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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jul 1959, p. 6

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dDear Anne . -irst- Before Than)kgiing I epeft to nmarry ax young màn I14. been engage-d to for two years, but as the day nears 1 realize how different our concepts of married if e aire, Don't get mie wrong - 1 neyer have doubted bis lo*we, and we- ig-ec on almost everythi*ng that rnat<ers. But marriage means More than that. "Now and then he' likes to drink too- much, thougliIv neyer been wi4h hlm when hie bas. I've aiso had sorne of ou-r regular dates postponed because at the last minute he decided to join the boys3 in a card game -Ail of them are stili single, and it has got me worried; as his wife 1 wonder whether 'd be spend. ing more evenings at home wýait- ing for him to corne? "That is not my idea of mar- rnage. "i want a home withà him, not without him; 1 lové children, and 1 want mine to have a fathier they can grow up with. During our engagement we have spent nmost eveninge at parties or shows, al-ways on the go (his choice, flot mine) and have taken ittie time out to tallk over plan- ning ~discussin 'g a budget ane - lé , ntimate give- ,and -teke of Vwo people who ex- pect to spend the rest offtimie îu-nder one roof. WVORRIED" DANGER SIGNS Tt Il not essentiel thef a man *and bis fiancee have every- *thing in common, but toi choose *one whose living pattern ie su *opposed f,-, your own is to *starf a battle of temypera-menits *that could lead fo disillusion if * fot disaster, * Your piclure of marriage is Ssharing a home with your hue- *band, raising a famiily with *that home the center of your l ife and theirs. There must be *love, naturally, but love aone cannot guaranfee a conitented * ]Me for eitbe-r of you. If youttr *fiance expects to continue find- *ing. hic pleasures witb hie men *fiends you two would be ini *conflicf from the end of your *honeymoon. 4 Whaf you want le content- Sment wftlin your own walls, Sa spiritual carn-panionship), a * ense of wpéll-be,',ig based on *just being togethc', Haif-Size PIay'Suit PRINTED PATi i rA{N Modesty plus ifigure fiattcery lui A pleysuif deftly designed for y'ou wl-o are short er, fuller, Note bra-cQnceaing straps, builf-uýp 'Prinfed Pattern 4776: fiel! Sizs 4~, 6 ,18 ,20 ,22½ 24¼. Sire16 requmires 21,'yards 35-hucb fabic. Prnfe4dircioson eacb pe- teiru part. 'Easier, accurafe. Send FORTY CENTS (stamape cannof be acceDted, use postl,ý poefrs~êy) for' this pattern. Please print plair.ly SUR,- NAME, ADDftESS, STYL-E sena orer to ANNE ADAMS, lox î> 1123 EiLteeath St., New 1 Ion AL * Ç anif be thef you have *nothing in common but a phyi- *Sical love? Gther up your *courage and find out whether youir fiance intende f0 be a *part-firne huisband whose homne ie a place to eat nd sleep - or *whether he w-ill give up play- *ing, at life and follow the de- *sign o! couples who rate -a icli *f arily relatîinship) firet. if two people (even in love) *do not enjoy secding tlheir leisure heurs fogether, mear- * nage soon becomnes a Farce, If *is for your fiance to decidie Swhich kind o! living design *youi botb cen agree upon. DANGEROUS DREAMUS "Dear Anne Hiret: 1 have fal- len in love (after four dates), witb a yoing mani 19 whows raised abroad, Now he wants hine to goý steady. "Mlly young sister diated hirm mreantime, and le telling a stor-y 'about hlm wb-ich I know àt not l'rue; m1y paruents insist lie is nof 6rkind (whetever that is) and wvon't !et hirn corne hiere eny- more. le that fair? Or is t be- cauise he2 cornes frofrn a poor farn- 1ily? Should your parents choose youor friends for you? "Shah I1 sneak out f0 cee hlm? Now I'm home