Phoney Sec Dog Tricked The Navy A zhot rang eut la a wýoodù niear Cologne, Germnany, and a .,>gbeardled man slumped to thse ,,,ý,roursd with a bullet in his headc -., . One oý tise world's greatest seoundrels and one of its most notorious liars had clieated the hangman by blowing his brains, out. Not long afterwards the West Middlesex Coroner, on the out- ,skirts of London, conducted an inquest into thse deaths of a -young woman and lier mother. They 1lad both been severely battered in a home they raur îor old people in Ealing. Tise coroner's jury hiad no dit-. flculty ini saying that the youug womian's husband hiad murdered his wtt e and his mother-in-law. Tise murderer and thse corpes las Cologne were the samie. If a Scots jury had flot been 80, eympathetic, or perhaps stupid, in 1927, at the tria]lainEdin- burgis of John Donald Merret tar wounding his mothier, sever- al lives would have been spared duing the next twenty-seven years. Merrctt, alias Chesney, alias MiJner was a crook, gun-runsser alnd smiuggler - a viciouS bully, a braggaýrt, a hian and a rat who hived Sff women. Ht w%ýas also a murderer, but Lojrd Alness, tise Scots Jucigo, oudhardly be expecteci Vo fore- t(ce tise future when lie presided et tht trial lu Edinburgli. Chesney's lies led him ou two occasions Vo the steps of tise scaf- lid. On, tise first occasion hie was tu,4cky, on tise second lie avoidcd éIse final ignominiy by lis o-wn hand. In ïi.Y time 1 have Prosecuted hiundreds of eriminals. 1 have jpoken to Viousaxsds, botisý inside and out of prison and to--day ,mahîy well-meaning people say that crime is a disease and thiat ieYiriminals should be reated a>s ackpersonis. iu mauy cases "thall is a per. fetly correct staf onent, but what si-) many people torget is -tInt there are a greaf nurnber ofcriminals- who indulge in a -1£ o! rme ffro-m choîce. Tljey are flot lu crime becau-se, of poverty, hecredity or erviron- ment, but because fhey ara iclous and idie. Jo-nu Cisesney was suds a pier- sjou. He was bad from tise be- gln-ning and xas quife incapable- eof telling thie trutis to anyone, or: making any afifempt to e-aru ein isonest living. For sucis peo- pI.)e there ca-n utmfeyle only orle end. In Chesney's case tise end wis postponred for a, few years by the inteventofethie \var. 1 r 1927 Mârs. Berthsa AMerret wsliving lu Edinburgh witli lier onfly son, Jacks Donald, wlio was tIen nineen. Tise daugister of a wealliy mercisauf, who 1lad been separated from fier liu sband1 for a number of years, she lived comfortabDly aud lavisised both aecinadmoney uipon lier' only child, who had decided to study art at tise universit, Ho \vas supposed t e li tfeîd- ing flis classes, but quife un- Pin.own fo his motiser lie wa.s idiga very diffei-ent lite. eof lis mother's obvoscne, le ad beon for som'e timne a abuéof dance halls, public -uss, low-class cafés aud clubs1. Obviously lie was a youugý ras- Lmai aud iearly iu 1927 lad enibark- .d on a lite of crime whioli lie wvýas to follow for Vise uext twen- ty..sevon years. F7or somre tîme lie lad been robbiug his mother by gettinig possession of lier choque book and torging lier signature. Eve- tually lie was fouud out f win i