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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Jan 1960, p. 7

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Convkrts Escaspe Vn Warden's Car Sari Que1ntin, (California, the biggest penitentiary in t h e wcrld, wvas grossly overcrowded -,in 193j. EBlit te hold 3,000 pri- '~l~nrits population ha d risen "--10 more than 6,000. Netese- uilly noted fer its comfortl and ecngnialty t the best cf times, life in tLhe prison had become in1toleraýbly wretohed. A feeling cf unrest amonig the ininates snowball1ed and soon à ecore oc,'priseners 1were singled OUIt as agi"taqters and o)st ite tise ifmosdubgeo-ns. Bttfar f r e mrelieving h tenisioni, this m-rove aggravated it. Rudolph "Badic Boy" Straighf, a 3-yeî--ldcrimiinal.i who had twice tied, and failed, te escaùpa frein San Quentin1, became more determIlliied ,ýthian ever te succeed al bis thiird attempt. At a time when mest people werce lookini, forward te Chrisýt- mais, Straîght wasJi anticiiatin, a ha&ppy 110w .year cf freedom. Cairefully hie selected hree accomplr>iceýs, They were a 28- year-old Scotsmnan, Alexand.cer Mý/ackayý, and twe Americarss - Joe Kristy, 26, and FredLan- dlers, 27. The four of themn planý- nied te make their bid for r,-e- dom cri January 16th, 1935. Straigbt 'prmnised there there w'OuLldc be "outsîde hielp." At about iaicon on the da y, a party cf distinguished men, ahl responsible prison officiais, wvere ittingdor to lunch in the office cf Warden James Helýlo- han. Tbey finîshed their lunch and,wbvile they sat smoking and chatting, Lieutenant Jones and watcbman Doose cf the prison guard ieft te fetoh tihe warden's cear. A minute after their depar- ture, four desperate 'men, eacb ef themr armed, sto 'Pped work In the néarby piison gardeon, en- t.red the wal-den's house, and bure into the lunch room. The 62-year-oid warden tried bû restrain themn, but was thrown 10 tihe floor rand bis. kuli was fauedwith a hlow, frox-r the 10xtuf of a pisqtel. The res-t cf the vbebims -were ordered te swap elothes with the cenvicto. Mark Izoon, thec prison board secre- tary, w-as forced te telephone thie guar-ç, Itewarn hlm net te OPe-n fîre. The hostages emerg-ed juat a tlie warden's car wn',ýs driven Up, Jones and Doose were disarmned a.nd the memnbers cf the prison board were ordered info the car. The four ceonvicts followed ihem in. Forcing the twe guardsi i:o stand on eitiher running board, they drove out through'- lte west gate. O n c e utside, Deose w-as pushed off and Jones hauhed inside to drive. The car sped on its waY %with lte Àwake ,of pursuers keeping aý iresp-ctful distance fer fear the eonviots used 'their guns. Realiz- ing that the esoapers were e-larined by the speed at w-ioh tie police had elosed in, Mark Noon suLilge-zted that be sheuhd be set down te hold back the I50 ce- 3.lae ALL TQGGED OUT - Cubs' premier, Fidel Castro, ltoms out in black tie, white shirt and dress uniformy for a gala cele- braling enniversary of hîe revolution. pjursuing car s. T h e ccnvicts agreed anid dropped hlm coff justi before the Peta2luma Bridge. Noon sopdthe leaýding po- lice car and landthat tihe Petalumra édrawbridge w-55 Up, cffectively hlocking tlle escape cf the fgtvs The convicts' cýar came roar- ing hack alIong the road. SweaFr- ing, with rgtheybeaded te- wý ards Novate, doubling back thirougbý the ranks cf their puir- suers anid ýcating wvild confu- sion- Tbey encountered