can happen Iy Sound The mtime the iclea of taking your shopping dollan fat the~r, car from home presens itself, be realistie. Ask yoursolf whet er. rry yo<u ýhc ri$sinivolvcd arc worth the. effort. >Urlocal S, selc- "MIS MESSAGE 1$ PUBLISHED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE pye>} -,von 'amp COný-G D-H.ý ouny rc~ CMINGE\L et ,S York on athe CJ-1,'iah t --llccy Otro otubtad ka" - ist , '225, er 1r1g ý -,raiulurl eeî Det5 es ibîater.fil A -c1q. White d y ,S h o --5 of Sov,,ereign, owned by F. Roy al ea- o ~Thuirsday, iston, Brooklin, as his Se-nlôr and co St Saeto enmnc Gr9anid Champion fédMale, after she popi t ~p fiad headed an outsta-nding claiss ùl'f OQ fDr, -,rfo jdry aged! cowis. She was also Grand a~ ngus'serh~es tc IChamk.,pioni at this mhoW in J1956,calIves and feeder cows. I when she was -AAIl-Canadian agedý HariQgAil cattie sold in suitable lots by 1-aro Duke, owried by . Your attendance ait thîs saleWI Jamnes T. ron Newcastle won, the be, greatly appreciated, Reserve Junicýr award on the second prize seniori bull caîf. . P.S. If Velu want te buy th~e best lin B3eef Cattle attend this,, 2nd prize for Junior bul l af Sale 75 per cent are repeat 'bL1yem, There us be aras. went te Cedar Dae Stock Farm, Orono, whiîe jamnes T. 1110ntok Teris cash. NÇo. reserve. 2niin seiin ]Bull Caif and 2nrd for H-eif et,. 2 yvears in l4. Jack Roid, Auctorqeer. :,- i 'e ', I ]prIday Oct ber 2#m r ATA.00P.M. AT PETER FA"É-eR IRÇCRU--S Herd Sinc - Zato Heir -a son of the $85,Oe T. R. Zato Meir, 262ý 5 Buils ready for Service. Somne withý.,3 1/35% overrment LEonutt. Cowvs vith calvesp by idie and reÊr e to Zato Nleir, open Heifers. Catalogue sent fi request Terms Cash Carl ýTho Bson& Son, Pro0ps, C FrY'ILL.-E, Ontario. W. S. O'Neil & So~n, Auctioneers u ý bumu Mun ______ -- n m m u u- - -flam dgm»- I4EES HOW YOU SENBPIT UV DOINC ALL .YQUR SHOPPING LOOALLY mer hanta yoq*f~ FMUDomPNOM *OAD MAXARDS ELIMINATJOO0F COSTLY AVOIDAN4:I 0F JOST1.NG CROWDS THEf CHANCE TO 8151W A 8111R COJ4IUNIT an' PU;dTrIN Yom. DOILL..-ý lu WORK II" 3 's - - 450 EAD 350.SOCERýS AýND FEEDER,5'- 100 GRAD)E'AND PUREBIREDX(COWSQ AND BRED HEIFEItS SOME SERVICEABILE. ÂGE BIJLLS SATURDAY, OT. 31 1:(0' P.m. 1IN LINDSAY SALES ARENA LUNCH AVAILAN..E Sponsored by Easern Ontario Aberdéea Angue Assoo.atoen A.. C. MaTacaeI< alccim R&aiIy .11 j 4,. t 1~ ýl ý -11