_ WOEEKL Y TI MEFS VolU e 2,3, N inbe 12Authorized as Second Glass mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa~ 23 N12Thursday, May 19, 1960, Oronio Onitalro Subscription in Canada $1.50; in US. $2.50 Te&-ýde nd Dèeg hosHealth Unit Speaking Orphan Enci Season Andi Report Contest Fridciy w T o nsl4 C ou cil The following is thie Northiumber. The Wormen's Christian Teinper- I I land-Durnam , eltcUi eprt ance Union hield their May meeting Communicable Disease heIlthe president comxm1*oedBEO YMAThOrnOpasHokyCu Moniay evening the TwshpTrustees acteci on the recommiend- Duun'Ilg th(' month 113 Cases of lichemeeting with the sigig f RDIE D MAhelTheron an oceyon Sat- Coune"Il held their reguarbi-month- ation of itheir engineers which aio omtuîcajedieae wrereor- sveafhyns.vitoy coAmcricabof over 2,000erathered urday last yhe n qet oer t ly session receiving a nuiber oj--f met with tfhe approval of the On- A , 'riudind of oump, z2,Sc0let I lOddf lielegations, pnn.edr ndtro WtrRs*ics r t eer n L-cic nox r. .RwJcnuee n -tSt aesaherlinrnthndredA cri attwened n e o e v- ffariing road Work. poinl ot hatthier-e vere -over1 n aeo aisws eotdsiainldevotion oýn Barnabas, SIinday, to attend the service iow'sHall, Orono. The executive o!f Couzncil wVas iniform'ýed býy a Ca,-ter- 100 welI r;ins late Province the manl of broad- sympathies clos- whîch 1 addtswr randteCAHA n h ...Wr p 1)r erse ;)- ha Cx ut onily a few ývowned ail the nec- in ndoginIl e lwnshp. Sx Ainiornye nilJar eýesentaLie 'hai:rhe.tCoinndiiledeacons. Amongr, welî represented as was the %Whole, paýny had set a sumi, f $3f'i)00 t(o Sareppenfr test crillinig,1nme~o û fmt cie those ordained to ilhe priesthood repac th11owlowontle nwCnilrSoeakdif the loca- p1etv ra etaais ais Drn h uins esotewste e.D.Nra atnc unty.e ev eangforncder- grader and also to0inlude înstalling tion of a twell nea-r (Il- cemetery iTbruoi otscesflsao o h r ; Tuercuosismin-utes were read and approved i St Annes Anglican Church, ono Orpharis wîo won the Inter- (-nIoi. ouci ae uoud av ay ffe- D, %atr-1Oe case f t'uberulosis wvas l-e- and the TreAsurer's report given. ew-dley. Dr. Martin has ben - dae""-hmînhi o h meet an icerof tefirm in the a point, lhe'stated, lhe hall heardpre lFinyeroc mnWo -ai arrangemeToron- very near uuetod LI h rtiim0. r atstated thati wasadntd uvei aati- Fnets er to for the past three yearsan1l price. ti oainsol o aeayjU.Aoi~ ain vsalsýo ad- pleted regarding the _Mýedai Contest adiintrt ne s anrc he l Thie large gathering was first advse ffc on h e well whiaeh myitte au W wredscare l 20iwas planned for Friday, May arecto oSt. John's Church Iin l ebr h ETnn uii Mesrs Hrb lival, prsien 0 woldalo ethouthlteed -Jepsswre x-rayed ath at 8 p. ymotion it was dewo ofndSt.eo's Church in erve aqe fdesdpr Orono Chamber of Commerce, Arni- eur uiLcias.iedttMs J C. Tamblyn se- Gores Landing. 1wiand the Womanis ssiaion oy1hý old Wallace and E. 11. Samuel of Deputy-reeve Savery said that itl 'I,;.uwjzation cure anld presenit books ',o ail con-- it an t e triVm ingAsociatio o the Orono' Park Board addresse eed lîke a lot of imoney to spend A tota îiarnun llIMi1Ztion dcli- testants. 'mit conference. th Ooonited ChuýLrch. Mr. Dane N counicil asking, that the Township %vhen yfdd' ns ht~ îs e' edduîg ~ 1it Mrs. Walsh gave the report onlFound aeted as ehairman for the bakaJayf$,0.0l re ould e eti n He would flot ics ild feldth rl cofe ice Mlrs.Kelly read an up-to.