mfotiser roceivedi a letter from, ber bank manager, disclosîni1g tise «'no THIS is where if ends.'" sise no-ver imado any sgeto aginst bhlm. Lu lhis address to tlise jiury M1erretf's counsel asked them -' to seud out this lad with a dlean bil i ad e will neyver dis- honour your verdict". Untorftunately the jury wr mîisguided enougli to accept hs estimation of tise prisoner and their verdiot on tise murder charge was "Not Proven." On & lessor charge of forgery Merrett was senfeuced te twelve m-ontht bu prison. Tise trial was remaLrkable for- tise numnbor cf ex>,perts wiso gave e-vidence, includisg tise groat Sir Bernard Spilsbury, who la the wl,,iôle of has career gave eviï- dueonly twice for tise detence, of which tise Merrett case was orle. Tise prisoner added Vto lis lies by giving evideuce fIat lis mofiser lad shot hersebt. It waS a vastly imnprobable account, but Pappareutly tise jury blievod him, Ho eswivffly took advantage of flua chiance. Sdorfly atter lis r- lease lie married aud bofore long lie was back lu prison again, af- fer a string of bad choques lad caugît up ,vith him. Wheu lie came ouat trom this sentence lie inhorited a fortune which ladi been left in trust for hlm by bis grandi aVier. TiePublic Truistee, wlio wae Liandling .tise attair, persnaded tise young man to seff le uoarly £ 9,000 on hisawbfe. Under tise s-ettiement she was to -roceive tise iuterest during lier lii e, but if. she died betore 1er isusband tise capital would go back te, hlm. Nobody could, of coutrse, reaîizc that ye-ars lafer fliat sot flement was to be tise girl's deafis war- ra-nt. Affor lis leconroe lease train prison Chesney persuaded his- wîeto joh in lmiluwhat he caî- od a series of adventures. Flor soýme yoars, riglit up totise 1939 outbreak of war, they were ln- volved lu smuggling incidents on tise Continent and running coni- traband and gun lun tise Medi- ferrautan. Ris wite loft hlmi on 'several occasions and lirougisouf thosýe years lie was in prison againaf leasf tvwice. Iu 193.8 Mrs. Chiesney retîred Vo a Lond-on suburh ithflhlep ,nothor to, runî a homne for oldi On theoubakf war, Cises- noy, witli complote confidenc,.e, tricked tise Na-vy into giving liîm aý commission. Tisouglout hîs service he twas regardod by tise juninor officers as a swashbuck- linlg sea-do,Whio lad tales C. fine advonturo f0 ol and stories, of fascinatîng poople lie had met. But lie omiffcd te mention thrat the adveufures were crtiminal aund thse "aciaîg ep e re la Prison. During tise wliole of this fime lie was seldom w Vitliouf someJ wvoman af lis elbow andato Vthe var le indubged lu a iotous. spree of illeg-al business aîtâ smrugglîng ilu Germyaniy. But tise timne was running short for Ronald John O hesnev a n d sgo was lis mouiey. Ho made desper- att atfomipts to persuade lis wf to divorce hlm or to break Vhe trust lu lis tavour But Mrs. Cliesuey rofused boil lis requests andtia for lier wva5 thof end, Iu 19-54, by aunuei~ plan Cliesney camn-e Vo Londl-oï frenmi Holland by air, murdered lis ifeaid lier motser lu),tisa old people's home anMd got bacl< ti Hall21and before liewas dis,- Rowever, tise èall weut ontt that Ronald John OChesney waî waufed for murder aud go lie wal.kod into a wý,ood near Cologne- with a pistol f0 comimit tise Onte sonly decent acf lu his lte Only one pe-rscn flloed is -oifin info tise comtery. 