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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Aug 1959, p. 7

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City That Caîsts- A Bright Ray If is just possible thaf Flint, Mich., la one offlei ost remnark- able cities in the -whole of Aric- rica. If you arc discouraged about the course of human cffort o'n is pianet and la this country, s>ick of readiag of sfruggi1e, te-n- sion, violence, economic d'- order, then ]et Flint casf a briglit ray into the gray glooim. As reportcd receatly by Rn> Cromley la a series for NEA Service, Flint is eagaged in in astonishing effective program eai comnmuaity and individual self- help that reaches info almost every corner of the city's 1f c Il is doing this without caliîýg upon federal and state govern- mnts for money. ~ moaey -.is't the thing at ail. Scho,)l taxes have been e-dged up a, little, and a wealthy man has tossed ln a fair bundle, anid tbat's if. The test of the way it ruas on the elfizeas' own steam and imagination. The place is fantastic. Kids go te- school early, stay late, anid love if. Parents swarrtn around the schools lan<off hours" la. al- most as greaf numbers as the youngsters. There are athîctic program-s, mieetings, dances, studying of maykînds. Hundreds of men serve as substitute fathers foi fathpless boys. Organized blok by block under communitv leadership, Flint people repair and Improve their owa bouses instead of looking for siumn -learace fuads. Courses train homeowacrs in the maay hous-- hold repair and maintenance jobs. The school is the hub of the Dro.«ram, Flint's school buildings %re slivc wvith actlvity from moraing until late at night, al îlhe year around. The schoci b>oard is the chjef overscer of flue gprawliig effort. Automobile factories give the !own a lopsided economy, and Èuday one out of aine eligible workçers is without a job. Flint b-as plung-ed la f0 hcip the job- less train for ncw types of work. Citizens work f0 urge creditors te carry the uiemploycd until pay checks start again. And they eive them space in schools to cook, wash aad iron and se on, whea their electricitv atf hoai hans been ouf off for nonpaym-.et *f bills. Women leara te sew and cook better f0 save mioncy. Ia the schools fhcmselves, alcrt. aew plans have been devised to ?Iush ouf potential scicntists ffreni the crop of youingsters. Effort !s made fo spot talent as early aý the second grade. The defails of this great comn- mnunîty, enterprise are endlcssly exciting, What is perhaps mnost ha-pressive le that ian age -whca we sec se m-uch negative head- Qhaking, flic people of Flint arc cecerfully positive. Thcy waat te tchieve, they believe they can', -dihe they 'do theyarpru oif what fhey accomplish. Flint la a stirring exanmple, a. practical example, te every t ýAmerica of what Îf menas te be really free, self-reliant and P ssessed of human dignity. 'ere ought tfo ic a presideatial medal for everybedy la the towni. -Pueblo (Colo.) Star- Journal The ncewspapers cover a mul- jude of sîns; goô discroetly, jÇ ~cthat many of us are eaved à-uch needless embarassament. POETIC UICENSE - white Cap Iow over his *yes gives 'poot Carl Saindburg, a pqgnacious look. Fie was going through the U.S. exhibition in Moscow's Sokoinikî Park. Franc* Hus Ifs Teen-age Problem The French, while often criti- cal of teenage gang violence lri the U.S., and of the Teddy-boy outbreakcs in London, have long feit that the problems of thel>- own juvenie delinquents were individual, and therefore less alarming. But when gang terror erupted last month in Paris and in the Mediterranean resort of Bandol, the disillusioned editor of Le Parisien Libéré wrote: "Now we know the truth: