*sbould be at ber fLingeýrtips, as *they can bt, only wbeni she bas * earned and practised tbem. * Surely tht bride can wear D o more becomring wedding *wreatb thanl a thbrough pre-- *paraýtion to create awe-m - *aged home for tht en Iishe pro- * fsses to cherisb?9 Te T"DISGUýSTED": Too many *girls, untrained at home, think le that cooking and housekýeepÎing *are simpffle details they can pick *up after tht boneymoon-with *tht results wbich shock yoti *and ther busbands. 1 arn ohd- *fashioned enougb ta be sbock- *ed, too. Your wife can iearn ahl *she, needs through a course in *tht domrestie sciences (local *sources proVicit it) or th7rOUgh P er mother, 1wbo sboufld takte liber in hand. * It is not f air that you, wt "your. otheîYolgain aete *help wtthht marketing l1and *other bousehold chores. You *are the provider, and -it is your *rigbt to exp ect an orgasnized homfe and a wif e interested in *your -ood btalth anid comfort. *Wben your bride realizest l bow- she bias failed 1 expect she *will ýwiiingiy learn wh,1-at ber job as homemnaker it, and ap- *ply herseif to it. WANTS -APPRECIATION "Dear, Anne Hirst: My motnher bas been sick for somne nmontbs, and my younger sister aaid I belp ber ail wxe can. But 1 arn burt bc- cause seaccepta al I do wit- out a thank-you, but if my sîster dots tht smallest service she is ail smnilts. 11 love mny mother, but 1 xish sbe'd reahiýze 1 give up evernings and somte afternoons too, and 1 can ,m-ak-e ber mYort romnfortable th an .m-y sistr kOws bow to. I don't mean to sound jtaious, but why dots Mom m ake t-Us dif- ference? MARCIA."1 * Ian sure your mother ap- * prciaes verytb-ing you do, * bu I epect she reali-es that *your sister (three years youfl, * r) must have praise to chleer h er on.ý You bave always been .,mort independent, given loving *serviceý without being asked to. *Your mrother's attitude is 1, ell tribuve to you, and you should * be proud th1iat she feels you el understandA how grateful she *is witfiout bier saying Sa. * Cheer up. -Don't envy your *sîster these gestures; if she 'is *to coj.niue ber aid wi»thout, *gruming abiise rmust bave tbem. *It is you wboi are tht strong *cee, which mnust be a comfort *toyurmother and ta0youl, Next to an umselflsh love, the finest dowry a girl cati brin.- te lier hiusband is a knowledge of homemnaking and a pride in tht job, Ont of lber rewards is lknow- ïng that a husband 'who is com - fortable and.È appreciated at home sMmseeks bis lhappinjess tise- wblere. 'Write your problemis to Anne Hiîrst, latPBo-x 1, 123 Eigh.- tetntb St., New Toronto, Ont1. modern Etiquette by oberta ,îLee Q.Shouliir 1offer te share the expenise when givyen a ride te anothert y by a friend lwbo wudbe tnaking- the trip aty- way? A. It, is ýperfectly proper V maike tht c-offer-but if ydur first offer iîs rfued 0dn't kPeej5 la- sisting. QSbould a i-mtaowtht woman wiîth hlm tLa precedle hlm, tbrough, a revýoiving dor?- A. Yes If tht door 1happens týo be whiniing "rapidhy, 'he so~ donse3that she mý-ay enteran go truh ihense and safety. Q.Is it ahl i îit for a m-an to tise 0111ybis inital is wen Sigp- ing soial correspondfence?, A. No; be sbouýid Jsiga b is fuHi ~ .Are godparents obligated to1 give 4heir godchild gifts? SAM, HOW YOU'VE CI4ANGEO ' AIl right,, so it's a TV pub licity man's idea of how Alaskca and Hawàiii should look rialuting Uncie Sami. lt's cute anyway, Laft to right ore Ellie Evers, Betty Andrew.3. and Giyle Sheldon, on "The Big Payoff." 6w~r.ctor~eP, Ctc&ýke I read tht otÉher day of somei person who, wben she got to bed at nigbt, trýied to mnake up ,ber mnd as te, what bad brougbt ber the greatest happiness duri.ng the d5ay, Incidentally that sm person neyer suffertd f romr in- somnia; wbat a wonderful ideaî, 1 tLhought - and since then I bave tried reviewing each day bef are goinig ta sleep at nigbt. You know bow it la -sometimes tht day is fraught with smaIl irritations, frustraions snd vari- ous physica.1 aches and pains, se that very often the hsppy tig are overlooked', or at. least taken for gs;anýted. 