nearly every nigbit, listening tf0 musie thaf, brings mne thouights o! hlm,' IN LOVE" SBecause your parents dis- *approve o! the young mani, you *question their nighft to Say *whom you shail date; because Cyour sister bas fold o! yoiUr * méeting hlmr, you blamne your * mother' for believing ber. You are lu a dlangero-us *mood. These conclusions re- Sfiect your resentmnent that you Scannot do as you please. A girl *thaf declares she le lu love Switb a boy she lias dated four titres reveals an Jirresponsibil- 1 ty and emrotional uniretraint C fiLt cen lead ber into frouble. '~Certainly parente have the *. ighf f0 sey whom Pa young ~daughter ehoiuld sec;wh else car De rotecf bier from dating ~the wrong friende? CDon't sneak ouf to m eet him, *Deceif je a costly _gesture, anad ~if would cheapen you even f0 Shinm. Accept your parent:s' rule *for the time being at 1tasf, ?nd * lay f air. - Marriag-e le fot for adolescenits whose happiness consiste of good times. It is for grownUps ready -to settie down and share the rilh- est experlene 1f e hl.Anne Hirst ,vill give you lier opinion of your problem if you writelber at Box 1, 123 Eighteeth iSt., New Tonono, Ot. That Last Puff! Ever since statistice began fao point f0 corne connect ion be- tween cigarette smnoking and lung cancer, the world's tobacco iný1_ustnies bey been devising ways to eut down the effecta 1of tare and nicotine. Lest week the Swvedieb folhacco monopoly settled on a fraction -of-an -inch policy; the lest pufe do mnore barmi than the firef. Testing 19 locel and - 18 foreigu brands, the Sw-,edis'h nstitute for Peo- ple's Hlealh found thet kin- sizedi cigarettes give tne smoke.ýr More tare end nicotine if srnoked f0th le cae-tub asa reguilar, rnucbl es than a regu- 1er if em-oked onliy for 1% inches-, the usuel length o! a simoke for, regulars. ovne that tthe trouble cornes i the lest few, pufs, the tobecco 1monopoly fook aede f0 warn, "Don't, get f00 close," prinfedi two fbin rings on ifs king- sizes et i ý/s inches ta show where the cigarette choculd be cfubbed ouf. But Swedish esmokers cyni. cally saw the campa-igui as a _reans o! seling more cigarettes, puffed righf an paet the rnew warning rings. LOVE TJ4AT PUTTER! - Bil'v, Ca sper, this year'" U.S Open golf chumpîorn, admires his puiter i the Wingpd Foot ciubhouse after thc tournament He should. It was fabulous putting that brought the 29-yecar-old pro bis 72-hoe score of 282, and the chumrpionship. 4 INGRRFARH ÀçCrrdotr,ý.eP. Ctcýôvke Pa..ruer je stili counting thec cost of e fcw bleck.1fly -bites.li-e fook penicillini until bis systetn rebelled, then, as the infection ,was eilîl there the doctor swif- cbed hlmn on to antibiofics. lHe le now well on the road fa ne- covery affer having lost hlic ap- petite, five pounde ini weight, and tb1-irty dollars in màoney. Now the miosquito-es are hiaving their Innings but et least they cný, only sting, once whereas the blacýkfly, 'if left undisturb-' Ceni continue his bloLod-sueckiing aictivities ndce!initely. Tirne was when birdis and~ b)i ggenr insecte lookeLd after Srmaller insecte, such as grubs, flics anmi mosquitoe, end kept tbem miore or lese under con- trol. Thýen- insecticides were in- ventedi as a mleens o f meri slaugýhter and for zu-hilethin sect population was --considera- bly reduced. Greduahly t hey builf up a iresence ito)poison) sprays and rneniagedi to survive- unitil deÀvoured hy the birdls. Un- fortunIately the birds aLsoSUU- fered - through eating poi- soned insecte. 