-date air-j,,,,Counlty Convention held in evo n and introlueed the playersý that work can be started on the favour any' amount over the $,500.1 sclhoos. reliforcilg dse41r0gv-I nPecergadig h Sm wcastle Unted Church. o te OphnsandthLA , al to LlVre ib The President conducted an ,a gestswo representing the O,.1 . new simming pool. The total cost Councillor Foster sai& it might beý,ýt 3) individuais and 176 comlin- were Bill Hanley, Lorme Cooke and 0f the pool was set at $13,000.00 o! cheaper to stop at the $,100000. pleted the prinary course f -im 1vNisits ecause of illness in the home tetesting clip siteet on "Citizenship' Ke M Mil n th rsd t.A ii whichi $5000.00 wouuld be avaîlable. Councillor Dent, in makîng a Mo- munization. 207 vaccinations atehedtal, aeJe Rx It has been proposed that both the tion to approve the $3500. said~ thatlgiven . cIotacts and 51 because, of other readîng -Lhe answers. brouh, vice.sid Joatck Aox Orono Park Board and the Cham--lhe could flot see wl»' the Couacîl School Health Service icommunicable disease. Onle of the Te eeig >e wthte in- h.A adviebieitft hen ailtun ber would pay bacek the loan, eshudtake the power of veto over mrai»', topics for counselîing ia the' ing of a hymn and repeating the H.adBl eit naltm delegation pointed out that they the Trustees who were interested in During April, public health aur- hom~es is thiat of safety. Accidents _ord's Prayer.hokyuprt. ofily soughit the guarantee of the proceeding withi the tests. The n,,- ses partlcipated ila 57 teacher-nurseî are b y far the greatest causeof_______________ Following the banquet the group lan, Thie delegation also presented tion was carried by Del)yreecofrne, awihth eOfdaho hide s hall where Dane Found displayed a by-law whlch they asked Councli.Saery and Couneillor Sone. behaviour- and progress of each o! j oirieyear. a eo!reicotenrtaomo h to consider. This by-law would setl tilechildren la the classroo was - ' nterestYlg ..ast ao~lc f the Junior Champion- the Park under the Communityý TENDERS thic subject. Auci mtr ship trophy which the Orphans had Centres ,-t which would niake it Tenders were opened for the pur- April wasvY the first ful mon-th of "wnanne !yasao loo egbefoa rt chase o! grader tires with Han- 5-19school childreii were giveaitioee ttigiîueee nT o r s n o nme fyas g.As r J 5l-<, Toronto, receiving the bid at indlividual hcealthi inspections by the gry sclitols sinice andtheIntrmeiateTrohy of Councillor Stone asked what [$1172ý93. on motion o! Dent and nurse, a full healthi inspection irn- th-e programme. The begi of Urorio Plcay 1weea wnb the Omdi rophs hi yar guaranltee that the boan would be ' Save7ry. Four tenders were receivedci ngcaieaio fteCSchildrea beiag tested, at the present He also displayed the Trophy wvon there could e no guaran tce ol Lncstranks rnpps . vtosgnrnaperne n i-e ainghoeri os by sthe pbc the Ooosael îteoe ya hc sterscn rup th itees o te eoleulih IFvet' 4rswee ecivd ortie fth e ctry he, nsection of sealtnre o h tahr Bsdswek ria n-Stra, a the Opa st o y e enTi Oron ber- commiittee was la fui agree- receive'd the bild with the lowest ets, eyes, a vision test, a hearing lac tests were Completed anri year, coming forth with a satirical andic Newtonvîlle. mient that the Joanl would be repaid'bidi on motion of Foster andl Saveryt-es i, hîs lheighit and %veight. (Continued page I)he-c oey "h oc r akRobruhwsito 1t waoointedi out that the LJlnk ther bîds- were from Lunn's Hard- Famnily Health Service _______________"Th______Jck__________ ws itro Bearers". ducedl and spoke praise of the Or- woculd nieedi someone reptitable *to1 wa-re, s. S. Morton andi Son, Dur-: D1urinIg April public heaih nurlis- Ti play by George Kelly is la phians in their psin plays and 9guarantiee the boan of $8,000.00 and hiam Farmer-s Co-op., and N. Green. , made 713 vîisits to homes ln. --lemof hockhi. passing as the Towriship 1hoids the deed the Nieopllos wr eevdwic hyatda ielhcnu-W A. And iW. (I,. Keepinig wîthi other plays which pe sitionai styl fhce.H pk request *ýý,as uenig ri-ade f ilie -1. ýf r the osiiion of Buidivg pieveîoinicolabenalpresentanddunypresesportsof inoCszechoec Siovakia where,- regues was bing ma e o! c em. fo the p sition o! Buiding I spec- ant, l colla orati n with andn the localn stoageon.he In al sta e.