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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Oct 1959, p. 1

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O'nuro Volume 22, Number 32 Tlh E-S hËrsday, October 1, 1959, Orono, Ontario Subscription $1.50 - ýix ouncils Approe Construction 0f coolsIn rli to- ilbrokl Six Muîîcî(palCunisonT1r t I eod eposelaiufe r ~ r day evenng of last Week gave thiror thltree scol asqnesa  .enàs Open assuranice ltecaprvtcnsrus-eisactoryi-n elongrarcc 0 w tion of a50Zt 70pupil school 01in Aise",he sid that the twoscîlW t c.c Darlington aid a 130 Mpu Hichlin Clarke nd Darlington wouldf__ scholin heVillage o Mlbrokiecrease, tiransportaion costs andatronteH-en The Counc-'ils pprovng tis sug- tavltime I and wouL'ýldpossibly rout- ýExecut'îv e hdametigat Jh gestion nmade ýby- Jc ruh fwihthe extra cOSts eof the twO ordsaatetatwihi BownvilleBwanvlll, smller sehaoos. decided td' have a dance this at Port 1Hope, Darlingon, Newastlef Cvn ad 1Milîîbroojk, oh oeCo'uncîlr Brough of ..Bowman- udy h hr fOtbr Townsip and Clarke Twnhi Mlle"said that the pr !gced ires withhlil heirdecîion n th mat I wre flo wet heaer ,.1 'nT'h is, tefrtdnen h e Ë er. wrîtten on aM propesed that a 500 =seas, it to be a "Dress U P"f i te 7C00pupil ,school b)1 e bu-iltin ,Dar- wîh mas fcusany one Mayor aruter of e wma-lingten aln iha150pp, h s ojrpel drseill n0 villectda hranfrtecooinilbokThsaseo-neanitdorki, shesixust meeting Mndosursson. >eie e yRev ihl fDrlntn ewr his xeekM miembers of the eigh-tmuiiaThadiso stbefttcns council s psnt there was lsq r Stwat o h eatmn fEu R:'eBon fCakrand we'llbe avin-g se-v- inspector, A. Strik, camane of foramati was the pu)trp3ose te TcForTexs, a i girl of the High School floarç,mre m :anlow this Bo",d te handie theSec urttefrmUbrdewill be Renod, ec~res*ad .Care endry cinm n" fthe aiýea. present Yto ender a few numbhers Alla- Blkin Comtte ai-Nl en cf aiivwere a e'tu t orns.heewiî bea dorPrize man.I t e aird.i%7t-f, we n -d-nncow chp~I~iad ree inrizc dnesdrnzii Reeve Rend Badge Pot, Hpe Chaiman t te Cosulative Co- mîittee, outlined thie work oýf this c mtteand stated that th coin- mnittee -,as ar-peen orig n the division Of aSý-setsand l iabîlities fin ordertatteceniscol action was taklen -te) divide the area aWas -ecmmededA Porfllp Counicilor stated that th dvU l was a plmar7 ssue bt ! tthe rel 'Am!o in Port Hope and the addito" in o anle adas e rt Boar waanot iventhe green1 h)ack t fl o afi~rd -,- c-,. evelniog. Also at themetniheEectv deciid,-lte-n k Pau! M1inacol and Bdmin to n Or.gcnized Foi Orono On VWedne5da venugat the O-rono 0Commniýýty Buildingfor teen personis turned up -shrowlng initer1est ini the formil ýg of a 0Oronpc B1admninto-n club for the al a!!,and w ierseason. Others are'knewn te be iterste injoining the club and it new appears thiat the club wilIl be in ac1,tion tHiîs year. It wa decded t ùp-a on onray and Wednesday evenings. ,1Mday play willstr at 8:15 withýp]aY o 11, ne1d-y- arIy as poss-ible. Otherý nihscould be arranîged if it 15 fouind nfecessary. A slate otcffieswereelcd being Douglas Lycett, -president, Naricy Wallace, ;ecreta1.y, Ev ReËIdtreaSurer and CarnCora ish- to arýrange tunmns Fees for ithle club werýe set at $1.50 for students and A$ý2.50 )forý adulîs. S ig n For WaterlIn C Hun er TT IOn Friday evening the Council o H unteré;To rIelp 1 te Township oï Clprke mnet in a 1 sesionwhe ý'1('ypassed Grouse urvey te neessary by-aw and signed an agreement -which i effect gave the Ruffedi grouse hunters in the Ontario VWater flesources Commii-is- lildsay Forest EDtric t llpLay -an MÎ~ he go-ahead to explore the important role in grouse studies Villge Of Orono for a roter supply being carried out by mmesof to serve on a municipal basis. The the Department of Lands and For- 0 rono Police trustees requested that ests Studies of age and seýx ratio of Ctheir beh a ketifatono1 the grouse killicare being macle in an eiaf effort o otain a beter under- Te- s t a n i n g f t e i r o p u l t i o f l u t u - h e g r e e m e n t w i t h ti h e O n a i ,stndig f Sir opbtij, jýjct!