1It's a viciot.s circle whicb ever wey you look, et if. Mun, wiih the bast ir- tentions in the world, has upsat-- neture's balance and now neL cani't find a way fo resto-re if. Take rabbit s, for inistance. Du you know we are likely f0 have3 a superebundance o! cotton- talle this fal. Why? Sirnply on acconni, o! the widespre id sugero! foxýes tact year asg a eans o! controlling the r bics epidenic. So , . fewer foxes, mrore rebbits. And as me ceteinly doni'f went rabies to increese I guess we'Ill usf h la-e to put up with the rebbits. Howvever-, cvery few years there le e fatal dsaeanong nabbt,- that keeps their population un 'der corntrol. Given a chance nature does i pretty good jbof rmainteining a balance. With hurnan interveii fln ou u eyer know. 1 vrenber so well whef hep- pened, one year et Gi.nger Far-m. A igb,.,bounr was pestercd with- stanlinge and crows iu bis corn- field. Final,,ly he put ouf -poison- ed baif -- thet le, corn soak(-d with e strychnine solution If worked lu more ways [han one. 1Birds ae the poisoned corn end died. Our fevourife bernyard cet ae a poieonied bird and diled f00. We fouand the poor dear aI- ong the lîne feuce, headiug for home iend ber friyo! kit- feus. Very offen iuiuchýý the saýme fate aý.elat2 domuesfic cats and dogs who persist lun -i! ling ueighbourhood garbage- canes. The onfly way to prevent a ctog '!rigthis objectionabIe habit la to kleep hlm af home. Even a wel-!ed dog loves f0 hunit away f nom bis oxyn beckyard. 1 re- memrber one farmi dog near the edge o! e srnail town wbo cami home onie day wifh bal! a cooked hem! H-ic miefrees neyer did find ouf where lit ha he carne fromn. At another bouse a visiting puppy found the "fnig" door open and madle ofIf wîthI the jremains o! -a roast of bee!. Cats - thbat je, properly fed cafs, are more eesily confrolled. For yeers we !ed our cats bread and m-ilk and table scrape.s On theat diet ift tok a lot o! frein.- iing f0lkeep thiem from esteai- ing. But we have f inaIly colved the problem-. Our lest two cate have been fed on cornrercuti kibbled meel and cenned mie. And they are sirnply not inte- cstIed in any othen lind o! food. For the cerne reeson they neyer go sopn around garbag2e censý. Buying proper food for cats coste a hiffle extra but if is certeinly worth if - theat le if you value your pe&ts and lik<ý f0 be able f0 trust thern in the kitchen and elcewhere. Speaking oi keepinig thin- under confrol I met ny imatch yesterday. For yeers w ve have had a cot-sized dlowni-fillc-d tick, &round the house. But who wents f0 slcep on such a thingu nowadays? However you doî't throw ouf enyfhing filled withi dowu without a second fhought. 1 couldj sce four good pillows in tbat fick. If looked like a simple maffer. But oh boy, wha', I let myscîf lu for! The minute I cuf info the ticking the down began to flýy - forturcately 1 %vas in the basernent. .[ soon hàu donail over the table, theý floor and i yseif. 1 had nmos- quito olntment on my arrns anci neck and thi o downi stuck to if dloser than a brothrer. Excépt for the dowýn bynw u migfht have thodtgentarireo and feathered, 1t cidthe tena o! the first pill -e-Uid took it outiside. Then 1 fo1lcd the' rest of the tickIzing over ami pinnedi it. Cleaiig' up the, mess wes mny nxt problern +- and that 1 wvas nmost anxious f0 do before Pertn-er camne around! Eveii with a vacuum if was quite a jobD. Just get the blower end of the tank in the wvroî1g direc- tion and thie flying down would be thiicker thani snowflakes ina blizzard. The next thiree --pil- lows I shaîl do outdoors. And how the littie birds will l -o ve the down for linîng their neSts. Speaking of birds a'few m, inutes &go a Baltimiore oriole cam-e qujite close to, the >iouse intent ,on a feast of catferpillers from free(s na the Ilitcben duor. Russia's Sex Modes- Suit Billy Graham The usuel crowds o! adirers and autograph bhunters were missing when Billy landed at MJoscow's