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Orono Weekly Times, 19 May 1960, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKL.Y TIMES YHLIRSDAY, MAY l9th, 1960 ORONO WEEKIJY TIMES (Au-thoirj)ýzed as Second Class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa) Fireworks Are Dangerru s Fireworks are dangerous w,,hich point is proven time and aanduring this period of the year when children become en- thusedl in the celebrations of May 21 (celebrated this year on May -3rd), Throughiout the countryý police -and fire authorities are wvarning parents to use good sense~ in permnitting their children '0 play wý,ith these explosives wvhich account for considerable body harmn and property damage each year. Young children are irresponsible by nature and given ire- wýorks to play with without supervision will explore wvays in which thiese fireworks can be used - - how the explosion sounds under a -an ori'bottie, how they scare and startle others. Inevitably some- one is hiurt or, something is destroyed. The blame rests more with the par-ent than wîth the child. E-ach year children are seriously injured as ai result of play wît t~ewoks;somnetimes thiey die:. Chiildren are scarred for, hf e, lose th1leir sight, because of the "practical jokes" played with fire- xrs.Tho-e things are too dangerous 10 be given to children .Vithoul supervision; the childish tri cks can quickly get out of hand. Ilt must be remeombered thiat a fîrecracker ;ss an explosive and is extremnely dangerous. Children should not be allowed their use nless they are well supervised in their use by thieir parents. Laist year in Orono some misuse of fireworks arbund the MunJ(iil Buildings wvere noted. La the TLownship building large tîrecrackes er eplode trug abokçen wýindow next b piles o-ýf paper files. This coul very easily result ln a fire. The door of the Armouries was scarred by the use of a ,Romian Candle which apparently wais used as a torch. Such use of fîreworks should nieyer exist. The reson-sibility rests with the parents. The Orono Chamber of Commerce are again this year spon- soigthe annual f ireworks display at the Orono Fair Grounds. This project was started by the local Chamber to reduce the haz- ardi and mnisuse of fireworks. The dîsplay which will be helil this Monday evenin.g will be extensive in nature and costs the organ- ization a sum (,"! $20000. Not only is luis community display much safer il is .also much more economical as a dollar or a dollar and a halL donation to-niglit to the Orono Cubs will provide a splendid dlisplay foôr IVonday evening. The Orono Band will aiso be on hanid at eighit o'ceiock tlQ prov[de a program of musie. M an's Intervention Ln a recent article la the Hamilton Spectator attention was dr'awn to the fact that each year millions of song bih~s die due to mran's interventions. Insecticides or pesticides useil 10 control in- jurions insects are destroying our song birds, apparently on a wholesale basis. The wrîter points out that the only way in which we can keep in jurlotis insects from taking over and creating a desert is by preserving, birds and predlacious însects -- insects that live on noxious ones. The balance of nature is certainly being thrown off stride by the uncontrolled use of powerful insecticides. The writer also points out that these pesticides or poisons are from 15 to 40 limes more toxic than the well known and deati- ly DDT. t has been shown that two pýountis tt) the acre ,0f DDT was the maximum, ainiunt that