Scho1 News Tests of tbe~e ~g. Sorne ~s >01-fl - loo. 11- *ed, some in-ie just .5 ~r tests ar ment. marks a 24oz jar 16 ojar 7lbbag lOèzjar Il ~LI OS 'PR j I Portion In I~ jI Tenderloin Portion u CUT$ minations bef 0] he important s. You can easi1~ ober Tests are d value to the d to he tud~ A i -'-4- plain or zpg o 5 pimento 8o k o 5 iBnc Glanvile il G r a d e N i n e s h a da ghO af high sAhool ex- tests beca m quit ou a c re b e ing w a tch ed by w t ce sl trledolutanof(-,he adgot n htyou Vwere sx-U gaigednrvuycas ut~ ~ ~ ~ U per Hwvr Thsfeing ;was ceated. SkASl n ot ra w n u p f r d iu -y rOI n nig t lst th e ci on e I-irgh School H -allOowe'enDace nw surroundi ngs. dÈrtdwt rneceePpr or bcoms aareTI'e "edî for the dCorations goes th nd v du lý e G n ne T r rel1 n d Ge rge 's hlm o h moE Chard. hisclas.In dd- Favourite records and dance tests are for tCe wr rst M 'Te --S ~o te ariva ofher partrnr.A', éleve.n or'clock thé et at C h rism as. lin ch w as'served by 0t e l nc Dc m- sec tat Oc 'p~tacuier fhc dirai'k ofSan- cfs daMeer cortinl ofmar- T e dncecare t anendat paettetoce g enu te owallïtoCoe antenîjoy-' ï liEc ýc Oo tcet doaedb esdayNovenier 101h thne elghtpins iblç eholalong w ite TefnlstagQe of the tbtournien ýgh Slmare hclding a p no eachngthe finl runfor Rlemparbrane Day pro- the Chistmas poultry. in th Un'ited Cu Ch n TetaWdingto dae forthe fina ng a fobl gamne ag;iutwsj owve; loeAnyone could wIn c ~ n nies ohtePbi Pen t nsae: d :lih cîolChveeread-Ted Ho ey 17 pitWm. HooeY 13 be (oserig at the gaine" aMdjury WilhMos 10. Thïs is Cn ovember!Wh6tu e wMllbethe cfistdiisin our ove~ -er;ams with Second DhIsin: firýt on J- li. K i 21, Bruce Ten-nant 20, oon, ~ o ricalftHe High Vod ied w i points each.ý Muge te spueches. une oy Tagart ad Carl G-il- the ic tc toepresent or-, lampleunGcrftn Novemlber I ........ Friday- Troy and Carol wîîl FOLK-S - , >" et gtoether to dec:ide ITFPS&y 7Toc-rE TEE ne connes first Mndwhich- uldlck tu thank Mr.,\Vih- frhis ïaid in juýdging ihe J'ý MeS, iTo agr la Iyers rkey Thesecndhaîf of the Snooker1 Fournam nas been completed at 1'udsBL-liards, The inner 0of lthe Scugog Clean- Thuase 0of Cc-oadonatledby Sfrozen 40 tathomi lb 39C Fogr free prof essional heating advice 'ARTNER Plwnbing & eangý, i-X SEC TION NOW ON SALE The New Assemble It Yourself Giant DICTID NAR 1Orono, Ont. Phons:-Tyrone COlfax 3-2281j r'hons-.-Orono 1782 Ask us about the rnany -adv'antages of an OIL ftEATING UNIT C onvenîent budget terms U Up tùo5yea rsto pay IMPERrAL. FOR THE BEST- i SERVýC[ 212MDI