ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THU Ophcuns Forced Into 4th ASKS FOR YOUR Bancroft boyýs ,went out in front On n counit. Juior West thien ,stcored the final OrWono goal hch va, overcome b nte 3nrf count." HE LP WHAT YOUR MONEY DOEÇF., The Rotary C'ub3 shire of Easter Seal F'unds May be spent on the care, reat- mient ani rhbItto of orthopedica!Iy crippled chi.dren in this arÉ a. Here are a fewv of tLhe things that the Rotary Club with the help of your £aster EeaI don- ations have accomplished in the past year: Provided transportation to both Merry- wood Camp and Blue Mountain Camp for Crippled Children for this district. We have approximately 20 children on our active list on which we have made ex- penditures during the past year. '~Entertained 23 guests at aur Annual Christmias Pa'rty for Crippled children of the district. Looked after the followng: Special Braces, Chairs, Major Therapeut- ic Treatmnent. Several children supplied' with crutches and corrective equipment. BsUY EASTER 3Lm.eL Ae DUSE THEV ~ -...eeeW~U PUT YOUR [)ONATION IN TH~ PINK ENVELOPE ______AND MAIL TODAY A Receipt wili be sent to you for Income Tax purposes Summer Forestry Course Proves A Favouri1 e ~UI I U~ YV iii ~ UIULI ~ Orono feIt ithe y were, robbed Of ____________ __onegoal which ps d~erdJne, _____ ~~~but was difaiow1d1bthe efer'ee ,Hundreds of applications are SE-ONMGO The BanicroftLintermiediates came aný id Doug is tkngacourse at Dor- who ciaime t ertaeiledfarou iinto the 1cDepartmnel of i-p wt a v-ictoryv over thie Oronio set, for the ne-xi few weks Ieflough. Tanc ndForests hee s Ontlario UIN TOBACCO plydini Marmora. The e -Don Mercer3, Pil 1Lon!-g ;and 1Jun,- h ighshol suet ekt a Orhas nodnsay Tin agam ro TheOoo oswntotstogýncies in the Junior Raniger proe fdea1etoolg s asscieni- vîcorywasanupst i ~hr!in te f irst period anid scored three oî- Wes carie te !fnsv 1d- 1tists wl aento delop ne nsec whlic his led by Oronio 2-L. This now goas with Banicroft seltling for aLics f durîne thght. vVîth J3niirton gramhaveinaugurated be theDe- foce aforl gm t b payd ngebeinid Vinc,(e Vansto>ne. Rob- dtne i \o owrdue ad I- t1 uin h ord Wrlides tb protect lubacco from the býrewaeen ith two teamswhih wi bed Rbno etd is ihto be-evmpd it Rib .obTwo years. se-onmaggot. get underway at S:30 iii the Bow- 'aeWs n hre rsrn ni ete' Ânai ae Oeo h otscesu fal According to J.A.Begg Of the i7aniville Arena this Studa flwigwith< counters. Wvest. Dean Wstcelr ed for, Chas. lqrrniixte rmnshas beenChta no lgy abrtr, eing, Apifln. tin the second iperiod the ta1bles Ax tong 3d Eic arleon. theprogramme whe-reb)v studients Canadam enbotmtofgy labrtory,l were revers0ed11cwith Orono netting""' tWitte an0 Oronoivictory Saturdayrsdi --)toiiothettnorthtlforThIhetholidayorkpa(, ting-wain er îreatmentsme preventen On ednsdy nighit ithe Oronio sigebRaeWthsecn local fanmswod then be assured of n .Teele okune h et h crew w-ere Xn-inlus two of Ihir e- i0 h iliadBnrot-- teOrhn nein1h ia supervision of skilled ranesaddm we w nhso fenicemen whoaresetywork- thiree. The gme wsal tied uQ ý'p , aydowns for the Provinice of Oni- learn more in lwo monýths ihaothetun ergrud semut nhofo ing out of the area. Those absenit a heedoftescodprid a IlTis fin-al sre woufld be most of their parents learni in a tese a e endvsd wereMclSehli nd ougPowll.playd wlh n etryfro ~~t 1fetime of vacationing. Mel was tranisferred east last week Earin i the thlird peri'od Ille Dover1. Rqieeî r arysif p He say hr sapsiiiyta 1ýcants'rmust be 17 years of age by this magg1ot has çlevelopedl strains Juv1, 1960; muist be ini Gradil reisistanit to common