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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Jul 1959, p. 7

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'4.. e = Debbie Reynolds Airs Her Views Greshamr's iaw inHoyw d - probabiy narneci after Wo - gang Greshaïn, a press age , certaiuly not Sir Thomas - eau Lbe sucin-ctl y stated: 4"Wheîl ' you're clown you're Up." This i verse- ratio theorem, in ariy eývent, now applies ta Miss Deb- bie Reynolds. During the thrce yeans she was narried ta croon- er Eddie Fisher, Miss Reynolds worked in. only four pictur-2s: but from the timo aine mnonths ega when Elizabeth Taylor was lirst ruing barefoot thog Fishcr's humr, through the ond 0f this year, the port 27-year-ol)d actross w1ll have been omployed by vaiaus studios ta make, fivo films. Ail this new activity, Missý Reynolds readily estimated, wili bring her $250,000 in 1959-anti hon 1960 schedule looks like nUi additional $150,000 worth of1 act- ing. A serene littie thîng off-screeui (in contnast ta lier on - screen friskiness), Miss 'Reynolds dis- cussed bier current status--pro- fessional that îs--with a NEWs- WEEK reporter over lunch. Thýe weli-publicized Bob Neal thi'iýg (he's a wealthy Texan who gave her a dîamond broocti) was up i' the ir, and as for Eddie andi Liz, Debbio lt it be known righ-t et the start thet she wvas ual going ta talk about it. ]uring the separution, she ne- elled, she threw herseif it hF fiiming of a frantic farce ironli- eally titlod "The Mating Garne,"1 "Right after it," she said, after ordening a shrirnp salad, 'II marie 'Say One for Me.' Now I've just, ,finished 'It Started With e Kiss' witb Glenn Ford. In August PI going ta appear w it h Glenn agalu in 'The Gazobo.' They've rompletely rewitteu the script (of t ho Broadway play). ïUts mluch better. Gash, a movie eaui do btter justice ta a comedy than a play cen, aniyway. Movie-t hiave more flair. "Iu the faIt I'm going ta make 'The Rat Race' with Tony Curtis and later 'The Pleasuro of is Company' with Fred Astaire. lt's e hielp tc me ta kceep busy, and l'ni doiug it. But J'mn awfutly tired, too." MHer eyes, heavily mascaraed, betrayed linos of f a- tigue. She added: "I'mn going ta tae July off eýncî go ta Honolulu with my childron for e vaca;- tion." When the shrimp ýa1ad aniv- ed, Miss Reynolds daintily ne- mnoved the. gum sle was .èhew- Ing, deposited it in arn asb tney with apologies, and pressed on- ward: "'y. always feit that publicity is necessary for a Hol- lywoodi career. Ten years ega, wrhen 1 began mnaking picturces at Metro, the studio hed to soUl me ta the. fan mnagaýzïines. Then after a cfew of my pictures came out, the fan magazines moved me from the beck up ta the fron, of the bookc and onto their cov- ers. Now, even thaugh thé? storie5, thcy write about me and my children are simply awfut, I sitl pose for their picture ley- outs." She explained profession- Iliy: "It's part of the busines-s." A waiter boaring iced tee, sud- deuly discovened he was sony- ing Debbie Reynolds, and in a nervaus spasm suffered an ice cube ta drop onto the ectress's lap. Debbie s mile d swoetly. *That's ait ight,» she said. Tne witer stertod ta retrieve the wayward cube, deciçled ugainst it, and fied under the scowt of x heedwaiter. "I1'vo just bought a lot of: art, f know uotliing about it. Pinjut starting ta leeru. I bought some eunvases by an ertist narne d Jausem (a Frenichman who usesLI oly his lest naine). Gee whiz, nraybe lu another