#~Pc~O i es krd ews Hope 1Rate payer s af ConratlaiNewr ads. rt i nrsItons(nee Crde an t) ofsThe decýision -at a special meeting -ie CFredrat)ofH-ope Township Counicil to ap-j on.their mnarriage at St. Georgýe'S pîw,!v the debenitures for an $80,-1 Angicn Curh, ewaste n St-00 central schiool was unde at J 1 " ack t he reguflar session f th~e NI.andy, ,i _ u7 ~ ~ ~ nîed recent ly Mr. nd rs.Norman Fee eft -on ~~ fJ~~~~Monday for a two weeks visit with rsHwar htanrhHp Ô ~ roter M. DnaldEce a ;ïîýr, approached the conî Fe n inieManitoba. io c f ft17 pDetitioners who Gp- 0 posecl the building cf the centrali Il Miss Hlilda Loucks, Dunbarton, .school and transportine the child- Ô isitd n he weeke-nd with M.Nr. ren by bus, without giving the rate- and MXrs. Walter LouckSý payers a rigit to vote on such a by- v ICrys,,tal Gimnblett, Bowmr-anville !S Mrs. White asked why they felt EA 9 O Z-DEl .EMvsiti ng with Mr. -and Mrs. Kenneth the need of this- four-roomned school, EASY TO ~~~~ RVE %lalu m m er F J s M.adM00.Mrîvstdwhcwscoe Is er ol Giirnbl-)ett and Dale, when they have f ive schools open in North Hope now and the sixth, Audev n atucly. lla rturedTo lier guestion of how many u ornec with his parents. pupils there are now, she was told 0 Lr>gI A~~ ~ Ade r.Hr hmsn they plan for a school population cf Mr. aý r. Feb To po,15 Tioronto returned home after spend- For he rmainer o Jul andthroghjfAuufst ingthe Iast two weeks at theirsu-- *»Rcd and White Custorners will±ý.ay t-he Goldenmeho. (jMr. and Mrs, Douglas Smecathers Opportunity of win iing ahsolutely,,,tREE 'as much as __Bia, >gtoMr ndM: Nort )h hwa r n Mrti . Werere- Mue n agter visited with Mr. vr AH E E S 110W: yenti OFe igJ th (JEIE wil e acw eeu. Simply put your narre on an Entry Stark al i g with the amount of y0r4- purr-hase and place inte a r --A.Vauhn Drum at the check-out. Each Friday evnn or"miqJl 1 hr ilh rwwihteLcyGbo uo Personreceiving Free Groceries to the. amouxt 0f their lasit week's P1urchase. witl th Gibon uto aSc q VU 10.2 ou. ft. True ZERO Degr We cant Guarantee that you'll wiî siur draw but we do know tliat Red and Whites Quality l0$ i ReguIa - Checo!.1 the Savw igs LSaneSaeo oe vr ayo h e At This Store OrlyKev at Au Il cuarke - ReguIar $429.00 qST. LAWRENCE aý ý1odr Corn 0To 2rade t9nH9c êdrBaJLoniuipoLeonard iAutor u EINZ - 15 oz,, Tin -3 For' NOfilT US 1C.f. pulbto-Rq ~ NO i Mar IY an ockAla atiCnneSt-,m auS~IULI~.R9 Beans in lomato KSa"uce 4'9c, 5w CATELLîS COOKEDTQY M UC lTGrd RoleBlVno Q BilBety ollamy, Albert Green, K U Kelvi NewmanBill Taylor, Den- Loac Spagh.etti 28 oz 2 for 47çce b pg or5c W 13K LIQUID - 10c off 2£fun 5ou. ft. - regular $259.00 f O~4 To Grade '7--Blil Alichurch, 'Burt o grt îeI LN Greno, Margie Làlor, ROSE BRAeND s o'È0o Gra de( C6--Joy Bail, Judy Green 1 Sweet herries Kareýn Lee, -Randy Thompso;n. qMargarine / 2 lb pkNo. 1 lb 9c Touiad 15-Donald Aimas, Linda UDVSON'S DILL - PLAIN - GARLIC enPhese I2 SPickles 2( oz jar 29cç Freshly dug -Ontario - No, 18 Aimas, t. olrPricl tii LIBSY'S SLICEDaNe E1 POTAITOES ýJmsR ol~ rnia LIBYS LIE NJunior Roomn ,r o Grade 4--Donna Bail, Teddy_______________ Pineapple 20 O lbtba 39cc________Buck REAL GQLD 1/2 lb. ag 3 c Bail, eorge BelIamY,BraBu- REALGOL 6 /2 o. tn ly, Paul Galimore, Cathy Spry, ~ Co èenrate Ornge2-35 FR ZIiN FOO S 'rry Sutciffe, Johnny Taylor, RO Y A @, C n'nrtd0rn e235 FRLnda Thomnpson. AYLMIER - 5 Tins i PolIy Bag TureV BEf, p 9 DIN -Choe, Grade 3DimeAmas, Don- A U ~~IRDS ~limore, Debby GeeMoUyNw ti$$orteu Soups 8urkEY or-, i pF 9e ai Brry BilUrwn Mhel ai TIUS'TWeD.Satu 9 oz. pi. 2 for 39c na naleeSt FRESH, YOUNG, TENDER ENTERPRISE aCHOOL 1Bratîsavi n Shep Swit' Prmim Cyoae- Ieae~Id 9ç(S.S. No. 19, Clarke) totiie til 'O4uS SCottage Roils lb49 To --,r de X-FaYe' F Tenderloin Port on - 3 ta 4 Lbi.oi RnieryH SPork Loin Roast lb 55c T rd IICifr rni 1~-1 ( ;George Joncas 1-; Bty Al Swif's CYk d GlaedH. fl~ ~ ~ ~ ~~" Pok R c sl A5eT rd IAni ocsH kTOR SALE ýIs - Balrgains ee Freezer $278,001 ar $39.00 0 ti$29eSO0o m tic $268,00 $188-00 w=oç=býoec Orme, Ont. I Bowm anville MA. 3-5589 )ne W.ek) JULY I urday 2 p.m. 1- 1$! v - N 'N N N N N s- N s N N N N s -N N 'N N s s- N N N N N N N N N N s N N N -N N N N.- y -N N N N. 's N N N s- 'N 'N N s- N N k N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N s- N. N - 1/ WEEKLY'TIMEC THURSDAY, JULY 9th, 1959 N N -N -N N N