cpnd bpahtlid w,-)ii tnQ-.A, An oak d:nig r suite, buffet, C LASSIF PIE[I table andi six chairs. Phone 1464, Orono, Ontarlo. FOR SALE Fresh Asparag-us for freezing. COMING EVENT -1 0 pounti lots or more 25c a pound. The Student Couneil, Orono High Phone, 196J, Orono). a-p Sehool is holding a Dance Party in________________ the Orono Town Hall, this Friday, MWay 20th at 8:30 p.m. Admission- FOR REN1T Students 50 cents, Outsiders 75c. In Newcastle, Fully Modern, and i Sudent couples 75 cents. Ont. ettoebdro prmn sideýrs must obtain a pass from any $-15.00 monitlyl'. Phone AMA. 3-5589, student before 4:00 o'clock Friday Bwavil.a-c or ývvîl not be'admitîed. TEN~DERS NOTICE Teniders -wumo received by thie Lol's eauy ~ope -Oroo 10Jundersignied, unýtil Junie Lst, 1960, Lol'sPeatyShppe- ron 10Jforiniistallation iof O uraefor Siartiig AMay 3Oth, will be -c-losedti th< Leskard ubicSchjoul. oda10Friday eveaing 7:30 p.m. Lowýest O i edrntacs dur1'ilý ing~e .:on1th0Of Junîe. arîyaccpt'J Open for' appointment Friday ev- Zai 3 Duil,l ening antii ail day Saturday. b-p sec.Lsad colBad Lesýkard, Ont. Au t 0JS l -a- OF S;ýDDLE HIORSES, RACE HORSES jPONIES and BROOD MARES MAY 28TrH. ALEXAN'ýDRIA PARK, OSHAWA 12:00 NOON $ 1O.OO DoeslIt Thle Oshawa l{arness Horse Club is a nlon-profit gr-oup of local horse- men. Al Profits Of Our 'activities are spent la thxe interest of racing anti breeding. $10.00 will place your' horse in The Sales Ring with the Club bear- ing ail costs Of AdvertiSing and !Auctioneer Fees. No fuirther levy jwill be madie. Entries for this, Our second Au-, etion wil be accepted Up to Sale Time, M-ý,ay 28th. Early arrivaI will provide better opportunities for viewing animnais. We alreatiy have somne young horses and brooti mares enitered- Further information provitied by: Bill Reid, Orono Grantit Untierlay, Mvyile Station Garnet Wetherop, Ûshawa DSECTION HELP WANTED A woman to %vork mcoriiings at Mlotel Diana. Phone 1071, Orono. Apply Mrs. Hlazeldlen, Newcastle. R.R. 1. a-c SCH-OOL REGISTRATION Parents are asked 10 register those children who w Il be starting school this c-Omit,,, September. Re- gistration will be at the Orono Pub- licý School on Wednesdlay, May 25th erween 2:30 andi 4-b. INSURANCE GeoraI& Lifeý SEE COP/FRED LYCEIT Thle W. A. ji ron- nited' OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO Jhrhwl E a supper on1 Wet- Phone 12516 Rs 11 nesday June29th c oonsisting of Rs 11 cold mea, ald ant stawberries. Kindly ke 1î-dus ate. in mmid. i COMING EVÎNT utWALTER FRÂâNKg The--Evening Auxilîary of the g gY n KD Uinitedi Chur'ch W.S will holtiaMcAYndKD "Tulip Tea" at the home of Mi-S.C. REALTORSg Billings on Wetinestiay afternoon, 177 Church St. May 25th from 3 to 5 p.m. Al the.. ladies of the community are invitetid Bowmanville MA. 3-3393 to attend. a-c COMING EVENT Reserve Fridlay, Mý,ay 201h 10 at- tend the Silver Medal Contest for I the Public Speaking which wiUl be 'I heiti ia Orono United Churchi Sun- Independent ACc@iintiug Î, day School Auditorium at 8 p.m. Admission 25c andi15c. b-c and Tai Records COMING EVENT Whitby, Ontarlo The Eveninig Auxiliary will meet Contact the Suntiay School Auditorium of the Or-ono United Churcb. Mrs. C. BR C E Y B". Sissons wvil1 be th~e guest speaker I anti ail ladies of the, community are ORONO PHONE 1191 nmortality 10 animal if e. Yet applications totiay are rom 30 tu 40) 1 NGGEEN liMes more deatiiy. This is the sluff wvith whichi we are covering EGGMN AUCTION SALE our land, our fruit and our