twenty yoars Jansein will be another Bernard Buffet. Look wbat's happened ta im Takiug a long vIew of a situ- ation is easy when youý're inot e'mvolVFd. UTILITIES INCLUDED? - Techncian Don Ali-en pour% ci cup of coff'ee in the worid's smallest efficiency apoantment. It'â ca capsulie buili to simulate living coiditions on man's f irst extended space fliiht. It will b. occuped by two astronauts for 30 days for mtal alnd physical testing. Intricate Art 0f Foling Paper Bits Of coloured paper, folded,ý pulled, crunched, and pu shed ini- ta more than 200 variaus shapes and for-ms were on display ut New Yorck City's Cooper Union in a miost unusuai exhibit bear- ing the title: "Plane Geometry anid Fancy Figures: The Art and Technique Of Paper Flig"In- this remarkabl, collection there are abstract forais, architectural constructions, industriel paper forms (boxes, racks, and even ashtrays). But at the heart of the exhibit is a colourful mena- gerie of lifelike penguins, chick- ens, horses, insects, flowers, and apes - ail products of the un- ient Jepanese art of origami (paper foiding). Mrs. Mari-y C. Oppenheimer, pert and chipper president of the Oigami Society of Ainerica, wvhose work is included in the Cooper Union exhibit, welcormedl a Newsweek reporter to h e r Gramercy Park apartment lest week, and set him to work mak- ing an albatros from a square of miagenta pe2per as she went on ta expiain how she first be- came irfterested In origami. -It ail started about 30 years, ao"she said. "I had e daughter who wes very sick and 1 was able ta amuse her by meking things out of paper. No, no! You have ta mnake this kind of fold. IOrigami cames in handy et meetings of boards of directors. îMost people doodile or fidget, but they cen also fold paper. In South Amerîca iît' taught iu the schools, In Japan, too. Houdini was -an a-rdent paper folder, you, iknow.Y By this timne the albatross was finished, and she bad started her visitor on a flying crane, in 1deep blue. "Th~is will be au ac- tion toy," she seid. "Its wings will move. Children love thern, A mronth ago my husband and I went ta Japan ta attend the m reeting 0of the International Pa- per Folding, Friendship Society. The president is Akira Yoshi- zawa. He's 36 years aid and he has been folding paper for 30 yoars. He sends me some of Ibis beat things. "Yo)u kno-w, l'y. heen on the 'Jack Paar Show,' andI the Dave Garroway show. anid Bill Leon- ard's show ('Eye on, New Y~ork'), and the Shari Lewis show. Do you kuow Shari Lewis? That's the 'Hi« Mamn' show. (Shari Lewis b1f t the show tour months ego.) I mqade Jack Paar fold right along wlth me, Whefl 1 made an eatiug bird (Yt can b. miauipulated ta pick up a small. pieco of crushced paper hold on the open palm) Jack whispered thiat he dlidn't want ta hold bis palm out because t was sweaty, ai-d it would make e bad close- up. But I made him do itl." Mrs. Oppenheinmer wont on, atone, t'his time, to nmakoea red but- terfly, with twiddiing entonnas. "I stàarted the Origamri Soci- ety in this country lest Marcb, and I have an efternoon and an evonîng class. We meet at the Japan SQciety. There about 35 houarary momnbers who are good .Ilough not to comie back auy more. l'd like thom ta teacli others how to foid. It's reaily wonderful." She fiuished the bujtterfly und. gave it ta her uew pupil. Aise a green frog that hops wheu i poked. "Now you make that cra ne again, tonight, be-fore you go tu bed. or you'11 forget how tô do Itshe warned, "And