'Ned- less Voý say, if was a wmn ARTICLES FOR SALE TtIREE ROLL 75" HOFFMAN FLATWORI< IRONER IiOSPITAL expansion prograni ne quined langer unit, snd thls ta now sur- plus. Iu perfect operating order until disconntcted lentt month. To be sýod for bast bld over scrap pric'e, purchasen te move sarne. Administrator, Leamnington District Mlemoial Ho0spital, Leamingtoa, Ont. BABY CHICKS BAVE tume, buy Bray started pulets. Good selection, nequeat lisi. Dayold puilets, mixed chleksansd cockerel., Âmnes, Leghsorns snd dual purpose, for ý ropt shliment. Tuie to order Apnil. ly broiler chicks. Set local agent, or write Braiy FHtchery, 120 John j4orth, Hanilîtoni, Ont. BAR44%-UE UNIT FOR SALE OUTDOOR rmobile bsn-b-que unit. Ideal mioney-mapkiaig projeci for junior serv- ice club mnembtrsisip. Ininoduced for firet tume lsst year as pantue effort senving about 13,00 portions i1)gEsex, Kent sud Midfflesex ýwith a potentiai cookiug ability of 2,000 full senvingm per day. Box 211, 123-1801 St., New Ton- lento Ont. BOOKS NEW! "Why I left tht Mlniistry sud be- camne an Atheist". Vincenti Runyon., $1.00 Free liai Philosophical books. Superion Booka, Box 2M3, San Diego 12, Calýiforuis, U.S.A. BUSINESS OPPORTUIYIIES APLI su ad TV businiess lun Madoc, Ont_ $9,000 wiili stock. A real buy, establisised 5 years. Ili-healtis forces tii sacrifices. Low rentai for store. Apply to Box 97, Stirling, Ont Phiono BRAZILIAN LAND! 200ý0 te 20,000l acres, $250 an acre. Hetalthy elevation sud c*m.ate. Near Braziliarods coin. Harden, 220Green SreMerced, rOR Sale $10,000.00 Garage busineas handllng Esse opioducts in fast grow- ipg southwesteni town. Franchises for au tomobile ud/or machine p arts avail. able. Preseut owner netiring. Write Poast Office Box "U," MIeit, Manitoba. BUSINESS PROFERTIES FOR SALE GROCEET business %witis residence et' tached lu village. 30 mles freni Riteix tuer. B3ox 207 12?-4# Sfreet, New Tot'- onito, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE 20;acres cday bans. 10 Rcooni ouat las cludes upper aparnment. Barn 55 x 36. 2 Shedsi!o, Caîf Pens, Chiuken bouse. Double garage and ahop. Mille Ceniraet. Will sa)l witb or wilhoui s teck sud nmachiuery. Apply to, Mr. swaýren1ct C. Rhora, R.IR. No. 2 Stîkinle, unt. This advetisemreut publilhed f ne. as ont of our imany benefits hy: - THE ALLIEO SERVICES (CANADA) 1629 DUNDAS STREET EAST LONDON, ONTARIO FOR Sale: 80 acre farm, giood buiildinigs, modern conveutences, George F,. Mac- Kewn , R.2. Thornloe. 250 acres Dsiry or B1eef fan on paved read. 8 rooni houst* ith ail convenien- ecs. New Pole harm 42 x 70. Lake oni pr'OpentY. Wouild make a lovely suas- mer home. Apply: Mn, Donald Walker, R.R. No. 1, BELLAMYS, Ontario. Ti advaniisemient publishied fret as ont nf q'ur M41Y banefits by: - eTHE ALLIED SERVICES (CANADA) 1629 DUNOAS STREET EAST LONDON, ONTARIO "304" FARM SPECIAL "300" 300 acres c1oic e farn land, large 4 bedý- rooni brick home ith bathroomys and furnace. 2 lan'ge 52' x"91' steel Poe barils wth caent floons sud hested wtrbws. 