Th* street g-angs are organizlng." At Bandol, 50 Young "Blous- ons Noirs" (Black Jackets), fail- ing to find the gang with which they had planned "un rumble," eut a, swath through the town wîth their bicycle chains and brass knuckles. Ia the -wake of their forays, they lcft shattered glaýss, sm'iashed furniture, and ut lenýst eighteen injured. linParis, as li. Amprica, cf- forts f0 assess the cause of the outbursts evokced sonie familiar sociological platitudes. Parisian authorities blamed sensational movies (the average Blouson Noir seps six a. week), magazin, and newspaper articles glorify- 1ing crime, and,- finaLly, th%, breakdown of fam.,i l 11e. Whatever the reason, authori- dies, church, and press demrand- ed action. One of the most en- gaging solutions was offered by Thierry Maulnier, columnist for the respected, censervative dially Le Figaro. Send the Blousons Noirs across the Mediterranean to help rebuild insurrection-fera Algeri a, Maulnier sugigested. "There they'd learn to become what fhey think they are now: LA1KES AND )RIVERS, heavily banked wlth t ree , provide game fish wlth djean w ate r, c o ol teniperatures, proper food. When lire ravages- a watershed, good fishixig take!5 * long holîday, Please, b. écare- fui with ail formas of fIre. Pro- vent foresqt ires. 5( 'LAER OF FUTURE -- Gen. Lyman L. Lenixe, olmines th* uniformv and gear of the "Soidier cf the Future." Gear includes infra-red devices which enable the soldier t ,ees in the dqrk, ig lump belt whieh provideti roeket powver for Ieýaps up te 30 feert, tw-way radio hieimet, and the new M-14 rifle. Slickest Mon Ever? The late Harry Houdini of New York (1874-1926), one cf the mrost sensational theatrical fig- ures of this century, is identified '-a Funk & Wagaail's dictioaary as an "Amnericar, mystericist, wizard, and expert in. extricî,- f ion and self-relezse." This i-, putting if mildly. In his, tin e, H-ouidini mrannged to extricate himself frona a bewildering va. Iiety of apparently inescapab'É coruinements: H-andcuffs, strqit jackets, prison celîs, coffins, a sturdy crate lowered into Neiv York Harbor, and a tank of water la which he was hung f rom footstocks, head down- ward. On the other hand, a band of his fellow mazgicians once outraged Houdini by iockirg him in a pay toilet. The new biography "Hloudini" follows twenty years of inves- tigation by it:# Author, Williaam Lindsay Gresham, a deývoteeand novelist of the carnival world ("Nightmaure Alley")j. It is ani extravaganza on the subject if fraudulence, &nd a fascinatirig portrait cf a -inan who built ar, almost Napoleonic egetîsmn on his ability te guI! the publie. H is real naine was Ehrich Weiss; he was bora in the ghet- to of Pest,' Hungary, fthe fifth son cf a cultivated rabbi, 'and brolught -te New4 ,York as a child. H-e was a neckwrear-Iining cut- ter, sltill In his teens, wihen in-. tnoduced to magie by a fellow w7orker. In 1900, he began a Eure- pea tour by escapiag f reina pair cf handcuffs at Scotla'id Yard (la a later demorstratien he was found distributing hand- bis outside a jail before the j allers ,kl5ew he had gotten eut of ht. celi>. Houdini went on te tritlgBph- in Gerinaay, AustriLa- IÎuligar, and Russia. laI 1904 bu reuraed to thec U.S. and his big Amnerican career. In the early '20's hlm escapology was threaterued When1 the mnovies began te dis- place 'vaudeville, He made ia few screen thrillers and devel- oped the lively specialty cf cx- posing fake gpiritualists. At Mc--ill University ia Moatreal, îpeaking of bis streagth, he la- vited a college boy te punch hlm I! force la the midriff. The' blow was presently followed by appendicitis, gang-rene, and peritontis. lHoudîni died at flic age 0f 52, leaving an