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Orono Weekly Times, 19 May 1960, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY*TIME8 TI4URSOAV, MAY 19th, 1960 Fûai< &(hcol GIee Club To Sing' gRD 3OTER RS At United C-hurch Sunday School Appr,,!.atly -o ne third ol bers of thL, Orono United The two winning teams of the number of patients admitte iday School are happy ta sulhool softball lege r uy'ý1A\v eea optl Publie School Glee Club Vagg's who won Il out of 12 games A pril wee rom places other teir Graduation and An- and Ross Morris' who hias won ý5 he City of Oshawa. ;ervice, whichi will be (aut (f 8 games. In the mnthIljly report frn- Church on May 22nd at Mr owes andMr Monroe of the hospital, it is njoted that 729 Newcastle Public Sehiool are* plan- tienits we&e ad-itted from ih de ny dafs of anixious Wait- ing to hiave three softball teamns and that 325 patients were ýils bi Mrls. Lyc vett's ro00M from eachi school t-o compete again- ohrareas ser-ved by (Îhe hos moth emerg-e frýom its st eachi othier. WVe hope there will be tw'oysteams anid one girls teamn. 'N amîtecfrom o O 1, Fraser Wallace, Bill Ailthle s1tudenits of our s1chool are the city were: f1rm Whitby, Luxtoni, Coleen Flynn, laoking forward to thie holiday we fr-om East Whitby Towrqshiç, a. îk, Dorothy Dunlop, wvill be gettinig on Mondayý, May 23. fromi-i Whitby Tow,ýnship, 39; Sanid SIsan Glbart, ail We are( planinjg fto hold oui, Ajax, 21; from Pickerýing Tcg i' Lycett's 1,00om will be Gauto Exerc-ises and Talent 21; from Reac:h'Towniship 141. ,vh othiers at the W.C.- Ngt.Jn :t.Uxbrýidge Towniship, 1; frýom Mýedal Conitest thisç Fn- b;Lyndca ?earýs, Peggy '-anicock 'C7. 0f ithis last figun th at 8:00 o'clock. and Judy Vagg. wrere from Durham CoLtnV. Ir.-o Beoa ttyw. n- Mran !. andAs. Roy en-att, orn- ta ad r.adMsAden a n Eric H-ardy, director 0of he Citk- can be controlled and balanced. Jiîre avid and àdelen, Toronto, zens Researchi Institute of Canada, "() do0 tms it is necessary to adopt li s. >om Thompson, Blackstock and secr-etary of the Ontario M-'vuni- an officiai plan.. - .Coýedihck caled on cipal Association, recently uirged -dace an officiai plan has beeen Mrs. M-. Walsh, Sunday.-, AznsofDamiSgon tonship lo îloto operatian Uit ay be arn- Mrs. C. A,. Cuimming, Bowman.- co-operate ith counicil and the ended to mieet any contingency, Mr. ïVille and Mis Audrey IWIllig, planning board in fending off devel- Hardy said. ODshawa, Spenitftle wee;enjd %with opmeInt in the towshî. e advised NIe said the planning bomA has Ar. and MrS. carl]ilns Darlington that untîl it can provideacotnigjbnatwshpad a ua es for fringe en coach mient, works n cloe inas o w ith ic ancid Mr. Alex Drumm-ond, Miss Carol- if should invite Oshawa to extend owcfKrtinatoe lihai, coi tunil ,~ î\ac-Arthur, Miss Jean Euchan- as boundaris. esicueli f the ed ta during' Uthan mx the Spa- city, from 101; ,25; from -ship, *The rmemi Churcli Sun have the E ~igat th ivýersary se held at the 11:00 a.m. After mai ing the pup observed a Rick Nea CarolfGb 'Patsy Hai-d from ns comp,1-etinig V T. U. Silver day, May 20 S UMM R WEAR 1 41FOR TI+ELADIES LADIES' DRESSES A new arrivai of Sununer Dress- es inchiding colourful prints and pastels in easy-car fabrica of cot- ton, arnel and terylene. Many haif sizes i the group. Priced f ront ... $7.95 to $19.95 COTTON SKIRTS Slim skirts and full skirts with unpressed plea ts, colourful prints and