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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Apr 1960, p. 8

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ïver Heurd 0f Napoleon Comeau? For- a long time, ný, I have 'ad nero oed answer 'for those 1. ho burst upon ray country read- Jrng, withà stylish literary ap- proachesý and say, "Oh' have you ýLead 'Dolly's Folly' by Paddy Cuci"I neyer hrad. Over theý fleeting years I've, read quite a bit, andl can often astonish e'veryhedy with the variety of lore I can lift frein my literary limbo .- but somne- owit always turnis out thbat ,whatevýer the currenit Dolly',s Fol"iI'Ve ntissed it. Neyer havînig rea3d a book merely b- cueit, is popular, 1 know 've let that develop into a pattern-j 1 resist. Let t wo; or tiree? peup'e, speak of "ol' Folly," and ther-e's a o l'Il neyer read. It hiappened with 'Ant-hony Avre"I've neyer read "An- toyAdverse." There w7as a time everyb)ody was re-ading it, andc fiveý or six times a day someody ouldask mie if 1 had. V'd say no, andthyd snee2r. h was the era of the round '-shouldered reader. 0OneF mnan boýastedlhe was se strongs he had re-ad it with one liand, YOu coLIdn't ,get sugar at the2 sýtore utiess you had read it. 1 old' have rend "Anthony Adiversef-" then if it lad boen, the o-nly book in print and beguil- ing, the time was y only duty. At the imye 1 rend "Rolliris's Histeryv," an eight-volume con- densation of everything, and aý twelve-voltimie vituperation by ,omebodyý calied Brann the Z Iconocla-ist. "No,." 1 would Say te these people. "-But have yura Brann tLhe Iconoclast?" This wa1ls no geecd. Nothing 1 had read -ouid complete with the pre- valent "Doýlly's Foliy," And after this goes on for Year -after year, it ets ridiculous.. Tilecumu'lative evîdience is that I've neyer read antin ,I mniglit just lie that 1 have read a great deal more than thiey have, but it doesn't counit. It isn't imnpressîve. it lsin' in style, Well, l now have the answer. Toss at m-e any current mnodel, end 1 will tessý back "Napoleen Coemeau." Hv you ever read Kiap0oen Comeau?", I, imagine it's the man's3 name. somnehow it stops b,-oole vers ini their tracis -and teases theîr Minds off their present emiasis. 'Easy, EaIsy, EasyI PRINTED PATTERN * Beel siple, SWIFT - TO - ,EW! No waist seams, fifting prolens- cchwalsf witb-, graoeful tie. Whip up springu'sÎ aouiesceoped sheafl ii fluidl hatnairy -cet ton, lien. Prinfted Pattern 4526: Missesý' 16 fakes 2 yards 39-indli tabrnc. rntddirections on ec pal.- 'Vrni at Easier, accurate. Snd fORTY CENTS (stam.p.n 4anriol ibuaccepted, use postal n ote fer s ýafefyY. for Vspaftern,. ~1aeprînt p 1lainl1y SIZE, EA D D 1RýE SS. ST Y LE Send order o ANNEF ADAIMS, On1I2Eteett. e 1 amn grateful te thee nian xvho in~- tr&duced meta "Naoole-on Corni eau," for I1 new arn, able te tui'n aside deftiy, imm-ediately, and with total effect ever-Y isci-pie of every "Dely's, Fçýlly. The man wa -?i*Armand Ai!- bert of Van Buren, ~me a dropped in secially te watch linf tie a fewv trout files, at wbiclx iie is good, and during- the visit lie said, "Hav;e you ever read NaoenComeau'?"Ir Sound- ed' just like the uullité'rary opener, but its cemlng frem Dr. Albert, made me pause. If as' likely. Dr. Alberti s a special person. Vîie makes youi thinik of t ho s e LId "vraý.is lionnetes- hom.ymes" o! the French PPhilose- pher-s who studied affa)irs and their causes, and detested t'le specific,. Dr. Armnand weuld net le on.c te read a bool mrerely because sormebedy ele ad rend if. lHe is a "dharacter"ý* i the good senses o! the word, beloved ini i',nortbeýrn iMaine. lHe studied miedicine at, McG-ill in Frenchi, and camne d nte Maine te