rd 1Nchê! 1So0' n ois amd Scptic Tanks dFermis available B'FORD BROS. 5i2 t us erect a handscim., dig- ied monument over the. rest- g place of your loved ones. 15 not expensive. And seeing this last tribute will give you endless comfort.I WALTER FRnANK IL' MIcQUAV and KIDD 177 Church St. Bow anvlleMA. 3-3393 ve You Eaough Insuraai.e M.. rON 8:00 p.m. DR. R. J. TAG«ART VETERINARY SURGEON - Phone 10616 Orono, O.*. LUÀt Lawrence C. lasem, B.A,. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANViLLE, ONT. Phones- Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-55î3 W. KAM LYCETT, B.A. M~AIN ST., ORoNo " Tlepeno138 Orono JACK REID -Auctiofteer tandlValuator Specialize iin Farm and Fur niture SaIeg consuit me for tenus and dates Phone 5 r 18 - Oru STH4E N.F. PLRTER - To the 0 1 I woul( e one wlic j Ielection Trustees *oeofo0. ORONO 1R16 RTGAGE LOANS I i1y and c35 H eai-rs irons gag lw. rI OnQ 11716 U.NTE