plain shades ini sizes 10 to 20. Priced.......... $4.95 to $6.95 BABY DOLL PYJAMAS Shortie style Pyjamas of drip- dry cotton which requires littie or no ironiIng. Plin shades of pink and blue as weil 1; dainty prints on white ground. Sizes small, med- ium and large. Priced .... $2.95 LADIES' SHORTS A good va,riety of Janiaica Shorts and short Shorts~ in plaids, checks and plain shades of beige, lodar green, tan and black. Sizes 10-20 Pric.d at.......... $2.95 to $395 LADIES' HALTERS Rose Marx strapless Sun Tops ini plain shades of beige, black and white as welI as fine checks of ,back and white or red and white. Sizes32 to38. ...... .$1.50 LADIES' T-SHIRTS "Knit to, Fit" Tops of fine knit- ted Cotton in plain shades with striped trim or stripes with plain trim. Navy~, red and white in small medium and large . $1.95 - $3.7â LADIES' RATS We still have a few Spring Hats of good quality MUilan Straw and Straw Braid which we are clear- ing at HALF PIRICE. Armstrongs etore Open Ail Diay Mronday SMITH DEVEIRAGES are just right FOR ANY TIME 0F THE YEAR macle and Bott!ed by SMIITH BEVERAGES LTD.E BOWMANVULLE "On Tronto spent 'iie weekendjc .~ i.an-d NMrs.. A. Drummiondc Mr. ad Mrs. Jac(k Bail and .jli,, Mr. Hairdy was speaking at a 1,c meeting calleil by council to explalinta citizens the problemns of e2Lected for a one-yea, r nm which musota term11. 'The planning- b)oard, and a cornittee ofads- EXCLUSIVE AUCTION SALE Antiques of every description H-ang9inl'7amps, spînniing wheels, Me sets, deacon benches etc. Com- lete stock of AMrs. L. )3arkhause, N wccastîe, Ontania on Wednesdlay,- Thiursday tand Friday r-eserved, June 1, 2 and 3 if necessary. 'Sale taj comtmence at 10 a.m. and con- tinue ta 6 p.m. Jac-k Reid. Auc. UNITED ; MON OroHeo. asira!ii SUNDAY, MIAY 22ncJ CHURCH SERVICES' Orono- 1100a.. Leskard -2:00 gtp. SUNDAY SOHOOL Onono- 10:00 a.m-. Rirby -11:00 a.m., Leskard - 2:00 p.rn I NOW IS THE TIME TO BUYI i TOP QUALITYi B-H PAINTi AT LOW PRICESI R.E. LOGAN, Prop.I Phone 11816 Orono, Ontario t FiaEveningt Frdy & Saturday Open Ail Day Wednesday ---- - -------- -LI'Omit. ranlff I rs. N.- F. Porter. i3s :all Counicil, thre planning board and aud John', are remnaining for a long. He said a recent Royal Commis- the r esidlents o Darlinigton, should e72 ay sLon rèported the population of al work together. in guarding against uýi ian muLnicipalities hias increased overdevelopment in thle township There passed away in Toronto on a per cent. In the townships and untdil the township is pnepared tW J nu u NI ay 14, 1960, John B. so-called improvemnent areas this accommodate the ovenflow, lie SMoat af il Douglas Drive, Oakville. increase has been 61 per cent fromn added. I"I. oat was the husband of the 194l5 ta 1958. > lI the discussion period which laie Ettie Hall. The funeral iook This means thie ur-ban population'followed, MIr. Hardy answering a place Mlonday afternoon in Oakville is spilling out into the rural areas uestion "D)o we have any right ta Mr. Moat was in lis lO2nd year. He and burdening rural dwellers with keep people frorn moving out irom wacil known in Orono and dist- n gialles to pay for services re- areas whidh are congested?", saiâ rict. quir-ed for urban dwellers. if the township is not equipped for I Mis Pasy Rid, augher o M 'For this reason planning is niec- city ini question to extend its boun- adMs. ack Reid, Oagr of Mras1a-ay' It is needed by the township urbinization