a road bloc1k near Marshall and opened fîre. The police, apparerîtiy unaware cf the hostagesý in the car, re- plied with rifles and machine guns. Both rear tires of the car were b1lasted away, but somehowg, if kept gcing. Driving at a suicidai pace, thej onDvic;ts reached Valley Ford. As they reunded a bend another bail cf bullets mnet them. T-he windshield and rear windows were s-hattered and thbe car ca- reered crazily off the rcad. Forcing open thbe nearside doors, the convýicts leapt eut and1 raced for the shelter cf a nearby dairy. The driverless car plung-- eitoWards thbe brick wall cf th building at 30 m.p.b. Somebclow the oPficiais t h r e w themselvPs clearf just before the vehice smiashied inte the brickwork. A huIge aïrmýy cf police closed in on the dairy in which the convicts had taken ce-ver after lccking fibe tf in the deep) freeze. Straýighf st ppeared at a win- dow and raised a rifle. Before lie could fire a charge of buck- shet bit hlmn fui, in the face. At the falcf their leader, thbe cther three men surrendered. E'ach was found te have a .45 auto- mnatic, a nd a hundred rounds between themr. The four memnbers cf the pri- son board were safely retrieved axnd one was takcen te bospital to bave a bullet remeved fromn The ncxtI da' poýlice arrested Stevens. Gaptured \witbh hm vas another wýanteLd maril, Albert Kes.se11, lHe and Stevens had planned tc forni a bîank-raiding organization after ".zpringing" Straight and bis hand-picked For tihe hclp he bad given tnie police, Landers w-as deaIt with heniently and parolcd, Mackay anïrcist)iýy, heweveci, were found guilty) cf kýidnIapping witb io lence aànd sentenced te death. Their exeution date was Ëix- eýd for FebruarY 28th, 1936, buit on Fehruaryv 16tb the Brýitislh Geverrment înterceded in tbe êhse of Scotsmn Mackayv, wbe said hýacia taken part in the break because hie considered làie nad been Unjustly treated. On February 2Oth, the Cal,- fornia Supremne court recem11- mrceded fihai Mackay's executien be delayed unti] the U,S. Su- preme Co~urt had dealt w-tsi an appeall fromt Joe Kristy. This wvas rejected and a new exea- cution date was fixed "or April 24th, Then ant heur before the two men were due te hang, there camýire another dramatie in- tervention. Governor Merriamn postpcned the death penalty fer a furtber thi*rty days in respense te a re- 1quest froim the British Govern- mrent. There w-as an immediaite re- sponse from district a;ttcrnei.y Bagshaw, whbo called Britain's iintercession n insult te thm Califernia, Supremle Court" and a third date w-as set for tbe cxc- àcutien -May vI22nd. On May2lst, Sir Ronaldi Linds(l.' ay, t hl e British Consul, ivisitLed fhe State Departmreirt and as a resit a further request w as sent te Gov-erner 1Merriani tecomnl3ioLte the sentence, but once again it was rejected. An, eleventihehur appeau by An- thony Eden, Britain's Frir Secretary, aISe faiiedi. At 10.05 aa..un iMay 22nd, Mlackay anid Kristy werebag ed before a huindredwinse at Sari Quentin. Riding Bueking Buils For Money Joe Green is a wiryV, sensitive 23-year-eld from ie town ef Sulphur, Oki.a,, who ma2kes a liv- ig by riding rcdeo bulîs who do overytbing but sncrt fire and briinstonte. Green dees net par- iticuharly like te ride bulîs. tin fact, ha is almost al-ways necr- vcus jusf bafore 'lie perfornis. But, going into flie National jFinals Rodeo at Dallas hast menth, Joe Green faitstngy em.Net that if helped "Tha,-t wridme," he