airpoýrf. In bis party: bo)yhod Ja and associaf e Grady Wi:lsoný, hie Wmale secretery Abd fwo ULS. businessmien - Print- ing Tycoon. William Jones, who had persuaded Graham fo take the, tin, an-ýd Deparfmret Store Owner Henderson Belk, whbo wae taing Bible intruction from Billy enroute. Sightseeing wifh Amnerican reporters and, an 11u- touriet guide, 'Billy did a double take nt the largec gold crosses &top the Krernlin churches. "There les a symbol 1 neyer ex- pecfed f0 see here," he said. " 'I hope if has meaning for the fu- ture." Ruec-ian fourisfs, gapin.g af painfinge of Jesue Christ lu the KmineCatl,,edral o! the Ai- sumnption, equalily'atnse hlmn. "A tender, moving fhng . .. Neyer, neyer did 1 expecf to find this, in the Keln He neyer expected to flnd a bevy o! French models iu Dior dresses ln the Krernhin eifher, but there they wvere (for a big Dior fashion show), and Bi01y hesitanitly consented f0 pose for photos wifh two of thexu. Said 3m.: "I wish my ,vife were here." Hie xas the honored guest at a Baptisf Sunday ser-vice held ln à large woodcn hall cratnmed witb more than 2,500 worship- pers, most of th lem wornen.But he did inot preach. He had the wrong kind! o! visa. Russian Bap- fieft leaders explaincd polit ely: "If le not Cusfornary here f0 have touriste preach." Perhiaps this would be possible on his next visif, hey added, and Billy asked f0 be sbown the marnirnoth Lenin SALLY'S SAUtES C Varieci fiowers lend colorful fouch fd this jiffy wrap haltes thaf topes shorts, slecks, skirte. Liffle yardage - use remuxante, Pattern 572; pattern pieces auid fransfer; misses' sizes eniail 10- 12; mredium 14-16; large 13-20;' directions for cewing. Seud THIRTY-F"VE CENTS (stempe cannof be accepfed, use postal note for se! et y) for thi3 rpet tern f0 LAURA WHEELER, Box 1, 123 Eighfeenth St., New rToronto, Ouf. Print plainly P4.Tý TERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. Send for e copy o! 1959 Laura Wbeelc-r Ncedlecraft Book. It bac lovely desiýgns f0 order: em- broidery, crochet, knittîng, weav- ing, uilting, toys. In the book, e speciel surprise fa make a !ittie girl happy - a cuttout doil, clothes f0 colon. Send 25 cenits for this bnok. IN HOLLYWOOD, A MONKEY SFINES -- Fuzzy, the mionkey is on Cloud Mine even ift he's iOat the space travelling type. The hairy one mimics actres4;es BDrbarai Eden left, -ynd Mlerry An- ders of' TV's "Howita Mar-y a bMilionciire/' uzzy has a key raie in the production. r- r- 'r 'r 4- 4' r- 4- r- 4 A' A' 4- r- r- 'A A' '4 A' 4- 4- A I - r 4 A' 4 -s -s Stadlium, which seats '100,000 ("1 kne]t and asked God," he said later, "thiat sorne day it will bc, filled with people listening ta the~ In Paris last monthl, after five days, of Intourist tourism, Bap- tist Grahamn told report r-- -li had not been surprised l ië Ruissian religplous leaders toid himi that atheism was decliniii and religion rising in the U.S.S.R. 'l couild read on the faces of the people a great spirit-~ ua] hunger, and thie sort of in- security that only Goid cen solve," he said. "We don't 1ikec Communism, but wve love the Russian people." Tourist Grahamn also- had n good word to say for "thie higl standard of Russian morality" and the "moral purity" of R-us- sians as compared to the broad-. daylight sex life be had observedf in London parks. Said Billy: '1 dicd fot see onei person walkingm do,.vn thle street with an- arm around another. 'We went ta n park where thousands of young people were gathered. They hei'd hands, but they were very dis- ciplined." Battery and electrical failures are the number one cause of stalled autos. So indicates qta- tistics of the Arnerican Auto-ni- bile Asen.

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