ORONO WEEI(LY T114ES TIWUSOAY, APRIL. 28th, T'MO R - fii îo Se v c edand thougli provoking message (&o CARD OF THANKCS DEATHS th irsonMsioiJywr,(>er RWN.--At Memorial ilosp1taI. ingencuraemnt o temin heî -The Orono Police Trustees wisII Bovffi;l1e, on Saturday, Apret ingenouageen t terninthirto thank the ladies who p Mttew ron, ge ForOr no .G LT~Gr up orh wrk ~St Georg-e's Anglcan Church an.d served the lunch at the iee 81 yeas husband of the late Mary MO.DunodtakdMs hoir of Peterborough wl be incelebrationfo theOrono Irhas WaltoiVn erfte o On Monday evening, April 25,~ Miss Shirley Vagg, gave a very im- ihrfrtkn h in rmlircag !temsea t aiour's and their supprters, at the Town- rwn ~adastle erc f was e members of the Orono United' pressive worship service in w7hich busy lite, to corne and bring sucli Church on Sunday afternoon at 3 si al rno Wednesday, at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Church W.M.S. and the Canadianthypenedaerdinyrb a splendid message, wvhich everyone, p m. when the local L.O.O.F. Lodge 1April l3th, This support is greatly, Bownanvî~o usaArl2 Girls in Training group gathered quilt which they had made, and a' enjoyed.-Mrs. Drummond and Mrs.lIand. their vîsitors -of the District ýàppreciated. at 3 p.m. Interment St. George's lu. the church for the re-affiliation sum of money to Mrs. Drummiond,l Mc(Lareni then showed a f i On iwill be attending 'the service. 1 R. C Forrester,,chairman Çemetery. ceremony of the .G.I.T, 1 as their Missionary~ gift. They -were1 A.G.I.T. (Af rican Girls In Training) i M.adMs ereAmtog Mrs. Drummond, president of the 'assisted in the service by Mrs. w hlichl showed themn enjoying a MranMs.GogArtrg-______________ Afternoon Auxîliary of the W.M.S. Humphreys, Presbytery Secretary typical Camp outing in that country and family of Timmiris spenti wYas chairman and welcomed every-,for C.GIT. groups. Mrs. Hum-, Durîng a social half hour in thelEaster week-end wvith the formeres- lN M EMORIAM. OLIVER--At Oshawa General Ru7-s. prntdte leader ro the WMS mother., Mrs. John A. Armstronlg. pital, on Santircay,. April 23rd, 1960 eepresent. She also congratulated plIreys peetdtewithl Sunday School W...MRI-nmeoy0 elE errd lvromi-ir6t er the C.G.I.T. group and their lead- the re-affiliation certificate. adies served a delicious lunch. AtM. ndMs.Me tmied andMaTIN wh eodArilf 25thetud 1951.in-ie 6thye erson hon wrtheirg hework during heC.GI.therlsppast- M.tadselwife ofan 1 Claudehodid Oliver,, 951 ýYwm ofCludiOlier Newcastle, ed he girls prese T renugton;Mr.and Mrs.îk Gibbs We who loved you sadly miss you Mr.uliv-er etd tte 1o~l year.ledrrsBodWoant Mrs. M. C. Fisher, Nwate c Mrs. Wm. Cobbledlick with a gift o1Teno; r adMr.KeOliAvi awsanter yer .Fn ralC ell3wtnede. ~Y The C.G,.i.T. group along withlwlas guest speaker for the evening ini ippreciation of lier assistance ibM.Metib adAhaon it ur înyhs othinkig vcevas hael t t.or'sangili- their laes r.ByWodndand presented a very inspirational n-aking the quilt. Dnbro wr;una istr LTgisofyo u reeirear. aChl, CetrSt.,eoesaani withMr.andMrs Ed.Graam ndTuesday, April 26th at 1:30 p.m. Dn- family. Mother and father, brothers and terment Mount Lawn Cemetery. On Saturdav of this week the Or. sisters. a p ap m MLono Girl Guides and Brownies will ___________________________________ boc aHling at your door selling CANVS S OESGirl Guide Cookies. This is Girl Guide Cookie Day ah o'ver the pro- vince so \vhen the children ala vour door veteahlpn hand f The mnoney .helps in many ways. FOR A LUTH.FAM LYd Mrs. ClemnWebb, Mid- Mrs. R. Best and Mrs. G. Carson at- c WASIIARLE KEDETE MEN'S SPORT OXFORDS tended the Countyv Convention of f We nofw have in stock a gdsunpiJy Plain toe Bleecher-styIe Oxfords in the W.C.T.U. held in Newcastle on Te cudpes.aote oo .-- ..- Tuesdlay. .fiEarthenware T r ot~s, 6ep Ipes.asre Mr. ad Mr. Cal Bîîiiis viited 'flral ecor ted 1- Wee --end Cie....... LV of washable "Kedettes" for women and g iris. There are severainew styles in black and navy as wel as coiourf ut shades te wear with your surmer sportswear. Cot- ton twill fabric with white rubber heels and soles. Fuil and haif sizes. Girls' sizes il to 3 ......$2.75 Womens' sizes 4 to 9 . 3.25-$4.50 WOMEN'S TENNIS SIIOES Goodl quality canvas Oxfords !m the 6-eyetet style with rubber soies and toe bum- pers. White otily. Full sizes f rom 4 te 9. Priced f romi $2.95 to $4.50 TENNIS SIIOES For gilin s izes Il to 3. Priced at....... $3.25 CHILDREN'S CAN VAS SLIOES Strapsafld Oxfordt in plain shades andi strpïçs. StLircy treadOit rubber soies and heels. SiZ4s 5 te 2. Priced f rom .