insecticides ____________________ ______________________________________1____ )_,rhîgher and of gond health- and m,ýd Ihîs angle is being inv\estigaled nbvsoe. upications far outnum- rekoftesd-rnmg ber the actual vacancies: 1 i Tn -me Out-brasoIh edcr ng v-ears as aya 500sudrt ot ini flue-curel tobacco occurred Ieu jn jobs. 0f thiis pest in tobacco. since 19311 11, ~anýd 19441, which were both minor. f), the Annual Easte-r Seal Campai ,,n TO HELP Appflicationi forins are nbtained frcm the -Personnel Section, D~e-! inrtment of Lands and Foresîs, Queen's Park, Toronto. EmploY- ment is for the months of July and A4ugust and accepted applicants are r ,ure 0undertake to remain for thie fulilpcriod. Presenit pav Jis $4 per day plus board and lodg-ing -and apcorndation mnay be in lents or cabins. IThie Junilor Rangers programme haýs boeen a success from its inaugur- ation. Thie boys p)ay their own trans- portation to the assigned district hpadouarters. Crews of about 12 or 11 boys are supervised bv exDeri- Pnced rangers and do various tasks from c(learingý portaLzes and camnip. sites to building fireplaces. Occasionallv, and Ihen -Lnder strictest supervision, they are called Iupon to hielp fil forest fires. Sincethe programme began 1nearly 9f0 vears ago, Ihere J'fis nee en a serious accident, althioughi, on, oc-1 S,'asion,ý Departnment planes have, been. called upon fori, egec flights to lake Youths to hospilal for surgery. It in't il wrk;far fl-rm it. Fv Prv district plans enlertainiment 1)-rgrmmes whiuli may range from 'ftball tournaments to flighls in Deparîment aircraft, v1is-its 10 woGodS industries, swîmmnn-ing, fîsing anffl 1other s ports. Records shiow that most of the "o)uths gain 10 pounids in wefight in thie first weeks of thieir stay "in the bush", and return Io ftheir ho1mes in greatlv imroveiphsic-al condi- lion. Purpose of thie prog ramme is to) assist students who re consider- 'ing forestry or, related] vocations and 10 acquaint young men wî7th thle Work of the tDepartm-ent. Growing needs of a growing family are best protected by a Crown Lile Family GEOIGE A. BRlOWN SgwPECIALSI! iSUM? PUMPS ih2 etoPp, Glass Linedwih2fetoPpe $0O jROT WATER TANKS ................. $40.25k 10 Vear Warranty LALINDRY TUBS..................... $16.00 DRYERS,ý............. ....... for only $189.6f4 Stainless Steel KITCHEN SINKS......-.. $14.95 t White Enamel KITCHEN SINKS....... .9 Regular $16.50 PLASTIC PIPE, a,11 sizes at best current prie-es. We have acomplete stock of Deep or Shallow Well Pumps. j DROP IN TO 01FR STORE TO-DAY Harvey Partrer - ?Iumbing & Heating' Phone Orono 1782 Each Thursday, Ellen Ramisay visits, the bank to pick up the company,. payroll. On Friday she vilsits on hier own behalf..,. to deposit hier sav\ing1s. On both occasions shie receives promipt, personal attention. In the country, busy insurance man Tom WXelch veryv rar-ely visits is bank. He dloes A his banking convenientliy by mail. But hie gets the samne friendly, efficient service. Requiremnents miay differ but, at The Cana- dian Bank of'Commnerce, the ý.ervi,,ce remnains constant ... and as broad and enterprising in concept as Canada itself. Clear across the ýounitry.,, n rural commiunities and in big ur-ban centres, The Canadian Bank of Comn- mnerce serves its mnany-custom-ers with that sincerity whîch makes bankîng a pleasure. THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE 192 King St. East, BOX 194LU~)Ur<«i<r *.wmanville MA. 3-5131&6 RNO DANCU W. L. KING, MANASER& g-. fla*ana CRIPPLED -CHILOREý-Aý THE BOWMANVILLE ROTARY CLUB Associated with the Ontarjo Society for Crippleci Ch'ildre-n 1' p