- he stated that s orts W s mos cîeik, tatd tat or. Co)urcil chose th-ree of the aine- dei the authority oie the famly I.-5 ~ api~atswo r t ppa fr ndotr.Tér eîe4cnslatin têengJnItJneiee e cast o! twelve players, aloagiprominent. He stresseil thatsports coni hould first get legal ad- interview. The thiree are Lyll bout the healtit o! the mother be-wthherdecoMsM.am laspyignipratprta vice and also contact the Deupart- Lw and production cast, hiave been improving International relations. - t mnent of Municipal Affairs.flie also i-wey, Gordon Cotter and Roy A for'e or ailter childibirth, 2.53 visits la The M1ýay meeting of the Woman's vworking hard to briag to the public We la America, have a very high siaggested that a canvas mgtbe iner Ohr applications Were wvhich the health of, the bab.y was As'loeiatioa of Or-ono United Ch4rch anl exceptional. performiance. ýopinion 0of ourselves bothin a sports mae s n ntil .sae a.inn- t J . . h Bpothl, s. Cwaý,n, riitervhie aout pocoesoîitln, S Wý,vs heild la the S.S. Auditorium on Maay in the cast have appearedUiandi the business field. Czecho Tiursclay P.M. May 2th willh 12 ili this annual production la other Sliovaïkia, hie sad, is highly devel- -in te pojet Th mttr Ws e-Sinclair and Citas. Hutton. 130 abotit school childi-en, 21 d-on- ladies present. years and are as foldws: Bob Tag- oped industrially anid culturally. lerred to the Clerlk who is to get, The reeve, H. W alkey, outlined a ýcerning thee healtit of aduits, 130iýot ly al r ep r nt ecl peatm ient 'i-idotoriayt hen ÇDe--ud àe4)(aaiue1ag >The presideat, Mrs, H. Allen, wvas gart, Ruth' Taggart, Roma Glan. SpotI lyalre pr ntecl partii____________________________a'____________page_4)____________page I)iithehchairiandn openedeththe eet-tvilleeJimi PollarddGladysy Asletttturaialife.e. eespokeeo!ftheeFestival furitr eein Wllbe hed o is -ing with the W.A. Theme sog, Geor)'ge Cols, Merrill Graham, of Sports hield in Prague where Res teie.ley sehîma fihyma and mnotto. Mrs. M. J. Tam- _Naureen Johnson, Pitil Long, 'Merle 200,000 are ' accommodated. The ReeveWalky, a chablyn gave the devotional message, Glbart, ail of, Orono and Jean Festival,- heild every two years, saw tite Counties Hreredin ws ron haShrtantBomUîileanitan,20.00idhetsthatprtint- the coundtion 0f ltheUntold olhas lab% &nr T-- A si t1st chapter of Luke, verses 5 to 16, Steager of EJiiinskillen, programi in 1958. This represented alwa?,ys concerned týhe unit anld that @Nu M hm 15 was sung. 'For the beauty Proýeedls froin titis venture are age( groups from Public Sehool uip. S the wtid elometh cnsru- vI I I ~ V 'W 11 ')Ou f!the Earthi", and ila speaking o! totally usýed to pro-ntote the sum- They hold tw,,o ideas in sports,on liono-n. tfha newithSpringvMvs STamblynalso read mrrecreation program and base- ii) increase nmass following and tt Tie1 ooPlceTute etFrom thle 2nd chapter of Sol., verses bail for the boys and girls of iteiothier to develop botter performance mewt Croncilolace rused ote !theOooCa- 11-2: 'For 1b the winter is past, a, a umîgto Canadlians, lhe stated Par"k Board for thle constr uction of tcramý is over andi gone, the flow- -~The Torch Bearers" is a tLake-off tiat it uas amazing lie number s that they approv'e tite final sum o!f ero! Commerce reported to thle' tii pool andc a proper contract let. iýs aperon fthe earthi, the