said. "It alWayâ wevrries me wheri I'm not nier- vous." The Dallas rodeo, or-ganîze.d this year as a World Se(-ies for asport wbich annuahly draws 15 m,-illion spctÉaters, imatched .Joe Green and 6 ý8 ether careiuliy selected cowboys a-gainst th)e most dalngerýous' rodeoanmi lai the ceuntry for prizesý adding uip te $57,500. The avents rang-ed fronm steer-wrestling tocafrp ing, but te the cwoythe busi- ness cf iridiing i-,bfls was dîffer- ect-- and more perileus thain Lanythirig else. Ridirig bulîs, witb their fra-zÀi tic spins, thehr quick directioýn changes and, as a speciaI filip, thieir berriýs, is more risky than riding broncs. Furtier, bull rid- crs arc net permitted saddies. Th'iey ding vwith eei.and iteoa repe tied arouind tie bull's stcm- ach. Wiat tbcy fear m iost, under- standaqbly, is being thrown forc- ward. in tic zone re a biull cari icoi themn in the face wvitb bis horris. Twc tins istinguîshed bll ridi',o eril1 as the Dla rodeo egn.H was hot - lie bacd w-onplzeoe y il] adozcna s * m Çâ;LASSIFIED ADVERI AGENT$ WANIED EIAJN Casb in yua Spare ffume just show youy rhtrinds Our rtstr11afr andç AIl Occasion Greetinig VardF {nc1lfnP Peiglouisi Stationerv, Glfts Wýrite for splea. Colonial Card cict 489-B 0Queený East 1'oro-ntu 2 BAIBY CHICKS BRA~Y Chicks, puliets, c)ckerels -in Barred Rocks, Liglit Sussex. Columbian Rocks and Rhode Island Reds, andl their crosses. Speclal varieties Cor whlite eggs and for brollers. Request coin. plete list. See local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, H4amil- ton, Ont. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALU MEATI market for sale, niew equiptnent. and 9 hou1ses. serpent Rliver, 18 miles froin Ellott Lake on -lgliwýay 17; house incorrie $490àa inonth;inieat sales average $3,000 per mionth. Write ,r ap'ply Phi's Meat hMarket. Serpent Raver, Ont COINS 1"COINS wanted, psy bigh prices 90 icictalogue 25ç. Garyv's 8) 9910- Jasper, Edmonton, Altaý." FARMS FOR SALE SEND 50ýý for addresses of twvo Real Rýt'ate agencies listing farnsalal over V.S. They send free catalog. Address,: Rloss Ingleright, West Branch, Michigan. 150 acres wi-th a, nillk contract, an- otlier 100 acres available. 57 reglstered Rolstein cattle, stanchions snd pens, n~ew stable cleaner, fuli] Une powcr mlacbinery, brick bouse, new coit fur- nace, close Io Peterborough. Contact Rishor Darnes Ditrich Ltd,, 174 George2 St.. Peterborougbi. Phonie RI. 2-5428. straigit 1rodeos sinice August, building bis year's earnings to $9,921. And then, Lunlike many of his rivais, he was net afLraid te admit thie facet of fear, Green himiself believed that iinoney, rather than the 1uils, was Che underlying cause of h13 tension. "I weflt through ln periods cf flot winning and I get in debt and 1- needed the e ney ýse bad. But it got te a point *hej-e, when 1 cculd win somne money, 1 Iumped off. I actually jumped off, I was se tense." Green paused, then added: "Stili 1 haven't choked up since April.' Green's third bull in Dallas Îwas an animi;,!al ned Baldy, net big fer a redee bull (1,600 pounda) but fat. Baldy'-s ce3at was biownish yi eliow, biis face was w'hite, and bis horns were As Green spur-red Baldy eut 0f the chute and into the arena, the bull apun hard and tight tca the right, Grveen hunig on, Sud-. dtenly Baldy stopped spinning and leaped higli. Green lest his tht foothold on the aniùma's mrid-sectiodn, but stayed on-. Tlien Baldy spun Cote rit again and Green