93' x 93' paved ba.yrd 31 large trench silos, 128' x 36' hiog parl- ier witb 36i stils having electical out- lais for has-t lmansd speclal drains. Chicken bouse aboya liolda 2 te 3,0001 henýs Two ther -ban bouses, mnachina ohd wu grain rmil complt witb Goodison mnixer, 24" grinden, hammner millsud 6,500 bushels cspacity grain bins. 105 acres fail wheai. .40 ac-res plowed. Set- ibis hesutiful set up wihi DiEL PARKER, c/o D. B. White & Sonsý Limied; 366 N. Chiatina Street, Serý- nasOutanie. 100 Acres near Makdale. 7 Rooin brick bouse witb jeaavy duty wïinug. Wýaien [a bouse sud barn. Barn 50 x 50 wthi couc.-rete floor. On open rond near main iiigisway. Good Trout lake ou property, Apply te Mn. Jake Schopf, Berkeîay, Oniarie. This advertisctment plt ahadLe fret as one of our miany benefits by: - THE ALIED SERVICES (CANADA) 1629 DUNDAS STREET EAST LONDON, ONTARîO FLORIDA REZORTS 11IALEAH .(Greater Miami), AAA ml) roomsa;and apartments, $3 daily per person> doubo occupancy atter Mlarch 10. Write for brochure. Formeer Toi,- ontonians. Whaiey Motel Apts., 452 E. 31 St. Viaieah, phone MYiamii OX 1-7722, Pool privleges. HOBBIES OR DO-IT-YOUR3giLF BUILD IT Yourself Projects! Send 60<- for iilustrated woorl \working pattern caitalog to: Woodworklng Pattern Sales 87 Crawfoürd St Toronto 3, Ontario. I4OUSE FOR SALE LAItE Sincoe: 2 Storey 7 room houge In Sutton West. Lot 60 x 150. 4 pc. Bath upstairs, 2 nc. dowfl. Comapleitely r.. decorated Ner storeg. Vacant now. For further details apply to; Mr,. Bar Wilson R.R. No. 1 Port Perry. This ad- vertisemnent is published free as one oýf our miany benefits by:- THE ALLIED SERVICES (CANADA) 1629 DUNDAS STREET EAST LONDON, ONTARIO HELP WANTED ?H.ARMýjACIST for retail pharMcys Northern Ontario, close Ln Sudbury40 hour weekc, good pay. Garson Pharni- *c, Garson, Ontario. ST. THOMAS - ELGIN GENERAL HOSPITAL, Sr Thomnas, Ontario WFLL EQUIPPED, MODERN, ,- CRRDITED GENERAL HIOSPITAL, 37! BEDS pREQIJIRES ASSISTANT DIETITIANS ltPDt nd .A.Mmehi necessary, Apply To Chief Dietitian HELP WANTED MALE Exýperienced Cornpositor also Verticle Mihie Presmann for Commercial Print- ingý Comipany Good wvages and bene- f'its' Five days a week. State expeý-J. ence. Shiepherd P'rinting Co. imiîted Foui-th Street, Chatham, Ontario. INSTRUCTION tAR'-N more! Bookeeping, Salesman. ship' Shorthandc, Typewritinlg, etc. es sos1,. Ask for fracciercular No 3 nCorrespondenec, Courses 1'2" Jay 'Street, Toronto. LîVESTOCK CHATSWORTH4 LODGE JERSEYS 0.%TARIO'S ighest producing Jersey, ýed'oung sires frorn somje of Cal, ada's grpeatest cw..salyavailable ý,nd rcasonaiblyv prIeeâ.Don Mth Cormley. Ontario MACHINERY FOR SALE 1959 30B backhoe; 20-ton Unit on rub- ber; Insiey bscýkhioe wiMth trailer; D7 Angle dozer used Y,000 hours; Buclseye. backhoe DragIline $6,000, 2 used Garb- .ige Psckers; 8 in. Slosting Sandsucker;, 5ton steel Stiffleg derrick. Bayne, CL "-595 !lo37Trafalgsr, Londîon. MEDICAL PROVEN REMEDY - EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MuNRq's DRUO STORE, 335 EL.GIN OTTAWA $;1,25 Expressýt Colleci POST'S ECZEMA SALVE IIÀNISH the torment of dIry eczemna rashes and wecping skîn troubles, Fost's Eecema) Salve will not disappoint