One hripght set 'for school, 0onc ilower-trimmii-ed for dates with Dad! Fun, thrifty te make. Whip up cozy cap 'n' mitten set in vwo, cottoni, feit. Pattern 5gG: dirctionis; pattern pieceès for smal, mredium, large -csize; transi er of lazy-daisy flowers. Send TH-IRT - FIVE CENTS (stampsý caninot be accepte,ulse postal note for safety) for this patterrn te L-aura Wbeeler*, Box 1, 123 Eiglteenth St., New Tor- ürnte, Ont. Print plah'ly FAT- TENNIMBER, your NAME aknd ADDRESS. Send for a copy af 1959 Laura WliýTeeler Needlecraft Bo-ok. Il haps lovely de-signs. to order: embroidery', cr'chlet, knitting, wangquiting, toys. In the1. ooa special surprise te make a1 littie girl happy - a nteu doîl, clothles te cler. Senid 2à cents for Ibis book. tnougn marrieu is ffetinga lv orce. lHe says hie loves irme, and Ireal1y love hlm-., "l1ie l& at present in the he0spi- tai sick;-. I bav e tried te) break off witb hlm, 'Out TIhave neide sire for any othecr man .P'ea)se a.dvise me.- *If this man is geýtting a dliv orce, you are treading on dani- *gerous ground te keep on visit - * mg hlm. Until he is f ree be1 * las ne rigliht te be seeinig 0an- *othler womnan, and bis wife *conild make the situation very *unpleasant for, you i fyou kýeep *this upf *Tell hlmr in ail kindness tbat, *fer both your sakes, yoiU will * have to eFese these visits noew. Wben lie can ask yen te marry *hlm, yenl will censider it. * Meanwbile, st ay clear of *trouble, if onlyý for the sake of *your children. It Is flot onle's age, but self- discipline one bas practieed that determlines bis itnless for nar- niage. If you are in doubt, write Anne Hirst about it and reclive her. bonest opinion. Address her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ontt. r r 'A 'e'- g- 'A r A' r r r A- A- a- A, A- A- -e'- A- 'r r -e'-. A, g- e'- g- In the supermnarket J. Fred MuggS, a chimp w%,itbi a mission, gazed fromi the TV screen, pop bottie 1i1 hand. "o, sighed a -mother, "my son will preJ»ably wanf mne to buy hlm sýîl]e With televisien ivdn h suLpermnarkzets, it seemed ther-e were few places1eit to hide. Big- Brother- was nt olwatchinge- you, he was selling you. Mugg-s was starr4ng on a ncw T V gmnik called "Storc-1 vision.l It ipvelves inlStallingc1 sets in strategic corners of a gro- cory and then hittingý th2 custü- mers with a thin salad of specil proý grammrrin, peppered w li tb commnercials. Thec mother was onle of hund- reds of shoppers subjected te a recent three-day, clo)Sed--cii TV trial at a Bayonne, N.J., store where Storevision was tested. The succe-ss of this dry ruri led thýe New York area st'ation WNTA-TV inito budg-eting $600, 000 te instaîl 3,200 TV sets in -00 suprmnarkýets and 30()andr mlats heginnling in early Nvm ber. This Storýevision wvill fot Ibe closed circuit. The staution will revamip its da-ytimne sehleduile '-e broade-ast 54 heurs a weeýk of one-mninute p ro gr arns, inter*c spersed witbi profitable 10- tec 20-seconid commercials. Se) a typical segmi-etighj,5t run: Newsý (pi-,,g), weather (plugY), housse- held hints- (plug), J. Fred Mutgýgs (plug). Evnulllcal Store- viinmty he soid in eighit othpr -iis- jlwaukee, Dallas, Les- Angees, Chicage(, San Franc!isco, phiiladeiphjiaý, Boton nd H arýt- ford.' The trumpiIeter sanwith aR m.7ax.imum weighlt of 40 pOundsci, is the heaviest flying bird i ~Nrth Amiericat. In Los Angeles, !lïeuse Paillter Edward L. Rcbeîng sueçi for' îdivorce,wa ordered bySpeie Court te step driving a round hiis neighborheed with a n on is car: -My wife is thement wema-.n on earth. 