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Orono Weekly Times, 19 May 1960, p. 7

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- - - - w - - - f ~in Search of Sodom And Gamorrcah AIl that is left of the Biblical1 cities ef Sodom sund Gomnosrah, those sinful oenerset ealth, rceanld pleasu.re Palaces, 1-10w eau be found lu Genesis, chaptes- 19, verse 24: "The Lord sained upon Sodom anduion Gomior- rah brimnstoue and fise" Inrcetyerhow'eves-, B'i- blical seholaras have offes-ed the- os-les- that the ruina of these pîes.,sure cities nmay bie hiddcen- wmder the Dead Ses. For the past two years, two amnateur skin ives-rs have be-en pl.annt-inge, studyviug, anýd rehearsý- ing for 'à. caret l picobe of thle souteaserucorner ef the Dead Ses.. Last nîonth e-ves-thing wasý ready for iblis ad1venturoua un- d1erwa-ter seIarch. "'We do't ex- pecitoc find a igu down there readirg 'Welcomne IoGmrah, ,uaid Allen Vin)cent-Bas-wood, a formel(r Caniadian Navy frogmanl owa professer lu the Depart- mnt et oPEducation at the Amner- ean University of Bcis-ut lu Le-b- anon. "We hope ta bsiug up oetigwhichi could be dated ta the timne of Sodlom suad Gom-iý *srr-a." Ba3,rwood's pantner laý Melvin lUzzi, a native of New York n1ow çvorkilng as s co-Runkatious exýper!t with the U.S. Emllassy lu Anriman, Jos-dou. Theii- iopes for Auccesa are based ou a w,,ealth ef Jisiorical data sud a Bedouin legeud about "buildings beueathi tht ses." From istudies of geol- egy, aýrcheo)logy, aud the Bible, this picture of past ev'ents has emes-rged: The southeru eud ef tMe Dead Stea, below,ý the Lisan pqeuinsula, wvas once dry land. -it ws,,s here, Biblical experts say, th'at the five "illtes of the Plain" prospesed-Sodom, Gomn- ors-ah, Zoas-, Admah, su-d Zeboim.ý About 4,000 yeas-s ago, the plain was appas-etly hit Iby asu arth- quake sud eruption, perhaps the, ous-e of fthtBible's "fis-e sud Irinistone." The sýeizuire either ecaused tht plaýin to settie or bkrokeas levee, floodîug Sodom- orid Gomnorrah. The othier cities. cpvideutly wvere spared. Ascheologists fouud tht fisst evdneto support this idJes six .years ago, wvh en they- came ncreas the ruins of a clty, be.- lleved te be Zoare Bss-woed and Rizzitidsm piractice dives in the Dead Seae dutriug Christmias week last year aud( discaveûred that it wasn't igoiug te be easy. Slxty-five pouuds of weights were nleces- %,ary te keep themi under the noyant water, which la 25 per ent Sait. (0111Y 1.5 pounds are iBeed7ed lunthe Medliteraea The high minerai sud sait con- tnreduces visibilityv o luches at times, corrodes gear, sud flu- fls akin. Both explos-ers had swviollen, raw lips for days. As-mied with a permit fromn the Jos-dan Antîquities Depastment, a Jordlanian heicopter sud îma- tas- lauuch, sud sun-Asab boy sud blis doulçey (-who are kept'buisy al dy hauliug fresh watis- te HAPPY TED - Tbe Red Sox' Ted WiliIkims roars his delight at hitting two home runs in two 0 ConsecUive g cim et fo Iaunch thie season. mile away), Barwood and Rizzi this month were to start diviig in thle 40-foot depthis. "Ideal ]y, wve'd like to find sýomethiug thlat wauld be dis- tiuctiy traceable to the two cities," explaiued Bar wý,ood. -But W11o1 knowsv-? Mae we,11 just fiud a man-madle pile of rocks, assumiug o-c an sceebeyonid our finges-tllps." Amat-éurs Barvwood sud Ri.zzi w,ýere mnostly out for kicks. Not Sa another Elindiveýr uamed Ralph Baney, woaippeared on the Dead Sea scene recently, ,seemningly eut for bigger stakes. Fattish sud 48, Bau4ey is a chrheaBaptist mninister whio now cirectg an orphanage in Bethlehem-which he Ilambboy- antly promotes by mailing out vas0f1 Jordan wates- and "holy moui."1 Atter a dive late lss-t month, BanIey claimied hie had found an ancient broken dike sud remj- liants oC a past civiliz*ation on the sea floor. "We have locatëd two cities .