that wouidn't be niceeait" The Fat & The Lean Tables of average heighits and weights for childrouy have been eo ov~erpromnoted that rnany mo- thons spend their time jittering neodlessly about wuhetbor &ý youngstýr lB up ta p&f. But doctors h ave nover studied data on everagos for people et the upper end of the life span. Lnst mnonths 1ýr. Arthun Mv. Mastei presonted the A.M.A. with re- vealing data on oldsters aged 65 ta 94. The tables were coin- piled et Manliattan's Mount Sinai Hospital from information on 2,925 mon and 2,694 wotron ail aven the U.S. Iu the 65-69 bracket> the tables showed men aerage 5 ft. 8 in. tati, weigh 159 Ibs. Height remnains constant through agc-s 85-89, but by thon the avera.ge weight bas droppod ta 148 ibs.. In the early 90's, men average an inch shorter and tip the scales et a wispy 136 lbs. Wom- en aged 65-69 average 5 ft. 3 ii tait and weigh 141 lbs.; thoso lu the upper 80's are an inich 1shorter and weigh 120 ibs. What does this mean for aid- sters' heaith? Purpose ol the tables, said Dr. Master, is ti show the tie-up between oxcess; wight and diabetes, gail-blad-- der trouble, and diseuises af the heart, atories and 'kidneys. Ai- ready evident, he said, is thiat in bath sexes, alter 65, blood pressure goos up with weigtit, but bas littie or no relationship ta height alone. And despite the popular. belief that tati people die yauingor, heigbt has nothing ta do wvith iongevity. Weight is the villain, Dr. M a s t e r con- ciuded. "It is clear that obesity reduces the life span, and the outloak for thin persons is mnore favorable." T h at a ve r age weighLts are so much, less in thne most aged might indicate that these indiîvidunîs have actually lost some weight, but more sîg- nificant, Dr. Master suggested, ia the tact that the ,fat odie younger. -Fvom TIMSE ïSSUE 27 - 1509 u a * s AGENTS WANTED FIAEN Cash in your Spano Time. Just sh-Iow your friends aur Christmas and Mll-Occasion Greting Cards (including eigus.Statloneny, Gfts. Wrie fo samples. Colonial Card Ltd. 4 8- Queen Fast, Toronto 2. ARTICLES FOR SALEý QUEEN l1zabeth - beauti 1fuBe jew,,elled Broches.._Coloured.u. 25,. Post Paid. Limlited numboir. Box 425, Port Ferry, Ont. DESTROYER" for use iii outdoo toi- ats. Bats down to the earth, cjsavesý cieaning. Directions. Tlhosands of usera, coast to coast. Price $1,00 per cau, postpaid. Log Cabin Products '322 York ltoad, Guelph, Ontario. FlUE Alarnis, sounda ioud alarfl when fire is smail, every home sýhouid be protected, hang anywhene, no installa. tion cost, guaranteed. $7.95 prep aid. re. sale offer. A. Hlare, Bath Ontario. Peeket Book Exchenga SEND three pocket books and 25 cents. -Receivo throo different . The Bookc Room,. 7 St. Clir West. Toronto. BABY cISiCKS RRAY has du.i purpose sud Ames day. olda, prompt shipment. Started Leg- horuis, duai purpose pullets and cock. orel1s. Ask for llst .of ready-to-lay Amles. Thne ,ta order July-August broilers. Prompt shipient duel purpose cock- erels. Don't delay - See local agent, or writeRray Hatchery, 110 John tlrth, Namîilton, Ont. BOYS» AND GIRLS' CAMPS BaOYS 7-16; horseback lniding, swlm- miýing, hilces, etc. Good moials. Write Circle Bar bude Ranch. Rt.R. 1L Cale- don, or phono 571R3. CAMP CENTENNIAL for girls 6 to '-4 years. 