1 boughit a bat! Actu'ally J bought a faîl suit and a top ceaL 1~irs-t. They v met wt1fam- ily approval. Then Partner saidl "But what about a bat - you've, gelte have a new bat te go wîth that otit"So 1 wernt te town - aone - and, as 1 say , 1 bought a bat. It's abo)ut a imodem as tomorrow! ReaIly, it's a lovely numnber -- velour1 feit with 'a higb crown iian] scoop brim- in a sof t beige col- our.1I woiî,e il home ýand yen should have ie-ard the coin- meLnts. l'il give you a few samn- Partner:"Hysmkwa have yen get cn yvour ha? Dee: It's a lveyhat btit ît's se d1ifferenýlt. tI'mnt sure t1lat Ilikre it." Arthur: "Wh-at are yen tuli- inlabout- yeuir mother looks vrni)i that bat - it suits Bob: "Theo coat's ail riglt butý I1 don't think mucb cf' the bat. Joy: "Oh, is that ever ret -sOfevne and se soft and nice. 1 LIKE IT."ý Vairjo i s friençis:"eiy s ma-r t . . . net quite yonr colotir x ish i1 could wear a baýt likp tha t. . . myword, are Ve1ev1 m-yodem1- . ..youI're net geing te wer THAT -- it's a Joke!" Se thiere yeul are - just a few, of the com-ments, fer and against, one poor litle bat wben-i miother gees shopping. A crea- tien, 1I must admnit, that isn t quite se conservative as I'voý- been used te eain.WhDct ees it matter ayajusI 50 long as it stirs up a1uile ln- terest? Aftem ail' it IS perfectly- plain -- ne flowers or fe-mthers Its only dlaim te sma3rtniess is its simpliityý and shape. Thirty years ago theý same style of headgear was very maucih the fashion. 1 caun prove it bDy old famnily photegraphs. Necf ,for a lili matter thati, i proba'bly cif more vital interest te readeors of tbis column than,] mnew hat. And Hat is Bonuis Stams!Are yen for: or git 'ihem? The Canai--dian Cenisuiners, Assoi a tion i S vecry mU C11 aganîttbo. lead 1ofch]aint store usiig ïmpý say Lthew custemecrs just 1 o v e them. I wonder, Well, 1 must admit mest womi- en like the idea of getting a- bargain. They love that "somne- thing for nothiing-" feeling. The fily in the ointmnent is that ne ,n ever gets anyýthing fo nothing. We neyer hav,-e donce. But open. the newspapers arid wli-,at do yen see? Double-page advertisemnents giving al]tir' de2ta-ils abouItithe bonuls gift~ your trading staîmps will bring- you. Mho do yo(u ithink is pay- in-g for ail that advertising? Weý are, natnrally. Chain store-s soon(- cov-er the initÎial cost by n e- 1 tra, cent here an-d there on wbaýýt we cbuy - and vie are se used te prices going up we bardly njotice the difference. Now j-ust mult1-1iply thosefe odd cents by the thousa nds in returns te the ret.ail distributors and it be- cones quite obvieas tiey arce bavàýing a field day, trading on the gullible nature oi. the aver- age heusewife. Everyene knows the cest o-F living is sky - igh, Itetailers, kflow it tee. Flow much bette, it would bc, and whata great1 service te the public at larg-e, if retailer-s got together and, agrûeed tecutout al this "corne- oni nonsense and instead ad- vertised they were- offering goods te their cujstomners at 10w- er prices, ini proportion te thaý amotunit that Isnew spent on. trading stamps and give-away bonuses. Sure. therti are