take bis state boards ini English - sýmething of ai stunt if yo0u dwell on if. Passing t!hrm, lie set ap sopin remote Vani Buren and lias been there utnt retiremient, passing bis finIIe Dow ln reflecting o n ail things an-d makingI trouit files, permnit- ting the unreiated te pass by on the other ide. Comning frýorai hlmi, "Napeleen Comeau," didn't sound like a "DolIy's Foily." The tupslbot was thali e 1-land m-e lis prec:Uieu NpoenCoi-f eau," and I have now rend it. Napeleon, a hutndred years ago, wvas a Frenecli-Canqdain bey grQwing up) in fhe rug-gedwid er, the Nortb Shore U; the SaIint Lawrenice River. He.e neyer leard Englisb until lie was in bis teens, and bis only ferai sdhooling occup)ied ten, mentis at Trois1- Rîvieres where bis nioralitywa enbanced i co r e b, ste-,a ilng m elons than by flie pbooks, Wlesteaiing mj-elonis, lie wasý apprehiended by the owner, aà minister, and brougît iînto the rnister's parsenage Where lieC wvas stood la lhis shame before twe beautiful daugîtierý sbut bis own age-- a >vonderfui op- portunity liad if oeurred under other circumista-nces. I would introduce yo-u," fthe minister saÏId to hi&o yhet b~iu tl- yeung mar, hasn't told meC hi, Damîe!"ý Ouf o! this, Napoleon learned a great lesson, aind says so, But schooling w,ýas short, and lie went back te the Indins, where lie became ue sf111 yeung a .1guardianr" of the fishe-ries, -a posftlie leld always after. E trapped, flshed, lunxted, ande- plored ahl that g-reat re-gionl and becam-e cone 0f the t ruly great Canadians. Onie day lie would traitlrpeaclers, the next lie wouid guide British aristocraCy,ý on sporting- trips. H-e representedTI Hudson's Ba.y, 1wýjýasla agent of Canada. As custodian, judge, mnissionary, guide, explorerý, and eeyhn ielse lie became a legend il bis own time, and lias been likened te Dr, Grenfel. His education becampe enormous, thoroughly cathlic an asa naturalist and biologist hee bas ne peer ini Can- adGIa. And his naine was N apoleen Comieau, I think it's the liame as mudli as anyfhing that stops peo- ple, Then, affer 'tne namfe, 1 rip off somïye sinah anecdote o! bis, and the "Dolly's Foliy" f olk3 veer 0off.Sud as, bis camp, f ar up, whereý they lad no steve aný'd builit areund an triOpen fire with a hole te let eut smoncke, anid how the aroma of baking bread at- trac.Lted an ol oswvs surr-ounded toGday w ,ithiconveni- lences, buy. bread at the mark et, -and His yairn mnakes themn thMink And thie book i in flie sno est, simïplest, mo1c),t wondierfui Enlili proýse, a kinidunta- KIDNAPPED - This is ci recent portraît cf Eric Puegeot, 4, who was kidnapped i Puris and later returnad un!iormed. He- is the grandson >f auto magnate Jean-Pierrêegel 4( ~vi.ott~.eP. Ctô-,ke Youi jusf can'it win withl the weathier. Friulay 1- ma-iled a ,et- ter to a point 70 miles north o!, lierL- sayingc how gladI. was the snow lad. gof away so nicely. And hen, cming bcI-, !rom the blizzard! By the next memning the gro)und was we'li-covered, even bereý. What ivould it fle 1 where my letter had gonde? And today, justlool Pt i -brigbt, wvarm sunsbine once2 again. Friday nigît the wehr didn't stop Dec and farnily coin- ing la after shopping, fIe beys greatly excited because tbey wý;ere bringing presents for Grandma--ý'sbirth-daýy. Dave lad a bi1g parcel in one hand (an LP. record) and in the otheri a smnall white candy bag. He was giving mie fhe canidy7 bag first. Daddy, thinking le was miniýli-g a mis- taesaid, "No, Dave, the eother parcel is for. Grandina.", Poor littie cdmp, bis nmeutl drped and lie wuas ready te cry, I enus-- ed lie- probably lad somcfehing iii the -littie bagli e want[ed teD give me and camne te the recuie. IR was an