~$sde Stuff Il- n Television For a who bas gonýe through thtenitat gr.indiea, the Grand Olsi Man o! gag writing, Gyoodlman iAce, loakesi curiously uta-eut. Spaucely affia-td lu black- ,ndçi'-whiite hound's - tooth - check sihe gnashed on a 6-inch cigar ansi dead-panneud4'lIhavt'tý wiatched mucb TV lateiy. 1 do tua-n on Channel 3 occasionally, ïf gives a littie lighf and we eau aýit airounsi ansi read andS talk ta eacb the. There is, o! course, no Chan- Býel1 3 lu New York, but this sort cf whhnisical ltivity7 befîts Ace's pre-sent moodI. Next season be ae- tua-us ta tht warm .besoin o! tht NB-iC "Perry Com-so Show." But be is stiIJ licking his wounds froin an ex-periecce witb CBS's "Tht Big Party," 9a 90-iuute. big-budgeter that startedc suc- eessfui? y ibis seasan,. then col- lapsed. "Tht ig Party" ,was spo-orà by Revioni, tht cosme-tics fia-m that iu previaus semnesters baS bakdsuch suspect quizztrs as Tht- $64,000 Question" anSd "Tht *64,000 Challenge." Rumors have bDetu trickling outfPail stasan about sponsor lut erfea-enCe muS spilled blood backstage, and uow Ace confia-ms if. For Ace, reputedIly tht bighest paid L-gag - man in tht business (he once eirneS $11,500 a week with Comay), bis stint with Revlon and Ifs cross - grained preside'(nt, Charles Revses, was a classie ta.o! hamîstainging by a spon- mca. Sebedu-led to edo fifteen "Big Pa.rties,» Act walked oufla 4îsgust affta- six. Shortly affer, tht sponsor junkesi thet wbole show. "I bsd conceived the show," ï*eelled Ace wlth & flounlsh -of kis cigar, "as r klnd o! show- -business party - a buncli of mt- ours 8itting &round, discussing 4 litIL-3, rhow bus!nesg, anythlng taIe some-one would go to thc ~ aoand do a song or two., tivs11on end 1 hasi a couple cft riun-i evea befôre the fiast show. Hé'd talk about tht mnaster iif ctremoluts, and I'd say: "But ýea-. l12inoeenicee.' Then he'd entlon the runw;ay thé guest t4,a swould tome out on, and l'à ç&y. 'But thea-* lu no runway.' 1 finally toldbhlm: 1 'IÏtbhk £>bcy'ves old you tht wront After the flrst show, thl ihing becamre a mes.Bvilon thaught ginging and dancing were the nly Iind cf entertain- mieut thea-, is. They eut out tlhe diloue alost colnplettly. Tlhere wera ctually nmeetings lu wchshow business was ex- Iplained ftntm. 1 dont knaw whazt they thougbt - that they hmdc yiek-ed nie off the sta-ets, m-aybe. "At the end, I told theni: 'l did tht best yen couls' ." Ace, a fuIl 60-year-oIS with 'u g)ilve- ihateh, wraf e for Coma for. loua- yeaa-s. 1Ht sud Coma paated emicabîy last June wtn Goy dýcied fa experimneut witb Rev-- Ion. "We'îl ta-y to woa-k outa »ew, new ihings on the Coma show,,. A couple o! shows lu France aimdIfaly, maybe. Perr anS I get rtlong justfne"ad Ace ith aPgrattful sighi. n" ot .ftsi or upset.I hàave't ev-eu. seen Revson since, tïht fiast show. But samnedaY I'mn going to write a Broadway revue paseS aun what went on. 1 tblnk îtf would make a great show." -riromn NEWSWEEK DRIVE CAREFTJLLY - Thse fe é vn savt nls"y be your o0". EYEFUL - Gema4logist in Lon- don, England, peers at on. of the most expensive stones in