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Orono Weekly Times, 26 May 1960, p. 7

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Bilding Big "-A fvoite jok aon ra) est4'ate mcai tels of th-is exchrange anrd his sonilla ï. Nlew York butijlig: "Dad, there's a. botel we can get for only $15 illioný." Zeckendorf Sr., sadily: "I know, son, but lhey wnt$5,000 iBcah. Bih! Zeckendorf, probably thle biggcst of the -ie real- est4ate opera,:torýs and a study ý,in, per7petuLal motion, lias always-- preferred building bigger andj bîgger 10 sitling- bauk and en- -joying what lie has - makring "bnnsout 0f peanuts,"ias lie Puts il. But wili] the day evel ýone when Zeckendicorf runs out el, money to finanlce bis uge andý --omipiex Plans? EyeEbrow'ýs were raised knoW- igy reccnltly Wvhen Zeckendorf stretched oui for 90 days a $3,.2 miion paymi-ent ta Twentieth Celntury-Fox on thie purchase of M7 acres of i4and ii Los Angeles, (Zecýkendorf plans ta turn i he property int Century City, a - $500 millioni comnplex of apart- ment and office buildings, ba hotel, ïand a shopping cenler.) The e-xtendcd payment reinrd- cýd sm that Zeckendôîcri gti] âhasait got ail the money for bis $p66 million H-otel Zeckenidorf on 5lst Street in New YVrk, and re- wived ïumiors that the bote] ,would neyer be anything more- thanij t is nao,v - a hale in the grFound. Anly frowns on the broWs 0f outsi ders, hoWever, left burly D11 Zeckendorf supreme1y un- eoncerned. Reports that he mýiighl te ïpreadingc himself too thin andi-iruùning out of cash, he said, Were justi "wiseraucks" !-e >pointed( out that Webb & Knapp (thQecomnpany through which 1-e runs bis operations) lias $200 milUlion in assets. To raise cash ,iy trne he needed lb, he said, "I could seli a property and lease. ft back or selI il and not leasê it be. But Zeckendarf hints that his bankroll might not be me fat as he'd like. "Anyonre who, paiyaî high interest rates (which ±eckendorf dots) is nat un a fluid posiAtion,"' -e gays. But, ie quick- Iy adds: "It's no0gin bo pay highl inaterest rates." Zeckený-doi-f also laad explanïla- tMors for the hole in the grouind on 5lsb Street and his extended paymîenb. He's going tao stant lay- mng the foundation for tht , Hatel Zecýken3dorf somtîme tbis myonth, he saîd. What's nore, he bas just let the contract for the glýeej ta ie used - samne 25,000 tons of il - ta Bethlehem Steel. As foxi Centulry City, Zeckenidorf says thaýt ho extencled the paymient bec,(ause he hd' yet campleted3 bis plans. Hie expects ta have the plans in order and maire the payment weiltbefore the 90-day period expires. Zeckendorf fhimsll probabl.y reahlize-d that bis expl1anatians wýouldn't stîll aliLrmors. Andi tht' ikely the penalty lie pays for operating on the grand scale - buying somnethii-g One moabli, zslling ilthe next, ard perhaps leasing ht back; announchug bhockbusters Wihsometimjes, fze.-From NEW'SWEEK. MAD GAMBLE Faïlare of the Cania.n Gov- ee'nment to establisht a real Plan for Survival, and viJgosouisly t.n Ï.nplement that plnweanis to g'anble that the worst wili neyer etome. The stakes beisig risked is the chance for Cnaato sirvivef, as a nation. TAKING A DIVE - Bobby Thom-pso.n-, of the Red Sox, crashei inb the dirt in a. futile effort to cavoid ai tag by Billy G-a.rdner of the Senators, at Washing'ton., Fabulous - WhIIe Nothinghorfe a seasoned reader ofl sports books more than; a. "signer." lI prepaxing a signer, a famous athiete clutches a gho7t ta bis bosom, mutttters thie story af bis 111e, and the resuît < oiflen an abomination. A seasoned rede, he n, might autornatically rreçoil Iran- the very id Ce a of "Dempsey',' sceils liera emiphayed not anc ghosb but twvo. Happily, Demnp- sey and bis ghiostss have put ta-. gether a tastelul, unPretenbioUs, tliorou-gbly rm'aving ýstory af Iheý mnost draamatiec aI ail rize- fighteirs, Wîhliarrm.1.,Denpsey's lji e bas, been bod pso allen and smaclu Êo stronghy aI cori that lthiz book was a dangerous undembak- ýing. Who doesn't kîiow that Dempseýy grew up amnid the pový7enity of Western myininig camps, thal lie is a Mormron but that hle arned ta, fight in saloons asý well as in rings? Wboý' daesn'l know, toao,-Jlbat lie be- caeafierce, brutli beavy- wevight chiampion r' the world, then losI bis ile ta GneTuai- ney? But Bob0 Considinie and Bih! Zilocum, Dempsey's collaiboraý- tors, have set dawn inucli that isý new, and bave ad-ed reshness ta muijcli Ihat is farnihiar. The ragic circurniances of Denip- sey's firsb tille delence are Weli known buiLt that story has, neyer 'been. blod with ia more effective apening: "Mylst d ofne i thetil WaýS an Labour Day, 1920, againsb a dying frînenid aI mine. I knacked Ihlm out because 1 lojved thoc guy. Heu aof a guy. Billy Mliske" (Demnpsey fou1ght Mliskc ta give bis lriend a purse ai-dc knocked himn out. Four year]s later, Mi1.skef was deýad, a victimr aI Bight's cdisease-). "When- things vere r e ,aI Walk inboa strange saloon ana salike a skinnyJcv nL.Sulli- -van, 'I can lick anybody jint tý bouLse.' Unlike John iL., 'ci add, 'For a buck'.