50 miles frbmn Toronto. Estab, lished 30 years. Varied activities. Ex- pert leadership, Brochure ou requost. Director Ifra. V. Hlckiugbottom. Isand Grove, P.O. iLake Slmcoe) Ontario. In Troto phone Mrs. Woolard or 'Mrs, 1-urst AMB 3-3772 BUSiNESS OPPORTUNITY LEARN Auctloneering. Terni'Gorn' Free catalogue. Reisch Auction Col- loge, Mason City, lowa, Amnerica. BUSINESS PROPERTfES FOR SALE GENERAL country tore Iru Finger Lakes area. 12 nilles Wtklnis Glen, N.Y~. ons bath, 2 acres. Gnoss $50,O6i0.6Grocefleés, gas, oil, beer. druga, drygoods. Owner going ;ruth, $23,000 complote. WIIl finance. [van Gailet,, Dundpe, N.Y., R No. 2. CaOI 456X1, DAIRY MQUiMMENT PERFECTION niîkers wlth standard or automsntic coutrol, 11001, .uspen«ed or pipe lin, types, have leed the way fer over 40 yearâ. Installationi and sorv- tee aniywhere Ir. Western~ Ontario. Our prics art alwayg Interesting. Amierican eparatos' Sales. Phone Carlow 2321. Goderich, Ont. FARM IUWPMENT FOR SALU FARMERS~ CONDI~TION your hay te radly a cuts curing tine I a£ n onservesi the feedlig vlue. Get full detaita about the Lrady iaymaices' froni . L. Turneir Lïmited. Blenhlein sd Lista- wel. I4ELP WANTED COOK wanted, male or femnale, for July anrd Aug., able to take charge, S meala daiiy, fanllly style. State exp.erience, references aud salary required Apply Blue Wates' Couference, 1.1. .3 Wblilace- burg, Ont. MECHANIC WANTEO WANTED - Licensed mochanle to take charge of garage teserIca 25 cars. Must be able to organise and allot work to mon, Apartmout available. Phone London, Ont. General 4-7512. EXCELLENT monthiy guaantee for part-turne delivery jowelry contracts throuighout Ontario, Must be reliabie, have car. Refundable cash deposit re. qulred. Inqire about your~ loqallty. Maie or fnlale. Naine, address, tole- ý hone. Write ta Box 188 Ir-18th Street. ew Toronto, 0Otarlo._ HELP WANTED FEMALE HOUSEKEEPER, Mothenlesa homo. Belleville. Four boys, ages 1½ -ýte 7, modern bouse, every canvenlience, regu- 1er help with heavy cloaniuig, congen- lai Christan home, good wagea. mnut be abstpAner, non amnoker. Reply ta Box 'No. 1M, 123-th Street, Now Toronto, Ont. INSTRUCTION EARN morel Bookkeeping,Sasun ship, Shorthand, Typowriting, et1. Les- sens 50e. Ask for free circulaio.33 Cainadian Corespondounce Courss29 Bey Street, Toronto. INCOME PROPFRTY FOR SAL Agood year rounid income poet in town of Huntsville. City couvenlen.- ces, excellent location, owînom's spart. moent avalable. Sl or consider house as dawn pa.yient. Apply P.O. B3ox 82. HneieOnt. AMERICAN à1agapzines Supplied! Please send $1.00 for four sampIls. Please state requimements. London Book Shop, 676-l2th Avenue, New Yonk, NY. MISCELLANEOUS NEW! 3P Cleanier! Diri, grimne, rra ail vanish lu one awipe. Nvew coucou- traie miakes 3 galions, oly $1.00. Beats any cleaner. Try t! S. Gaines, 1527 Caldwell, Ballas, Texas. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADINO SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learu Hindressing flJeasSut, dignified profession; g(oO, wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest Sytemn Blustrat>ed Catalogue Free Write or CalI MARVEL t4AIRDRESSING SZHOOL 358 Bloor st, W., Tenant. Branches: 44 Ktag St., W., Hamit'oe 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa, PERSONAL CHRISTIAN CHAIN RECORD 0F THE MONTH CLUB 1CLUB5 memibema buy records et p a'jav lugsansd make mioney selling to other club members. Write for information: Sacred Record Supply Centre. Box 800, Ra,,rtlanid N'.B. __1PHOTOGRAPHY - _ LAVE I SAVE!I SAVE[I Films developed sud î 12 magna prints in albumn 60e 2 magne prnits in alburn <lf Reprints 54 each IKODACOI.OR Doveloping noU $.00 (uot lucluding prints). Color