t'ime of or, ia' group of players la the 1922 wio Wetrned dw for physical $30.0for test dr ï In liis a- rono TPark Board on Fidyeven- I Furtlier it was the recommnendation tt ign !brs ICmIndte liwîoae neaorngt pefcasl ie last war. Sport s, ihe ount would brîng flite total to $7500. ig nwiitthygav te-lsp-Ojth Cmmtte ha te!roec vice ofe trle is.honard inthe sent a pacfr teteatore in cpe. et-ol ul etrnto n R. C. Forrster poined 0out thýat to'-)port to assist with the financing o! bi opetdi lr paetî and.' Site took aslher 'copiceiprbesaeboghfrt îeyuhheottfrteren dt'e $3700.00 lhad been spenlt andlanexv swimiming pool lante Ooo 'cr.Tiey feit that the dressiag- in fhrs litheBible"'beiag ap- t in itum-orous nature- and wviI1 ttusiasms. Sport, te statedl, is not titat conditions aIt he last test ""l .Park,.The Chiamber committee xas Froom-s \wePre certainly aeeded andpo~it to Muýlttiei's day, and ]litemprove entertainîng for îtle îtwo heinlg o,,er-emlpliasized or over-or- thne nort'itend Warranited a pumtping lead by, the organiizationi's president shuldi not beecudd It would be es agZe 'Vas most interestig and ïih audience at Orono. gaied is remarkcs were,, furtit- ttwitict woul-d be started i Tues- Hlcrb_ DuvaîL. no more difficult to complete tht 'l titemmbers present received a Pa oatn ii rsnaine-db ttn ia prslt d1ay. Mr. A. Watt of the- Ontar-io At tite last regular meeting o! projeet titis year titan carry il nt ra ea !siaion.Stecosdb ite Ooo lyes .onnud pg Water Resources spjoke to Council flte ronio Citamber o! Commerce for years. ih eotionial witi prayer.t - stating that the nortitera site itad ttce presidlent was autitorized to Mi-. A. Wallace, secretary o!tte. Tite corrcsponding Secretary, bocated a good formation o! Wvatei- formn a commi-ittee to study the pool Pr Board wvas authorized to ob- Mrs. Iwnreadl a note o! titaaksT., "L bearig gravel froin 35 to 412 feet financing and to work along with train piies for a complete swimi- from MArs. Annabel Riekard,- telling C n v a 9~* wl.'iticcold well - develop lato a thîi( Orono Park Board in lncatinýg miag pool with a galonage capaditittow hv ler mother, tité ate Mrs. a uufl% i4- ht, Tu rsl ,S welil. Testîig lite said was aiecessary a ncwý pool at tite Orono Park. The !,4 arouind 5-,0,000 gallons. Approaci- Hendry tad enjoyed living ;in Or- t th t he est ablsi t go d ell e si r esient, H. Duval, PPOit-it d es are also to be made to local en- ono, also a note o ! thanks fro inFm thttedprtna tdgoeoe 'lessrs. F. E. Lycett, J. Lyall Low- gineers foi- suggestions. Tepiet Mrs. Tebblgveea% ro ra al the data again aand t;itat tter er-, and Daile Found tte comn- Tte meeting then drafted a letter TtpridnMsAlegva sites, if necessary, had been located. miittee. Early last wieek titis dom- to esent( to tite Township Couaicil report on the morning session o! -Ie stated that it would be disap- mittee met and set forth their pro- akigtiat they back tite Board for Presbytery ad NMrs. Carson spoke On Monday eveniin,-,May 23rd, Hlave your donationl ready la oi-der ponigif thte tests wvere called off posais to be presentedi to the Park a blan o! $8,000.00. Representatives ion tite afteraoon session, botit were tt rn hme !Cmec a ntgtdtoyasao-b aIttstime. His emarks were fur-- Board. 1were also appoiated to mccl Wvith itîesigad ntutie iî tî iti nua ieoîç t lclCaber o Comearc a so ties e esta bis h ed a unsite ap a- O f rd assistance tothe Pni k ee ting. W.M.S. foranoui- stJu e eti ngoveed.l y wl p a t d s u ~ o n l o ulrt v r lt s ott R e v e W a k e a k e H , . er w ic t ir t u ~ t m t. Ti e it in th e c oou i Pl a r k theb e ro u gi t u d er , O e n s a y J n i e W i ol pr d e d b yanus i c a re o -I eridt!hl m e