fau tlching, scaling and burning c7e- mia, aciie, ringwormi, pimples and footi eczema wxill respond readily te the stainless odorless oiaîment regaýrdîcs of how stubborn or hopeless thcy seemn Sent Poat Free on Receipt of Prîce mRCE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMAEDIES 2868 St. Clair AventucEalst TORONTO MiSCELLANEOUS IVREE "'Information about the Ozarks.e' ~ niist with actual photos. Owensb)y Laltors, Buffalo, Missouri. SALE! Old: Phonographi Records, eld Sheet Music, Books, old Magazines. For cash or swap for - w-hat have you? Write: F. .J, Bretzke, Brownsville, Wl7s- cousin. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALF Notie t Shotea 1EARING Ade. Direct, froin maniufat- Specia1 ofctuner (<ne pgeuts) $89.50 buys yen ae "or ael vour nIeede wrt, phon ucomplet,-Iy guaraietd set tisai nos,- r eomý,e in Io ma,,le selefor *2975.00 Write for Ifet WETERN OUN SHOP o liier atued gaate. n DiDs- 101 Weston Rd,, Tortoo Ont. trbuiig CSihFalls, Ont. Tellephôae8 RO. b-5032 LET R goedsi, ustoni hol0stere. FOR Chritrc-s Trea planting use thet pisol, ifte mde ad antiSue fre- 'Fo 'restiVi Tansdem iTrea Planti$ erims, kalves. , swQnde, emmutnition av or botter Plant 1,000Q trees reloa-dIng eu uaAtqegun la - tisirty inues.Write fer lcr- lJI eys ted. Speial elis'oonnis tri 9- ive, litel!ature free. Forest i VI, be ff çen qup lubianddealerm trrenNursery, (Garmanie, fPa, 1,9W uvu on round-trip to I * Round-trip reductions mntit April * 275 pounds fre, baggage allowai a Stabilivers for smooth taillng aDancing, f&, movies a Transportation - Plus Extra Vacation I Se yur oca agntNo oe ( un serve yous ters J Corner gay& eîgtnt. TootOnterîo J Teiephono EMpIre 2-2911 MOI., Europe 14 091111 MAIL (AR IIiTIA QUIEN EIIZAPETI IVEIINiA MEDIA SYLVANIA ÎRITANNIL SAIÇONIA PAPRTIIiA MAiRIAIA MISCELLANliOUS WANTEO WANTEËD Steamn Engine, Thresher, 014 Farn Machlnery and Stove Catalogues, Old Auction Sale Bills. Send prie fira,, letter. Boxt 119, Thorabil, Ontarlo. NURSES WANTIO GENERAL STAFF NURSES Required For 500-Bed Hospital tlxperii,,ce available la Surgery, Medi.- cine, Obstetrics snd Geria.trics. fiegistered nurses basice salary $266 pan, month for 40-houx' week. APPLY DIRECTOR 0F NIJRSINte Kitchener - Waterloo Hospital Kitchener, Ont, OPPOIITUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN SE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING OCHOOL Great Opportuaity Learn Hairdressing Pleaýsant dfignified profession; gooci wAages. Thousands of successfuÀl Marvel Graduates 41enria's Greatest Systeni Ilsitrated Catalogu1e Free Write or Cal MARVEL HAIRDRESSING 9CHOOL 350 6loor St. W., Toronto Branches: .44 Ring St. W., Hamiilton 72 Rideau Strecet, Ottawa. PHARMACIST WANTED ORHAMCS FCRshopping centre store, good op- portunIty fýor mn with abllity and ex- perience. ExceUent stantin-ý salary, dis, pensing onfly. Must have references. WRITE or phone Throop Pharmiacies [Lim1ted' 1315 Carling Avenuie, Ottswýa> PA. 2-0510. PERSONAL WEDDING invitations printed. Write to MI H-eadfond, 68 Tiuti tlngton Avenue, Toronto (Scanrborûugh), Ontario For free ails DRUG STORE NEEDS 8Y MAI L FERSONAL needs. Iluuries inivlte a Lyon's Druga, 471 Danfo;rth, Toronto- HEALTR, H iappiness, Prosperity, Ad- vancemreni anrd Smccess are accelerated by thse fome Course Ir Psychology In- formnation freet.Royal College of Sel. ence 70,1 Spadfina ýve Tononto Cau. ADULTS! Personagl Rublben Gonds. 