1 cntpretend It'ermetmnbe(r wýhaqt haippenied on each particu- lar- day 1but 1I van pic out a fewý of tht highights of tht week. o in s ta-ncesdel thr wa warmnth and suaishine- and every- thing in thtý garden camne ta life, Vines that 1I htboght were dead had thrown up shoots from tht roots.- Littie seecllings aý.-ppeared in tht flIow,er--beds; peas, bea.ns, b)eets and carrofs bad at ast f.orced. their way through tht souj. Trees vere finily ilanleaf, fw rngalmiond in full bloom but tht forsy thia hjad shed its golden b Mi ilfavouir A.,f bîgbit gr,,etaflae And then ike f or- gotten friends ferns. coiumýbineýs, trilliums iý,and voeswerecam- ing uIp n l-yIV d~ae cr of thte garden. Ail bapp)y tbings ta remiember. Ahihgh on aniother- day was thýe W.. istr'ict Aninual for-tis mile dive thfroug'h beauiiiful counitry roa5ds, somnetim-es banked by iovely w0oods, carpeted withi triliumns. Or hy mre-adn and srn-onfields. One suich garden hda hUge pat 'Ch Of 1tht grandlest pnses iteir maay- coiouired faces freshened by âan ove-aiht am.And tht birds singing as if their httIe tIIbroats svere burs-ting wî[i sang. 1 was particulIarly interested la tbis drive because we passed a bouIse'and saiacreage ta Palurner and I al-iost bought in-ý ste-ad of -where we are aow.v It ,vas indeed a -lovely spot but coni- siderabiy miore oiff the beaten) track, than aour present loctin- not 59 Onvaetfor, shopp)ing and familv visits. Tht -District Alnnuai was inter- esting- and wel-organiztd-whlch was just -as wIlI as tht churchi petvs got awfuliy bard to sit an as the day progressed. Lunch, Of cou-iise, was a welcomre intermis- sion, especially vas tht eaws appetising and attractively serv- ed. And, as everyonleknoIws, you, get uc better value for your mioney at a communnity lunc-heon or banquet than you ever get from sdon-twnhotel. Tht- business of tht day was more or less routine ecetfor ont discussion. Apparently ruLral residents in the -2Brampton area are baving diffiulty getting arn-i butanice service in emeigehq.. ln rojad* accidents the police have anamulance on ther-,t)scene ln a huârry. But if a person bas a h-eart attack 0or anaccident at home, getting an ambulance is quite. a problern. Answers 'to ,a reqUestl for emlergýency service were said to beýr varied. . . out of' their territory . , only availale for road accidentsanid 50 on. Nonre of wvhich wouid appear ex- actly valid to relatives wben amn- bulance service rnight speli the difference between lf e and death, It was decided to appeal to the Countyv Council to take measures bt rer-nedy tht situation, Fior me -anothPjr happy hblgh- light oni that djay was tdiscovering, th-e new location of the Kirk Kraf t Studio - rigbt in the vil- lage of Nürviai. At one time the ln-dustry had boughit an oldï cbu-,rch a fe miles outside of B3ramptoni and had fixed it uIp as bead!qunrteris for tbeiý beautiýful hai-lýnmade arts ami crafts. Last year I notice-d the place wa's closed and had assumedl tht in- dustri. had faied ta make gooid, Buýt no, they ba-d 0on11Y moved 11. a mnore central location. The bouise thiey;boughIt is, in îtself, a -historical landmal-lrk and was the home of pioneer Dr. Webster,l who practised in and around Norvai In the early borse-nd- buggy ,days. His oid home is a very fitting background for the lovely bnwvngqar me n ts, handn-ade jeweller-y and pottery NICE MEDICINE - FaisIion mocl* el Jackie Cznn sfinising premredicai l,.bî University imi daf!I school. Shle says she fecit on urge ta becom~e a doctor. Fewer J'ited Girls Are Suing HiEwas young .. ichý handsomre . . . and 'le was eni- gaged to marry a hovely you1ngý blonde. But then,. to the amaze- mient of everyone, he jiited hier. Why? "l'mn afraid thiat the exý- citement of being manrried mray endanger miy life," he eýxphained. "And T want to live to a ripe oli The girl! sued imii for breach ol' promise. Awarding. ber lheavy damages, thte judge- told this young Amnerican businessmnan r, "You seemi to forget that tht girl you promised ta m-arry may have wished to be yourwio" Another girl - la Illinois - won a breacb of promise action altbough the young man- witb wbom ishe bad been friends pro- teste.