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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Aug 1959, p. 6

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rNtE IIRS CAN'T kHELP RER "Dear Anne Hirst 1 i-ari a wo- man 3-1 years old, and -have been married 13 years. We have three rhildren, 4'l have recently found out that my husband has been dating an- other w-oman; the escapadie hadi been going on for quite some time. "I arn at M'y wits' endi. 1 have nio love for hinm at ail . , . 1 don't know whet-her to leave hlm'i, or have hlmi leave. Please advise me. FRANTIC" *1 ko you wrote in a state *of shock, but unless 1 learnedl * more about your mnarried li e *it is impossible to bel'p you de- *cide whlat to do. *Your husbanid may have *gro-wn bored with marriage, lie * may have sought th,1er corn- *panionship for a' tbrili. There- *could be mnany reasons w,,hy he *wandered, nione of which ica '~guess %without further facts *concerning youir backgrouind 41 and bis, * It wiili hokyeu to know *that many a wife believes3 there are worse sins (and * harder tolive with) than in- >* fidelity. To say ïimedCiaLtely * that you feel no love for him * is a drastic conclusion; youi are *mortified and lhuri-,iiated,an *after a littie time bas passed You rmay concludre that he is *worth holding on to. After al, *you are the mother of his cil- cidren, an-d brold. a great ativani- * aethere. Would you sacrifice *those young-sters w,,ithouit long *and seriotis thinking what *breaking up thýeir homec could e do to thern? If fyou would like to wvrite nime again, 1 shail look f orward * f your letter. ,Mea nwbhile, !et *things ridie as they are, and *take it for- granted this is only *a passing fancy which vill ot *distress you long. "Dear Anne Hirst: I havýe gone stay with this boy for eight àrionths; I'm 16 and he 18. The only trouble is, We are always: quarrelîng! For one thîng, we are bot'h the jealous type -- the other is, he dloes things hike drivingý fast, i-acîng w'itbl other boys, wergsmoking, and so-rne dx'lnking wbich I despise. "4I told him if hie loved m-e lhe wouldn't do these things- He said he biad to keep up with the "So 1 saîd that since we -are both younig maybe we had made a zistake, and now was the timne whnhe should be living it up withb 'is friefrds. Re repliedý znaybe I1 should keep on look-ing br my ideal! He declares he ovsMe' too rnucbi to want to be free, andi why couldn't I1ac- vept hlmf the way hie is? "De) you think hie should giVe tzp these thing-s for mie? or should l agree wth him? O (r s;haji I calthe whole deal of? S'm so mixed UP I've ev en thoughit of that, but I love himn s;ol And P'm afraid that even riif you say the best way Îs for him to stop, he might not understand., "0f course we bave rnade up, rut norting is settled. Wecat go on, leaving- problems to saolve DiCK'S KICK( - Pat Mollitieri, 16-yeaýr-old who daicnced ïn the crowd for two years on Dick Clarks television show without gay, cdaimns he teen-agers' io won't av her on the progra.m ani-y mnore. p-at Sayscan article- 5hLe wroie c'bouf him got lier bajn'ned. Says Coark, lher State- ;nnt imply ,c5rent true' thezuselves, 1I know they don't., Anytbing you suiggest will be appreciauted. ANXIOC'y " SEE THE TRUTUI *Wliat have you two in co)rn- *mon Jbesides your love? That *seems toi be only a strong ph'-y- *sical attraction which makLfes it *a joy Just to be together. If *his idea of living is ta keep tzp *with is friends, bie does not * understand muicb about love *and thie oblig-ations it -imposes. * He soes lo)ve as a play'-,tbing, a *lot of fun to hjave ý1but noth- *iug to get serious aboujt, He *i-may love you as miuch as he * eau lo1ve au gÏirl, but, m-ore *imnpo-rtant is ha-ving b'is ýown * l He s a show,ý-off, too, aud libe srnokesand swears an~d * d,-rinks -because be thinks tbey *prove bis manbood. If tey *offend y oui, that's just too bad, libe wvoldn't like to lose you, *buit neîiher does lie intendi to *mohimi-sel[f to your patteru. *Whyv don't you caîl thinigs off until be grows up aug gets this * onsense out of bis systemi? *Teil him thlat vhen he' becores * sorniebody yvou can respect and * rust, rnaybe you will take *hiri back. (Once lie realizeýs he *cannot sýee' you at ail, perhjaps lihe wijllfind out how 0, U1-hyou *mean tatnhlm.