îh* wo.rJd. The 21.6 carat dia- mond was pkîced on auction, but withdrajwn when the top bWd reached .a mer. $1 17,600. One Time The Clown Played It Straight of the greatest enigmnas of thit f ight garne. Possessedt of a tre- mnendous physique and a mnaster of scientific boxing strateýgy, he ziever wanted ta fight. In faet Ire hated it. He preferred to clown bis,.,wy through the ring, in- stead of provîing ýhîs ring great- The clue ta is failure to live up te-bis p'otential wýaS 1bis atti- tude after bis powerful blotws killed Frankie Campbell in 1930. Af ter 'hat he just toyed ,vith his 'pponentz, end clowned through night of Tunt S, 1932, when h. meft- Max Sclun-eling aLt Newv York's Yemket Stad juin. In hi.a5 ight w1th &bm-ueling, emer reverted to his old formt end the 60,000 chteeing% fana saw' « raging tiger m'ith the killer 'n- stinct of the jungle, ;tRalking bis G*rman opponent. And the rea- mon war, thât the Jewish blood of Baer'm veinis was, boiling at ittr'm progromâ and he vent his spleen en Max '$chmeling, of HMurburg, the symbol of Nazi Gerynanry'm ring might. Before ka wfldly cheering, jain ,pq-ektd tadium Baer virtually laughtered Sçehmeling. Foriten acetion packed rounds, Max Baiýr, thr2 Iprrupl-ng thumper frain ,ivL-rmtore, Calif., tbrew r-every- thing he hod at his? opponeýnt The result was a decideýd upset, gince Schmeling had been ruled a% favorite at odds r2nging bem- tween 2 and 4 ta 1 before the battit. The contest was waged partly for the benefit of the'Housçe of Cavala-y Cancçer Hlospital in the Brosux. Thiv gross receipts were U250,000 and the institution re- Ceived 10 per cent of the gerass up to $200,000 andI 3 per cent o!f the receipts beyond that fiLgure. The finish camne dramnatically, spectacula.r1y, after 1 minute and 51 seconds of the tenth round. In à surprisinîg recovelry from Ra qparnt collapse af for nater a sizigbeginning,. Baer caugbt Schmneling with ont of the hun- dreds o! right-hand punches he 1na4 aimned at the Germiian's head. The blaw landed likie a bolt of lightnlng on thte fhin. As the punch landed, Schmellng's knees 'buelkled, hi-9 bodlystarted 1» gag and he began ta erumpleta tht PSYCI40LOGICAL W'ARRIOR - Just th ight of ilhis soldier, cissdli chemnical, raidioactive protected gear, could tehcI th« eeyrunnngin fecr. The praciicat, but ot bcutiful, costume seen icurig mcmuef-uver-s iin Gtrmany. floo)r. But, with thiat courageous- ness f'or which h. bas been noted, Scl'lieling instinctively forced himnsel! erect e-grainst his infuriat- edt fat, It was typical o! Sehinel- ing, but what Baer did was nat typical of the usuýally clowýniug Baer. M-e blazed away at bis stagger- inDg fat, a helpless figure, ani un- protecfed target. Bata- battered Schmiieling around the ring under. a shower o! pile-.driving rights ta the jaw uintil, finally, Schmnel- ling collapscd under a terri! ic rîght ta the jw which daý-oppedi him in his tracks. The Germnan laýy u-otionless for a brie! speil after he hit the ring canvaus. One, two, tha-eet our seconds wea-e tsiled off before he pulled himnself together. Around and about Schmteling the Sceixe was'a veritable hdan Men and women were frantiel, Sarine for Baer, wha towei'ed ovea- bis prostrate foe, recady ta strike hinm down again should chm! 11ng arise. Tht cries of the po-pulace were combined in an ear-splittin-g sun that wvas lost on Schmeling. 