ail-day sucker! The boys ha d been gien a nicl each teý lbuy cinny. Dave liad spenit bis on Gmndma. FIe- wnnaited te c.hooSe mny birthlay present for hirseif, And then Eddie began te have ideas, 'I want you te crne te our lise," île said. "Oh - hy""seO we can give yeu a birthdlay cake." rMaybe this all sotmds very ln- significant. -Actulily if wvas nef. Little incidents ile tînt are real-. hy -igilghts,- in a child's life end shouldn't le treý2ated llghfly. They p oinÉtfle way te character develop2nt andcnweilIle n u iide tf) pareCnts îP-qto icli- 'wa achld necs encourage- mnlt te bring eut tic, best in h11m. Sunday our Junior fýmiiy' Vwas hlere - firs-t trip eut for ROSS silnce bis 'bout withpnu na -Hle was g veaiy exifedhecaiuse Joy laded a cake for Grand- Mna -but 1I wasn't alwdmore flan three candles on if! And no-w hbe is a touchy question. Do any o! you have Pny 0over'-weighit problerrs? VUi bet hli!c1!you bave whiether you know if or nef. If You do, and tale the miatter seriousiy - as yeu sloid---yeu are probaibly trying te cope with flie situ-atien. Pcrlaps yeuti hink yeu are a -mnati enfer. Se did I. But youi may get a sheck if yeu start, cal- ýrie--ceunfin1g, as Idid. 12100 cal- ories is the lirait ter a reduc- ing diet. The enily way te îind out liow many calories y;,u are consuming la o take a ty>pical day's intaýke and honesi y ap- praise the total numnber of cal- ories. Biga hittie hiazy about how many calories are cotained in varieus f ooes I hunfed up a littie diet bol i Olat I knewv was but %whicli 1I had almnost forgettenl. Igot such a kick out of it 1 repa iover and over. Itlmition?- majny batties you have te fight when you hiave- finally mfanaged to take off a few pou1nds. 1 Your huLsband sa,)ys he doesn't, like thin omn (2) .Your sister sayýs you lcok eideýr,(3,, Your friends- say; don't !ose another pound - it d'oesn't become you. On,,the other hand it mi-entions, one wman -ho got so fat bier hutsboand threatened to get ber a set of 'freight scales. Thie book contains u ch good but whimsi- cal adivice. This for instance: "Rlemember,yu will feel good in your littie hecart if you1 resist temptatien to over-eat. Whenl" you den't yvou won't f eel gOod anywhere." Theý author gives a number of red-ucinig menus and ends by saying, - "Finîshed bt not Famishied~" Joking- aside any thinking pe-r- son ms realize there- are 1ar1 tGormany over-weight people arouind -- especiafly if th-ey are living a sedentavy 111e - driving, more than wv3ikinge; sitting more thani moving around, But eveni among active people ycu find over-weighIts. On farrns, for in- stance, because farm wvomeir noted for being, good cooks, mak- ing cakes ad1i pastries that lit- erally me-it ia your mothl. And you know it is an absolutc fact that the m-ore you eat the-îmore7 -you want. Orc time I1asut a hairdres- ser's downi tow;n. Thiere was a wcman there who muist have weighied 3,00 pounds;. 1 don't know where she camne from beul Fhe w'as in a gîreat hurry, tv)get h-ome. Sacid she was bungry an-d intended to hav-e a gocd , b ig steak for lier dinner and awedIg-eC of homemade pie. l feit sorry for the poor nmisgutidedc seul. SPe muýst have býeen an awful bur- dlen to bei-sef-M A littie mrean she woujld need a derrick to g-e ber on to aî streetcar. According to the latest ideas of reducing there is no need to go on adet Just eat less of evcrything- - aithlougl it does h-elp te figure out what f ootik give the most or the least cal- ories. For instance one wedge of pie accounts for20 300-350 calories. That doesn't leave myuch for other fmeds cci a 1200 reducinug sched.ule. How Los Angeles Batties the Smog To anyýone flyIvng rnto Los An- geethe siglit