occa- sienal geýnuine price reductions - nowii as weekly "loss3- laders" --- 15q~ less on 10 poundsIý of sugar; or twe caris of this3 and that for- the price- of one. But look a2tourid the slieilves that samre week andO you'll probabiy fid nark-up on quite a nu-11 ber of items -- just te make up the dfifference. Robbiig Peter te pay Paul, se te speak. Let Chain store official.s sayý what they will, ALL'wonciie'n are net in faveur of trading stamPs. Many think just as 1 do- that they are nothIingýý but a niac &and iceaetheCceSt Of living. For tflse, who do collect them- they are ofLten traded in r Som'7ethingý the persen ete ed o m ak e Use Of the staxTiý. lFr itt-le e;iitt'-s that arcre al«y r*tcn.eded fifty cent' sàse ,isiýL. every shoppnh-1 day, anid spenî tlIrough t h e regu1ar chanrnen, would brinZtlie sarne results. A Weil, havixig let loose on theý subjects of hats andtrdn stamps 1,1ndotf~~ wn t earth and et, yly janrs of newlye made m~ustard. piçkles labelled ready for ztorààe' in the basýe-. ment. Six p ,nt nd si,hafpn jar -and lthe'r&---ioue. smeltf :like a pickle f actq6ry.! After thât is done 1 -must go'Dut, ahd get wAhat may WPII be ýOur- last pick- ing of mnushroctm$. Bo3b and 'Joy wr here yesterday and wehad à big' feed of muIsh- r ooem s for sup per &Dd thleire were still' plenty-ieft. for' theia te take h lome. They think the wild mushrpoms-ha ; far m0e fla2veur thaJ the ones on saý& in the stoeeI. 1 d~Vkn we ete et1j g Cfixn4 or go witbhott Relity gro s Fishermen in Aerica av declded tha± 'thl* Most dan.der- Gus f ish 'in 'W d is net the' shark, as sQierqally b,.ievÎ, but thecb"i4qacuda,' age. * savage, ik -,lxi tropical seas.' The ba'r Trc-ýiJéntlY at.. tacks hiuman beings, somnetimee causes death and oécaýionallPY the ýd on loss of limbs. ~ sreiogn'ized by jjatiýves çf..the. arMléTeanGulif ra a n , '~ g o n a s mn o re a p tr.. t a c m f imous than is the fiercest shark, it grow)s te a length 'ofsix or 7evenl feet. and has "knjfe-like teeth and te feroci,-Y of à tier" eijoted a scientist wha encountered abarracuda off tbe.' -sti his fierc-d fish by spearing it w,-th a tlirec-pronged- spear. One oaught hi Vis vway was -placed alive sümè iliTieagoý in the wvell of a sloop. One of -the. s crewýN goiI1g down inte the well, crnd for the rnnet'forgetting fts '*deadW ;occupà-nt, was s"eized by lhe brrcda vhich bit hün jhrough tu te thgh, lam mng hin! for hfe..._ _ _ _ _ Simply the Smo rteSt Fashion's shapdly sbeath in âa be-ginner-easy v e r s * in- P wai-st seams. Ver-satile for anly heur, jersey, or fluid crepe, Wear it wtb or without a beit. Printed Pattern 4906: Missei' Size-s 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16 takes 2% ards of 54-inch fabric.- Printed directions on ac- pt terni part. Easier, accuraite. ,end FIFTY CENTS (sampi, cannot be acept'ed, uepestai note for sfylfori- his pattern. Plee-< pint ' piainly S I1Z " NA-ME, ADDRES S TL Send odde te) ANNE ADAMýS, Box 1, 123 ihteentb St., New t e te'. e' b,~ -4,. NOW FIEAR THIS - Every employe w Inlvalides, Air Termlina-l Paris aorrnes one of these iinyrcevs which sounda off ita isýcreat "beep beepe" when ihe bearter ýis aged. H. neaed only place ilta his ear ta isten ta tihe message. No w; res areinvolved anti waiinq pas%--iien ri rspareýd nonstant rails' o ver the lusakr Gr~cLottr~.e P. Çt.ô<~ke