_Water Resources Comi*sîi-inauth- ations.1orizes themn to spend up ce a an- oun't of $7.500 for test-drî-llinig in the The nethods currentj l usedtr Villag of Oon.A resolutioýn was diEstinguishinig maies, fromn femialesiaiso passed whereby tcheComs a-ïd aduit birds fromn juveniles we-re senmstcrn ac teTon deveoped iMchigan and Wisoni ship for thieir approval after spend- sin. Tithis systemn is based ' on the ap- ig $3000 of, the approved amnount. pearance ni wing feathiers and on The Orono Police Trustees are aiso, the length of tail feathers. In both to supply the Townishith ýiýia ïreso- stateQs there is only OnesuspeiesItion in wjiîch the Village agrees 0 "f ruffed grouse, but in OCntarie o!ý" pay for, the test-drillîng. [t is there are four races .-f grouse underI,,tstood thiat thç well drillers wichi vary somiyewhat in size, To 'sl-ould be in the Village within the ,Continued page fîve> nhext two wees. h-is orchesitra teplay at heNwdimmers us't pay 25) cents I O o o T u t e î~er'sEveForai.per n-ight.Iiýs expected thiat. a num-] ber of student x-nmbers twi-!,, inJFO1 Don"t forge-,ýt! HIi-Teen-is Dance ic 0 is PSat-urda ,-y. Corne alonrtg arýd 1help yer 1-bonli oTnr-To nn n I cn f~itl ent i-bey needod so o rt etbaad-tactsnet apeas Me. ta. This. was ing prograrc. secendeti by the DepiPUty-rvCe Mr A Srîe caima e -be pe Twsl Tea This ESot.jý Hitihbool Board gave an outiune(On Monda-y night at 7:30 fhie Of the preblein facing the i3oard CuniherDentetCar-o Pok ...GophlitertrstL meet-, anti ifs BidigPmgram., IR bas la support et a 400-puil schOo1 l igoflane eh h been a problern since October 19)57,1 Clak owsi nditmmt -e hge h e eao.W adt he said. TVietirst proposai te builti mleeting that this wasfihe, primary purposeandtiuth Amius ethoen in Cia-rie Townhip fa-liedt. Ho l,ïth e dte meeting ant thefbusiness wa-suthe sfated, thaftthe Board a-gain workednead aietrt psi et the taken up. out fthe ?1rtjeCted figures andi came; Clarke %vas to get a four-huntiredi op Wlth flie proposai oi. th-reo jpupil schooL Both th1ese proposais There lsai-o Ie a tea and sale of' schools whielf fhe Boa-rd felI was a w-er uned down by softiehom-matniie aprons andI Chinese ar- soundý. proposài 'with a 400 pupil ctiacils andI he asited what objec- fides ir-forbe beton Safurdail' Oc- sehoel '1n Cia'k-é as la in ariniig- lion ithey ha t teCiarie Toývnship ce r foi3'e5pm a~b ton anxd a 150 pmupil svhol in ýMiii- getting a scixool wbicb wa-s a prinm- Sunday Scixeol rooof ettwQie brook. This proposai munt with fthe ary aeed as ouf lpeti by thie deci- United Clntmçh. Mmrs. Carma-n read approval -)fi-be Departinent af Ed- sien oethfie High School Board. 1,11iis a letter troin a girl' In China, in ucatica but was turneti down by iail the proposais freinixeI Coixacils a uhome where we mcetly sent fifîy perenlt oet'i-be municipal Clarkte Township wjas net mnin Itig councils. ed once as aeedîng a school. We dlid The 'i-ird proposai for twe scheols neie satid, enter tle Higb Scbool We hatI a tievotienai, prepariet by was aiso turaed daewn in whicb ibey Fimen te bave decisions desenbi -)y Mrs. Lonig anad leatI by Judy Vagg proposeti a scbeel in Dariington mncpa en i ointed u atiPeggy Hncci. ie leto andtinl Milîbreoit.i-a the control eft the amen ol nst-o up foiioweti by the elec- Mr. Strike iniform>,ed the meetin,,g Os slip f0 i-be larger ýctres anad ti-îof lu te\wofior.Tbeyare that the majority et the Board wvarned that the m-etetigshud a ollows: President, Jean Ra-as tavoumed the