of a vast, pillaýr of yellewish smnog haniging o)Ver the city is uinforg-ettable2. To the peoplewh live there, Los An- geles' recurrent layers o'f smogc) a.7re: also unjjforgettable. On sorti; of the liottest sumrmer days, An- gelenos drive with their car win- dows celosed rather than breathec throat-searing air. Wags w,,alk, up street and doew n, sniiffing- from tanks labeled "Pure Air.'" and a downtown departmnent store once dlisplayed an asbesstos fire-fighting suit, cotaplete with gl.ass-enciosed moask, as a ý"Smrog Suit." A few years ago, a Los Angeles hen laid an egg, watch- ed the sm-og turn it green, and Iikîcd the egg out of the nest. On the worst days, as the mur- ky m-ass descends on tlie cIty, the switcliboard at City HaUl liglits up w,,itb hundreds of caîl1,- from irate cifizens, Onice, aLs Angeles resïdent scrawled a noe to bis wile, ". . . Try to live where there is plenty of fresh -air," walkced into the nent room, and s'lot himrself. For decades, Les An-geýles and othier California, cities have bee trying to do somnething abot their sog(which is created by a pectiliar photochlemlical reuo- tion tha-t ccurs when hot suri beats dovun on thîrn smok,ýe in stili air). Los Angeles ordiered incinerat.ors scr7apped and made., it a misdemeanor for industry to hum ou from May through Octo- ber, when natura lga is avail- But thems,îsfauo-u- ing, eut exhaust--remaine-d e yond the reach of enforcemeiýnt autherities. ln L o s Angele3 Count.y. for exmple, somie 3 million auv tomc.biles and trucks pour 8,00 tons ci, fine carbena and smoke partficles. into the air every day. Last month theCai fornia Leisiature dIecicted them state lad hadI enough j0' thOis and it passed the -first law in the nation that requiires al carsý and tikls te be eupe with, anti-staog devices. A soon as possible, a specia-ýi boarcd will test and certify at, least two acceptable devices eut of the twenty typesý that hav- been proposed (most re-buru. cars in the state must liistall sucli a device within a year. "DonJIt expoct tf)ou much. e! tii eanly treatmeý,nte, <am. Pratty, practical! A variety çe! arrangements and sizes are given for this col)orlu-l clloth. Easy 6t-nh cossic flowers create a gay settirig. Pat- -iue4noî 'six 2 -x 7Wý; tfour corners 7 x 7:fAur sras3½ x Send THFIRTY-FIVE CENTS (stamps. caninot be acceptedi, u.seý postal note fo~r safety> for thlis patte-rn to LMRA WHEELER,' Box 1, 113 Eigbiteenthi St., Newv Torontio, Ont. Prinit plàinly, PAT- TERN NUMBER, your NA-ME and ADDRESS. New! New! New! Our1 1960 Laura Wlieeler Needlecraft Bookz is ready NOW! Crammred w.ithý excitingl, lunusuai popular (de- signms te crochet, knit, sew, em- broider, quilt, we-ave - fashions, home furnishings, toys, gifts, baý- zaar bits. In tbe book FREE - 3 quilt patternls. UuLrry, send ?5 cents for your copy. ISSUE 18 - 1960> JUDY AND MUSSAND - I one of ber f irst public apPeýarances- %Uincc an ilness, Judy Garland arrives at at Hollywood, film preview bihler husFbard, Sid Luff. Presentonesof omeca vehicles w'ill have two, years ta do this, whic ail car owne11a r) ul S t Confl orm nwithin thbreC- years. The cost: Anywvýhere from $50 to $150, depending uL1ponA the make and type of car. Oniýy exceptions are i to0r ist5i counties who-Iise boardzSLIsPer*- visors rule they have no smog, problerri (expected to be aboi-I !5 per cent of the staite's 7 ii- lion vehicles). Pfail goes well, Said S. Smithý officer of Los Angeles County.. surnny southern iCalifornia iI within fj ive or six years be clear an]d sunny again. -form NEWSWý,EEK. DRIVE CAR),EFULLY - The 1fe you save may be yen? own. Cross-St itch Beaguty 1 1 -L-

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