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Orono Weekly Times, 7 May 1959, p. 7

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- - - - - - - ----------_ ~ - r «Dear Armne irst: My swee t- ieart, was oý,rdered everseas last fali, an')d wanted us ta get mar- uried before he left. We bouglit thpie rinig, and made ar'range- suer wili(Ur pastor. Then he cal, 1up anid sald ta fargetit -lie couldn't get enouighLi tme Off. t i- two wee'ks iago L had a lett i romi abroad, and lie wartet break aur engagement! <Isletters liaà becomne more scar,, . bu4I I didr-'t worry). 1 t1old bis fam-ily, and 1 e w,,ould-n't believe lit. Because my parents hdbeen helping us so .generou>sly witli aur plans, 1 cacn't bear theni ta know this. I wrote himi at on)ce, asking if there was another ýgirl. le re- plied 'No' - but t cauld 1 do if therewe? "Sa it sounds ike1 there is somebody vese J. imply éan't let hlm go, Anne EHirszt, 1 love hlm to rnucli.'LI haven't Iooked at an- other man) since we g Iot en- gaged. I would do anything -ta get him back, but if I admiut wve're throulh every,,body wvili Yinake fui-,of ne. Yet sliauld 1 gi've hulm up? BROKEN-IIEARTED" DE GAVE 'YOU UP *1 alrn afraid yau mnust face" *the crue] truti: It is not a *question of giving; up the *young man, it is ie who lias Sbraken, the engagement. Tel] *your parrents and your pastor * inmediately; they will be *shocked, but not 4a you,ý at *hlm. Tliey -%illielp youi *Why adit ta friýencis that *you've been jil-ted? Simply *Say you havjýe clanged .your r mmd aînd would rathier flot *talk about it. *Whlie-r there is aniothei e girl invoved or no,Hiere is *no getting the lad back. He * had mide up his mmlid. Now *ca]],.oanyour self-respect, >an(] *hold your liead higli, Look up *boys yvou used ta kno1w and Smart Daytimer PRINTED PATT ERN 4750 4-42f 4 ŽS Daiytime, success! Sure ta bie the bu let-st dress in your 'waid- robe foromce or home, work or play. Chose strpe or solis for this siiirtwaist wi a nipped Mwisrpplig smer.. Printed Pattern 475-0: Misses' Size 16 takes et yar.s 35-inch. Prîýnted directions on each pat- teru ar. asier, accurate. Se2nd FORTY CENTS (,stam-ps irannait le accepted; use postai nlote for lsafelty) for this patternl. Piçease print plainly SIZE, your NAME, ADDRESS and STYLE Send cl dertç AIýE ADAMVS, Box L,1~Egtet St., New I-HRSTj *date them-; wliether you waràt *to or net, it vvill soothe your * hurt ferlings and restore ytur *sc-lf-confidence ' *1 arn sorry. 1 know/ how im- *possible ït e e ms to cag 1 y our plans fo-r the future youi Ii hoped te, spend witli hlm. 1But * yur tttdlow ýwill so 'ý',-hat;~yc àre, a, grl CA',char-. act, v'-1o0show's the rest of i her -wýorM how-a la'dy ,behaves ".DO-ESHE LOVE MIE?" *"De-ar Anne iiirst: 1I have oniy coie problenri: Does the boy 1 love care for m-e or net? 1 arn 18 and lie is 22, and I want with al my heart to marry hlm - but he lias fot ask,_du me. One nighte aditted hlie was the 'nearest to maqrriag&e ~he'd cever beeni, but I've heard other boys say things like ta and flot meani a thing. "He only sees me once a week, bcanuse lie goes to night schiool reuary is fathe- died last year, and he h as a m-othier anud sister tco look a;ter. He is basliful but he's the Se- tledl type, too. If lie is too shy ta ask mb. howý can I let him kxcýv o-w 1w love him? ý1 Idon't want to emi-barrass hlmii - but this. suspense is getting ne down. (I know thIs ltter is -t fit to 'be printed, but do !et me hear somethinig froha you,> GLADYS SYou -cannoit know whether Sthe boy loves you until lie * says so. He may careý, b ut * wvith bis responsibilities lie *cannot think of marriage f or *quiteý a wilte, 1 xeeand *he hesitates to co.mmit himi- *self. The surest wvay to em- *barraszs him would be to showy *your atffectionI. No matter how si shya man is, lie wants to take *th- initiatives and lie would *resent sueh a declaration; it * wol,,d