estate esti- niated at $500,0M0 HKoudini's posturlng pridle waà based on a great dca! of physi- cal condîtioning, hard Work, re- search, igenuity, and tirelesri rehearsal. He was strong and developed a centortioaist's flex- ibillty (gettiag out of a strait jacket meant nef oaly know- ledge of the jacket but special muscularity). Hioudini's team ai the heiglit of his powers in- cluded a number cf slick con- federates. A single illusion xnlght represent a small strate- gic campaiga, Iis righf-hanid man 'mas Jim Collins, an Eng- lish cabineinaker who could build a stouf crate with a cer- itain board (plus conceied hiages and latches whlch would open lnward) allowing the crafed man tei emerge and latch the board shut again, as l!Houdinï did Ira New York Harbokîr, Walking fhrough a brick wali was ever, easîer. Whilc thers was ax rug and sheet under flicho wall, thero was aise3 a trap- door underneath bofh. Thterug and eheet would d1rop far eneugli te allow the e screened Hloudini to Sorainble benleath the Wall? How (CanlJ? By An'rne Ashley fl o'w eau 1 loosen aR nut whtich has become tightly ruist- a e * AGENTS WANTEU EISAN Cash inl your Spare FTue. Just show your frIends our Christmas and AUi-Occasion Greeting Carda (includng Religilus) Stationen, G)fts. Write for samples Colonial Card Ltd 429B Queen East. Toronto 2 JOKE CARDS SUND 25,, in coin for your package of 12, assorted cards Moore Printing. 133 Mc- lntosh -St, Toronto 13, Ont. EARN E X T RA NIONEY! AGENTS, clubs, etc. Sell eanada's finest Christ- mpas cards, ntwaities, etc. Over 200 Items including deluxe, iellous. vel- vat, chrome, everyday and personai cards. Wraps, ribbons. toy8. books, dolIs and .ewellery. (any gift items. Prompt service. For colored catalogue andi aam- pies eft agproval, write W. V. Jeandro Greeting Card Co.. 1253 King Street Eat, H-amilton, Ont. GARY CHICKS BIRAY started pullets prompt shliment. Ask for lilt on Âmes. 'lime to order Septemiber-October brollera. See your local agent, or write Bray Iatchery, 120 John North, Haniuton, Ont. STARTED cicIc bargains whlia they Last. Pullets, one week - Barred Rock, Columbia Rock, Rhode Island Red Jer- sey White Giants, Llght Susesex-4ý28.05 per' hundred. Rhode Island Red X Bar. red Rock, Rhode Island Red X Light Sussex - $26.D3 per hundred. Asrted Ileavy Breetis - $23.95 per hundred. White Legiiora X Rhiode Island Ried, Caillfdrnta Gray X White Leghorn - $ 29.9M per' hundred. Assorted Medium Breed,ç - $27.95 per hundred. Cocker- e.ls - Rarre4 'Rock, IRhode Islandê Red X Light Sussex, Rthode Islaund]Red X Earred Rock - .M 95per hundred * As- sorted Heavy Breeds - $5.93 p er hun- dred. For two- weeks o, add $2,00 per' hundred; three week old, add $400 per' hundred, .four 'week -aid, add4$6.00 pe Isundre; uv. week old, add *.00 per .hundred . six week old. dd $10.00 per' hundred. Iinber puillts, one week old $-47.00 Per hundred. For two weelc 01<1. a4d £2.00petrlnsndred. three weekz old. sdd $8.00 Per lwndred.' four Week 01<1, ad*12.06 per hundred. five week Cid, add 1È16.00 per hundred, Also Xîmber puliets l weeks of tige - $1.70 each Catalogue. TWFDDPLE CRICK RATCRERIES .LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO BUIESOPPORTuNIlTiES Â,GED couple seliing lghway village General Store, completely equipped. stock.iving apt., ail for 221.000, Kooti ter e crns.turnover *3,000.00 inontlIy, Mo)stly Cash. ProsPcrous fanai ares. Wm 'PearcLe, ïRealtor, NExeter. RESTAURANT In Newcastle; *55.000 year talngs. Beautiful apartment, fully qutrpueset 40. Owner has other cantere 1136 AVPIY Fliyng.-sctsmnan, New- CAMMINO EQUIPMRNT eOR SALM AND RENTAL ONE, minute f0 set up, ten Ibs. to pili, ileeps five, large luggage conipant. Ment. The 1<1.81 camping unit, ilerlite Camping Trallerr, A. B. C. Sales & RentaIs. 