sirualier schoois cf 400 opottesersw m iAy erwfrnaCue rallier thian I ! arger 700 te 800 nef i-o support the splifng oethi-beTreas-urer, CrlVagg;, eo t puipil schtools, it is urgendt i-at crea ns t I iagiiin1sd TerLn iy somne prograi be startetilhe saidî, !SOlyune question, ho_,saidý(,an f ~o orl etme t1960Boma- te ena-us is OO eso--ei -..Fiown ae, we-presented ville Hîgix Sebool wili be, on a shiffspotteHgteolBadadDre Alidreti with a gifi la honru systein as ibPorevi o r30isprpoai. t erceming mariage. Tj: ti pupîls wocannof be accomm-odateti Mm. M. ý Paterson, ewcaslre -ad a-srol ag yG eran-eCoeen I There is expectedtu tebe over 12001 sîaîed topumposeoetfermiag býixewl-b cosage 1Jen Bewa-a te students la i-hoeClrkeNewcstie Hig Sebol Aen ws teclos i-b Bowanvlleanti Damlilgl ae snilrscbhools and 1ha1ve t\ wo largo ad hepeeîaîo t. rsa la -1961. Sirike OUlInethei-e cn- schools.Ho said that Newcaste had pitchr anti gassesti - matc, diition i-t i-h orono achoolweegncosygiven up their school Lu ic eviat the spa-ce was leaseti trom i tee Or-Cn nedpag 3sin cosçd it tPý tfimeet- ooPublic Scbooi ,,1antisaid tuai wl-b pg ý)19smc nulta Plis spa-ce being cMosesi out in 1961 there wouiti ho ai-leasi- 2 uîe 1966 figures bd, ArClark e ResovedTo that a scbool la Ceux-oi-icewuld have an enreilmoent 52 ýýfrei-n th ý Cortceamnani eci n tha i-be- liii have -'c-a- si-,ei o f91at C -ik a nromet t'17T is BordPrîoe bof ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I euC-bslieaneCeradiin Onmcep e -poiio eqei a ~ i pags sbollaCoir-ceoS-ra thai-Da-diag%-omaimet i- woup if n ss nicou! . e~h c takiag ilae. i-ha-tn-s- laisehtMillbmôo Sipu an lu500wum nyp mm at Uhp4 seool in a-ni-ofur Ma-yoi Moomecf Hop(oais i - b e s m a i e h o o l s v m . S tIL I k e 1i i - h m o u g bo1 u t t h e n t i e T o w n s i p i O 1 o b a - n e t . si-a-ed tai- eroaea-ly fei ta Ieceive i-be overaSl ophinion., Return Petition rClear Definitiorn It ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ o wa eiedta ewntO onday evening the OropoPo there were a nurpber etf oufstanding 1 be purchased andthAt the club aiset1Ilice Trustees held their reular accounts te be presen Ë2d and stated purc-hase bîr-ds te,)be s olJ i-o thel loth m ieeting witl ail members i-bat they hiad net yet received the m e m er . t ur a m e t S e e r li.bilh f r snow reroval last yea r. ran-ged in the near future and jt The Trustees rev,«iew,,ed the finan- Due te the lack et funds soîne was recemmended i tat( eeal standing et the Village and îi prejiects contemplated for thbe toumnIts e hld lirti-Iio ew as estimated thaf a balance et a- taili are te be discontinued. The turnamhentsub held tireughpot he round $580.00 should exist at the Tru8fees however are te endeavour ter he ute club wlll aie prah end et the ycar. The chairrman how- te do semne needed sýilewalk repair 'theTrutee ceceriri th Mret ever feit that they weuld be lucky1 whevre pieces had' been 'broken ouf. for ilbe IMunicipal building. te 'end the year with a balance as It was aIse decided te try and skîm ________________________________________________ovýer soute oetItherougit walk linfthe Village. - It was reported that a tree- r"- Round bout la i front et E. White's andI H. Can- ___________________ 1____ trel's-Wem e euyed te be rernoved -The trees andr sidmvaîIlks were ire. TO~ OPEN '#jte be detinitely eut of the circuit fre eDnGee BOW LING A LLY for the comring season. It does -seem waS stafed that the Village weuld Wifhin three wveeks the Village oftithat the larger local centres min Amoinwspselawchf Nlewcastle.are hoplng te openi thei& be icing Junior Hockey teams this re tur ieotnard pe oinuvlOclbe new bowling allies in the basemnent year with consideration comîng. i25th at 2:00tadr.m. e nOco of the I'.lewcastle Cemmunlty Hall. trom Port Hope, Bowmanville