ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TI{U1SOAY, ~MAY 7th, 1,959 POLIOMYELITIS VACCINATION CLINIC-S- SFOR ADULTS - T-HIRD DO,'È, May :4 O 4noOeCll: w f all 3 --6 30andp.m. m 20 Millbrook Waiting Ro0, 1-3 and0.- Pm May 20 Bethany Tori Hall 4-W p.mn. Third doses oflly Not for children in school 6r uner sohool age NORTH~UMBERLAND-DURH>ý HEALTH UNIT [ SOFTBALL OPEN4ER (From 4) This game was a practise game for both teams The pubic school is b us. ïIy practising for the Clarke Towni- shipý, Field Day and the O.H.S. teami wan,-ted practise in preparationi for a game with the Crwih il softball team which takes place next Thursday afternoon in the Oiýrno Community Park. The Orono Highi School Lineipý was as f ollows; piteher Joan , L dred, catcher Sandira Mercer, firat base Helen" Hancock, second -Mary Foun~d, third Madelon Allen, shorýt- stopMagr Tyrrel, centre f ie-id Linda Alleni, right field Patsy Jones and b'f t field Phllis Martin. The( Orono Public School lineup was as folldwys; pitcher GaIl WjIli cthrSharon Willis, first base Peggy J- ancock, second base Bonniy Couvier, third base Shirley Sharron short stop Faye Nicholson, centre f ield Cherrl Cooper, left field Lin- da Trel right fieldMayLn GITSUGGESTIONS FOR MTIRSDAY DRESSESSLP S:urprise Mother wvith a new dress for Goo -itting sips f Nylon, Cotton prie Mother's Day. We have up-t-the-minute styles Rayon, 4 Acetate. Sizes 32 to 44. in ahl the iatest materials te fit sizes 10 to 221,/jice rm$.5t 69 Price range f rom $10.95 to $24.50rcdfo $.5O 69 HOIJSDRESES 'PANTIES HOUSED ESSESVaýrlous styles in Rayon, Cotton and Goodl cotton print and gfingham presses lon Seizes small, medium, large and x large. n a. variety of styles and colours. Sizes7%12 to Priced from 59c to $1.69 44, aiso haff izes. Priced from $2.98 to $5.95 15 "Butterfly Nylon and Lisle in al the SKTRTS new sumnmer shades Dark seams or seames. Plain colours and plaids in straightý-cut Sizes 9 ta 11. or fuil skirts of good quality cotton. Sires 12 Priced alt $1.00 and $1.95 to le,. Priced from $4.50 te $7.95 BLOUSES- Variauýs styles in Terylene, Nylon and Gotton irý zes 12 ta 20 Priced at $3.25 - $7.95 SWEATERS Glenayr "Kitte-n" Pullovers and Cardigans ïn Ojýr, Weol oG r Ban-Lon. Beautiful new shadçes in- size's 34 to, 44. Prieed f rom $6.95 to $15.95 SLACKS WeIl tailored Slacks of fine quarity flan- nel in plain shadies and plaids. Sires 10 ta 20. Prieed at $12.95 and $13.95 Store Ope" A'ay P nday IIANDJBAGS Several styles in Morocco and Caîf leather, also plastic. Colours of black, navy, brown. tan, i pige and red Prjèed f rom $3.50 to $10.95 GLOVES Nylon. Rayon and Cotton in shortie tyor longer length. Sizes 6½ 2ta, 8. Priced from 89c. to $3.50 SCARVES Nylonr, andI Rayon in oblong and square stylecs. P rinted dcesigns and plain shacies. Priced f rom $1.00 to $3.95 BedpredsCotton Sheets and PiIlowýý Caseýs, Trabecloths, Towels, Bath Mats Sets. Armstrong s SEveningis Friday & Saturday Open AIl Day Wednoe v,!, Make mine.. A "iig hcagme" dflink for aMy "111t1 bague'" playor MWane cand 5.1*1.4 by.. Local News , , Mrs. M. Stapleton of Newcastle spent -the week-end with Mr. and Mr.John Forrester and famrily. Mr, and Mrs. E. Dent and family visited wthMr and Mrs. IRotrke' in Trenton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vanice Cooper and family spent Suinday with Mr. and 1Mr(s. E. Bowen. Mr. Paul Ruther.ford of Queens University and Mr,.-Douglas Gams- by of the University of Tor'onto are both home after writing their year end exams. Miss Caroyn MacArthur and Mr. Alex Drummond of Toronto spenti the week-end withi Mr,' and Mrs. A. A. Drumamond. M%,rs. Jack Gibson Sr. has returnied teo her home in Orono after spend- inýi the wiriler in Toronto.--I UNIED CIIURCH ô P rem Ohivre uikbo Re.Basil Long SJN"DAY,N SUN DAY L.!Kh"bv MAY 1Oth I J 0:45 a .- - 200 p.m. i Si Newcastle Dry Oeaners SHIRT 8SPECIALiSTS - DRAPS RU - STORAGE Free Pick-p an eliverY ORO6 - KENDAL - KIRBV EN RPRIMSE - WESLYVILLE POF GRANBY - NEWTONVILE ELCOME - ELIZABETI'VILLE PORT BRITAIN - NEWCASTLE A NOIES -- Orono, Shoe Repair, Orono; uline's at Newecastie; P<irte.r's Store, New- - tonville; Star Lunch on l-Ughway No. 2, Odorless Cleaning AHl garments returned in Plastic Bags NEWCASTLE 3831 JACK LEES SHOE REPA'IR SATI FACTION GUARANTEED Agent for Acad ian Cleaners andi Pressers Ltd. I ~c.o.oooe~ooooooo0~oooo000~ Mother 's Dayg Sun ay, Ma Oth Log Cabin Choëolates, assotted, i pQUfld ...95C. Zac Cpnpud box ........