it should invite the cepei aposition _Ji orotowi! fend off urban overflow until it dories. Mnd Mrs. ercy aryard'of Mr. and Mrs. Raye West. JonSikua lias accepteda soito:in z:z:adanBnko MAheY SALE WEEK i ]or1 Saturday evening at her homne9 Ila 'in fionour of Miss Caroline Mo- m t-dy JArthur, Toronto, who will becomefi Jthe bride of Mr. Alex Drummin in June. Ladies' Haif Slips, Rayon with lace skirt trimi. Th1e party was a complete sur Assorted colours, sizes medium or large,... . . prisè to Caroline as was the- reo Isentation of- a lavely pninted lunch- Jas leDnm Dii e 4 feon clofli and electrie frying pan. Boy's JenBu ei or Di oxerstlewaist AMter the bride-to-be expressed lier t 3 thanks, the evening was spent in sizes 3 to 6X. Pair for. ........... ...... 87c. gaméie concludingwith a delicious lunch served by the hostess, tileen Brlings. Boy's Boxer Styl Jeans, belt loops, zippered change aTed Veenhof proved a successfuî l pocket, double knees for, extra -Wear in navy, îfsherman recently w len he caught c ar o l s r es r An e o e h en si s r ng a 4ineh Rainbow trout. caca t n rAteoeSen ie ag -g from 7 to 12. Priced per pair ............ $2.69 ýkGL CUIDE jNEWS f Gir Gude eetng egai a ~Nylon Hose, first quality, full-fashior.ed, dress t -i Gr Giemetngboaia sheer, sizes 9 to 11. Don't miss this stock-up 7:30 on Tuesday nighit. We varnish-.f opportunity at per l................ ... 43c. edi the wood for oui, belts. Sonie tofai thbc girls pr acticed the scouts pace.Jf a IWhile somne reviewed second classl Glass .umblers, 9J/2 oz. fancy uecorated 6 for- 9,c knots, Lynn McMlackin and Carol f knots.n passed thein tenderfat!fý Round Plastic Dish Pans unbreakable in assorted Wk ha ispctonan cllcton colotws for only ............ «......... ..67C. ývas ï aken up. Carol Vg passed f lier Rim's game. Just arrived, New White Summer Handban'c The girls who are tak-ing thleir fifo .......... 1.9t 29 seodclass nature, reviewed i t Pice rm .........î4 o$ wlIiie the others played gamnes. f Meeting closed witli prayer and,1Pei Boxes,2 ade ......$18 t p .M etal i n c2 h n l s$ 8 -~ Lynn Baileyo fiCorkey Cooler, shock resistant liner, well insu2ated Misl) Band and with self pouring top Priced at . $1.98 Twenty -six members of the OrjQ Paper Window Shades, size 3 feet by 6 feet ini colors f 01no 1Mission Band mneet on Mondayl o ,hie ramec eorg en E h... 2C afternoon in thie United Churcliohhtcem cu rgen Ec...2 c with Janice Rutherford, the liresi-' dent, conducting the m-eetiig and Oý Stedmnan's Quick Drying Enamel, 10 shades to f leading the group in the MNission cos rm Note the price 12/ t 9equrt$14 Baýnd purpose. Mns. Drummond led2 tie children in a number of sngs ' %ý1tihMis. McLaren brin ging- thesr~ Dervld FonmesaetanohnDvaus.~E~JIJ f Dvid ureseage tohs. fi - ilDflMfl 5r i'19w S ;1> took up the collection with Canol f Gilbank gîving the treasurer's re- port. Sharon Allun, the secretary f OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS rea d thie minutes af the previous meeting. -: D0= i= Z _ 0C=Oc=o=Dco O Oý Elaine Forrester, Mlarilyn Tamnblyn »Local News N N 1 1 Speaker Urges Darlington-Plan N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N < N N N N N N N N -s N N N ~ N N N * N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s, N N - N N y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N s N N N N N N N N Imam

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