put hlm- on the spo:t nthtof course, yot would *Time ý ÎSyour Pally. Try to obe *patient. Whether the idea ap- *peals. or flot, 1 urge you not û tofraeyouv tb friendis *but accept dates that arc of- *ferreçi. It will keep you bet- *ter balanced emotionally, and *make you a mnore initeresting, J, compaqnionrito this lad as weil. If y ounr heart is breakýing, keep it to yourself. Go throughî the motions of living, and ýbeý- fore long they wll have sonieý mieaniflg again. A letter ta Anne Hfirst car, brng you cm- fort ami couirag-e. Adcsher at Býox 1, 12 Eghent S. New Toronto,, Ont. Blqsting ap Few r 0iaces are nmoredagr ous piaygroups for children than cosrpto ites. TIhat"i theaie of police and fire de,- have taqken t ime out ta visit schools ta promnote sanfe play habits. Chidren, can pick, up a lhandful o)f trouble 'at bidigproject sites. Takýe basting caps for iu.- stancu, Blastrng caps are esseni- tiai to n s lmuchi constuction wvork Ibut wlen mishandî,Ied by chldlren, who cauld mistake themi forirer, kesor empýjty rifle cartrIdgesý., these iinnocent-IookI- ing, cylinder-s mcanwcaus sriaus iinjuries. 1 OffCiciais advîse chldiren ta, stay a way froiniplaces wer uild- ingiý s gigon -aai rg'anized playglround ilias mucli safer funi ta ofeHowe-ve.rif a tra-Y IT'S NOTHIN', DAD -- Fromn the looks of things, Clifford Edwarde, isfr more concerned çibout his 3-year-oId doughiter's two- storey fout thon she is, Tw/o black eyes and o banidoged head aren't enough to preventý litt[e Kathleen- from s.miling cheýer- fully. She3 feil fromn the inowof ber home. 4/ ri.dottr,,e P. CI&rke If you are, not intere2sted ir3 dogs you hadn't better bather ta read my column tadlay. If youi are then you ill at leas-t tolkrate à. Yau sce, one niglit last week we liad unéx,5pect:ed caler, - the people freim wliom we bouglit aur WelsliCri-f y And 1 amn sure Taffy knew te -lihe nearly went wild with ex- item-ent. Personaily 1 don't le lieve a dog cever f argets people lielias known fjor any lengtb) aI tube. r. T. kneit onu the floor and watched Taffy as lie rau tram ac 0 f 1the otliet "Isut lie beautiful! she excmlai- ed, "and Sa Oexactly like blis fa- ther !" W,. could't help being amutsed - it always, strikes ius as unnmy tlie attitude dog, breedler-s taire tawards the dags tliey have raisecl. We lîke aour Taffy b 1ut th1ere was sbeer adoration iu MAsc T'i eys as she watchd hlmi. We kniow oth-er dag breedrs nýwlio act t'he salnoe way. Mrsý. M. wlio raises Germ-ian helird Phyl- lis F. and lier Ir-islistesa af Lhem piewnîgshow dogs Ms. T. thuli ur Taffy shoulid le bowntooý, Well. lie * may have ali lut necessairy quaifiat~usout i told lier sho-w5,ing hlm irîL 1tbe at hinig 1 lirif sbe waýnted ta)ake o thie job it vas aliglit itli Ome. Sa tbart's the way we left iït. lu the eatie affy is leadling a normal d1og's lit'e. He is liaving, a woiefu ime now the snowý lias gone, just chaingarund in bis pen tying ta gt at thie cat, wlio teass fi hlm by sayin !-o tutsideof ai te lnc i e is getting mr nelieta-1lthe.ý time. Iide aur ba,Ï c oor six stepa ,( godwn tto -e bIasement and si-, steps ýgo up 7)ta the kit- cheinTaffy always wvats ta sce w-hicýh way we wnthlmta go- and thiat depends upanj whether lie is dlean or dirty - that, tao, depends or) the weatlier". 1Isut this a grand time four, hockey fans? Wiho would have5 thouglit îa couple o0! xnonthis ago that thef> Maple Lealsý would climhb out o! the cellian niake the play-aff's? Sa, far thcy~ hentdanie toa well againstý -Montreal --- as I w rit e the score is 2-0 u he fc, inals. But you neyver know -- the Leafs~ migliht corne through yet.it lu gain-g ta, ber.,a9 wonderfUfly thirilling series ajnywa3y no mna- terwic tearti you anid I hopeý willn. But -for sheerex citemiert I thog iche1at gamti-ýe between Tarante and ài Bostonl was really tops,. Bath Partner and I'l!ove ta watch hockzey - I have even beenl airang in, y oil