-. ,. which mar eb- fieved te Ibe Sodom and Gomor- rah," he announced sud headed to the U.S. to proclaimi his deeds. Buat Dia 'R~ifac f the Antiqu- Ities tiepartment was uîpes ed: "B3aney did not produce any evidence of the existence of two cities. His r-eport Re solely bas ed on -hfltinig" Fron NEWSWEEK Bare spots lu the lawn c aný b. repaired without fuss. Rakt the surface of each area sýnd aýcatter grass seed. Liglit tamiping with the sole of the shoe wil1 bus-y the seed sufficiently. D.RIV$E CAREFULL'Y - The Ilif vou save may be youir own. m- PAIR TRADE - Flaga fiy before the Moscew ,,buildng .which was the main hall cf the American exhibition Iatsumr.I' being realdied for anoî-her show - the Czechoslovakian indus. triai show. The buildings f romi the lJ.S, fair were sold to Rusija. Prospects Fer Olymipic Jumble The Olympic GamesJc-, which genlerated suIch 01l*ympian headi- aches at Squalw Valley asat wn tes-, are now ,giu Rpma1]us moi- graine head -spli tte -s. Fous- moutlha betore the Open- jig of the XVI lysàpjiad nexýt Auguat, Romie's 7i4-acre Olympic Vil!lqge, desigued taPl-Ovide li-- ing facilities for 0,000 people, Studs ,uuifiuishl-ed on coucreýte .tilts, Ïiýolated 'bc, mud, tht prod- uct of record-breaking rin.Tht It&lian Olympie Commlittee haLs peured nearly $25 million inite preparatiolus for the, Gamnes (much ef it ou tes-tglittering sta- diums), yet soùme people doubt that tht village will be comiplete- lyv realdy lu tim.e. Col. Gluseppeý Fabre, aab ,)eleItaliau soldies- who has beeiln uamred te supervise thte village, recently off ered a hait-ses-loua solution: Pspn the. Gamres for, a yeas." The Olý,ympîc cammritteetfturued 'him dowu."' They'd sold tee many tickets," Colonel Fabire said. While the basic cýonstruction ot the village is likely to be fin-. ishied withinRa a menth, Colonel Fabre still wiil have enorxmoue hedce."We-,have ta brîug ln 700 tra1in cars et fuis i1hings," he told NewsWveek's Bill Peppes-. "Tht miattre>,sses for- 8,000 beds ailone stretch out maroe than 10 mie."He shook hlis head. "This isn'V seally avilg, he said. "It's a hotel. A village mleaus f ailesd fmllsheip the-- selves. A light buib bususout sud they chanige- it. But if a butlb bus-us out here, ne rcord-breakç- ing champion is going te reach uP 'sud tix it." Parniulies aise cok their OWu mleals. But noV the- O1YMPians. Eighteen huuidred men wi'li be cateriug to thjetEtstes Of athîttes f rom 8U nations. The special arrangements include ko- aher cookes-y for Osthodox JewVs (supes-vised by thte Chiet Rabbi of Rome), suid tht importation of 'ýa Tunisisu chef te slaughIter andý cook acces-ding to elgaulaw for tht Mosltms. This dots not niecessas-il y m that evtrybody is goin-g to be liappy. Wheu tht Olympic Com- mitte annouuced that ne alcohoi wouid b. strvtd, tht French de-. cidtd te briug lu fous- huge casks of Borddeaux, sud tht Belgýian& âsaid tbe.y wes-e briugýing their, cwn beer. The athîttes of'pail coun1ts-it were rebellUng agai;nqt s ques- tionnaire issued by tht Olymypie COmmryittee. One question that dis- tus-bed therm: Cari YOur- sexual temperameut 