> *t Itwill be the hardest deci- *sion you have made yet, but * sn't it wîspr than to live lu *such dfiscoteut ai-d auxiety? *You cauinot stayv in love with *anyone wbo rides roughshod *over ahl you hold- dear; you * will 01n1Y wear yourself out. * Tbink t 'his over.' You wh -*miss hlm for a whiie. But you *will find sorneone else, who *cherishies youj as y ou dleserve, * wbose one intention is to be- Scorne the sort of man you can *be proud of, Striving trp become the, person one's beloved wants him to be Is proof of real love. Wihen both feel that wvay, 'Lhere cornes the true inarriage which no problems cati destroy, If you are doubting the one who dlaimas ta love yout, ask Anne fiïst what hoepe is left for happiness? Write hier at Box 1, 123 Eigh- teenth~ St., New Toronto, Ont. If, som-eone forbde you ta spend youir mouey for a niews- paper, youL'd tunlerstand vividly, and too late, whant "freedomn of thl-e press', meanLs, Cut a Divine Shape PRINTED PAïtTERPN Beodte beautiful shap3ing of thie bosonri - gatbeýred 1and searned !ta give Ea divine Jhue ta all suni loyers, Back curved low, above princess skirt., Pritecd Pattern 4738: Misses' Sizes 10, î2. 14, 16, 18. Size 16 requires 5 yards 35-incb; ¼ý yard 35-incb contrast. Prînted directions on eacb pat- teru part. Easler, accurae. Sencd FIFTY CENTS (Oç) (apscanuot ho accepteç, use -postali note for safety) for this pattern. Pl-Iease print plainlyg SIZE, NAME, ýADDRESS, STYLE NUMBIERl. Send orde-r ta ANNE ADAMIS, Bo-x 1, 123 Eigbticeenth St, New Torot*, Ot. dition. I beieve I arn rigbht la Sayinig that býigb3 blood pressuike badyexists arnon1-1g 1the2 ative3i of In1dia. Well, we bad somne ramin ast week that lasted for, quite a few bours. Not enough by a long way but we are thaubtul for srnall merdies. One fariner I know rnay be wishing it bad neyer rained. Duringl a terrific storm laithe Brockville district 13 of bis pur e-bred Hr-oîstein cat- tie we-re killed by a .igtning boît. Tbey were insured but thce insurance was a logwyfroml covering ýfthe Iloss..For some -ýof the cows thre farmer wvouldn't have takenj a $1000 each. Tt is bot agýain now and I don't like it one bit. One day it was nice and cool and 1 yanked a roast of beef from the ,frig' and' got il cookedi. For three weeks we bad lived on cold mneats aid -minute steaks rather than have the aiven on. Art bas gone up ta the cottage THE~ WEDDING 15SËST - Steven Marie ROSmussen, 'Who oncew felier New York home, pose f the Rcismussen residence in Sd Doctors, diagsnoses and treat- mnent vary as much as bouses and architecture. Last week the six- mrontbis old baby bielonging ta one of our neighbours wýas quite sick with a temiperature of 104 degýrees. The mother naturaîly was quite excit,-d and pI-o-ned ber doctor - lu this case il was_ a lady doctor. The doctor heard ber out, said tLo keep the chilti quiet and corfortable and ta let' ber know if lie iidn't show' s ig ns o! improvenuent in '24 holurs -- or' if be appare-d ',a be gettiug worse. "Eut, Doctor, don.'t. I do anythîuig - shouldn't he(, have needies or somiething-" "Yes, you can do somiethiig., Here is wbat you do. Your busý:- baud lis borne? Fine. Sit hlmi down in the rocking chair, Put the baby in bais arms and YOU go off and have a good slee-p! Yîou bave a fine, strawg, healtliy baby, lie').!tbrow off the shght infection that lhe baswtbu needies and such-lik-e." The doctor wias right. lu two days, the child wvas back ta nor - ,mal auld tbe mother onl,ýy sligb't- 'y the worse for wear. It did me good ta hear ta story because I arn couvinced1 thajýt -mothers nawadays have be- corne too dependeut on needies, ai-d miracle rmedicatiait hast wekthere were iuteresting re- ports comningý frazu the Brlfish and Caniadian Mjýedical Coniven- tion being held la Lan-daur, En.