etite si) as nat ta confliet %with hockey ni giîts. Even 10 I manage ta work il- the anrnual meeting at tile ýW.I.,ý a quilting at th-e W.A. anîd a few hours at the Hlome- m-akcer's Shiow, in Toronto. [f you wntany seilinforma- tion abo)ut aniytaiing connected wili home buiilding, or home, furnishings it is a god place ta go, othlerwise it is pretty mucll the samle oneý year t'an other 0 f Course teFedéral budget wfa S *another hghigli ls t weck. Naturaily no one likes the encreaise in)aaii but 1 guess can't lhave sciý ecurity and the services we demand witbl- out paying for tliem-. We expect ourtawnshiptaeswiil aIso lie higier as wec are expecting -, ter mai-ins ta lie laiid in the not, toa distant future'. Surveying lias alrcady be r doe. Accor-ding ta present indica- ý t0Ins tîis g _oing ,tp be Pa year aI great atvtTre-cnttir, is alreadyC in pragrPess at Ginl- ger, Faýrm ta maire romr for > the cloverleaf. Our lovely tree's it is almost iatbekn ta think aI them being levelled ta thie graund. lu il the years. we were-t on the ýf arm Partner would,- neyer cu.t down aliig tree, na matter how badly we- nee-ded firewaod. Thne trees wera also proteedJ v Ilin hydra wires wev(re f irst, strufig along the roald. At thIat tîme hydre pales weeplaced weli rnsidJe aur front field instead of o>U the road 31owance 50 as flot ta disturb the trýees. Now, at last, tliey have ah been sacrl- Iiced. The sa-me- thing is hap- pening' in maDny places aot the Qu.een, E. in preparaàtion f or widenng theig,,hway, and aLso) alang the Dunmdas. One thing arouind liera iastý Surprised us very mucli. We thouglit vhen Avro folded up - many houses wauldlie for sle aind h owners lie iorced te take a loss. Also thla t the hanses woul lie liarýd to sehi,. Well, there are liuses on theL mnariret ail riglit but tlhey are selïing lklde hot cakes. Bouses that have hpeen for sale for sarne timne have no beeni soki. Two hanorses near usIç had be-en listed anily tw;,o weeks wbenI theyv were s3old. We cau't tun- derstand it but there it is. Well, Costly Penalty For Cheap Crm-e A mealI, a few drinks.,javan- der round the town, then returuý ta cam-p. That was the innocent -intention of thr-ee young Br'itish- soldiers on leýave in Kuire, Japa-n, ln Januzary, 1954, at the end i o thea Korea-n war. Buit theyv los, conti, got drunk on rumin in a dive, beca-me grssvand weeflung ,,out bytwolerin Japs. Inflamred by tlle liquor an ad the nedta rev-eng-ed on somnun for therug handl'ing, -theýy saw a prosýtituLte, and, alter arguing. the mnatter, decided ta attack and rab)lier. As she tried ta dart off they jumiped on bier. Signalm-an Grahamn Nicliolis f oundc a 'broken brick in lis liand0 and craslied it down on ier head She drapped lu a hud(dl,,moan- ing, then began shriekling."M.. MP!Thýieves!" Hle grabbed mnoney ,from lier bgand the three, macle off The eotheri twa were William Drie sh1ïn, fromo Dublin, and W,,illiam oJergh an, from Glas.gow. It wasý a senseless cn-rimle for a paItryv800 yen--$2.00. And i badi gravec resuits. For the Japs o liad thIe riglit ta tr'y and punish British servicemen for cie comrmitted outside thir hases. Interi 'ogation lu barraIcks focussed on the tliree mien asz suspects, Biood-stained trouse2rs were found under Nichoils's lied. He pleadced that lie 1h13Jcut l- SeIl lua a lu some time previaus- ly,, and thec cut had hecaled. But tEÏere was evidenýce enough ta iJustify handling the mien iover t thie Ja'panese pol>ice. Gardon Tliomas and Roüna.ld 1itcheiinson tell thse vwholle dra- matic stary lin "Turu By The Wiido-w." Tlie tria were taiken, handcuffcd, ta policeHQ. raked separately with Iquestions lu the hope thait tiliey would încriminiate eacli other, "Eacli one %was fram-ed ta baknmy case furtlier, Nicli- ails says. "Wasn't 1 epnil for attacks on otherr wam-en luî urHadno't 1 arranged ta stay 1in Japan ta profit out of the local populace? Over and over aga-in