1beat be described 1by thrtt Crosses, two crosses, oe cross, Os- a mninus mark? "Anytine 1who dots not wshte answer the questions," said eue commrittet officiai, "will stilil'be pes-mittedý ta con.pete.' To Rompns themselves, tht whole prospect of tht olymptics is alarmiing. Tht City anticipates 120,000 extra visitera daiily, wTith rione 25,000 ex,,tra automobiles- l(which will jam sireets alr-eady crowded by 200,000 vehicles). "ýUnlea-s the City et' Romle does, 6omethingt" aaid au Olympic commnitteemani, "e'egtiilg te have the biggest ts-affic suas-i in thre hîstory et the - wosld." "I'm nat taklng a vacation thi,ý year," Ont Roml-an dclaIired Ijsat week. "l'di speud a wveek juat get- ting a ut oftawn."' How Can V1 By Roberta Lee' Q. RowCanliYitait artifielal ff0wtrs w-ithou)It rsrgt a ter? A. Try piacing thelu a paper bag with a handtlul et sait, piud tien shaking wel. Q.How Canli improvise a subh- stitute hot water battit? A. Pour sait into as kîlet sudi i t 4 in thlie ven until it's aqlmoat i ttesmokingpoitl. Thien pour thtesait i a bag, B s C";LA$SIFIEO AD VERT BABY CHICKS AU mes pullets for economnical wbhite or brown eg1g production. Bray bies for prompt shilpmïent dayold putl- tls, miixed chicks and coekerels, also somie started. See local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John N*rth, Hamil- ton, Ont. BOYS' SUMMER CAMPS KAR AMU BOS' CMP (wasn near North Bay) 7 to 14 years. Quali- fied Red Cross Instructors. Supervised progrAmmeinis.oVy,;'-Nveek Camap ope'riods aaJliable durlng July ami Augn.st. For descriptive foider apply now: Karamiu Boys' Camp, 29 'Rushley Drive, Scar- boroigbi, ontarïo. Y. M. C.A. CAMP WANGOMA BOYS 9 - 16 oRGA f basting, swvimmfling, canoe tcipping, camip craft, etc. Finesqt equipment and leadership, Near Ban- croft. Wite for free foider. Eat York lÏMCA, 900 Coxwell Ave, Toronto 6 CAMPING EQUIPMENT HiuLlYFE convertible Camiping Trailera -Sleeýps 5-6, 230 lbs. - Mheel - sets, campli 1 minute - Free Uiterature. Aberdeen Camping TraIlera Salez and Renti Mt. Hope P.C. (Hamilton) BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALÉ OR RENY EFOR Sale, trade or toise with anY r-easonable teras ccepted 0on excelent 3,00 sq. fit. steani heated buldillg on bighway near Sarnia. Ides! for llght meanufactutring. lHas been successfully operated for 3.1 years by samne faimily- as a car ani fsrmi implemnent gn. [f ,ou are a good meccbanic ,and want to gýet in a profitable bhuiine.5s loca- tion with -nu opposition for se vtl. miles, investigate at once. Apply 11.0. 130crrn. o 911, Petroliai, Ontario BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALK 40AIETY store, building, business ami sitck f- or sale, well located flu central village of NMaitoulin Island. EstabiLsh- ed 18 years. Wonderful ammrtrade Laýrge modern 6-rüoom ulpstairs iapart- mniçit. Cash. Contact Hlarold IL. Coopjer joýx e, MnetyOnt. A FANTASTIC buy, due t. iUne#Ae. must maive ta a dry clîmnate.Owncýrs sacrificing s well establislied service station, aulto wreciers, usd automio- bile- and farm imiplemecnt bulsiness. Sriestation hbas roomny v, rksbop, well lighlteclcar Ilot. asoflne ugallon- age oveLr 100,000 ycsrly. Modermnized living quartera. Auto wrecklng, 10 acres wlth 4 largewaeoesThr l!a a staggering, number of used cars, farmý machinery egulprent, mountifas cf parts, slow plow, trucks, garage equipment, welder, cuttlng torches, steami cleaner, spray paluter, tools, etc. Everythlng goas except househiold