KIRBY UtýTED CHIURCH ANNI - ERSARY SERVICEV-- Sunday,,October 25 SPER Rev. N. T. n-- B.A.9 BB4i HARONYUMI7EDCHLRCH, OSHAWA Services at 2:30 p.m. and 7.30 p.m.I Sjpecial music at botll ser.ViCes In Orono for Blind- ,,e aîvaîs for Vthe t3lind whichi Wats te have taKen place the f irst part o0f this wveek in the Village 'of Orono had to be temporarily post- puiied. it wilIl be IieItJ anT1xursday, Qetober '91lh.düring the early eveii- IgTe Qrçrno G~irl Guides and th~e Or'ýono Boy SdoxLis W4Jl asslisIt this I p(*Oject by miaking the oor- é-doo cavas ini Oiono. Be ready bv hawving Ôrdntn -ýd speeding themn on their way. OCTOBER SALE Of F--rall- Clothhug BUSCOATS -madè Of Ld~WQMENS' SL I1M JIMS--ni Fik CI-th aQuallty f abri e imported Mî4nd-wbite plaids, sizes 164 18 A wo.Lined with thenn.4»ic insula- real buaUii0w Pmie $4.95. tion. Scientifikally c1eaned and ProC-UO JRSEÏ-'i'-, Size6-x colour grey. Price $11.%,mdim Ieua $LOOedforerslfo ........warfC. (I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Wo oy'alw l A N-AT.WISweatesfer only.......9e Boys Wer fe tre w AVYs -O. Eskirnos set a fas&hiçen, newest cold j Wea 'm tre was.wear it bagk, weather coats with fur trinune4 Swear ît down or wear it up. When hood, fàncy braid trim. Qulýted a 8zîp»ed up the middfle can be woru as on liningwih heavy inel.Color miug llned hood. LJnzip the hood and raýnge J'rom red. green te ruE.t. s7 you hv thick double collars or rich 12 . to 20. Prîced at ........ $18.95 [ 8 hawl oel-flar 'ihned with thermopacME S insu4io. ck~u nav. Pice$ 1.95 River, Cotten, wrinl-shed with Dri- GIRLS CA QAT ~ .Don. Shades of blues, brous andv wine GIRS CR CAT --wit oron Priced at , ........... $5.95 f pile collars. Colours navy, red, bege NS<PADSIT Rao Rynquilted lining with war in- tertin ng. Pried4 N 8.95 and 9. an P8I d dif rentcolors to Gm~$ f14IhS~ÀKS4hIe, -MEY1S ~SIIR,-Àuthent ze 2< to L416x. Ail ffeentpladt tmUI, cok>urs of plaids, dress beatrice [ r4ze 2 t 6x. -?Uriere tpaist -dress gordon, crawford, Stuart of chooe frm. Pricd ..... L29 Bute, McKenzýiVe, SiZe sinaIl, medium, large and extra large......... $6.95 MENS' JACKETS-Wool and MENS' PULLOVERS and CAR- FiCashmere, good qualîty linîng. DIGANS-Different styles in colors f SRegular $13.50 for.......... $9.95 of greys, blues, red, charcoal, beige - A few Boy's Jackets for .... $2.95 and hrown Priced $7.95 to $1U.95 W Finig Store open irday & Saturdayà%a Oper Ail Day A rbto g s Çna b du to disycfe the fine f lcwpr SMITHKREVERAG ES Sk I PICK UP A CARTON STODÀY Madle and Bottled by . SMITH D-EVE&R-4-âAGES LTDI 10 WMAN VILLE r > Y ______________________________________ IMr. andi mrs. Dnald WGee 411d Mr L#slIe If t.onfdlv re ki- dlay. ki 1 ~ rIt'eý r. T. I- Poste otd lr ugh theAlgoný- quin Park las&ýt 10 toview the beautifu Fail Colours. Mr ntdMrsThs ddntnF !Tonjtc visiited lasi -eek YIrhM. 1and- -Mrs. AMex Watson. jMr. ýtd Mrs". E. Il(er, Sher- i>rooke, Que., viýstted W. E. 7Davey AmI-CI andMi- r D- ot 1an~d Mary iaot Wednc-sday.