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Orono Weekly Times, 19 May 1960, p. 6

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On ThelIsle Of Skye Few bird voices are heard upýon 'the hîls of Skye, and Beinn naCaiil*lce was a su-ent place- whe, on sunflit mid-summner evnna cdmpanion and 1 r climibed it. -~ The north wind had cleared awapy the haze, and bili and sea - were briliant. Southward, Ben rMore cf Muil and its attendant peaks sceemfed close at banid. UOpon Bcn Nevis, rising far to - the east, the snows glistenied-- Ior, upon it alone among ail the hills the winter -nantJe o0f white r remainedi. -Fromi brilliant white - -the- cih f the s'un paled through orange to deep rose r colour as w-e clim3-bed, and eachi rminute Beinin na Cailliche c-ast a more tremendous shadlow ov-er li, gien and seai to tLhe east., The sudden ,7iew of the Cuillin Srom the crest of Beinn na Cail- r liche is alasa striing onie, rbut tonligbt, as w'e iooked across Applauded By Ail PRINTED PATTERN r70 411 the fashion w'orld haîls th-e wvide, ide sil1or collar that ýcapes" your shoulders above a ,treak cf a sheath. Divine shape îor junior figures -- front band- Ing- suggesýts Empire line. Printed ?attern 4-700; Jr. Miss Sizes 9, 11, 13, 1'5, 17. Size 13 takEs 3,à yards 35-molh. Piinted direct ions on eadh pat- tern part. Easier, accurate. Send FIFTY CENTS (stamrps cannot be accepted, use postal note for safety) for this pattern. Please print plainly SIZE, ÎNAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMAS, BoZ , 123M EIghtee-nth St., New Toronto, Ont, r r r r r r r r z r z r r r r r r to thie Blacký Cuillin a f ew min- ut es b)efor-e sunset, thê)re ,vas such beauty -uponib tis great range tbat the his migît w,,ell have beeni part of a f airy coun- Th-e iportb-western sky was- fuil of colour. In calmi beauty the Outeri> sles lay. inthe sink1- ing sun. Harris and. Benlecula giowed: a sea of mist that, filled fte inïch was so ethereal thàt it was imipossibl,-e to defimne its boundcary, From the m-ist-seca the hilîs of tle outer Hiebrides rose. Thne rockýy coasi of Lewis wasî suspended in air. On fthe north wind tbe van guard of the miýss drifted. downi: -.> Puis ating and quîvericg. fhe sun sank ever loernad in the patl of its orb thie western. country about Loch Bracadal]e glowed in an aerial bath of amecthyst, of a wTonder- fui be-aty that could be paînted by no artist's lrush or writer's peni, At laist at 10,15, fhe suc ýa- 1gone, ai-d the clouds alone were in its rays, An hour affer sunsýet the weSt- erm orionwas aglow. ýAgains a radiant backgroond bars of Cloud floaýted.... As dusk rested upon the il- top tbe beacons of thbe ocean one by one appeared, and the lamps .of -the stars -were lit iaithe inprn twt i ebside the- cairuof Beinn nô GÇ1çïe: ais ek, 1-if asuddMýn, the tre f ca~e f ligîit fromr ifskir, - ~hirhlies beýyond Canna. As ithe, dusk repnd if eeedas -though laeis a q-niteri-1 vals. on the ýfqar western Ioiizoýc acrss- the sholder tOf Gars - Bheinc.ý This, bov-cver, was no placet, but the poxerfulf a- dis7tan1t ligîit upon Barra ltead AýsLinçg li ut if., s sulge to shipa aisea. TlIen appý:zerelsser lit-t e becon upn Eig, ,the great lamp at the Ky-leaikin c-mi rwth-e 10W f >t ilQin liht tat guarci alag Norithvward Itle strong atr glwfor long hbldflic e lit- biouses because of its own bril- liance, but at iengtb cane six short stals of lght, sendîng sea- -waiCi the mtessýage of Rudla Reidbl, the guiardian of ail vs sels- that sailithe Mnc.Last Of ail sloved tbeso-rolig lamrp oi, Rona and, -floaf1in,-.i the a-ir, the ligît from