46 assortment for S2.00. Finest quality, tested guaranteed. Maled in plain eealed package plus fret Birtis Cotrol btooklet snd catalogue of supplies. Western Dîstributors, BOX 24TF Regfina, Siisk, GET 8 HOURS SLEEP EVOS tension nmay cause 75% 0ft sllnsParticularlly sîcep.,essuee, ïitteryness and irritability. Sleep, calas your rnerves wlth "apa,10for 11.00. 90 for $400. Lyon'.s Drugs. 471 flan- torisTorntmoî. PHOTOGRAPHY COMPARE our phioto -service trýy an order. KODACOLOURý DEVELOPING - 90< GIANT COLOUR FRINS - 350 gu. Anscochriomie & Ektchomemonted ln slidies 11.25. BLACK & WHITE DEVELOPED suad 8 Enlarged prints.. ..-..50$ eud 12 dated (lait printfs........ .. . 70 Reprints 5,< each We Psy aill shippinig char'ges, A fast dependable service by METRO PHOTOFINISIIING MO BOX 670 ADELAIDE ST. STA. (AT VICTORIA) TORONTO .NAR. SAVEI SAVEI sAVEI Filma devlopedand Smgaprints in album 40$ý 12 magnýa prinits lu album ,604 Reprints 5(' each KODACOLOR Deveîoping rol 11.00 (riot iculn ~nts). Colon prints 35,. each extra. nascocnd Ektachromre 35 mm 20 ex- posures imounted i lides $125. Color prinits froni sldes 35< esci. Mole'y refuaded iii full for unprited negaà. tives. FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB. BOX 31, GALT, ONT. PROPERTY FOR SýALE Owen Sound Business gtock for Sait or a-rge store f or Reut, excelleut boa-t ,,tort. Answer 1* Box 210,123-18thsSret Nom Toronto, Ont, TEN MILLON STRAWBERKY PLAM ALL commiercial varieties!, grown Liv Boston Berry Farmns, -R.R. 2, Water-ford. Write, wine or Phione Wiaterford Pd eïry 3-5915 3-5863 or 3-5807. RADIOS SPECIAL lntroductory Offer! C, Trainsis- tor Radio, all accessories, bIne, Plnk5 ïvory, black. 141gh Performanceù, Low; , os, 1.5 Universal Enterprises, P(O. àx 122, Pittsburgh 30, Penne. READING GLASSIES READING GLASSES A BLESSINO FOR FOLKE, OVER 40 GO)OD News! Now order lamvous name* reading glasse8 at sPeclal Sale price of onfly $3 95. Fret, ,3PeciLl carryliug case. Order today. ThousandS Of satis- fiad customers atre new able to read ejiewspapera, telephona book. or iible. casier. D)o fine fancy v;ork,, crocheting for houirs Wlithout stralin. Precision glasses (net Rx) briug out detali sharp end cl.ear. Zacislenjs Fset [n a strong m4tylish frame, .!O-day' home trial. Send namne, addreas, sex, age. On arrivai psy ouIy $3,95 plus C.0 D., or rendl $3 95. with order wze ship prepa-id Order to- de y froni1 S HI NDY OPTICAL PRODUCTS CO. Box 38, Dept. A Station "J", Toonto. SALES HELP & AGENTS WANTED MARE ibeattifu] brooches. tarning, nieoblaces ai home. Easy te o.0-ell to y'ouir friends. Excellent pois end for frcet vhOlesale catalogue. L G. 'Murgatroyd Ce. Depi. F Aicui Ont SALES HELP WANTED, MALE WE need Ltwo conscientiou ommsso salesmien te biandIt ouir lins Of incan- ilescent aud fluorescent boulbe. Age uni- liniited. No objection tî. othen unes,. Training given. ,Commiissions pýid Vckl. rite now l, cnfdeceto' Charlts Cane, iamond Lamp Cýr- paaly L-imited. 