'ix, selven, the count proceed- re, andi Schmeling wvas gettiug up. E'it, andi he was a onti kute about to rise. Nin.e, sud h. wson bis feet sayiigCrpZily, Rm-ms cangliig' at bis side, his ts glass'y, b)ut bis face was ta tht foe and i bi instinct led hiun forward to his own rm. Baer, wit'h thiet ugge for victory Sur-ging within i hlm ansi the op- portunity of' a lifetinie at hanîd, lea,'ped et bis foe. Ht piled juta S"CIl-llling and drummined, savage righte ta the German's head aaand law in au- effort again ta beat dawu Ilttformeýr wrdschaimp- ion. Crazily Schmnelîng canrtened about the ring, helpless an i in- capable o! pratectiisg lsef Fînally the Germnan backed to the ropts near a neutral corner, Baa hnpunchesi sud punched ta the head sud S&hmeling in- ,',inctî vely iha-ew up -his leaden -a-msl nattempt et protection. Finally Refeet Ar-thua- Doua- van, convincè,d that Schnieling wahelpless,stpe btw n the gladiat4jrs, signaýleS thteun of thte bat tle sud gave Baer a te-chnical knockaut victory ov-c a fighter whoin many baS pieckè4ç ta defeat hlmn. There could be no criticisin o! Ref-eree Donova's intervention, because neyer was a, ring arbitea- izore -justifieS lu leaping ta tht rescue o! a helpless, boxer. An~- cthea- punch to Schmneliugts jaw or bead mgh have povdo! serioauscosqecs Schmneling was bl'eaten sud tbrougb. iie xvns 'as thonroughIly kznocked out ns ever a mnan was »lthough lie wsstandfinIg ou. bis feet at thteiih "I have no feit to find %with tht referet for ,stoppring -thp, figbit," Scbmineling ,,sai i lu isi- drecssiug a-oninaftcr tht fight. "Tht- punch that put mie ou tht flocr lburt ;ansi fhiugs mighJt ave resulteci serîoLusly if Donovan haidn't.lutervenesi. "Uritil thet tenth round II wasn'Wt botherasi much by Be' aight. What did troule me wie as bis backhaund puncbing, whieh threw me off my stride continu- ally. Aud 1 was ilot rmy normal self affer tht !ouath round. I feif ti'red andi couldn't put any suap minmy puniches,." Bata- snatched bis victory froin what lookêi lik imminent de- feat and soreS as uiany bad pre- dicted lu advance lie wauld if only he would be -eiu long enaugh - by a knock-out. Even Jot J2cobs, Schmneliug's manager, sai before the Strug- gît, that it wo'uld be a, bard !ighit for eight or ten rounds. Nobady hidadvance wnaa-ning o! whiat was to baPpen. Baer started like a hunman tornade aaçd petta-eS out, as if thtý intense heat f-oui tht over-hiead ring lighits, thtepadin, et brl pace cf Schemitliug, ansf ieh lat- ter's Short, poerful pnhs -I.