Tiiimpafl Head ln the Lewes-Fromn "The Cbarm n-1of Skytîlhe %Winged Is]e," by Seton Gordon. Meet Papa Sportswriter Tom Màeany re - cords a cu-rlouis summiit meeting -in lisz newv bookýý, "The Yankee Story": The day Y7ogi Berra fi-st mnet Ernest Hemingway. era the Yankee catcher -,%-o, is un- spoiled by intellectualism-r, wasý ictroduced Iotohfe novelisi t naý New York rsauatMeany wrifes: ','We'li, Yogi,' said One of lis Party, 'you'veL finailly mnet Papa Hemingwav, Wlat do you thick of hlm?' "'He's quite a character'sd Yogi, wif h obvions admiration. 'What does le CdO?' 'H e's a wier'answered Berra's astoisled friend, ', Yeal?' said Yogi interest- edy. SWcat paper?'" Q. jit aIl riglit for a manl ta use onlly l isnitiais whenl signt- ing social corresponxdence? A.,No; e should sign lis ful came. %-OUND- DROWNS OUT PAIN--Madedinea Coubre - blissfully undergoes work on her teeth ùt a dentaol cnetoSecret c the wark ïla in the earphones a-nd ihe controt box in hýer hod.Dr. Wvallace Gardner d is that suid bloaka the ra- JUST IN4 TIME FOR MOTHER'S DAY - Loking like every mothèr's dream of ai brihy picture, a elgin prince makes his camera debuf. Meet Priýnce Philippe-Leopold Louis-Maie, the son of Belgiurn's Prince Albert and itoly's Pr-incess, Poola. UHRQNICLIES HIa vey ( ui1cati-ced fie chapes? iof e rt ibis 1:oi- Ume- inîle roug-h on a-SatÙrd and ty pe if on M( da.Te2n 1 ope if I m1entio)n ftî eabeéc Saturday by Monday 1 lave io revise lýaI I have ,writteýn, Tiis -seems t a le maolr of thoseý weekends. As I writ, if isMa 1, Yesferday -was -bleak ard 1sbowery; today proises ta be muai. the srme bu'.tüaiîorrowý, tle "prolýs" ~ are fur -warrnet wýeatler, And. so if goes -, worl days and scoool days brijgît, pleasnt ýwenthCrj; ioff days, for parents and chlidrec, cold,wny or wet, upsýetîing 50 many plans for painting, gai-dec- ing or afàmiyouting 1 cI w-onde _rby if should 1le so. Is if a Necress for short working bours and fIe five-day week? If 1 remember righîly yea'rs ago when maost people were working mnucb Longer hours, six days a weel, Sundays were nearly al- ways fine and b-iglit. 0f course 1 bave no stafistics i-o prove. lif may le only la my imagination that tle wealtler paftern b as chacged. So miucl for tlat. Now herm' anothier foplo for, your consid- erition. Oewigf-and île problemis in connection witb i-e- ducing. Remiember about six week-s ago I was wondfexing bow)% fta take off abouIt tell poundICs o! surplus? I1newif Wasn't gôiîcg ta le easy liecauise I afrn cafeta big eater But IMe donce i - i- duiced 12 poocids ta le exact. HoWejli l'Il tel you - if myhelp some onie else. Fi-sf of adl I startcd eafig less o! ev- eryfhing. Tlat didn't work. 1 dic't lose an ounce. My doctor hadn't put me on a diet. Wlen I ask hlm how ta lose eih e just said - "ULse- your la! Sa flat's what I finaliy did. 1 realized fIe trouble lay la what 1 was eating-c, caf îl te amouci. Of course reducicg las ifs dis- advantages. Last f ail 1 bauglit a new box-te soit.I wore if île cer day and foucnd if a. bit baggy, But I reaily lntmind, If isn't much o0! 