PHYSýCAN andSURGE=ON office Heurs te 4:0 p.m. 7:00 ta I8:00 .m Saturdays and W)ednedt y by DRP. R J. TA7'GG ART ~e 1616Orzilo, ont. Lwcm EC, GMAs., rarrister and Solicitor BÀOWM-ANVILLE; O" NT. e MA3-568 Hoe MA3-5553 hi the ffices of MAIN ST-, ORO)NO Ictonerand Valuator !pciIZe finFarni and Fu-rniitutre Sales Consffuit rîe for ternis and edates 'Et)J ( N Ictioneer and Valuator iucts Auci ion saes.,of .ftý MM and at rcasonabje rat,,, luncate with hlm at Port PeVo ÏG, or se. hiClr, , M at orono for date. E 1 iNSURANcg àn FPIà0f.q Educafionaîllh .tioin and Savings plans ff -- and' Adula; AM0ryga. 5J ce Plans, F. E.LYCETT Owt. - Prlionsf ýfPwriters Remington Porals ModelS. Fraeodermonstration. 1t $1.00 down and 31.00 a we*k. to2%off on demnonstrafors. OSHAWA BUSINESS MACHINàEs 329 simcce St. S. Phone RA 8111 Evenings 94 STAFFORD BROS. Phonp Whitby 552J 318 Dundas St, E., Whîtby f FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Lot us erect a handsome, dig- nrified monument vver theý rest- ing place of your loved ones. lt's flot exPensive. And seeing this lasit ribute wîiI give Yeu endie5sacomfort. t