-$1.95 to $2.65 navy blue or brown duck. HaWrc-weariflg yet cool for summer comfort. Cushionied insoles and thick moulded rubber soles and heels. -Fult sizes 6 to 12. Priced at ........... $3.25. MNEN'S WHIITE ATHLETIC BOOTS Expertly made throughout of top quai- ity materiats. Duck uppers and thick rubber outsoies with ground-.4fipSifg suction cups. Arch cushion insole. White only. Fuil and haif sizes from 6 to Il. Prieed at ...... -......$4.50 MEN'S and BOY'S --ATIILETIC BOOTS, Weil mnade with sturdy black Duok uppers iaced to tod.Loflg wearing white rub- ber soles and heels. Sponge-cushiofl insoies. Men's sizes 6 - 12.........- $2,95 Yout'h sizes il - 5 Boy's sizes 6 - 10 ................................$2.75 ..............................$2.25 Store Open Air Day Moniday lhis sister, Mrs. Wm. Inch in- Tor-o onto oni Friday. Lde"RynBif, rglr5c o ..5e Mr. Neil Porter returned home Lais'Ryoi ifOS.,rglr 9.fr ..5c on Suniday froni the Prîncess Mar- Ld lo d A1~o garet Hospital, Toronto. Klippies LdyEllen Hoywoo uOlpg Miss Karen Fagan and Michael Pin Curi Clips. Week-end Special. Card Fagan o! Markhiam spent their * of eight clips for- only.......... ...... 29c.I Easter holidays with their grand- f parents, Mr. an-d Mrs. F. O. Cooper.,O Children's Stretch Nylon Hose white a-nd assorted Mrs. Oliver andMr.imOve colors, sizes 6 to 7V2 and 8 to 9V/2. Regular 49c. ofBobcaygeon visîted on Friday WekedSeil2... .....2fr8n witl Mrs. Neil Porter. 0j We-n pca........ 2fr8e -Mr. Alex Drummond and M'iss. os en lednm lsi as ad ie C arolyn Ma7cArtlur, Toronto spent Bo'JenBiedeiEsi W stadses l the weekend wtl Mr. and Mrs. A. i3 to 6X. Special Thurs., Fr1. and Sat. Pair for 87e A. Drummond.O The Orono Bantam Basebaîl Club Men's Tee Shirts, interlock cotton, white and swings into action this Saturday assorted. tolors sizes small, med'ium or large morning when their coach, Mr. Jim Regulr$.9.Se lf or ol 11 .Ga,,niby, calîs the tirs-t practie o0 lr$13.~eîa ny..... 11 the season. The practice wil1 be- ýýj t- the Orono Park at Il a.m. Covered Pitchers Plastie, 2 quarts, handy for The' Orono Intoermediate Basebal - serving hot 0-' Fcôid beverages. Regul!àr 89c. Club is considerig joinîng this f~ Now only................ ....... 73C. 'year ln the Durham Hardball cir- cuit. Mvessrs. *W. H. Carman and L. f Lowery reeentlY atteuded a meet- Shaggi Dogs. You will like them. Assorted colors A iii- o! the league and pes.. Each for ......, 2.87 slities are now being investigated A banqut for the champion Orôno0 Plastic Juice Tumblers, 6 assorted colors in céllo Orffhans is to bc heki on May 14th. J' bags for.. .............. ............ 25 Tickets for this teature wîll soon10 bc oni sale. There will bc some two n3 hundred available. If Paper Towels, strong when wet. Roll 150 towels There are still sorne boys who for......................... 25c. ha,-ve not turned ini their basebal i O unitorms. They are asked to dO so Spanish Salted Peanuts. Week-end treat, lb. . 25C. as soon1 as possible at the 01-110 Times office, The Athletic Associa- tieni is tabulating al l is elqipml-enit $1 0 andýc unit ormis. Pleaise co-oper ate by n lDlIl~ f having h tbrought fin this week. O__ MOJ5r, T $U.00.# LRF Wihnthe nlext two weeks the or- ganmization of! àn Oronio Tennis club OPEN FRIDAY EVENINOS is expected. Ah-eadfy consîderable f activTityhlas been nrotedi at the ýourt pècted as thie season commences. Mission Baind. The Mission Band meeting wvas held on Monday, April 25 with 30 present. Mrs. Drummond led us in singingi [and Janice Rutherford led us in the Mission Baud Purpose. WVe thenl sang the Mission Baud Hymn- Sharon Simpson and Donna Gil- .bank took Up the collection and Mrs. .McLaren euterained us with pictures, bringing thie meeting to a UITU cWiti C O romo Pastoral Charge Minîser Rev. Basil LOng SUNDAY, MAY 1, 14,60 CHURCH SERVICES Kirby -9:45 a.m. Orono- 11:00 a.m. Leskard 2:00 p-ni. SUN DAY SCHOOL Kirby - 11:00 a.m. Orono - 11:00 a.m. Leka~rd 2!00 p.m.. ORON«O TINSHOP NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY TOP QUALITY B-H PAINT AT LOW PRICES R.E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 ) Ni- Oroti., Ontario- I z EveningS Frida~y & Saturd2Y open Att Day Wecinesday NI Armstrongs A i Elaine Forrester N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N s s N N N N N N N N. '.4 N N N -4 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 1