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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Jul 1959, p. 8

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OROO WEKL lIESTHURSDA,"Y, JULY 39, 19599 ORONO 1WEEKLY TIMES FonaR. A, orse PbihrR. C, Forrzster Dume te municipal pressures the Durham 1strEct gig Schocl Board on AWednesday AnihtPasforced to make a frther- appeaemn thte resut Wtha arholforICilre Townsipha been c rïuld eut. The klesite Larke has been u oslihitrsi ou lmonicpawcumbis only. This interest has affected the prope, arc cnet in the inétrests of areaplainig.Unotnei the area- sufersas as asethestdn. Ageneral oepLinion f agoodpotnofteT nhpba eraue as such. De to the rucent apeseet1hs ogtcudb sImuated by an ve greatermaorty Tabjulating figure(s ita- pears that it wuould flot be to long bfoeClarke Townýship bha; a student population oA four hundrd nmoe . If aschool wer tei be built by a Township Sholareýa it woldpssbltatÏX as a tbree hundred pupl school which ceuld be added tao bin couple of yme.Swch a school could give:a god curilmnWUIh ciumerous options. The standard of education in the sdcolcould be maintanied at a high level a--s tha been intepeen on ,ship sehool in Orono. if the action of municipal counicils over thîe past ear is D-an example of futue jactionls it woufld point out tha Clake wouldý be beter off if setup as thei own area in whlich they ould h ave, no outside selfishi interests to co)ntend with. Thiere isno enoughi student population and assessment in the Towvnship that an area "ould be 'form-ed under tihe conditions Àcf th1e High fiSchool -Act, Iast tac wekis bCeen makýing healdines .inte erpotappes Wîh 'opetitas, 'influenza' sand 'meao fetn ubro t-he ilr he Dprtetof Health nd t!HeDeatetf Welar hs ecme onered Irom rprsmaeb he MniSter of. IfAue it bas been saedtatte isinisdrtcayev- tures vwhich the Deparinecan net upport Uhe time bas comn-e for thie Deprtment fo tuk e d i- sive action oand teony consîderatinshoulbe towads the safety and weLfareof tecide wtl h isi .i ccmoaim is enily aeuaefor, ryciie hnteesol ~b f Orty. Y40n diseover iniithe extra features that arestanidard ;,THAT'S OLDSMOBILE VALUE! If oi atailspecial valuete, i)Per1111ne, Olde m11akee your decision Oniy Olds gielenw e urig\epesead essuiring ecnmy of Only Olds girv ye th,- road-wvise staibility and riding c fort of the Finall, there's Oldsmolc's tîielnallhigireur'MO riginal!in- vesmenwt te make it cartha% Preès the Perec m cor your hi staudwsdsYour M±Alercan show yen howeasy î i,,s te go fr ldl value, See him t oday . .. ceruneer (ote s BOWMANVI [LE R. R. WAOI)ELL Q C., Souci ber for ti GO INO EVI t T Kendal W. will h ea and Ba SaTe at M iss cather~te Stewar on Augusi 5, froin ~ Proceeda i re' y: I raission 35c, jo Church, E xe Ns ..NotOoo OroNo, Ot1 ExecE Ont.,Solîcto~ ir te col tll home fPaof LOAS- BE 't/1,YS OPP Ydu ore cordially invited to Road-Test a Rocket aengîne Olds. Demonstrate to yoursalf the many extra-value features that moka Oldismobila such a wonderful car to own and drive! IS ITHE VALUE CAR F O114E VEAR OO?,JRTICE OTION NotceTo reites LASSIFIED SES Vilae f roo n Wecouny f the ce7T) Cle 1iters mPow t1 DuhaWiew ecasdIN THE, ESTATCIE 0F ALFRED EverYo le Ail persos having aunes agaist HARIÇNuSq i pyE lC-cfth the Erstteof lhe risaid tikhmilg f îc~ '~eCnyc the Mti day cf Ay<,197C, are herebypAilperns havuingdaims againatein At n a KIfi d tes- m eItheuadeigned 1the EStat o th pidAlfred arýk- day August P 'oe lhe Eirt dy cf August 1959the l6h day ofMarh,!9-39,are ilei nins ndadrssuee