furuiture This is an ail year aruud* miany sided profitable busýineýss with largle turnover. Locatedhin Westernl On- tario on busy hi,ýhway, tile ountskirts «f town. No reasonaible oîfer anid terms will be refnse-d For further informna- tion wirite Box 837, Ranover, Ontarlo BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BE YOUR OWN BOSS!1 OWN AND OPERATE A Coin-Metered unattendeýd Weestinqhouse Laundromîit Equîpped Laiundry Store. Net $A0800Anniualiy. Write or phlone todaýy for fuit iniform"-a- tlin abouit unattended 'coin-operated Westiughiouse Launidromiat equlpped laundkry store apportunities lu your eýomuity. You mnage ln yonr spare tinie - hl netting higb incamune. We finanice 90%1, of your total purchase, aller you longeat financiug pe-riod a.t lowest Mouthlly isaîet.You re- celve t raining and advice from a nia- tional organlisation that bias helped o% er 8500,rmen and womreuIlîke you ifo lutobuies for thenmselves. No ex- porieuce neeýssary. Modest inivest- mu.This proven uiew profitab!le automatlc bui>ness off ers a mioney- miaking, opportuulty to anyone who3 vants ta own bis own bine>Ss. Como- pare our compflete prograpm. ALD CANADA LTD. 54 Advance Road Toronto i18,. Ontario ROger 6-7255 DOGS FOR SALE and huutlng stock. 'Virgnia Freeman,' Stonehenge lenneLt, BRute, :, ling. eton, Ontario. FARMS FOR SALI9 FOR fully equlpped farma sand fatsis lands cail Mr, Madden, CE. 5-520 .w e bav e eera] farms ta chooîe foi Lars Osberg, Broker~, PA, 2-W54 909 Rchmond Rosd, Ottawa ", Ont. 100ACRE fari for salle wtth or witll. out cattle and goo djie ùof machiner37. Hanuse bas ample r î1k lit ai cold water ln bath roani. ApyMr. Phil A. Guiindon), E.R. 1, MAXVILLE, Ontarlo. This svet s n apnblilhedfe. as1ou f the many benelts of: '114E ALLIEO SERVICES (CANADA) le629 DUNOAS STREET, EAST LONDON, Ontario. FLASHLIGHTS REHREBLE pýcket Fîlilt No batteries ineeded. Pluga jiuta bous'e À C.100- cf 11-120Vltotet.$3--potp1d HELP WANTRD-MALE POLICEMAN wanted for summen.r montha, iwith experieneceprferred, spply statlug prîur ai . J. Mc- Clure, Clerk, Port Sydnley, Ont. LEGAL MAEYour Own Will Save îawYer',b f ee! TwVo legall ",Wili Forma" redy tu f111 ont $1.00 postpaid]. Piole erl, It- MACI4INERY FOR SALE NUMBER 20 Van] Norman mlnlling- me- chine, vertical and horizontal, motor drive, swivel vise. Le Blonde, heavy dutty, nuniber 2½ý1 Universal mlllng mnac'hine, dividlng lbead. swivelvie motor drive. Brown and Sharpe niui- ber 10 cylludrical grinder, coulant pump, electrie motors. Patter Jabusunb - 16" shlaper, swlvel vise. mator drive. George C. Kaittlug and Somi Ltdi., Glit, ontrite. Pmonle 2240. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE PURE MAPLE PRODUCE MAPLE sYruIp fi specl'al]Y aealed ec5n5, C per gallon, 12 or 16 per case, 75e s Cali. Aiso maple toftee In samne can, 90e. Twyo-ounce loaves sugar, 24 pie.ces per box, $225. Ail pastpaid. Wlfrld Lari- viere Saint zachiarie, Quebec. MISSILE PHOTOS CAPE CANA VERAL Missile Photos! ThC-ril111i-19-acti1o n p îctiu res -o-f -i- i e Fre World's niightieat missiles. Sýet of thrce 8 x,- 10 photos, $1. Sets av ailable: Atlas. Titanl, Thor, Juno., sPace Probes. Senld * 1 for, each s;et dleslred., Canaveral Photo's, 1205 Jpnc Lane, Coco, 1F1orida. MIEWCAL NATURE'$ HELP - DIXON'S REMEDY FOR Ri4EUMATIC PAIN$, NEURîTiS. THOUSANOS PRAISING IT, MIJNROIS DRUG STORE 235 ELGIN OTTAWA $1 .25 Express Colett, - POST's ECZEMA SALVE BANlSHf the torment o£ dry eczerps rashes anud w'eepIug