81 Eighway. Strathroy Phone Il117W HULM WANTED MALE GRIADER operator. MVust b. expert. enced, steady year lround emiployment If saisfactor, Brennan Paving C*., Hamilton. Phonte Liberty 4331l. INSTRUCTION LEAnN to weld. No time liait. Day or evening. A.R.C. School of Welding,ý J ohn St. at Gore, Hiamilton, Ont. fA. 2. 7e7 - 3$.ý 7.9681 BARN mûre! Bookkeepling, Saiesman. ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les. 'os 0 .A sk fr fee cfrcular No. 3. Conirespondence.- Courses 1290 aStreet, Toronto, S LE EP- TO-RIGHT ASRELIEVE NENVffINES8 UUAY TO-MORUOWI SEDCINtôeIs taken acccrdlng te k r @lio 15l8a1@tew4y ge induc*e lsep ee quiet th. e rVes when tente. 5EDG eu s ersOuy MUWICAL .0000 RIIOWUTION - IVERY SlIFUERhR OF RHIUMATIC PAINS OR NIURiTis SHOULD TRY DIXOWIS REMiOT. MUNRO'f DRU@ STORE 835 ELGIN OTTAWA POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISU the tormnent eC dryecezema2 rashes and weeigoditreublese Post'm Eczema Sle e ssn uSappoîIat YoX-lItchlng, scalig nd n4burnIng ecze- inia. cene, rlngworm, pimaples a&Dfoot eczenua will responti readily f0 the s;tainieoseedorles olntment regardlesâ of how aitubhorn or hopelea tbs Sent Post Free en Recelpt otf ric. PRIC! $3.50 PUrioqAR POST'S UMEDIES 9"65 M. clair ^venue lgait TORONTOo MISCJîLLAMEOUS NEWEST N~oveltY! YTour own Mono. gaini t decorate your car, boat, mail. boetc. $1.00 or 3for $2.30 Postpeli. StrProducts 3701 Potomac Avenue, L-8Aneesl, California. NURSES WANTED TEE GLENBORO MEIICAL NUBSING Unit No, 16B, located 1W0 miles west of Winnipsg, and 50 miles eRst of Brandon on No 2 Elghway, requirea the serv- Ices of two R.N. Startlng salary, $280.00' per month. Excelent living %c- commodations avallable. AUl types of recreattenal and social facilities avail- able. Wilte or teîephone %Ir, C,. A & Sec...Trea.s., Gienhioro, Mn ORADU.ATE NURSES 13&MEDIATBLY NEW 5U b.d hospital to be opened ln september.ÂApply 10: superintendent, Prince Rdwa7d Cossitir Hospital, Pic.-on, OPOTILTIUS FOVI MNADWOM!N %E A KAIRORESSIR LOIN CANADA'S LIADINO OCHO« Gr'e2 Opportunity Learn lardressing Pleasant,,dignlfled profession; 2ooù wae housanda of successf W Alrel Greptes Ainerîca'-s Gx-etestSysten Mhustr&ted' Catalogue Fret Write or Cali MARVEL HAIRDRESSINO SCOL M glSt.r st. W., Teronte A»UlýTSî Fersona1 l Rubez, Goode. 8,0 teate4; guarsltee4. itlail»d iln plain çeal package plus free Birth Controi booklet and catalogue of supplies. Westerr Wetributers, BXS 'M Refjina, gask. lAVE I SAVE I SAVE I Filmne devoloped and Il magna PrýInts lnalbun U * ýiî!gnâ prnts In album i0s* Reprints Se cacb KODACOLOR Developira FoIu $1.00 (not includinË puInit>, olot prints S35 *eh textra. Arisco anid Ekiachroieq 85mmn. 20 e«- posures imounted ln slIties $1M25 lor priais frorni 5111.5350 ekch. eloney réfunded in f ul] for unprinted nega. (Ives. P-ARMERSI'CAMERA CLUR BOX 21. GALT. ONT. STAMFPS AND COINS FOR the farnous British Line of Rap. kUn Stamp Albums and sccesoriec, scee your Starnp Dealer or Bcoiefler, Tho Ryenaý.on 'Press, 299 Queen St, W.. Toronto 2-B. GERMANT, Saar, local., rnilt, useti. 1.14 fre(a. 1Ted Stals. 316 Oak St.. North, Aurora, Illinois. 01.» Cins wanted, psy Elgtieet prices. Catalogue 15<. (âary a, 9910 Jasper Ave- nu e, Edmonton, AIluerta. 