vegelables and whichi we are inadver- -Mr. ati Mrs. Vance Allen ýwish 10o The undersigneti hâs receive i l-ý ttyconsuming ourselves. anone 1h naemn fthi tuctions rom ïMr. Alex Monk t' la he outerastaes mpotet Lie ats avebee a daughtfer Joyýce Matielon to William sei by Public Au tina his resi I factor for some 30 years, but have neyer been consitiereti a serious A. aili, sn 0f . antediMr.ng clence in the Viylage 1:0f ethn n problem. But a 'couple 0f years ago poison was sprayed over the Ma Ju, entThe we0ddi3ng w ilsetureyMay lsaild 3Opà.iis, area wilh the resuit that millions 0f dollars was lostinlafarm stock hitake placeJUned11h, 1960 at 3 p.m.ohisentr on useoli cLLet lvin coasj.st,.urpreen anti wiltiuife. ingof beiroom fu'itre. ivngj r eoen coutpac t The writer states flhal-lthe whole balance of nature hias been - ________et'.___________on___t uipset by modern pesticides tha± wë are ikely to be satidiet with I N M EM OR IA M e. ah.N esre one of the vorst inventions of modemn times. Like thé dope habit, TAYLOR--Ln loving nlemory of our TemcahNoeere these chemicals now seem to be la control. He continues, dear daughIter, Doris Lorraine, who cJ anAcine that when hie was 'growing up the spraying of appie trees was passeti axýav May l8Sth, 19541. Phone 2191 Orono unknown, yet the quaiity of the fruit was unexcelleti. Eventualy Your- presence we miss, [ft lp J QA I' spraying came lInt vogue anti three applications were> recom'- Your mrernory we treasure; Foundations and Septic Tanks mende. To-ay telve ppliction is sandad. Loiii.-> ouahvav, JU ICIAL S LIJ.4.Fom valbe There is a neeti for a close look mb nto'Éans interventions Forgetting you neyer, on the balance of nature before serions anti permanent unbalance Lovîngly rememibereti by mothier, i 0F * is a fact. dati anti brothers. a-pI The East Hall of Lot 26 in the_________________ Sevelh Conjceýssion of the Towni- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sh ip o f H- o pe ; in th e C o u nity o f D u r- ham, anti the North 8 acres of the STAFFORD BROS. West HlalL of saidi Lot 26. LN THE COUNTY COURT 0F THE W UNLTED COUNTIES 0F NORTH- M nm na Irt U'MBERLAND AND DURHAM 1 o-eWiy52 LfN'TEE MATTEP. 0F Thle-Parti- !in hib 5 luýion Act, R.S.O. 19,5, Chap, 269,ý 318 Dwdas st. E.. Whitby ant .-i eimientls thereto; FINE QUALITY PURSUANT 10 the Jutige- Let us erect a handsomne, dig- ment anti Order for sale mateie a nified monument over the rouf. The year was 1898.- the scene an Ontario village thiis cause, thiere will be offereti for' ing place of- your Ioved ones. A local historian, reflecting on the things she1 sale b public auction thie latis anti It's flot expensive. And seeing remiem-bered -about the villagýe, wrote that the1 prem,1ilses above tiescribeti, by Mr, hstttrbewilgv 1Murray C. Noble, Auclioneer, at hsJs rbt ilgv village had "No electricity, no0 stone roadis, no0 thc Town Hall, ia the Town of Port yued~scmot radio 110 elephonejust coal u lamps fr 1ight~ ~Hope, at the fhour of 2 o'clock in the ______________ rado, o tlepone jut cal il an-ps orligt;afternoon, Dayligl tSaving Tiel Todlay in lier villagèe the coal ou l amp has vanl- on the 11h day of June, 1960. ished, pavement covers the dirt roads, and tele- The property will be offered' phones, radio's, anId. electric liglits arxetiby theJuorge1The Prchase grantd. ar take forforae ub ecl 10 a The Prserbila shah pay clown 10 the Applicanl's ion changes solicitor on the day 0f sale 10%' of11 Thesechne were possible because of j the