- 1and, emphasizing the danger o! autibiotics ani ?o called wonder drugs bei se-d toc, freely. teemj-s ta mne it ig higb timneth public w;ere made av-are Of this dne.It is -a "get--well-qiuick"' f orm, of treatmnert that bas bc- corne very popular. WbIy? Bc- aueaduits eaui usu-all *y keep o)n th-eir feet wh;iîe being- treat- ed and cblîdren do't Lhave ta be klept lu bed ud fussed ove r. Resuilts- are fast, redIucing tirle and tension ta a miimumn. But are the. over'-alli results desi[- able? A child's temiperature goes un anid down very quickiy. It is fr-igb',tenînig ta a oungI otc but a high temperatture lu itself Isot, a cause for alarmî. It is uature's wAay of fightiugoiffin- fection. Tbe danger lies in th e chance of a chill asý, the feV4er subsides. Trat is wbyv it ;s ~ uecessary for a chiid ta be keptf quietîy ln bed, on. a igbt di et anrjd away fromn draugbts. By the tirne the temperature bias diroppedl, if the ciîd bas caught any contlaglous -disease it wiil Show itself la sorne forno! raýsb - arash that-wilcorne out More qikyif the chilti is kept warhn. So ofteni I aam ae ats- ing littie tots-- playiug aie .-J -V hte r .Myeyou tbink this lawu pest is ýsomeý- thiug new. It isn't - la fact It is quite antiquated. 1 wasre- iii- alIabout the vwbiite grub p est lu an old "Canada Farmer" dated 1873. The lire story (cf the bugs and t1he mnethods used for their extermination wa s much the same then as niow. Peaicillin- we also think fk as comparatively new. ActuIa]lly it 15 only the culture that ik new. What goes into it is as aid as the bhiIs. The samne true o! so -many modemn drugcs. -Rauwolfila a nd derivatives cf rawolf la are used exteusive]ly for high blood pressure.Bt long before it was refined fr medicinai purposes the people of India, inciuding Gbandi, were cbewiug the roots of rauwolfla ta keep themnselves ln good co- m~~re rens to your Collection. Make pieces as gifts, for auy occasion. Cross-stitcli pansies let you express yourself la color. Lovely on variaus ineus-n an apron, too. Pattera 749: transfer a! 6x21 inch motif, two 141xl214¼luches, Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (starnps cannot be aecepted, use postal note for safety) for this pattern ta Laura Wbeeler, Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Tor- onita, Ont. Prînt pauyPAT- TERN NUIMBER, yout-r NAME vnd ADDRESS. Send for a copy of 1959 Laura Wbeeler Needlecraft Book. It bas lovely desiguns ta order: en)- broidery, croa ch e tL, knittiag, weaviag, quiltïng, toys, ln the book, a special surprise ta make a littie girl happy -- a cut-out dol, clothes ta color. Send 25 eeats for this book. In the vaudville of our inno- cent cbildhood there was ane joke that neyer failed to get a rousing hand, the one about the little boy who was asked to nar-ne the two rnast farnous womren in hisýtory and promptly answered, "My Marnra's Mamma and Pboebe Snow.".. .. Pboebe Snow carne onto the Arnerican scene for the first tirne lu 1900, we the country was just begi nning to realize. that such innovations as the tele- phone, electric liglit, the solo saxophone, and display advertis- ing had corne to stay ý. Each new phase of Pboebe's activity was ipreseu(ted lu detail, 1wit y-sopigexamples of the country's top poster art, which certainly had corne a longc way frorn the woodeuts that por- trayed tbe Lack-awanna's pot- r"the timet -bles iebe hii the .Y a the 4r tu ber Dai- h is got cos- , Jr 1901; pboeb#42 h1ere...wge eentinu- aUrticles aboot Z sand she 'Can ce the hati ave obeet vivid bad -oadi Sre- oe ,re- lie A)le sce, AI- ýrn the iiad a ~ena, ")Andi :y run af ýîentified -,y or ~Ide i6Ülar- manners, wbile their eider sis- ters co pied ber hairdo. In a rnod- est way she set the style for a large portion of the fernale popu- lace. The world wae filleti with Phoebe, Snow- fracks and Pboebe Snow bats anti Phoebe Suow haudbags anId shoes. and umbrel- las and corsets, and shirtwaists, flot to mention hunes, of Pboebe Sniow tennis &dboatind' and, hiorseback-iing a7tire'a nd high-. necked btif suits that would sbock thie modesty 0 f nobody on the "Road of Anthrpcite'" or off it. - Fr(-. "The Lackawvanua Story," by~ Robert J. Casey andi W. A. Douglas. DRIVE WITH CARE!i ISSUE 341 1959 NO NUTS WE CRAVE VWATERMElLON - Squirrels Jce and Gus would much rather dig into la cooling wat"erme!on when thewahr gets hot. Pound as babîes- by 12-yac.-ir-old Diana Slwi, eanmaiýs hvenew digs lu t he baýsemýent of the gîrls homne.

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