100 DiFFERENT Woridwide Cltampa l0çý, -plus surprise packet. Wllâms, Box 167 -- WL, Toronto 1, Ont. ISSUE 34 - 199 Corner tmay & WieIlinqgton uSi., Toronto, Ont. Tel.: EMpie 2-2911- BRANCHES AT: loliox - SuintJon* use M s s s SAIESEN NEW CAREER OPPORTUNITIES HERE Is your chance to start freah hI. anew departmnent of a 52year-oId con, týnyte elpIt grow and grow with niobeoe an Important member of Our well ttralned teain of specialIst:v, An oppoi-tunlty to creiate a higli pay.. Ing career in the. sales field. Frankly, we dont want sut anybody. Echmanl wiil be selecteid with care and a con. elderable Investment madle by tis fini. anciail frin ha s future. The men w. are looking for must lbe intelligent andl personable, wh.o can talit incerely ta the. average person. If selected you w1i be trained thorouglrly and b. gie vry asistance to help youz suc. ee.We are certain that 'this field represents a splendid opportunlty for thos;e seeking above average earnigs, Salary and commission, monthly bonus, gr up insurance annual increases 171 this responsuble position. If you -leed yo il cani qualify Write te Box 1*4, 123.16th Street, New Toronto, Ont. TrEACHERS WANTED BILINGUAL tesecher for Grades 1 to 4 Inclusive, for S.S. No. 11, Tilbury North. State experience and salary expected. Bernard A. Trepanier, recre- tary.treasuirer. Rt 1. St. .ozichimn, Ontario. CATI4OLIC teacher wanted for Public School, No. 0, YRocester Township, grades 1I f0 . Duties te commence ln Septemnber, APPLY, stating experience, qualifica- tions, and salary expected, toe sRa Etrong. Sec.-Treas., 1.1<. 2, Belle River, Ont. S>UOSIJRy district -Salter, May and J*arrow T.S.A. require teacegu for rural achool. seven miles fronm Ma!;sey, slxty west of Sudbury. Apfrouiae attendance. eighteen, seven tes School equIpped hydiro; 'New Central area school under eonzlderatlon. Good board close. SALARY minim un, $2,700. Allowa2ne for quallfications and experience. ÂPPLY giving references and namne of last InsPectûr to M"s Carl Emniry. R.R. 2, Massey, Ont. TEACHERS wanted: One Eng-lisu and t-o .linguai for Sepanate Se-cool. Qoeqaifidations. APPLY te J. Nadqýau, Secretary Treas- urer, P.O. Bon 68, Spragge, On~t. TRAVEL FOIIIDA Bound - Se Virginta from~ central point. Monticello, Jarmestco.. roonms $4.0M Trailers $1.0. $e*à rates. Dixie rrrtler Parkz, IL. ork U1nion, Virginta. Obey the trq.ffic signs - they are placed there for Y 0O WR SAFE.TY $8,000 00V/N ON eisly -medorn ranch style MOTEL, 1 4 units, lin precesof compl6tlen plug ror eo t,.Locaetlen oestvey 18kare, sort n. roed cholnges> whoe yeât *round temperatu', 6"Q0 degreps. De. lux* furnlshinq2. Istlmae 0r. s *40;*stIm0*d expenses $2 ,000,i- clue3 ârdërmald, -eleet,1 taxes, slip. *plits, ropoirs 4 acresi, l'lid zIwiminl rc ~ Ma e e to eeolbep>îo reâlfr r*ticeuplep. Wrïte : 40X S, CHIAPALA, JALISCO, MEXICO. MAKE EXTRA MONEY In your s>pare time. It's easy f0 inake al hinds of extra money f or the luxuïies you want. Show. your friends our Une of Chrstmas Carda, Gifts, Stationery snd Decoratîins. Write today for Our free catalogu1e and samples on approval. A lovely men's oir ladies' hair brush witli every inquiry free. SULLEFAIR GREETING CARD CO 305 lnlg St. East,~ Torotait cP(aue a «tfvrîtIcd(& At sea with Cuinard tomnorrcow . . . necw lands, aew faces and oid frienda onify a fcv< Senchanting days away. for the mnost delightful, mnost relaxinig way of mIaking ypur holidîayý dream-s corne truc, nothing cýan surpas th ffhrill of a Cunard oceani voya-,ge to Europe. or a, sun-lit cruise to farI-oiff Lands. Where-ver you go, whefinever you truavd dimencisionsi. Luxurioius stalecoomns ..out-. standinig service ..U)eteraime.rtsi eD,,every taste in l short, the perfect settjing fLor caholidla'yyou wllneyej-r ore See You« Local Agen- No Ône- Cam Serve You Bettet ge is e~4eJt --"ICuNARDr" I k e - 'CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING' 'N N N N s' 'N 's 'N 'N N 'N 'N 'N N N N 'N N N 'N N. N N N N s N 'N N 'N N N -s 's N N N 'N N N 's N N 's N 's N 'N s 's 'N 's s 'N N N N N N N 's N N N N N * N N N N N N 's N

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