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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Apr 1959, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TKURS.DAY, APRII- 9th, 1959 ~U.ç..eofoa.oO*OO.O9U*ObOOOL~O4POOoOO iJAVE Clean Si ~GLIDE jLaundry tSAVE4 î AnyCi ~Betty Ci 1, Oatmeal1 Date SB *Chocolate Macar4 î' Brownie Mix jMonarch Pie Crw îý aIl1et Coloured-Y ~ToiIet ri - York Beef or Irish 1 tews Rose Brand Raspbe 'Jam French's iInstanlt j~Supreme Sweet Mi3 Pickles jý Grimsby Sweet 3 tokely's Fancy 8Tomiato IMr-gherta Stuffed >I yLiui -wax U e ach 32 oz bottie Spa»i weep Brooms Starch 3c off 4.8c on reg. price #ombination of 4 airockers 3ar Mix4 .jst Mix pkgs $1.00 YelIow, Pink Greenr issue 4 ris45 15 oz 2 12 oz Potatoe 7 Coffee 5 lxed 48 oz for 53c jar 35c 7 oz 29c oz 79c jar 59c is 48 oz jar 69c >Juice 48 oz 29c 16 oz jar 39c EATS Prime - Short Cut - First 5 Ribs RIlb Roast Lean Beef Plate BoneleSS Pot Roast SwftIs Premrnrn lb 69o lb 49o b celloe 45e Sw~emwrnlb 35e Swift's Premlium rLun@heofl Meat lb 55e CORNISH'S au-'1 $ cfc,,---------- -- --e pint tin 63c 2 for 49e giant pkg 79c 4 string each 79c i epack bottie 24c FROZEN FOODS BIRDS EVE DINNERS FOR TWO Sticed Beef, 12 oz. pkg . .......-.1.15 SUiced Turkey, 14 oz. pkg. . ........... 1.09 Macaroni andi Cheese, 15 oz. pkg..53c THIS WEEK's. For Women OnIy p air With personal sizes and leg Iength Guarant,.d ivat Quality VRIEE To The F[rst 10 Names Drawm Don't Delay! Enter To-day! Draw Sat. Evening i LAST WEEKS WINNERS *Hart Barlow *Aire Vancespruit *Mrs. Noden *Mrs. E. Wilson, Toronito rODUCE California - Navel - 113 Sîze Su nklit Oranges doz 49c 5 lb poiy 59c 163 size 2 doz69c California - Sunkist - Juicy Le mons Zesty - Ruby Red- 8 oz. pol3 Radishes Palm Gardlen - No. 1 Grade Tomatoes doz 49c ly bag 2 for 19c -14 oz. cello- tube 2 for 35c i Phone Orono 1121 [ /2 s? 22 d1id fot end, the nteWrli Rîkad ad somnethiig -to say about the Roads Commission which is g-ettinig the bigg1est shiare of the! mil rate. Said ,i,,e Wrden: "11have vvanled 'Lo say this in Counceil before butlia hae ievei, ha i tieapportunity to do so. But 1I do think there is -noj reason ýwhy the Roads Commissioni can't hiave their estimates ready by the Januarýy session. The Roadsi Commission is the reasoni why -wei cannot sirike the rate ear-lier. There is no reason why thieir estimatesý cannot be ready long before theyl Deputy-Reeve Tom Jones echoed his words and moved that the millI Carpentry oWork Cupboards a ISp.cIaItyj 'FRED COX! I KENOAL, ONTARIO j Phone Orono 29r2l *~~~~ D oo..o...o.Mo, .. [(g~o>)LUNBINQ; ** 24HOUR* ' eSERVICE KENDALNEWS Guide, Eîghit ladies fromr Kendall and j~e z Star>kvlle attlended the Summrary! 1 Day o)f the Womnen's Institutes sew;%-i I ig lasses o)f Dur-ham Cunty onTi The Guide meeting on Tuesday Thusda, Ai i 2n. 1 lu wa a iglit oendwith Çonnie Tyrrel'l rnos colurtl an intresIng )V pssing Judy Vagg, Lynn Bailey, l'nt held Iiu Oroof. Maie e yLynda Tyrreli, Lyndia1 Iovey an useul atices tîey ad o bc roîl. Gayle Willis paissed her iluadle (Iur1îg tuie wiler. Tiien a secondï( class semiaphore. tasnlioil suow was ld. Some of thie The Gid(es learned hiow to whip lades odeleda complie costme'lthe end of the rope. eoredwithi corded p)iing "or- The seniior Guides, who have been hias biîndîng that they had. r uade. jtakýIn Cristian Education at Mrs. 1Armnst rong's, tried tlieir test tonigîht l'ttytile gIirls irodelled Lmiei and returned(ý( to the Guidle meeting cuvrat