the- same questions were tl 'irust at me, slowly elogging my mmnd and nmakin1g it dýiffcuilt ta think clearly."' liHewa even taken from prison to hospital ta) coniront the wa- main lyi;ng in bed, bjandagecd, loaking deathly, with twoad people-evidently liher parents- Sitting by. The old couple began, shouting at hlmi, ail thiree screeclied. a-,-hlm, "Why you dio Jit, soldier?" she asked at last. And Nichoîls cauld say nothing. Under pressuire of this kinid the tliree decided te pleadJ guilt.y alter appearIng 1beforc the Chie! Procurat.or, who nîcted as prose- cuornagistrate and coroner, and allowed for no doubt as taý their glt Eventually tlhey wvere trIed by three judge-soa forbldlixg that Nicholhs clistened them-r Lofty, Flint-face and 7Ugîy. Tfhere was no jury, but they were granted a defence co-unsel ta, plead mntd- gation anrd sue for lenIenéy. Niýhal'ls was stunnied wea ringleader, lie got a flve-y'e1 r sentence andi had ta give up hag military uniform for a bl'acékI one, le was n-ow an outcas:ýt .ro'm the Army, wvhich could dû naic- ing for hlmi. i In Kobe iau lie wernt on hun- ger-strike againstthe ustar-vation rations Und suiffered haýrdsIIips. Later, in Yokosuka P.prison, lie 1took part in a mass revoit kgainst * we haýva a clog kernnel tha,ýt iTaffy wan't use maybe e c an riike adeai an thaï; A'ny ai- fers?, Our newest grandson wa here toçiay . . . a mionth ai.d ani lie was actually siln .;Ils name ý by the way is 'Cedrîc the guardCs, aimed at *redre-ssiïng grevnte. Hîs final relese came from a ýparl'Oe boar-od. His Story make s oi big reading Anothier miurdlerer who was con-victed by newspapei wa% Brinkier, who poisonled Mvr. andà Mrs. Bec i more than twenty yearsag by putting prUssic acid into their bottie a! beer. He w,,rappdrtHe bottle ln a piece ripped f romr a Landau evenling paper-, tearing off the unwanted portion w'hich- he put in Mi& pocket. WMen questioned lie denied' that lie had had anything ta dO wihthe 'beer, but the piece a! newspaper found in lis pockeL ifitted exactly with the piece wrapped around the fatal drink. MOdem Etiquètte M HRobra Lee Q. Wen somleonle twhom lYOn hlave just mlet Says, "I arn seD glad Lo have met you," isn't C smle lnackoldeetst fscient? A. No; tlii would seem te, have a coudesceuding air abut it. It is rmuch fbetter ta acromn- panly teslthh a"tak You- Q. tWhen nj, man iý;ise the ele'- vator of am office building, tnq a wolrna çanalce enteriý. Shoffld le remnee bis lut? A. He slhould i ýt lis hat in greetirig, uttetiqueýttedoes nfl requjire thaict le -emnove lis iai in a businesselvor For Thny To-J.z No tot ever lias toomniy sua.. nuits. Eas'y ta Sew and ebodr you wili quickliy finîih oe): fer boy and a sirnilar one, butý ruffle&d for a girl. For 'boy and girl. Pten5t trnI~Pattern pleceu sises 1 23, 4 lncluded. Send TH-ïIRTY-FIVE CENTS (stan'ip. çýannrot be acce-pted; use postal note for safety) for ti ~pattern ta LAURA WHEELER, Box 'I 123 Eighteenth St., Neve Toronto, Ont. Print plalnly r AT.- TERN NUMABER, your NAM, ind ADDBESS. Send for a copy of 1959 Laure Wheeler Neediecraf t Book. Itlias,, lovely designs tao rder: emnbrol- dery, crochet, hknitting, vweavinig, quilting, toys-. In the book, a spe- cia surprise ta mnake a little girl happy - a cut-nut doîL, clothec ta coflor. Send 2-5ecents for this book. Do vou want e greatet vaderstaeçnlngof the Bibi.? liear ible ftrndamenfat disrdussed on "TI4IS 15 VOUR BIBLE1 ,ach Sunday rnrnlng.q St hms<HLO Peterboroc, 12 Sundav 10-45) A.8M unday 9:45 A.M 3360 on vour 4f1*1. $00on voue dial. tanesi remoave exceas waste3 and .,id e «i - i z s.o often the cause of backahe-from thê aystem Dodd's Kidncy Piilla stimuilate t'h ' ny ethi3 hrnction and s50iMay bring yeni thatwelomerelef rembackiache theY hv many other3. Try just 3.a-*lay. You can d end un Dodd's - in the blue box with the red band. G,%

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