1aproblem fa', deal with garmients thai, are boa big. A tuck here and a pleat tlere, buttons mroved ic about an mrcl and there you have ik. But, if clothesý are tao smnali - tlaf's- anather story. You can't add on what îsn't heme. Another dis- Advantage is tle meals tSem- seve, tales mnore fu1ssîng ta prepare a properiy alanced meuaifan if doces laput up somethin cx and faccy. Inicidentally jus i in case y-"Ou are wondecring law Parîner fits in wifh fIls low cýalorie dietl let mie asurl0 e yu le na,ýges v ery weil.He also mas getting a Ilt le on the beavy Ide so le fo L- glad ta tale off a fewpons 0f course le eisnmore c-tivefln- I 50 bis calorie caui- i quite a lit igler. Actually lhis onl!y concession fA dicling is ta eat leas sweet stuf!. And tatis quite a concession b-ecause ai- fbougl Partner is a leavy am---(k er (pipe) le sf111lasu: quite a sweet tootl. Mrs,.1VCE., . .Thank 1,you an mulfor your letter. I ande lbgbed ourmother fînds îlhe neele-bredersuch a bel.p. SIcL muýts-f le a vwocderfulaildy Fi-st of al 1 put dlown an, average c1ays intako of food and tIecn compred e"cir itemwi% its calorie cnetThe esl uns 1280 to 1500 calories. 1 numibeýr of cailories sbhould bDe i 000 t1~Is - ucless one vwas- w-Qringlard Wih acalorie - -chrt s mygude sonfound \4c I ny diet was wrlong. I got 'ail i~'4nf~-matoti ro a spleni- did boo i; 1g-t freinfthc publie libary- "taySlim ifor Life" b-y Ida JeanKan I cul mry bread consomption down f0 tbree thin sices of vitmai bread a day. Subsltuted clear or vege- table soup for crearîn soup; used iesorange juice and ore ta- mtojuice. les, b utter, - ugar acd vwboie ml.More lean mea*-1, fisI, yegetabMes, salads', si-m mjilk an-d cottage ,-- hes No mnid-m-orninug snacks bt-!1 do a0- lmow cef a cup o01tem auda plain cookie la the aftercoion, also a glass of warm skim. mîn"lk ancd an ucsaitaded racîr at lied-- timue. The bass in w-eigbti on that diet lbas fot beensptaur but, if bas ]been s-teady-. I say "di et" for want ofn'a betterý word. ActuIa[iiy I eaàt pra7ctic-ally a thing L fapcy itbài rason jPm! so is s keep fakof the calo 4-*bou ot 900 a day. 1 alsoàIe oevitamin zpsk; And ii omtigIno- ticed. P'eI-se , lb -as not a star- vatIionI diet I was not conisciousa o! any discomfrorb. For. four welks I wasnt even hungry. 1But justInltely, whiie cot exactly suffering any panigs, 1I arn glad w-len ifs uirne for anothecr meal. I accunt for hit fIs way.For foe first f eu-w weels my digestive system wvas uslng an accumiu- latedl surplus. Now tflat las been reducedl - tle baffle of tîle bulge almost woin - mny bodily requiremients are now; dependent upon île daily intake of f ood. SG 1 caforally aiicciined ta gef lungry. And 1I mus[ say 1 feei mnucl better - no leartburn, indigestion or any other discomn- fort - but aï lot mnorceneergy. Wly not wifh 12 pounds less to carry around. Q.How can I iprovise a sub- stitute rouge? A, You can ebîher use bec, juice or just rul the raw beef if- self on youjr cheeks. This is larmless ta3 the cmlxoand produces a nicre color. GoId - The Age-OId King 0f Metals MenCl-'s b1ou 1g e r for gou ld has neyer ceased: in search of il, 'ts the Eider Plinyw'rote with ail thle sentenitiousniess at his cm mnand, they- explore every vein la, the earth, and dw l upon h er hollowed-c framle; and ifrom the caciiestt imies il, !bas achieved a lace in ther economîc Ilhtry wbich (as has been well said) is eut of Ail proportion to the as- sistance il lbas given in their struggle against Nature, Wh G~ten, ïs the force c-1f its ppaIt [s possible to list some 150 substances wbich at varloos tinies andc in varlousý parts pi [le wrltd have been invested withi som-le universality of value, almost equally divided betwecnt the animal, Ge vegetable and the minerai. 0f île -minerais, sonc M ie copper and iron and lead and tic) av awas een prized for tbctr racicl tility. Sîlver, too, bias alway;s bceen Prci zedc. bu t fo)r i ts; ýý )1-D 'rativ7 quaiity; and it Ïs ibis sainequi ity ,wihch asawasin the past maegoid the kng n meaj"lsi n al] ai lces beekno- edeof itlas eneratd.For god"s moclh more crc eta availabl, thé qoantity in whichl it I-as beeti produced hàd al'w ays lagged behind île ti&il nmand for it: even tOday-, e OLJttt is iresiai:highier thnlin any p oeius cnty, i bý stili perfc_(tly truLe ta say thaf th leI-emand is imucb gr . 