-ailexatiugther til., nsi 4 e e m spcerd %wite or bro,ýn egg production, dlayold, "ome atarted. Aise other b)reeds, dayolds, some etùrted pulieta, myixedch iicko. Prompt shipment, day- o Id cceri.Ste local] agent or w7rit *ray Htehery, 1120 .Ien Norfit, Hgmîl- tom, Ont, BOYS' SUMMER CAMP KARAMU BOYS' CAMP (POWASSA-N, near North Bay Ontàa-io> 7 to J4 years. Qualified Red Cross Ln-. tguctor;. Supervîsed programmesJul-y and August. F'or 'deseriptive folder AppLy NOW: Karamu BOYS' camp, 2s Rtishlea Drive, Scarborough, Ontaio BOAT$ FOR SALI BOAT DEAL-ERS SPECIAL WHITE fibr-egiass huila with taansoin sndl seats 14 x 63 x 26 - $2M5. le"s cluantity discount. Finislied Canl etail up to -$800. Iluniber, Boats. 13i1 Wenldell Ave., \Veston. 13A. 5-6387 BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE HIARDWARE store, avaleubie îimme.,ý dltl,$15,000 for building and lx tus, ma down payment requlred:â stock for Cash. l'or complete dts cail Arthur KÇreutzkeLmp Durham 683 or write J. Pait Daly, Real Estato B1rokea-, Parker Building, Owen Sounid, Ont. PROSPEROUS iLUMýBER and BoRider Supply business. Tt's good! nventory turued over about blx timnes stinualia-. SaIles over $400.000. arypossess1ion evailable. ReasonalY prlced for seaucs brviigbulppi,,5s.Cmll GAMMAGE REALTOR - GE. 444*1 4"4 Richmocnd Street, Loniden, Ont BUSINE.SS PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR RENT kFOR Saie, taado or tasse Wtb mu11- tenseuîable terman- accepteli on encellt 5,000 sq. fi. steani hieated buidig eon bhwýay niear Semis. Ideai for ligi Manufactu ring, lias been s;ucce-Safuiliy epe-rated for 38 yeaa-s ba- samne faiily au a car and 'fartaim rpiment ageucy, (f ý, ou are a good nmechanir aànd wént te gect ln a profitable business Ioca- tion witb ne opposition for several miles, Investigete at once. Apply lR.C. tiulcFas-lsne, Box 1M, Petrolia, Gaitasic. FARMS FOR SALM DUE ïr, lii iualth, wili sel 200 iacre, ferni equipped wlith bult tuank alid sbipping to Ottawa mnarizet. Wl1th or \witho)ut macbinea-y. MrinLo, s POR fuiliy equipped farmnsandi farm% jalandsca11Ilr.Ma- ldden, CE. 65263. \We have severai farus to eboose fa-om. Lars Osbe-g, Broker, PA. 2-5504 9'0 PcuedRoud, Ottawa 3, Ont. PRIVATE imite on 300 acres, gcDod build- ing's, 18 mi1les fa-cm Rkelleville $9.M00 ternis. TROUT ec-ek on 200 acres, sugar bushi, good harn nmodes-n hom3ie, ibar Belle- ville. $11,300. STONE bouisûecounpietely remnode.led, isix roonis, bath tind cil, furnace, 1(iQ acaes Wth creoit. $10.500, 87 HIGCHWAY. çio3e te Belleviile, 160 acres, 2 bas-ns, good outbulidingaý, Il l'eom dduble lieuse. $5.000 dowsu. LAXGEST list;ing ef fai-nsIlu cnetceun- trisiOntario. HIarold R. Robinson, 237 lront St , lBllevilla. Woodlanêj '2-4091. 100 Acre Leni Penn Fer Sae. BUILDINGS In faia-condition, 2 milos faoiBe.echbus-g, Ont. Appia- 10'Ma. Feix Borti, ARNPRIOR, 9ntzaii. Thkï âçdvertlsemnent is publl.siud fa-ce as eue eoft te mana- uervhes cf. THE ALLIEO SERVIC915 (CANADA) 1629 OIJNDAS jSTREET FAST LONON, VONT!e FARM MACHINERY FOR SAL.É FAR md Indkiaýtrial tractors, leaders bacil:ioe<, combjines- end halos-s. Ali maks sd rmodela. lowest 'financing rates and rinoat reasojnahie pa-ices Your Mssey.er~souPerler lIansýon Supply Ltd.. 120 Ming St. W. Stoniey Creek. 'TRACTORS. liternation,1al rsil "MU Disel, excellen't condition. 