ORONO WEEKLY TIM~S T~URSDAY, APRiL 28th, 1960 - m ~-~fl - -. - Look wht1Jge-t,. for stepping on. spde&'s! And cwhvlat do yuko...it's wvahda y!But who caresý wît eectcctyto ch ase th ose wa hday bies. ln homes havcne ore m or littieboy vs tmothingto do. MoredtieIfr thechdremn ..ore tie for ail th thing1ýs you like to do ... tMats the joy of owning,-a moe lectric washier and dyr hnyu aha '~' ~dispoitionis watep oof 'l find ureve areIshtte-prof" In fact, yodUlEfnd tha a great mayof lifc's littie problemls "Cc onot in the ash whe yu own an automatic electrie waslier ani ,dryer. To gt moe ou oflfe-et thei most out ofeciciy B ETTER ELECTR ICkLLY AS LOCAL AS YOUR ut, 0 i 11cg-i'l n / la. on'je, dnels-c day eeoin, i~rii ..Oîh èo l'eus te o mrty rive seoolas ere are nmore and more ehibiren coming alonig to oce educa ed aad Lthere is a p c heiao n~erstig, houghtful brik eopaied te choir anrd V ear sorytohear tha t Mr. Jon ai)ylst ,his bai,iItre tmator an ai hs fertilize in a tuira ateo afe asao Mr. John iPattýon, 2Mr. anld Mrs. ,,ci, Patton and Mr. and Mrs. WI ~.L ~AI~~4LM4I~d~ ~~Lfed Romugi ileybOronxv were commodïition is far 'from atequate.' The majority of ttie pui~ls attendi- toits with Mlvrs.-. A. Swarbrick ingp MýcLean ls c hooi go from Kn udy dal. Mrs.,Chas. Thompson' and Arthur' Red, Cross Sieeks and ,MI-s. G. Cathcart visited with Mr. and Miss MýIEBride, ln Cobourg i Blood Donatio onSunday, Mr. 'Trumian Garbutt and Keithj RLOOD DO?&ORS WANTI Swarbrick of Toronto spent the' You can .heiçi save lives. Mal weekenid at their sunmer homes date now to attend Red CrossE liere. Donor CUlic on Wednesday, Misses Marie Couroux and Linda 4tfh at the BowmanvilleL Scioen calied on Mr. and Mrs. F. Centre froni 2 to 4:30 p.piL and Stokeêr on 'Sunday. to 9 p.m.,Every pint is sorelyY 1MvIs. M. E. Foster and Mrs. Mar ed latte h~ave been visiting ia Virginia and Tennessee for somte weeks and RIICE LAKCE WATIER LEVEL Mr. Allen Foster, daughter Jane REACHES ALL TIME HIGH and Miss Beverley Antderson niotor- ed down on Good Friday and The water level on Rice Lake broughit thiem back. rechdanal ime ~hiLyh this Mrs. -Martin Foster visited with liecr parents at Jarvis during Easter week. vis'- ~ on ake a Blood ma7 Lions d 6:31) need- and will probably delay work oný docks -and boat houses, it is reported, fromn Bewdiey. Miss Phyllils Jackson and hier girl Occupants of several houses are, triend fromn Bowmianville spent thle keeping a wary eye on the rising weekend with the former's parents, t ake. Aaiong them is Mr. Art Mc- Mi. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson. i l whose boat bouse and camping Mr. an-d Mrs. H. Foster and Pat: -rounds are covered wfth water. were dinner g-uests with Wilfredi Carruthers on Sunday. is bose s' as ui-i¶ünncddhv' TY~#~M *d *I~~ W ~v1~ç .... T..- k. ~-Wît -b k Its pages uay carry a4w* firoim roi.md the world bat you. think-4of i as your *local paper. And it is-re4porting local events, idelitif'yingy itself- with local causes and the daily ife of the community. In imucli the saile way, the branch of the chartered bank where you do your akn is a vital part of the local scene, serving local needs- serving yozi. At tihe saille tiaie, 11-owever, the local braneh is part of a larger, natio- wide banking system., As such), It puts at y-our disposai k-nowledge, experi- ence and resources that extend far beyoiid local horizons, iinking y-our commiuity -with the i-est of the wvorld. THE CHARTERED BANKS sERING YOUR COMMUNITY the O.E.A. meeting on Wedesay of iast week. Several women startedi work at the forestry on Tuesday morning of this week. At time of writing we hear that a "going away" party is being given to Mr. and Mvrs. T. Danchuk ont Tuesday evening of this week in the~ Sixth Line sehool. They are water and bis 1*ot'}*r Stuart Mi,-, t(iii,-huct-a-t rnusand feet of lumbee ~float off in the o.pen water whicli ýtietches out ýor about a mile be-. fore the ice takes over. The side walk that lines ' theý water edge ini Bewdiey is submerg- ed under several feet of water and oid timers state that tliey haveý neyer seen the inke as high. THE CUSTOM Mark Il IS COMING NEXT FR1. & SAT MAY 6and 7 -. See Next Week's Paperr SPECA LS.! iSUM2> PUMJ>S with 2â f eet of Pipe $50.00 1GLASS LINED HOT WATER TANKS.. $40.25 10 Year Warranty LAUNDRY TUBS.................. $16.00 DRYERS..... ............ ... for only $18<9.00 Stainless Steel KITCIIEN SINKS.......... $14.95 White Enamel KITCHEN SINKS ......9 Regular $16.50 PLASTIC PIPE, al' sizes at best current prices. We have a coniplete stock of Deep or Shallow Well Pumps.f DIROP IN TO OUJR STORE TO-DAY Jfarvey Partner- Pluinbing & Ileating Phone Oro 1782 ORONO WEEKLY T9MES « -r.,HURSDAY, APRIL 28th, 1960 -Bab Kendal Residents Petition For New Public Schooj ~ir. a~ <t.. f s 'rn l7no ay i. Torontî K~y Toront.. anc 12. 1 I V ~. co ,e ~V ii~ ~Q )elh MePuci cf ~e. VI urr~e1y~d ~o FI c d i v~ ~ c', Fionda <t~ JLS ~ ~iea~.h~ and 1aughter Kay spont fcvc dc s i y4'.adenton .~here 'aîtoirig<t u~hete 5ri~ s waching M vVnî ~ciU.- .. ~ .-I ni cm lie h.~ days from oi Janil ..eco s ~ .-a,-. ~îîi~ wi~cter sehool. mcntlîs aod ~ t iemn ~ack u~ Sunday morning ici the Kc-..~a~ "--nv-~ Ian On Ken- il