elïi ntroubles. Vost's Ecirna Salve willlnet dîsappoint yon. t,1chlug, scaling and buirning eec- an, cerigormi, pîmples sud faut eczryema Alil respond readlly tatIi. ,sàtilesodorleas ainimeut regarç1lesaq of how ,tubborn or hiopeleas they seena. Sent Poit Free on Receip f fPrie PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES IM.1SIS. Clair Avenue Basf TORONTO NURSES WANTED URGENTLY NEEDED TWO0 registered nujrses for genral duty in -48 bed hoûspîtal. Highlest sal- aries paid. Telephone 378 or apply ta the Admînîst1rator of St. Jasýeph's <les- ersAI Hospital, Little Current, Ont. MYONEY TO LOAN FUNDS Ava llable. Money ta Loan ona Firat sand Second MrgesOr on a--; oilter security. Phorie or wvrite Dan. ttglivestmienit Ltd., 99 Avenu* Road, Torouta 5, Ontario. WA. 2-3662. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MrN AND WOMEN R~E A KAIRDRESSER JOIN CANAOA'S LEAOING Bd-bOL Great Opportnnity Learri Hairdresslng Ple'issant dignified profession; goo4 nae.Thousands of succesaful) M1arvel Graduates AecasGre;iteat Sysren, Illlnstrated Catal,.ogue Fre. Write or Cal] MARVEI. HAIRDRESSING ECHOOL 158 Bloor St. W., Teonotto Brancne.s: 4, King St. W., H anlifton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa. PERSONAL MERS. WANLESS CHIVERTON - le-. trolysis Cliic, perman"Ilent hair remnov- ai, face, ueck, eyebrows, legsý, arma, underaris. Free consultation, 424 Wel- llngton St., GE 2-1467 Landau. GET 8 HOURS SLEEP NERVOUS teion may cauise 75% «f alekueýs. Particularly aepeaea ,;Itterynek;,-and irritablllt. Sleep, cl your nerves wlt "Napp,3>10l for 81.00 50 for $4.00. Lyon's 1Prugs. 471 Dan- forth, Toronto. ADULTS! Personal Rfubber oods. C6 assortiment for 8200 Finest qualiy, tested guarauteed. Mailed lin plan» se-aled pack-age plus frtea Brtb. Control boOkleî-t and catalogue of supplies, WYestern D8firbutors Box I4TP Reieasic. DRUO STORE NEEDS BY MAIL E ERSONAL rneeds, nureslvtâ Lyoný'ei Drings, 471 Danforth, Ta7rante. PHOTOGRAPI-Y SAVEI SAVEI SAVE! Films ;developed sud t magna prints 1lu album 40e 1:1. maglla ps-luý is album fo, Reprinits 35' each - KODACOLOR prinlts). ýColor pit 5 aheta Ansco sud Ektachromec 35 mm 20 e- poisures mainunted lun slides 81.25 Cuior prints fram ilûAdes 3,5ý eachi. Mae refuý1nded luiffnil for iurinted nega- FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB j BOX 31, GALT, ONT. ISINO PROPIERTIES FOR SALqI FARMS, CAYUGA FAPIîas-ms suald more frn ru 50 ta 20 acres riangýing lu, prica froni $6 ,00 ta. $30,000O. Somnitb mhilkl con. tracts sud ail eqnipmaent. Iu the boss-t. of the golden hossesbae aresaI ou 1- tas-la. Stoplaansouofice anytime. Auc'tIl, bas-n ana restaur;anjt ilu Iag- ersvilie. Ope-ainsi ,ces-y Es-ily. Gl clan oppostunlty. We alsýo have homes ilu ton n aud d alg the Grand Rives-. RoaA. Pensons, Broker Cali74j, Ceyuqe. RAZOR BLADES DO)JBLE-EDGE Razos-r lds supes-Iog ta ail, miedec tliSolinigen, Ges-mlany. 2(P 81.00 or 100 for $5. îonIey bacle guatrautee. DeIawrire DlistrtbutotW, Stkaluford, Nýw Yos-k. TECESWANTED A PROTESTANT tahrwionted for 3chool section No. 17, YiuphrastAa Towa- abiip, County of Grey; dtista cani- nien1ce Sepjt. lat., 1960. REPLV ttigqulfiai nud sal- siry expected ta Herbert Lemion, Sc- T'reas., liii. 3, -Markdalýe, Ont. RICHARDS Lsnding, .lacely sud i. Jo-seph iTow'nship SholAres Boaird rquirea four quiflred Protestantý tecr OrSeptenîbar te tEeh Grades 1 ta 4 5 ta 8. i ta 3, 4 ta 6. APPILY, sttng qaiiain.expýýrl- ence, nmeof atin.apector ta lira. FrniBraýson, Richards "landl(inýg, O0t- taria. PRINCE Edwa',rd County, North Mary- burgh aui pSho Bad euse teachiers for rural aciioMs. Average an- roilment. 