'Inti-r- niational ý"O" sIthL ,ader, good con- dition, nevw tires. International "W 4". like nev. new rubho1r. 2 Oliver- "eW'. Lîve. P .'O. ont comîieteiy reoui tlond, good tires: l'ordson M aj 1 ")ee'.benrgaus Mssy-ari12 ft. Slitypeswather. uedonly 2 seasois. eulïy otber Tractons te choosefoifa-cm ziaizitol Eupet 2-15 St. pâtut t. West, St. Catharino's. Mu. -5091. GUARD AGAINST POWER FAILURES. WR Cen auilppiy60 ccl'ýCe Geneaaters. te be driven froni tracter hali tillea- or- rrVer laite off, te provide pewver dur- ug lydro falures. Aiseo complte ent- gluie di-nplants. Varlous aiE, as uenuably pnived Write for paiticulakrs. Mettger fnidustries Liiulted, Stratford, ont. HELP WANTED -MALIE IIAN. expea-lenced in landJling ani ckr« cf thoroughhred horse breedlng faru11M comnpiete kn1owkdge of genoral tarin lng sudrmaintenance; . marrled or uln- li dectuste houslng available; farm) I-ecatèed it FortErie ares. Addrosquail Ple oStation B fx 10. 'ot FOREIGN ,PROPERTY BitAZIL, S.A.- Ranch sund Cýf t land; ne fa-st. $6 per acre, Tas-ms. îNear n21ý;capitalBrsll.A. F. RL. ReOisteresi Brolier, 7625 Ilisayne, Mia tril3., Fiorida MACHINERY FOR SALK BARGAINS for-qulck ae!Als îc iiiill, o 2 Ciiininti UitaîMI S 11'.0Jdrill presss, engine Dnd tua-. eet lathcs, p>'aprs, shears brie[och forinera, aols, ecgers,. 8" rotary tabl, 2W"5" en. mgnnicebuitNo 44 Dumiore tool post grindea- dil i(i ii- cter-s, level gauges, Bea-lng bar set, exp irogmedrels, (centre scope, portable elctnie grinderud saw, tahît saws, rip saws, jointers, ulc niesd air belsts, electrie rmotoss,5 K w. 60 ùgy. generator 220 volt 1 pph., sp)ray guns w1n' spray palning o, quipmnent. SjIves- Bros.. 57 Stuant st W.. JA 2-3505 . fRam- biton - MISCIELLANEOUS FelR $AL1. PURE MAPI.E PRODUCE MAPLE sa-aup iluspecîi,,Ily geeaedces Spea gallon, 12 or 16 peal case, 754e Sa.Aleo maple toftee ln saine eu, 4. loonu bves auger, 24 paceispe bas-, lý2.25. Alil pstpaid. Wiqrîd Lvi vitre, Saint-Zacharie,Qut. Il PAYS TO USE OUR CLASSIFIIO COLUMNS MONEY TO LOAN gl N DSAvallabie.Monley te Loess o rat and Second 'Mortgagez or on any other security. Phone or wvrite Daft- ning Lnvestimenits ltd., 99 Avenuç itoaàd, Toronto 5, Onitarlo WA. 2-3662. OUJR OWN PUNDU LOAINS to buy k bu.siness, rtsi e4tat*, o:rlarm. To con'solidate present Icalia and add cash. iMort9sgea - 1,9t 2nd Srd oit commercial, farm, residen$iaf propry. Cilattel lbans or it ,iiipnry- equlnt, fixtures, Asiywheré lin Can- Ada Syminigton Fieidl, 51Yonge stret, ioronito. WA. 1-4022. MEDICAL OIXON'S REMEOY - PoRk NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC PAINS. TI4OUSANDS SATISFES. MUNPO'S DRUG STORE X35 ELGQIN OTTAWA $1.2 xpress C.die<t. - POSÉS ECZEMA SALVE BA>ISII the torment et dry eczema rashes iand weeplng akjil trouiblopi. Post's Eczemna Salve will net disappoint a-ou. ttcinrg, saslng and burnlng ecze-ý mna, ,.cne, ringworm, pimples and foot ,trzeme wiil re.pond readily to the stainless odorles ontmnent regardlesp cf how stubborn or luopeleas they seem. sent Pest Free en iRecelpi t f Plc* pRiCE $3.50 PUR JAR POST'S REMEIES 18,0 M. Clair AvenueEasat TORONTO NURSINO HOME SUNRISE Nursing Home, Pe-ndietûon, Ont., care or eîderly, lnveld and Iru- .dlgent pensons, tarespective of race. caeed or celer. Private and a.,ui-i.t- vate moinus. Goverment licensed. WVrite for pnrtleulatrs. NU>RSES %WANTEP URGENTLY NEEDED TWO registered nurses for generel duty ln 48 bed bospital.