prints 35e each exstrla. Ansco sud Ektachromie 35 nm. 20 . posures imoui2d In aides $1.25. Color pmrints fronm i les 3541 each. fdoney refunded tu f ull for unprinted noga. FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 3. GALT, ONT. PET STOCK A wvonderful opportunity to secure somne outstending ENGLISH BULLDOG PUPS -SIRMO BDY OUR IMPORTED STUD6 YOU may visit our kennels without; obligation suy day of the week as they are open ta the public, KAMEL KENNELS (REG'D) AURIC FARME 265 CENTRE ST. THORNHILL, ONT. 400 VOS. WE15T 0F VONCGI ST. AT STOQPLIGHTS PROFERTIES FOR SALE FOR Sale on No. 7 Hlighway kt Reeces Corners, 1 acre wlth restaurant, 4 roons livng quartera, Texaco gaz sud oil servic, qarage with apartimout above, renta for f60 per mnuth. New modern 4 unit model, school dlrectly across. Good business. Poosr heaith reason for à3elliug. Pnlced to soUl. Roasouable ternis by owner. Box 191, 123-lth, Street, New Toronto, Ont. SOUTNERN B.C. COAST FIFTEEN acres, pressure water, eloctri- clty lu all buildings. Neye 5 roomied miodemn houa., full basement. 2,000 lay- tng birds in cages, 1,5M0 modern lbood- er. Ranges, etc. Openatiug fulsl capa- city. Whelesale sud retail, excellent television receptioli. Profit 1958 $7,000. Ternis. Full dotaïllansd photognahpa aLvailable. Box 1W, -123-8th Street., New' Tornto, Ont. COUNTRY ESTATE OR POTENTIAL SUMMER AND WINTER RESORT TO develop or retire to. 35 acres wood.- ed hillside sund shore. Ski hiEl, nope tow sud ski chalet. Sandy beach onî moru beaýutif ni of Kawartha Lakes. 110 miles Toronto. Hydro. Retining. Cash or terme, principale only. Weekeuds, .. D. Cumnming, l-lavélock, 2o5R23. CATALýOGUE availeble ou farn sud suburban property, Offices Iu Bramp- ton, Orangeville, Georgetown sud Guelph. tTpon requeat wo wlll forward to you a catalogue coverlng the type of propenty you suggest you mnay be lu. tereated lu. G, A. Htetchison, Realtor. 29 Queeu SEt., E., Brampton. P1OULTRY AND SWINE REPEAT 'ordernud satisfied customs- esbidup auy business. 'i-at la the renson wby sa many of oun customners co)me back for Kimberchiks. Two yearE e(ga Klxberchiks were un-known lu Canada. Nrow we have over 600 custom. esforKiüniberchikesud W5, of these customers have sent in repeat ordens. Many of thoni have had Kiinber pul- lots on test witli other breeds and af- ton these testa thoy always buy Khm. bers. W, are sure if you tny thern once you will always buy thorn. Also avaff- able for trmediate deliveny - White Leghorn X Rhode Island Red, Califon. nia Gray X White Leghorn, Light Sus- sex X Rhode Island Red, Rhode Island lRed X Liglit Sussex, Rhode [sland Red X Barred Rock and other poplar breeds.rBroiler cie. Tunkeys. Swine - Euigiish Large Black, Landrace, Bluie Spotted hybrida. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CRICK HATCUERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARYXO STAMPS AND COINS NEW 1959 UJ.S. Canada catalogue now reedy; send 20e ta caver coat. New 'Way Stamip, Lawrence 16,. Mass, SITUATIONS VACANT MALE OR PEMALE BARN $600 or mono et home iu spare lime represontlng Cauiada's finestj Cildren's Camp sud Ranch, Establish- ed 25 years. Information: "Wlldwood" Nymark's Lzdge and MoMe ST1. SAUVER DE MONTS, P. ON ps'ivqte lake; modern iog Iodge for 150, swilmning pool, dancing nlghtly, tennis, sports, own golf course;* ridfini avallable. Conifortable. frlendly- atmois,. phere. Cholce mnenu. Free gyolf te wveeklY guests. Folder. Ratene $7 up, Loiw weekly