'l tha thle supply. Neverthers~~ie sacl- is flot the onjy, reason- or am- nge-long bungel' whicb laa anme- Uimes amouridd to"a âssio Scit mst becom-bined ît postie eaoity before if can-e ta-t suLIIGove bninig attrac,- tion; and it is the Positivebeo o)f gotd, allied to tbje com--para-_ tive ase wthwicýh it can be 1woýrkedi, whicll ini past ages,,ha,. giveni it a unqePosition. - Flrcmi "Gold$ ," by C. H.ý V. Soi-b-ý erland. How I4er Majesty H lsAn Investiture Eve wndered wbt ,gous o0 behlind the Scenles wheln theýi Quf2n Wboldaian investiture'! Th c in ive sti tur îe ce rem onjie takeý place in the Graind' Hall!a Bucingampalace anId are in'- varialy miaclesof smloothiu- cing. Tbe Quieen stands lhatWle and gloveles and at lier sd on the red-carpeted dais stands the LordclChiamberlai who reads ouf one Iby one the cams o tio-se to be hoi-onoore. A lîne -of meimý and women begin f0 ov forwaý,rd to rece-ive the-ir decorîj- tidons, The Queen car'efullyPInS On, cacl award, smiiles at tle reci- pient, talks for a few seconids, and then'shakes lands with hlma or lier. Hlow does shiemng f0 do0 this pinnicg on C,'-'theý order or decoration wvithout fumbling? "Shortly before those to be de- corated enter Llie Grand HP.a., tley are conducted to an aýnte- î-oomwhe a f iny, hook-shaped brooch is pinned o(n to the breasti or coa--t lape], we were tbld. "This m3eans thaf the Queen-i- simi-ply las 10 slip the medal on t0 the !hook." One man w,,ho attended an in- vestiture In 1953 said: "There was so .mucli tua absýorb - goid Newvesf f ashion! KRau R-beaofl- fui, bulky- jacket ta wueur for sports, travel, everywle"2re! Jiffy -lnît indhes %,fly by Use-c dQube-standknifngwoDrsted, large needles for bulýy jaeiket. Pa tferc 8il:1: knifting directione 'sizes 32-34; 36-38 included Send THIIRTY-F'JVE CENTIS <Stami--ps cannitle accepfed. use postal note for safety> for iis paf bern fa LAURA WHEELER, Box 1, 12-3 Eilîteentb St., New-, Toranto, Ot.Pin iaay A- TERN NUMBER, your- NAIME and ADDRESS. New!î Newv! New' Our !,ffl Lauira Wleeler Neediecraft Boof* is re-ady NOW! Crammed wibia exciting, unusuai, popular de- signs fa crachiet, knit, sew, emr-. broider, quif, weave -- fasians- ,, home furnishbcgs, boys, gifts, ba- iaac lits.Ir. île book FREE - 3 quilt paftterns, Hurry, send 25 cents for your copy. FAIR EXCHANGE - Mrs. Sushila Ka-pa-dia, of Bomnba-y, India, gr-eets3 VicePreidntRicharid Nixon [n lhe cuis«îomairy foishion cffindiàa und Mr. Nixoni responcls in like manner at the U.S. World cnd Trade Fair,. car1peuts - thlat few -present nîo- ticed tha"t a i c-diaamong,- oýthersshce d them to thGleir oui rolesbeorew- entered the Grand Hall. "An offic-iai gn reminded us that peopleiehd tunfiýortunate!y ppplaujded at wine investiture in the pastt, adding that he knew t.is wouldnot lhappen, today." Mode 'rn Etiquette 8VçAnrie Ash)ey QJust what is the proper way for a woman to intréduce ber husband? A. To iriends, as "John," and- to acqujaintanttces, as "my 4us- band." The- two namres of safety are "mY hsad and "mny wie"since týhey are proper rna matter to wonyou are talking. In buies Mr. Sith"1anid "Mrs Srith"arequite corrIect. Q. sthe Inapkfin'always Usea at the diminer table before drink- ing water? A. Yesý, this isý one of its maini funîcIo, thei, idea being that yoti avocid aycac of smear.inig thc edge of!yur glss.

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