ýsailedc off 'bis back. Baldy planted bis bind feet in the smaýll cf Green's back before a rodeo clown lured hlmr away. Green tried te ride ýagain t'lat nigbt. "I couldn't," he said. "My ri bs feit like tbey ýwere pulling jr two. It turned eut the crî- age was terni betweeni three of them." Why does Green do it - sub- mit, himself te pbysical beatings and mental torture year afteir yeaýr? (He st1artedc bull ridi!)g wben hie was 14.) Green makes ne mystery cof the- answ er, "Heli," he said, orie hand on bis battered side. "Why dIo you think 1 do it? For nionie y.- -Fr-om NEWSWEEK Routed Lions With FIashIight Every dlay people show flasýhes of brilliance ini getting out cf tricky situations. Mr. Hendrik~ Ccetzer, a Southi African lawyer, teck bis attractive ycungwi, their tw,,oc blîdren and six other youngsters te camp with hlmn, r2- centlly, on the boundaries of theý Kruger National Park. At 2 a.mn., while tbey wer.e ail sl1eeping QrouLnd-- the camp'fire, he suddenly iAwo)ke and s'aw a pair- cf eyes glintirig a ýt hlm Ceut cf the dark.ý Callinig te hiýs wife, -"We've a hyena noSing, arounid here," De switclhed on hus flashlight and saw, te bis dÏismay, tbat instead l o)f a prowling hyena, the place cf them, aiL pdig ad HELF WANTED MALE -SALESMEýý-N7 (fuil or part Urne basis>. tue to the recenit introduction of a ,e Ny accidenÈt type ïieneberslp wve requfre adc'ditionazl sales3 personnel te contact per-sons living ln both ceus-i -try and towýns. Immirediate e1arnlngs and uLrimited opportunities can be yours Ini this well respectced establilhed or- ganlization if you d(isplay the fneces- sary ability. No P-rvious sales experi- ence ilecessary since traîinlng and sa1,,es mteris] provided by the Ciompaiiy. In- veès'tîgate this opportunity now by writ- ing te the Allled Services (Canada), Personnel Division, pO0, Box 1029, ,Losi- don, Ontario. se thet oa personal inter- view casa be arranged. Ail replies held inl stricteat confidence- ARE YOU RETIRED? t But Went Interesting & Dignlified Work IF yýou are an energetJc person who wold be bappier and healthier In business, we inivite you te dliscuas a new career ln the Muitual Fond Sales; Field. Age is an asset in our busineýss. together wlth intelfligence and initia- tive. You contre] your own workingz tuine. Complete training provlded. Cail or write for a persofizf i Wsýssjom Bruce Sutherland -- Sales MAanagtr FRY & COMPANY LIMITED 360 Ba'Y Street, Taranito, EMpire 3-1»2U INSTRUCTION DIARN nmore! 9Bol<kkeeping, Slsa shpSbortliand, Typzewritbj'g. etc. Ta Sens 50f. Ask for free c'ir'cular No0 3 Caniadian Corresýpondenei Corses ?2%0 gay Street. Toronito LIVESTOCK ANIGUSVUE Faýri offers youing bus servieable age. Bred females ail ages,. Arîgusvue Frn H A. Campbell Son, R.R 1, Listowecl, Ontario. IT'S IMPORTANT - EVERY SUFFERER 0F RHEUIMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STOrýE 335 EILGIN OTTAWA $Î.25 xrîClIc * PQST'S ECZEMA SALVE SANISH ibe forment oi drv cei rashies ai w ýeeplng 5kmin rcubles *Post's Ec-Zenla Salve will coi dïkappoint You Itchlng, scallng snd burnlng ecze- ma, acre. rlngwori. pairiples -1d foot eczema wi resp-onu readjiy te, tbr, stainless edorless intsnent regardlless of how stubborn or Yopelessa tbey s eemn sent Poet Frea, on peceint ')f price PRICE S3.50 MER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2f6l St Cla1r Avenue Ease MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE GENUTINE Blacki Forest Cuckçoo