çi- that lie had neyer p)ro- posed' to her, Tht couirt hehd that tht fact that hie had posted ber a news- paper clipping headed, "Love, the Con-queroir," was stronig cvi- dence of a proposai and of his deslre ta, make bier bis wife. pr,-ry year fewer breach of Poieactions are brougb-t be.- fore the courts in Britain and most other Europeani counitries. Most jilted girls to-day appear reluctant to sue the yong rmen whose love for tbem b las faded, remairkýed Pa London baswrister re- cently. In legal circles it is even suig- gested that before the end of thtý present century breach of prom- ise- actions may be aboished ai- together Uin most counitries. Abo- ition bias often been demannded, Ont famous lawyer said some. timec ago: "Circumstances mnay exist in - wbich ani action for breach of promise is justifiable, although, personalhy, 1 bave rneyer met itheml." Tht State of N1ew ,York took tht lead in 1933 with a so-calied Heart BalmMBlin laaboIishiag breach of promnise aid alilsimi- lar suits. Violation of tht Bih becamne a felony punishable by fines up to $5,000. Several other American) states bave alFo passeýd similar Bills. Hom, old is breacb of promise? Legally, breach actions date from about 1753, but tbere,'s a record, of ontelanorirthern Italy ila 1540. on, display at the studio. Last, but not least of my happy bedtimre memnories was iîast Sun- day's family gathering. Oui, chu- dren and grandchildren al around us, even to Cedric the newest addition. David is now "tLhe big boyý." Eddie is proud 'of being "ju..st turned three," Ross and Jerry cornie in betw,.een ,an4 they are aIl wondierfui boys. We don't nieedl to play favourites as wearcpoud of ai l fve, PIihougb I must admit eaýcb baby in tuorn gets more than bis share of at- tentilon for the first si-- mroths of hb i fce. Ont more item , this morra- ing 1 saw a bluebird-the first. one for years, A good omren? 1 hope so. >WOel, Ihve' exhautsted my list of happy eývents but I haveI reached tht end of my ailotted space ý, . . and that may be a; hanppy ending for you! And - be-lieve it or not, gifý's it %vas a mani who started it. Hie was a Marquis and hîe suied a beautiful younig widoýw, de- claring that she had accepted hi.m then recanted. -Wheni the widow was cied bc.- ,fore the couirt, for "breach o', promise," she brough-t withhe anIother suitor, a stalwart. hanld- somne young m-an, who promnptlýy cballenged the Marquis to a fightý and declared loudiy: "She lovez mne and onily me." The widow then indignantiy denied to the court that she haid ever been in love with obr given her prom-ise to the Marquis, * short, timid young mn.She added that she had no dojibt who would win if the two men foughti a duel over ber. The Marquis looked spiecula- tively at Ilis huge rival and them told the court: '61 no longer lov« this young wjomýan. He cari have her."' He then withdrew his suit - an-d bhimsef, Begînners' Beauty Caver your bcd with color - fresh and fancifual tuhips, la print,' plaid 'Wi polkaD-dot scraps- Easy- twa applique patcbesi Stemns ofMbas binding or embroi- dery. Onte biock makes a gay pillow. Patterai 65C; charts; di- ,rections; pattera of 'patchesï. Send THIRTY-FIVE ON' (stamïps cantnot be accepttd: usig postal note for- saf ety) for tht. patterra ta LAURA WHEELER, Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont. Pitpiainly PAT- TERNNMBR your NAME# and ADDPRESf. Secd for a copy of 1959 Launa Wbeeler Needl.ecraft Bo.It bag lovely desigas to order: emb'rol- dery, croc'het, -knf'tting, we.aving, quilting. toys. la tht bo)ok, a spe- cial sur-prise ta make a littie girl happy -- a cut,-out doil, ciothes te colorn Send 25 cenits for th-ls book. WONDROUS W4INGBACK - Comeediain Garry Muore iý flot tht subjeci of îrick photography. He's lying on tht worid', Iargest chair W,,; 18 feei high, 110 feet vwide anid 121 feet deep. 4f weighs 1,600 pounds. .e-" --l"