purchase mroney, anti shall pay J ,steel In 1898, Canada miade Iess than 10 pounds the balance of the purchase money, c of seel e peson Lat yer te co nt' mbCourt without interest withini Insura ce ervice ofselprpro.s r , teco ry s'20 tiays aLler the date of sale. Ad-' steel industry produiced 660 pounds of steel per iustments to be matie as of the date peron.of compleion of sale. The Pur-f ThI hghr roucivty oresfrm hefa..owýn expense. The Vendor shaîl not Sadie H li tories Canadians have built. For example, The bte bounr1 pic any abstra vieict of Steel Cornpany of Canada, Limited bas invested Étie otr an etsreine of. Every class of Inlsur- tesieothe tan hose n la oherpre-~ nearly $365,000,00 i n plants and equîpment spessoticontroof alarloth e- an~ce isrepresentel in since the Company started operations fifty standing conditions of sale, .of the, Our office. The follow- years ago. Court as modufieti by the conditions u h Canadans poduca morè ainlyof sale settLeti by the Jutige. nga e sm Caain rdc oe mil because on the saiti landis anti pmem-' main, coverages we can y ises are saidti 1 be execteti-a Canadian, -ompanies are continually improving frame residence, a barn, 6 'x0', offer: - their plants and equipment. atarv hei re rses lh andpertye Thed.wo rekbecrseathe Automobile, Life, Accident estimateti aI 50-55 acres, the re- n ikes lt ls -~mainder bcing pasture, bush and Liability, Fire, Burglary, Hos.. THE limber. This farm was owned by pitalizati9n, Uivestock, Bolier, ST EL CO P NYw AN D the late James H. Searl, aii lues Wind, Polio, H ail, Fidelity %f 'AN I south of the Counly Roatiblen odec LIMITEOthe Villages of Garden Hill and UONUEt ANNDuE KAILON IKNIOR TROTOFull particulars anid con - Sa îe rHamiton 1 MO&A AAVE M LO LNFR TRNOditions of sale may be ebtained ~U Canadianmrade steel f rom Canadian--owned plants from Ertiman Friesenl, Q.C., Solic- ON 1I io ,3 at n Strýeet,. Port Hope, l- 4 OR N ______________________________________DATED the 1kýtd day of May, 1960. TMOTAELON J udge A. F. McKENZIE, 3. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Off ice Hours 2:00 f0 4:00 p.ni. 7:00 to 8:00 p.rn Saturdays and Wedner>dys bV appointments *nly PHONE 1471 1 RONO DR. R. J. TÂGG ART VErERINARY SURGEON Phone l06u Orono, one Lawrence C. Mlas.., B.A,. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Offce A -5P8l ornoMnesi: WI.- K-AYLYCETT, [.A. B arrister - Solicitor In the Offices of ILR.R. Waddell Q.Ç, MAIN ST., QROINO I Telephone 13-8 Oronc, LJ.SKAIFE Chartered Accouutait BY APPOINTMIENTS Saturdlays or Week-day Eveingo Lycett's irsurance OfiSo JACK REID Auctioneer anâ Valuator Specialîze in Farm and Furniture Sales Consquit me for tenus and dates TED JAC%'KSON AuIctionieer and Valuatoir Coducts Auct ion Sales of ailsit« and at reasonable rates Communicate with him at Part Po".y Ontario Orono Electric PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARMX and HOUSE WIRING Free Estimates APFLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaire to ail kinds of Electrical Equipmeint and Appliances Sueh as Motors Water Hea--.rs -Radios- Stoves - grons Scugog Cleanets, Oro0no Agency Foumd's Billiards For oalPick-utp and Dellvery PHONE 15-1 The RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phone TU 5-5216 P.O. Box 62 Port Hope, Ont, "Buy Direct and Save Commissions' Monuments, Gravestones, Fng reving, CýodI.afing lubu» é 1 - i pý0. Box 68, Oroqp Phone 2516 ý Phone 5 r 18 Oront

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