2ê'AasuSiet ai $TATION1ARY ENGINEER WANTED STATIONARY ENGINEER te set as chief for si]iý hospfital ni' SW.Outarie. Petails: Raosbet ajdministrater for opcration suod rmainlt- enance of plan' t asud m nir repaira tü hlospital cquipmnent. Ms thv hird tIslas ticket and ha eed sup1Lilerviser, age preferably 35-55 Salary 'to stanlt $300per month, 40 heour week. Mei- cal, lIospltal, Lif ,e I brac enefî1is sud pension pian lur effect Box NO. 209. 123 lBih St. New Toronto, Ontý TCEA4CIERS WANTEID OTTAWA SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD AfPPLICATJONS wýill üe received tiy ise undiersigired for tcachlug positions «in regulan grades, LHome Ecenotic, industria] Arts snd AuxiliarY classes. BENEFITS Pissclans' S e, r v i c e s incorporatedi, Cumulatlive Sick Leave Plan; Teachenaý Credit Union; Organized social activi- îles; odmwell-equippad scbfiss. O)ttawa las a Universiy Clt, ,Offering mjaximumii oppotunities for profesýsion'- al developm-ent. SALARIES Femrale Minihltin S 2,fi0 0. e Maximum 4,000 Mialt Single .. Minimum 2.00 Q Marrlied $500 00 additions] ftor, eachers with fieyars experience na Ontanie:. Extra for teaching spceclal subl)Jectaor11 fo3r holders of tjnivensity Degrees. AI- iowance for '½'%provea xpeiene ay- whtre outside of Ottawa Fer qu a ilfled tecisüers holding cetifcats vlld iY Appily ,stalnrg fui] atcuasto Secretary-Treasurer, 140 Cumberïarud St., Ottawëe, CEà-Ï475 SUVMMER PROPERTIES FOR SALE MUUSKOEA Lak11ea, su-1nmei iodgea o sale. $12,00o te 5,0 nure n vItedl. Frauda sj. Day, rato.R.,. Pfrumter. Port Carlinig, OntP. 4 VACATION RESORTS POTElgin, Ont. 3-rooem hio;uekecpfiug cottages, Ms.ROwse, 1706 orchsie D)r, Cleveland 19, Ohio WINTER RESORTS ACAPULCO -MEXICO ECONOMVICAL efficiency beach uli bungalows, pGool, shopping n bue k-eaping services Iucluded Buglw Mfarbrisa Box 345, Acapulco. Mxc WANTED, RASBITS AND'PIGEONS RIABBITS aind Pigýeons alive wan'ted foûr table use. Box 203, 123-lSth Streetf, New TootOnt, MONEY TO LOAN uNLIMITED M'%oniey Loans ToClîy and Fan olIts. lloney for ayhn and ii-ywiïcre. Phone on writeÎnow. cip frvesnýesLfi. 99 Aivenuie Roatl.ý ,4aise 310. Tonoulte 5. OireWA 2 NEED MONEY? OYNLIMITED fuada aval i- on fana homnes, rmotels, storesetcFasi service4 anywiser6 in Ontario. DELRAY INVESTMENTS ,%0-A Wison Ave., Torontc. me 3-2353.ý N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -s N N N N N N 'i N -s -4 '-4 N N N Ns Ns 's N -s .4- --4 --4 N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N '-s N -.5 45 N N N N N N N N -.5 's N N N N -.5 .5 N N N N N N N '4 N N N N N 'I i N N 4 N Ns N N N N N N N N 4. N 's N N N N N N N -s. N s -s 4 -s N 4 -s N N N 4-, N 's N .5 N N '1 's N N s Front iesYrkHlia onrsi'Oebs MAI. 251 MI.26f AIRý. 19-2n, MAIY2-3GREENOCK, LiVEpoil. mAL. 0e AR. 13, 27, MAY "1' 25 - - (flmeRURG, SUIAI MA. 31 APIk. 1 AR. 27, MAYI 28" AVRE, LOtIDON Am. 1, maI 6 - tivERPOI AIR. 81AIfV MAY 3-4, 26-27 GREIIiOÇK, IVEPFC'Oi. AILR.3 MAI lo -ou9, LIVERFPOOL - AIL14, MAI 11* IAVRE, lifosm AIR 22, MAI 20- - IIVERPQOO MAI 3, 28 - 011 Al, UTMhO ýle o Sothamptc,nftnds tast oh etGe Motel-Tosonto - Winroipeg - Edmonton - vrcu * -Ê3 , M 2M rr-C --4 N '.5 N N ý4 nc 1