$1.83 Flaev upsa d ucers, Queen Anne Fine Bone En'f1ish Chihie Set. fer.. ....... ....... 98e. SGladiola iBjdbs, 'strong, healthy, bulbs from Holland. Box of 15 for............ 49c. Plastic Hôousefaresmahignmbe Bag . 97c. Utility Glass are, Bo on Dishes. Creamis, Sugars [J Ash Trays. Eve yice usr.îil. Each for . 14c. [JNylon ilose, Ladies' fuIl fashioned stretchy sp-ring shadles, filair and blossom. Pair for....98c. Watagift for Mother, o)r mayýbe for, a shlower? Irene and Dora m-ay have sonme- tini-g for you. We have apronis, bath towels, hiankies with ate edges, nd doilies. Also boxes of cardis, hasty notes etc. We will dis- play the-m Thiursday, Friday and atdyMay 7-9 at Dora Mý,orriss' homne. Rýev. Johin Pottruff andI Mrs. Pottruff, Calgary, Alta., their daugh- 'ter and granddaughter, Mrs' Davis~ Scarborough, Ont.? spent Thursdayý with thieir aunt, Mrs. M. E. Stutt. M;iss Marian McKelvey, Toronto, visited Mrs. F. l3rimacomibe last week. Don's f orget the Orono5 Mission c Band Mother's Day Tea and Pro-9 .g-ram at the Orono United Church at 3 o'clock on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. C. Thompson and Arthur, Kendal, Mrsý. Jones, Bowmnanville, Mrs. A. Evans, Orono visited wlith Mrs. Wes. Elliott and Mrs. F. Brim- acomrbe on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan C. Robinson, Calgary, Alta., who were in Tor-6 onito on business cane down -iion Sýunday for a vislit w'ith thleir aiunt, Mlrs. M. E. Stutt. Twee mebers of theOro1no; Midget . Hockey, Club) of last year gat'heret n auda vniga the Or-onto Restaura1'nt whbere ithey ejydachke dininer. Thiis vas Vi yary Indupý for t1he',)ocal boys Mr.W W. watt, princi ple of the O-hon o !Hig-h Sho attended t'he Heamaser' Cnfeenc fr 'the' Th Cnfrecewas h1eld in the DoeanCfegaein Oshawa and1 t rereete chos from Pický,-erngý toi -e1vll n n-orth to Banicroft.' Mt.Fowera HghSchool inspector, addl'reszsed the meetinig whicýh also0 dîscýussed mranyv of th-e problems of' Secondary sehÏools. Those rst were guests of the Oshawa Badof Education in thie ev i ing at a 'ban- quet. Mr, F. O. Cooper is barbering at, Rainey's Barber Shop for the time benglr. Jack Taylor has opened his own barber shop in Oshlawa. It is expectedi that the Oýonjo Chambrner of Commerce will again this year promote the f ire. works display on a bigger scale than last year. Look for details next week. The Orono Girl Softball team. is already in action and have held a numnber of Practises at the Orono Park. Other baseball teams for the boys stili lack coaches - managers. Their fate must be known by May llth as this 1$ the last day the-y )mny enter the Lakeshore league. Members of the Clarke Township Cou.Ecil and of the Orono Chia ber of Comnmerce meet wt Dr. Dy- monid, Provinicial Minister of Hiealth, on Tuesdiay evening wheni was dscussed thIle hospital problem. ithis ara-Frhe eetings are, to e hl ro to aý final decision on wvhat course of action to follow. Officers and members of thle Or-. ono IMasonîic Lodge paidl a fraternal11 visit te t'le Durham Masonîc Lodgel N'Iewcazstle, on Tu.esday evening. ALL KINDS 0F SHEET METAL A ND Plumbing Supplies BRAN DRAM -HE NDERSON PAINTU FOR AIL PURPOSES OPEN DAILY 8:00 a.mn. to 5.30 p.mn CLOSED WED. P.M. open Fni. to 9 P.m. R.,E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Orûono, ont.. O.e.00000oObOOOflbOO0O.oQbnQ0.00.e<,.00f0.*eoe. Scar-f, New Ladies oblong, 17 in. x 50 in.~, hemrned > assoede shades. Each for .............. 79c. Ladies' Pyjamas, iaby Doil, Cotton fi -ai pink and blue on w4te ground, siZes siril" medium or large. Prie(-d...... ....... .......$9 Briefs, Ladies C lIasuede Ray ,p~nadclr Sizes small, me mm or Jar e., 3 pair for . $1.00 SAVE TIME SERVE YOURSELF ORONO 5k TO $1.00 STORE @*'0000N0.0e0,0,T- 10mNaZ S 00 "N "N "N 'N "N "N 'N "'N "N "N "N 'N "N "N "'N 'N "N "-9 N "N 'N 'N 'N "N "N "N N s N N '9