rates. memoeymoan Speclail - $110- $130 Weew SummER PROPERTIES FORt SALI OR RUNT BALA Park, Island; for çale or rvent, cottage on beautifllàluskoka Lake. WiUi sleep 11, hydro, tep wpter, elec- trio rofrigeratorc, propanle g as for Cool,. lnig, and rowboat. Apply Albunrt M1 Wlam St., Delhi, Ont., Phono 678J. SWÏNE TUE latest in Swlne Breedlng, Bilu* S;pottod. Start your hord now, Rogister-. eci Landrace gllts brod to Large Black boars, aiso lmported Large Blacks. Gooso Crook Fanm, Grand Valley. Oni- tario. TALENT WANTELD S.aklg tii ailround Cznadiân firl for tihe titie of Miss Canada $6,000 in scholarshlps courtesy of Popsi-COla% Company of C.,nada Llmlited. Requlrementar Age - 18 te lé yearue. Educatton-2 years high school. Tlent entries close July 2th. Write Miss Canada Headquanfers, 21 John Street South, Hamilton, Onitario for appli- cation fora and further informlation". TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER, to act as principal for Wy- oing Public School. Please state ex- perlence, last school taught snd Darme of inspector. Duties te commence fal terni. EePlY to 0, OLIVER PANGMAN Chairmian or LEO pERGUSON, SEC..TREAS. WYOMING, ONTARIO. CATIIOLIC Teacher wainted for.S.5NO. 15 Dover Townisliip about 12 miles from Chathami. Grades 1 to 3 w 1h enroilment of 24. Apply «sating quallifications to Adelarci St. Pierre, Bearlin8, R.R. No. L. TEACHER, somne expeience. Avorage attendance 17,' 1958. School close to vailway and No. Il VHighway. Stat@ salary. Apply to Mrs. Mofiat, Sec.. Treas. Public Schiool, Ramone, Ontario. CARNARVON TOWNSH IP SCHOOL AREA REQUIRES A QUALIFIED TrEÀCHE& FOR THIER No. 2 SCHOOL (RURAL> 19 PIJPiLS, GRADES 1 THROIJGI4 Also A QUALIFIED TEAC14SR FOR THEik No. j TWO-ROOM SCHOOL IN TH4E VILLAGE OF PROVIDENCE MAY, GRADES l 1, il7,8. SlND applications to: A. c . BEAUDIN PROVIDENCE BAY, ONT.. AURORA SEPARATE SCHFIQOL BOARD (14 Mlles froni Torontco n Vonga> REQUIrES FOR SEPTE-1BER, 1959 TEACRERS FOR Grades 111 IV, \V and VI SALAR.Y minimum, $1,800 - Msxlmuhn, $5,050 A,%PPLY> atating experience ayd îs Inspector at MIESSMARGUERITE hWP$Y, Sc.-Tas - Box 535, Aunra, Ont._ U.S.A.RESORTS DETROIT,Mcb suburb; 31,' miles city llniits. Over-nighit cabins semli-moderfl, tree TV, picilte tables. Ctentlailv 10- cated for tonrist attractions. Nêost rabins $4.00 for 2 people. Cottage Grove Court, 27601 Tlegraph Rd., (XjS. 24) et I'4orthwestern Hwy.. Birminghara. Aich. 0 SLEEP 4 TO4tIGHT SEDICIN tablais tauon ccrdgte êacflione*a e sfa o iy l Induca slebp if uie lb seveswhen tarse.. SEDICIN NOT SO SIMPLE An eightyear.-old girl waS hv îng difficult y doing simple arith- mnetie without the use f1her fin- gers. Her mother thought tifat eonjurimig up an ima[gina,,ry blackboard in her heaci and do- ing the problem on it would en- courage her to do her arithrnetic mentally. "Close youir eyes and picture a blaýckboard in y-our heaýd," she tolci her daughter. "Do you s7ee your blackb>oard?" "Yes," she answered. "Well, write your problemn on it. Now, do you have that douwn?"? "Not yet, Marna," she replied. 11T can't fintl he cha,11Z" sort ofmanis eni en StrOlis< C"LAS$IFIED ADV ERTISINO N -s N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N. N N. 'N N N N N. 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N '-1 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'i N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N 'N N N N N s N N N N N 'N N 'N 'N 'N -.4 N

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