prnswiLîcii ser-ved as during the playing of Kims gamne arese, wueothiers were dressed wichwe id using buttons. This ml,, pyaa. hntydeliîghtied uswas followved by ins.pection ,and tak- wii uei tîmïe song. u p Itle collection. We welcomed niew Guide Lynda Aul account[ of the invention of Jackson irb our Company. Lite2 s'ttvîïîg Iacinie anid a 11umior- The Guides went to their patrols OUS îeWgou i{eeing teiegi- to discuss projects, then practiced 'L'u s Da ru ('e Senior the scout's pae. ;'ulort (.ouî se In "Sew W Save Dol- Th(, meeting closedi with a sing- Idi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i- S iUtiK es" oals.snprayer and t aps. itne IIeW COurSe propo)sed foluix year " Il In uL aing înteiate be broughit down sooner in the A armier of tme fKendal aeaSaw future. ýcollie (log Chase seven deer over It was, pointed out that pro- LUiLie î UîI 4i urut 0f is.enclal. 1vision lad been rmade for .compen-1 îarier aw ne hat lac ben ~ll-sation for rabid animais dsryd ed norLh 01 f AMr. A. Low S, Perluaps Rabies Subsidy oy wovsGlerk Ken Symons said after the We re oci toîiai-Liit jjrsession that ni.u one knew for sure We ae srry o har tat r. ow mnany animais lad been killed x.ue ±±eîurîî osptal wure ieor wvould be killed because of the wstaIKen oul Sunuiay wiLur a mus- rabies or how much the compensa- culd auqent.tion woild be put at a guess le woul venureto say that the amn- Mijss Atyihe Duhc spent the ou-nt will reacd at least $5,500. Laster va'-cationI wdth lier grand- The Council xill awýait instruc- muer at f)elilt. lions froni th e Department of Agri- culture on sug-gested rates of sub- MVr. jNed F'oster- is homne fromsidy for destroyed animais, and will Vîrgînia whiere hie fias been visiing. carry out the programme of subsidy MissPaLs Poter as ý j once einstructions are received- MissPaty Pste wa Mad.9il was decided. Irlonour for Mliss Mar-ilyn Ailunnin Hampton Ujnited Churdli. Pat was chosen as onie of tiie Princesses at - îlt Banile Seliool dance. CouityR"cLte FR~ (Continuecl trom page 2) A E n manvile secodcd teALEStonAnd passed at once, Iuse iggest Share to RoadsA IUs pl t 1hpcmat4per. Wardenl' EDSEL d SERVICE ed cari O ur complete service guararitees year round dlriving pleasure Phone 3251 ROYAL Newcastle, Onitario Bowmanvill'e MA. 3-'5589 THIS MHURS. TO SATIJRADY -- APRIL 9 - Il Extra - Sat. Mat. only: Chapter 1 - Edgar Wallaoe's "Thile PGreen ArcIherl9 Evening shows at 7 and 9:10 p.m. NEXT MON. TO WED. - - APRIL 13 -1.5 Aduit - Double Bill "Baby Feace Nelson"9 Starring MICKEY ROONEY "Thnd~r Road"l with ROBERT MITCHIUM B. F, Nelson at 7 and 10:05. Th, Road 8:39 r LOCAL NEWS Darlene West spent the Easter hiolidays visiting her grandparents Mr. and MUrs. P. Hayword,Bom - ville> MUr. Doug Gamsby, University of Toronto, is at home wýihMrG. Gamisby. On Tuiesdlay of last week Mvessrs. Bruce Miercer, Albert West, Gordon Watson, and LeslieM e repre- senjted the Orono Fire Departmnent iii- th annual Curtling c ýompetition heldc in Oshawa. lasurance Service Sadie Hamilton Leroy Hamilton * .Every class of Insur- Iance is -represented in our office. Th.-e follow- ing are some of the main coverages we can of fer: Automobile, Life, Accident and Sickness, Plate' Glass, LÎability, PFire, Burgliary, Hospitalization, Livestock, Bolier, Wind, Polio, Kail, Fidelity Bonds etc. OROMO PHONE IR16 FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Lerey Hamilton REAL ESTATE BROKER

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