- HiShesI US- tarias paid. Telephone 370 or appla teg the Admnbtrator of St. Josepb's Gen- oral Ilospital, Litte Current, Ont, OPPORTUNITIES WFOR MN AIAND WOMEN SE A IIAIRDRESSER JONCANAOA'S LUADING BCNOOL. Great Opportunity Learn lLardressing Pïîeasan.t dlgnified prof esson; good wages. Thousandm of successful filarvel Graduates Amierica%'s Greatest Systenu Illustrated Catalogue l'a-e Wite or Cli MARVEL HAIRORESSINS SCiIOOL- '358 aleer si. W., Teresut. B3ranches: K4 ing st. W., Hamiltona 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa. PERSONAL POSITIVE I'OPULARITYI .SIipIIied plan reveais9 how you Cali become we'l- likedadmnired, self-confident and eue- ce5safu. $1.00 hhelly Publications, r.0. Rox 201, Ba-gtwaters, New Yor-k. DRUG STORE t4IEDS SYMAIL PBRSO<AL- needs. lnqulniea lavite4 Ltyoir 8Duuga, 471 Danouath. Toronto. ADUUES! Fersonal Rubber Goods. 3@ assotmet fr $.00. Finest 4uaityý tested tusranteed. WMiled ln plIs *eidpcage lf-e Birth Conta-el booklet and catalogue cf siappiies. Wo,t«rnn itributors, BOX 24TIR RegIna, satsk. GiT 8 HOURS SLEEP NEItVOUS tension may cause 7S5% aû .slcknesqs. Partlcuiarly sleeplessnese, iit$eryness and irritiiblllity, Sleep, eins your nfý-erve witli "Nappq', 10 for $1.00, 50 for $4.00. L.yon.q1 Druga>, 471 Dan- forth, Toronto PHOTOORAPHY SAVEI SAVEI SA VE! Films develepefl and 8 IIagna -prints ln album 401 12 magna Rprints flu album 600 Reprints 54 caris KODACOLOR Deveiepinig roll *1.00 nottlncluing prns.Color pints 33e oach cextraý. &nsco tsud Etca- 335rani20 ex- oosures moUinted intîlea$1.25. Coler paints fronsîd1s , 4escis Mne refundedla fnuial for npainted nnga1 FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. COMPARE 011rPhoto service ta-y an a-des-. KODCOLOUR DEVELOPING - Yùe GIANT COLOUR PtINT8 - 35<e. .Anarcoehromie & Ektacbrome mouintcd l ldes $1.25. BLACK< &-WHITE DEVELOPEU and 8 Enflarged pa-ints ............. 3pç auld 1,2 (datedi Giant prints -. 70< l$eprlntb 5e ea6iu W',e Psy il shlissg charIges. ,Afsl tiependabl)e servie ha- METRO PHOTOFINISMING CO. - Box 670 ÀF)ÏLAID)J ST. STA (A-1 VICTORIA) TORO-NTO 1, ONlTAI. OUR Third AIl Pony Slete be hpid 2Msy 211,hlda.Cosi1onsare DOwI being received for Registt]eod su (-radle poufles. i<enur Ranich Limted, Gajit. Oniterlo. PROPFRTIES FOR SALIE 'PRIVATE sale, 25 aýcres, fra-smo baiin wlýth conqa-ete libr, benvy wlring. suld atron neter, ln villa-ge eofGieuoep Apply Anda-ew jYurke, 535 Ruiunymedec Bd, roronto 9,0 Ota-o. e s e e TEFI .best ln grab bagse 1,000 sýtarjpà, mostly from oild deaiers' stocks, $1.110 p~apal(L return mailRutr Box 20, 333West Boston, IJetroit ý,Miian BUMMIER PROPERTIS iPOR SALE UM(Rresorts and motels in the most progressive district cf Northern Ostariïo. WVe stili bave a £ew reai nion ey-makers for sale. Other reitOrs lnvited. Contact WILLIAM R. .IOHNSTONE REALTOR, P.O. BOX 456 SAULT