20-25 DEutias ta comionce, .Septesuber, i96îÔ. APPL glin~ reecis, epeiec Arthur MCmucSec.-Treas., 1cPîo,. Ointas-io, R.R. 5, PluintPicton, G R.S- TEACI4ER WANTED EMSDALE 1'IFACH1ER for Grades 3 surd 4, aias ouie for Grades 5 sud 6. Salaries paid APPLY, atating qp~latos xperi- anrce sud name sud :addre,,ss s« sn Insp;iector APPLY ta Mhrs. E. J. Sine, Sec'ty., Pùr. ry Township School bad Em>sdal%ý 5ïlte7io, Phone 47 Emasdale. $OUTHI Brighiton Twp. School ares e quire ai Protestaiît teacherta ,te tacli lour gÇrades, 1, 2, 7, 8, lu. ý rural school' asPar Siilary Scbedule. Iiu s experienca *3ý,000.0)0.DuesCm nc September 6th, 1960ý. Reply statlng Experieuce, Salary end "si pcas-s tt Mr. CeciliAlextgnaer sec.-Troae. 1.1. 1, Brighton, Ont. 9QUALýIFIEs-)i teacher for '3êparatt, School No. 8, Hnntley. Dutles ta coul. pience Sept. Grades 1 ta 8. Ivinuinum salami' $3,000. Apply givlng experiencte and usm'e af lest inspectar ta Mrs. IL. Willlaqmus, Sec. Treas.,i R. 1, Corkery, Ont. TEACI-IlSE woted for, S.S. fi ame Gare. Well equippad sechool bas la.t ride pltumbing, hydro sudatoai kias fumusca, 1/4 mile nos-lb of lresdesý (in 21- Ilighway. Startfiug lu September, apptroximately 28 pupils. Apply statine qnallîaistl nsd slsyexpected 14' Cadei Redford, R.R. 3, Dresaden, Ont. W ANTED for T ern 9061 n or sciecs for mteaia %SALARY: Between $4,000.$6,000 vceordlng te State phane mnnber \wbeu aplply;iug P.o. Boxt49 B;OURLÈAMýAQUEI, QUE. NORTH Alice Township Sc)oul Arte. Dutfies commence lui Septemnber. Quali- fied teacher *3,000i, witb exýperten-ct $3,100. One schoal %wlth Grade 1 ml others ail elht grades. Short -distaudýî froua Pembroke, bus sriedally. - àI>PLY stating qualifications, 'eek Lnce sud name of lest Inispector ta ReR"' BIggs,, R R. 5, Pemibrokeç, Ontlaria. UAIID Prote-stant te-aches' for &e, o. 12, ùsgoode (Scotch Schaal). Appit eattng qualifications sud salary ev Sctd. Duties ta commence Sept. 6.' VILL AGE 0F ROSSEAU i R.quires Teacher FO01kGRADES 1 TO 4 5n5of last npca- SAAi fferd $3,000 for: terni aa Aînignext September. it8. ýRAYMOND; SEC.-TrREAS. J 00 DUT. Briitiali,, West ladfies *;2.00,. N, $5.25, 2M0 aiff. Canjada $3.25. Lano4 ta'mpa, Peaka Isiaud, Ma1uit. -SWINE AND TURKEY eeGS ý%ERVICEABLE Landraice boas 5.0 Lacombe, either sex 2-214 montha. Gen. lune wild tus-koy egS *.00 eacb. ier-- vin liowe, Rb, Aylmier W . tntas-la. sYa ir, thie mi0mobile has' proved s great mioral force -- it'i stopped a lot of horse ste-aling." If You'reTIRED Now anti then eNeves- Ly gels s "tirti-oul" feeling, su ad n'ay Le 1iotheneti by hsckachesý. Pe-rhaps nath- ing aerously wraug, just s lemorsari' ceni dition caused hi' uriusry irritation on bladder discoinfort. Thsft' he lime le tske Dodd'x Kidnewy Pillig. Dodd's heip âtimnuIle th. kidneye la relieve Ibis- condition whîçh may ofien jause bc ache andti ls-d f eeling. Then yiau fele belles-, reat baller, wous'k, Latter. Gel Dotid's Kiduai' Pilla uaw. Lok ba fr C. blaite box with the redbadLin' tAildru& tioint>e-s. You Ca n depenti on D.41d's. gê N .5 N N N N N N N '4 -4 'i N N N N N N 'i N N N s -s 'i N N 'N N '4 N SI N 's 'N -N N N N N Si N Si N N Si N S 'N Si N Si N. s. N N N N N Si N 's "N ,Si N N s N N N N 'N NI N N s N N N N Si -i N N 'i i., N -ni N s N N N N

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