Clocks, shipped direct freirn Germany to yoij, $5.00! Satisfýaction.1 Guaraniteed or sn'oneY back. H-artford, 2704 W, Slnd, Denver, Colorado, USA. N'URSE WANT4ED OPERATING ROOM SUPER VISOR wltb exýýperiene or post-graduate tan ingfor6(1b~dactvegefleral hospital, about' 2011 nlex reinLonudon.Rlesilene 'Cccni-iodatiori avallable. Excellant rersonnel plilies, For particulars re- gardiig -vriy attractive effer. write to Dîrécttr of Nursinuq, Strathroy General Hoa'pital, NURSE AND NURSES, AI WANTED GRADUAIE -NURSE Vaàcsncy te be fllled Starting saglarp $275. Lodglag $M,00 par tmentis. Staif 1uleS and informiation Iipon receipt if latter i JVIafIlpartJiulars and quali- ficatioïls NURSE'FS' AIDE Vacancy to ba fiied Starting 'salary SEND REPLY TO ADMIN ISTRATOR OCEAN FALLS GENERAL HOSPITAI. BOX 640 OCEAN FALLS, B.C. OPPORIUNifIEs FOR ,MEN AND WOMà1EN JONBE A KAIRORESSER CANADA'S LEAING, SCHOOL Greai Qpportuauty, Pleaseant diglfied -rofýession; 'Goo waýeq Tisousanda oýf suec0essful Marval Graduatea Amierica's Greatesi ,Systam ilistrte CaaloueFrea W1rite c0Ca1 MAVE AIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Ioô St W.Terontc vaneemet an races;r ýceeaL formationgfSt.,W.oyal lteof ci ence, 709 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Can- ADULTS! Personal Ru1vbieGooda 30ê assortinent for '$2.110 Finest quli(y, tested. guaranteed Mailed u ll sesled pac1kage p1lus trBrth C"ýj'rro bokllel snd cataloguýte cisurppLies. Western Distributors, 9BOX 24TMI Ra-gîna, Sask P4OTfOGRp,%HY SAVE!I SAVE!I SAVE F7imsdes-elopedaind 5magna prits lu albuim 40e 12 magnaprints lu album 610ý Rephrits 65(,ac KODACOLOR Deeosgroi] $1,0 0 etL cludlng priais) Celer priais 554eacb extra. Ansco sind Ekiachronse 31 in. '20 ai- posuras fmeulnted in ild,es $1 251 Coler printa fre' in aides Seci. in refuanded la rfuît for 'nprnitee nog"a- tives. FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB Boy 3i GALI ON'1J PONtES SHETLAND ponties, yug rd ai- tered aad grade ma is,-lito eide. Onle grade colt6 oh.Kent Ratis, Messley iEACH-ËRS WANTED OTTAWA SEPARAJE SCHOOL BOARD JAPPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVLItD BY THE tJNDERSIGNRD FOR TEACR. ING POSITIONS IN REGUL-AR CLASSES1 ATTENJIED 13Y ENGLISH - SPEAKING PUPILS AND F0R11 EpOItABT SlIP- PLY STAFF. FEMALri )ÇItCLASS) MINIMUM ........ .......$2,600.0- MAIXIMUM $.. 4.290.00 FEMALE(b.--(NDCLASS) MINIMUM.. .... .....$2'500.00 MAXINIUM..S4100 MALE {c- CST ASS) MINIMUM......... 280O MACMLE .. 04. IMINIMUM.........$2,70001 MIAXIiUM........_>...... .-....4,3000 TEMPORARY SUPPLY STAFF - $10,00 PER DAY MALE, MA,,RRIRD, $500,00 ADDITION- AL FOR TEACHIS WITH FVw YEAR'S' EXPERIENCE lN ONTARIO APPLY TO AI-ME ARViSAIS, B A.-P.C.I.s. SECRETARY-TREASURER 140 CUMBERLAND- ST, OTTAWA CE, 6-7475 WANTEDi Used shieetmiuslcç and booka on music, popular or cîasical, Regard.- lessa age or Condition Will psy cashi, Sheetmuisic, Lac, Býox 194. Larchiomet, New York, WANTU -RABIflAND PiJGEONS RABBIT$ and Pigeon's alive aedfor- table usýe. Box 203, 123-leth Street, New, t..oronto, Ot 1 lWas NeryCrazy Ve ý ry uni se fsotiocoinglqu o. D). 1. Prescriptionpotleyriea raw ired ic-asdbyecmarse, resessta;ioleas. 39'c tia-l bottle muit e'atîsfy or1,ony i-f tsuerAk 'our drutgiist for D. P i. f). 1,RECiTN N 'N N N N 'N N N N s N 'N 'N 'N N N N '-i N 'N 'N -s 'i -i s N N N N 'N 'N s N -s s N N t" s 'N s" 'N -t N N N '-t N 'i 'N -s-t

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