ý jytr and M.J. T. BJ30ownd Mr YaiyiM n rs. LercsyB-rown1 and. Dick, 1Iiday, .and ?4Vs. J. puests of Mr. 'ahd<Mrs. E. Brown and Evelenec. Mrs. _Wm., Cohbledick returned qMontlay after visiting her brother and farnily, W. -G, Powers, of Ha- mond, British Columbia. Wfr. prcyMorgan spent last smith P>ý4aIls, Ont. . Mrs. J. E. Richards was in Tor- Onto to attend thl-e funeral ýf ")er, aut, Mrs Easwvod côllson on Tuesýdsy awas thýe guest (,,f.Ms M. RiaIl and Mr. and Mrs. F.Arrn lDay.lighI aving Time endo this Sunday, October .25&h, 8 0l IYavey One day last week. 1 MisMaIbel Dveyis rsn Vîsqiting. Ln port Perry. m-rs. :Raye We'ýt and Barryvitd with Mr, arid Mr'S, ?pey»yw a n d Mr. hI Frow M- and ib.ClaeneeBureyMr.Be'rt RObinison, Mis;s Marly Rohjînsoi- and1 ML. and Mrs. Ivan F'arrow were ,3un da.y dhineil guesýts of Ms C. Robin- mon. MI* and Mr8, Robert MoJ.tatt are' atteidig the arfiual xneetlxxg of thie-Co-oPerative Medical Services Federation of Oritario in Chathamn Our' complett CAR% l'honr 351 ýR D«EDEL .., Used Ciers VETH MOTORS NewcaRtle, Ontaio WE -ENiY For--.Th4rsday, Friday and Sattîrday Sleepers, 2 piee fleeced, assorted colons Sizes 1, 2 an.d 3 Reguliar $1.59,. Special. .. Men's Work Scwks, greyl10OO % n Regular 79e S l eial per pailr............ Extension kOrdsý, 9 feet with cul f>apt 'olrs ivory or bon Regular, 69c for ..Y ...57 Clocolat4 Drops, ass9oitd Iflavurs reg. lb. 49c Specia Pryke....... ..... thus Friday and Saturday. )1W4J» .Snooker Champ Johnson' ab -r first section of the Snooker ua 15 o Billard isnow completed with ý,ome Xorty-fîve contestants cor'npet- 13 Eden,Hen The fîrst divsion was won treatmen Bill Hooey ,wvtht 13 points. Jac< < Wiiliamns f ollowed with 10 and Ted Pullovers Bo, 1-{ooey with 19 poinits. The winner [0 received a $5.00 cleaning cer-tifeatel;ý 8, 3 and34.C !rom ScugQg Cleaners. Thesecnddivision wsvery closely contested vwith Ken Nixon ç Ha1Iowýe'eli Cï coming eut on top with -l15 points,1 Fred Lycett scond wvithi 13 points. f T7he trdposit'ion wv-,ýs a fi bcý teeno ake use of o Bruc-e Tennanit ;and Nick Siewchurk II m fl depi, "LIt vwri I)oth h 12 points. 'J'lewnerc this goprcie he fnil ticket s from Cedar Dalýe Dir.ROPO<n T'je tir ivi (\isiomn of te ounaUr m~entwa taken by Phil Lýongwih< Boy ~ 1'l dWostîd h inrre- nSELF SERVE ceived acase cf 4 oaCola oaeU )yHy C-veaes PEK The ~vaý secndsetiniolte ou- oos ik abig onemsatsMr. D. CRD 0Fù A K \Vè \ViSI -,I Osten iFate haksw:-ia as O pd a (iigbor oteikîdxps ;ios o sy Patya eu~ j] tetste F-ev. ii 'Lon SUiNDAY, OCTORER 2Ethl CHURCK EVIE SE RVICES Afternoon 2:30 p.m. The ~ Su Lekr evie %will be owith-,I~ dran fvour c'f the Kry Sr S1N Al OPEN DAILY a8-00 ýa.m. to 5.30 p.m o i1-guiar "bilr .... ni ry Powder 2 largeis'rg is' Super FIne higyh bulk. Sizes iors red or blý-e Each ...,$3.79 adGum ,ýIasks and Costumies Duýla-away plan. ChoosÉe now- a il odany article yoti choose. 11TO $1.00 STORE -PLEASE CARRY BASKET ~ RIAYEVENINGS ~OERTEWAYj ýOpen> Fri. tb 9 p.m. R.. OGAN, Prop. phone 1181vOrno ,nt 2