STE. MARIE, ONTARIO TEACHERS WANTED INORTH Alice Townsbilp School Area. Outies commence In Septemnber Quait- iled teacher 0,000, vwlth experiene. $3,100. Oaa achlool wlthGrade 1 onfly, others aIl eight grades. Short distance', from Pembroke, bus service dlaîlY. APPLY tatlng qaiIainexpert- ence aud ninie of iast inspector to reg Biggsý, R.R. 5, PemibrokýeOn£ta-rio. NORFOLK C:ounaty, S.S. No13, Town. send, requires teacher for junior room, Grades 1-4, for feU term. APPLY, stating qaiiatostxpert- ence and namne of last inspYctOr, tO 1elos H. Renner.,e.-raaR.R. 5, Waterford, Ontarlo. iiOLTYRE, Ontario reuesfmi teacher for junior 2grad(1es, 1-V; aise maie teàcher for seiticr'gradýes. V-yulI. EXCELLENT opportunity for married couple iniri lingNoter Ontarlo ining tovn. APPLY, givlng ail particulMarnsd nime (,f lest Inspector to: W. T. Pil- lps, Chirman, U.SS No 1. Black River and Guibord Townsbiops, 1hotyre, Onitarlo. RICHARDS Landlngl, Jocelyn and St. ýoseph- Township $cboz l Area Board requIrea ýfour qualffiled protestant tescbherË for Septemiber to tecach Grades, 1 to 4, 15 to 9. 1 to 3, 4tu6, A.PPLY, at&tirtg ~ulitena, eperl- ence, name of lest4 inspe-,ctor to Mîra. F'rank Erasonw, Richards Laneint, Oni- tarlo. WATERLOO COUNTY '1'E Conestote Public School Bozarfi neair 'Utchener requireg the followirng teachero in a 4-roomit aicoci. I-À teacher for PrtrrY grz(des. 2--A teacher wlth qualificaitions for principal. A gasara- scheduie In effect. ÀPPLY, tating your 1551 Inspectar end blietelephonle number, te: OLIVER KOCH SEC.-TRIAS. IL R. 2, WA1ÛRLOO, ONT. PRINC$ ll-dwsrd MCounty Norith Marys- burgh Tow;,nship Sehool kôard. requIrera teachera for rural schootl;. Average cri- roilment, *20-25. Duties tf; commnelia september. 1960. APPLY giing refes-ences. e7perlesuce, u fletions an EnT ij expected. rthurMàcCornoe c Bec.4rems, Picton,. onteslo, YR.R. , ,phons pictori, GR. - 1123. WANTED for CÀTHOLIC NIGHISHO Tenu 1960-61. One foir sciences, One inor mathemati. ÉALARY: Between *.00 t00 ccoyding te qualifications. 1State ykhesue nllmber wheri applylust te p.O. BOX 48*0 VILLAGE 0F ROSSEAU Requires T.acher FOR ORADÈSS 1TO 4 iâTATE qualifications, eprec n na.me of last inspector. SALARY oirered U,.000 For terrni com- miencing next Septeýmber. C. 3. RAYMOND, SEC.TREAS. VACATION PROPERTIES F0, SALE VALUABLE Inconeie property 'r<ea Ioàt Elgu'sfamusbeach; perï aent borne« includIng ? renting rocns prlse and 7 furni.ahed ctae Suit retirinig couple. Offera sîdre"The Idaples". Port Elgin, Ont. SWINE PUEEDWes< sex ?cSdlback gIis and boarsAliilages, lei for cros;s- ba-oedlng. Melvilie esma, ranton, SWîNF AND TURKr-Y, EGGS LIacombe, elîher se wuU,,oths. Ce- uewidt'nrkey egga 10 ecl. er- vin Hov.'e, B5, Aylier Wontarto. MERRY MENAGE CLASSIFIED ABVERTISINO N. N N N. N. N N N. N N. N. N. N N. N. N N N N N N. N. N N N N N N N N. N N1 N N. N N. N N. N. N. N Ni s N N .5 N N N N N. N. N. N N N N N. N N N. N N. N N N N N '-i N N N N. N N N N N 's s N. N. N. N N '1 N N. N I N s 's N 's ~1 '1 N N '-i '1 'i s 'I '1 s N. t'- N N N. N. N. N. 'I N s s N N. N 's 15 15 's s s N N s 's N. s 's