andth t2:0 M At present work is underway lan- Cobourg along these lines. . It vwas stated that the gradfing staillîng thle fourahs whichi were 16 CHILDREN NOW anigaeln fDvso treet pP4rohaSod ý1(Ouf of te Martyn Bowl- AT WHYTEI-IAVEN wst esatda ona h ing, at Bewmanville. New aîîeys are The staff at Whytehaven _Mission Departiment et Veteran's Affaîrs aise opening l onil ina was told Thursday atternoon bylsigned tce agreement. The monies con-lletely new location jusI north Ontario Departm-ent iof Welf are1 te pay for the right-away bad ai- of 401 HIghway. New ultra-modemn supervisorsil would be advisablready been submitted andi approval yswere ise epened in Oshaw'aneteak inaymrchdrnJwseictd itpawekMx !h alest ee.Or faillies until such tlimn as rý;ýjs. MlSon ecretary,', outlin'ed the nro- this pst wek. Berha (Min) Wytefhas madeapgeswhc had been m_,ade h I NTERMIEDIATE HOCKEY plication w!týîitb the depatment te gard W oS-e sub-division. The final SEEMS DOOMED IM AREA register herpheme undm er e hi1-regis1erin s xeee ti mnh Iseems quite detinite that no î-en's Boardingý Homnes Act by th1e A loi-ferwves receiîved f rom t -he Intrmditehoceywi e pr- ondetOctober. O0rono )Chamber et o mmrc e- moned te Lakeshore this year i At present there are 16 childrenicqueting that the Tustees set up P ort - Hoeand Bwavleappear staying at Whytehaven with 'hpirlm au-ae ee i-soeheurs parnts Mr Gadne sttedif Mrs. a stOut i]late pefîfion signed by IWbyte dees nett make appliceatintemjrt of the(Oon mor- clu r. ta t PI1teI'thedepartinent fer xmeisraton, icantns.iS B. Ruthe4-ford stated ibat cluv btcrt riay here is at possibility the parentsit was impo5,sible ýfer the Tute ay be charged.Stedetermine wbich et the ëOrono In n O B.A. FinalEilmi' b er husband l3eri and twle mehanits would be afÈfecteti andI _____ dughtesJanle 10 ndt'f RuthIl3, Mlrs that the petition as il stooti coultI This, Satumdlay atternaon a I the Whyte is touring wesrtC nadane be acted upon. The ppetitien is Ororie Park i-ho rono ju%,e!ile on a tidrisg canoge he is te be referred bckte hcChambler ilasebaîl Club face a toami from I hpoping te mase $10,000 for i-be dw for clearerdenios.-wa point- wm"een narlo for i-hoetirst .gaIt J Pymontfor landt0 lawicb she 5 ted oui-li-bat at preseaf yt would CFti-on final seiecs. The winnlaer etfj tebUil e bieae.-affecýt restaurnts, groery stor es, th eîie ý ojwill bethe ntarlo Juv-1 I Johnli'-' son, u110io istaying ai- hardwares, garages aisi mac'ufac- Whyebaen if bi wi e ntituers a!ike. enbi C Champions.dý te spot'tnelca club. (Continui page 2) 'Cnnued en Ipe à5 Berna Gcdi Haase Bride f WaIte~ a- - Stapleton by hem tai-ber a-ad wome a ballonna Tho una-rriago et Bora-a Gaîl inigi-h whii-o silk organsa dreas. A Ha-na-o anti Wali-om Mil-on Si-apletea peaml si-v ddcd i-~exra beai tirera h~Id waa solemaizoti on Sa-turda-y, Sep- I hem .fiagom-ti~ Voil aad .-,no ca~ nied îoemocr 26tb ar i-ho umomie Gai-ted cas a-d' et mcd -os ~s, wbire car- Cburcb. ratons anti si-epha-nofîs, Tebieu -eol agtme Mm ad M*s. Berau-rd -an, mon The Hbrie wid Pa-il îLe-mg ffi.-e Miss Ca-il Ilalliti y, Osha-wn, waa limidesmaiti, i-mer gowa was cf t-ml ce pa-per ta-f teta- wl-b ma-tchiag boa-i-ber bat anti a-ho carrièti n nosega-y et 'lue anti white carnations, Mm.;,a-reid Mota-, n, tei William iSiaplton ad ýniCre ee A recetion a-s blh n- -b "Ars P o recoive tie W iie's1 wn~e a- pi ~b idC iroas, blnck a id piak accossomies a-m corsage et deep plaît i'oses, groo nb -motbcr na-sai-eti weanî. beige prini-eti "11k wîth bmewa hog~ ~mcceasomles anti ~'oma-ng~ yollew roses. The gmoorim'a giti- i-o i-be bride ~ rveln -o Keioma- a-ad c suti-t witbi yo'wat rw Cc es- sol-es aaudDn c'or'sage etyefowroses, S-ta-lefea illR reside la Orono. witl-î n

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