeg inteýrnationa[ AviationBIt. Montreat Prices paid for eggs aPd Inaarlket h-ýogs wae ridiculoiusy lovw and mariy a 'farmer now races tace niecessity% - anxd theepns - of dirillingL a new weil duulng the comning1 season. And theon W have DST wishecl upon hihirronce again. ustthe miajority ,alwÀayS win when-i the decision 15s s definitelyaais the interests ai the rino-rîty thatisi'-, the f ar- m-ýe rs? "Teusa lette], from our mer n hI the Sabar a Deer branch again," said the assistantî manag-er of au oil] opay "They saY theyu.'re shortilo water"-f ,'lu ~I know, but this fiie :It's .serious - the staoep's stuek on mn dontnma11rry wrnn o $25 a wecek ayoe-thiegr thaUt. FASIIION INi r s NO NEEDLE USED -- This young man 15 getting hiis polio vaccine in a miuch more p!éasant way thon tha- usuol shýot in the crrm. He's lesting ci cheriry-ficivored, one-dose serum thctt is taken orally.