and fli î e ed . t hin he l ye in 1d ulvvriid by staon ut VCsqa'nlnd d-Ajpply E. clain ~i d tii - ~î - 'c te secr Imidaeyatrtesaid u theifiedby3etatof '-,àdclaatio, tOne Massi the saiddeceed iMbe disributed IieitlalrtesadFrt7f.dt amnong the perisons entItled thereto!Frt7 i .G having reard ,)n!ie edisday OF August 1959 the assets of theoe Be of wih teExctesor the u-!si esed wicoubesbued a- ders.ned Slicito shah then lhave 1 "' h "-i' s .tld tert ____ notice. having regard ony te the cdaimis ofij which the Excuor r the under-t Dted at ý0orono this 2Mdday of swigerë& w t~i sa;,AC then have Frm Lot Juiy1959 notce.ve j10?eordye CHALESANREWGLNNE Daedai rav ts2ný-d day cf Phone R R.R. , Orob, OP.'J1, W. SONE, on or reroeliý yorprasen oe P-33One 211Oro0no OFaundahons and Septic Tanks I pouredý. Farms available The RLJTTER GRA-.ITE COm1PA ý N Y Phone TU 5-5216 P.O. Box 62 Port H-ope, ont. "Buy Diecjnd Save Commissions' SHave %Y11uIîEnough ginsur lice l PI'oe4 yoiurself a d your u familyv against losïe y having O f Adq eAgtomo île ïInsur-, ance. isCusSy ur require- o Elp g 5 lusuraie S&vce SSadie Hamilton Evey cassof lasur ane is epe ntdin Ï ourl of f IîCe. The f ollow- i ng areSOMe of the mnain coverages we can offer: Automobile, Lîue, Accident and 1 Sickness, Plate Glass, Liability, Fîre, Burgliary, Hospitalization, ILivestack, Boier, Wind, Polio, i1 1Hait, Fidelity Bonds etc. ORONO P'JNE 1R16 FIRST MORT:A'î LOANS r -~ A."'. MeKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours 2:09ý to 4:00 pý.. 7:00 te 8:00 p.m. Saturdaysi and Wadnesdays by appzintments only PIAONE 1471 ORONO DR. IR. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 10616 Orone, Ont. LU&AL Lawreuicc C. kËasoiî, B.A Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: office MXA 3-5688 Homae MA 3-5553 IN. KMYCET A In the- Offices of R. R. Waddell Q.C. j MAIN ST., ORONO, j Friday 7p. -1 pm. Autinerand Valujator Specialize in Farm and -uniture Sales Con U e for teris and dates Phone 5 r 18 Orone ~ e Auctonee andValguator and t rasonblerates Commuicat withhim t Port Perry, Onric rcehsClerk, A. IL 'potctonand sa-vingjs PlanÈs for Chl renad Aut;Mrgg n surance FPlans, F. E. LYCETT Orono, 0Onýt. - Phone .1716 Typwriters Remîngtoni Portables- 4Macls. Frea emesrto At $1.00 down and $1.0 0 a week. Up ta 20% off on demonstrators. OSHAWA BUSINESS MACHINES 29 Simcoe St. S, Phone RA 87271 Evenings 59743 STAFFORD BROS. IPhbone Wbitby 552 3183 Dundas St, E, Whitby I MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let us erect a handsoe, dig- nified monumenmt over the rest- i ng place cf your Ioved ones. IWs nt expensive, And seeing this lst tribute wîII give you endless comfort. Orono Electrie PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM 1and 110115E WIRING Freae &t kates APFLIANCE SALES Pro--onI and Guaranteod Repais-, te a!' K,.nds of Electrical Eqwiu* and Appliances S-n 'A"ors .Water '-ýeatffl ~,AsStovos. 9. n '1 PI r j Let value be lhe soledctigfcoo'Ijie thle hig s% ng to Olds. VAÏUE-RATE the ROCKET M a ke y our own ton-yp iiaalvqis; and you'l sefe wh ,'. You see. AT 'VOURILOCAL AUTHORIZED QUAUITY DEArLER't5 it in the trim, good tastecOsole styling HA LE Yen notivceit in Old1smobile's atenion zo details like finish, fit an' upholstry...THAT'S VALUE! .- FOR THE SEST IN NEW CARS, USED CARS, AND SERVICE ... SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZEO OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER!I~ POY WL 3-1, Cor). Çaonie rngHfer. Cha : 3r1,Orono. a-p

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