ý" In dcaing Ibis book, thie autho -s talked la Dempsey an ançi off for sx mntis W- talked i r Pam Spriugs (Caif.), L.A., Oregon, Provo, ULjta," Slocum sajys. "Jacýk stili liktis ta mave araund. FHe tells a slory wehl and lie's neyer hast bis sense of humiir." Tht humour corneics tliraugb nicely lai the book, bt miosi notable is tlie f kes This is tibe mostI beievablo ihing TOUGH GARCON - France's ycungest jiu-jitsu expert, 4-year.- bid [cur(-nýlMaret giives teaicher Jean Pulol a lessori on the mal-, He dlots hie rainiing in Nice, auiending wec-kly lajýsses, )-et done cion man who, even today, remiains unbelievable. Jack Dempsey is a sturd-y 64- year-old nowv, who mst lie care- fui about w;%hat lie enîs. But haie ibsstili chamipin. People a,-k to shauke bhis hand on thie street aidn ) meimeis drunks want toi knock hlm b ut. At a Broadway restaurnt anc dlay recenlly (thie onre tbat bDear-s his name wasclosed forreairs becauise of a lire) Demipsey talked about his lgtn days ta NEWSWEEK Sports E-dit(or Ro- ger Kahn. ' Before 1 lotght (Jess) \Willamrd5," liesaid, 1 Weigb,ýed 180 pounds and (mran- agPer Doc). Keaz-ns kept trying ta build ip myConfidence. Elle wýas always doing thaýt -ai-d lie h-cpi telling ime Wiilard Wais fat and dirunk al the lmeand couildn't bit. 1. stepped ia the ring anid there was Wiliard, 6 fo ot C), 25 1 poundcs and not an ouince afIfti o.p him. Bigbthen I 1knew I wasn't fighting for theie hue. 1 W-a s fighitinig for mny 11e." (Demprsey CdestroyedWild) FIe rernembered the urnie in 1927 lie losita Tunniey on the long counit li Cicaga. "Yau used ta stand over thm"le - aidc, ",und bell ihemn as they got up, but Ibis liime ihere were dîlferent rules. Ttl was my fut 1 shGiould bave backcd awy1 dion't blamte. Tunney. FHe d id ight. When il Ws ver, 1 put rny arm around him i-idi raiscd his hand. That's the way ta be lai AmericaP. I p ut my airm arouad hlm and raisecl his hand and the p-eoople cheered me." He remem,,nbered the people 1ie had nmet througb bhoxing, Bh Rumiad 1I ere intr-odcec-d ten tim-ies," lDeinpsey said, "and lne stilil couldn-'t gel mny ianme. 'Kicd,' h-je called me. The,ýn. aroLiad the eleveli "lOr twelthtue iecal]- ed me 'JackC'" Moslly, lhe emembered t0 feci of biag in the ring. AIuws neyer frcightened" hie said, 'be- caluse the limies 1Ishold have been frighlened, I was lau dazed l.'dl iry ta, ake 'cm quick. i wanted il quick. You do'l know w#t can haippen.Mlove lai and get 'cm fi'st. Tat' ,th oniy way I1ae. Hie looks ïathci oin cn loclay wih a reahisti eye. "Firsi the imols Were in dop-e," lie said. "Then Proibition camne and tliey took over liquior.I w7asn'l til aller thut tliey moved in'to boxing. Thatj's -ýpart af the trouble 1noWe" Thîs easy mixture aofyeste- daY and today, ibs elfortlcss fusion cll enthusiasm andmlr î'Ly make ilu easy for a listener la forget til Ife for Jnc'k Demnpsey has been hard and gomet2ime1s bitter. Fewa alc slaucr duriag ",world War I. ie was nyra ï uas hm pion iuuiili] e lost. A1tbough l, ie rýelihestecopyaIomn iho lias had drcadlui lu1Awîthi miarriages. Ali] bis lreiar- cebs endcd li divorce. lie h-as cen bothems die, frinds die, the greCat cast Ithe jcrs at he ruled fl Uaway tmo-nthby iimonth and y-car by ycar. -You don't copli-e aid._ You don't cry. But 1I afWaysý remeniber mny father tctlling mie: 'Rejoice wlien a person dies and tee-, sad Wlin a persan is born, because ahi tht person must go tlirougb on earth is ahead 01, hiL'" Dempsey lit a cigar,.1-q doni't Want ta dic," lie sad,bt 1 dlon'i Watotagetl to a1id. Thal would lie teribcle, ta lie 10 lonig." When lie gat upý , 11itb1y, youthfullyiý, people araund hlmï- gae.Then lie n off, walk- a CARY CHkCKS- FRAY has dayold and started Amet for econiomical white or brown egg: production, also du~al purpose, a-vaiI. able for promipt shipmlent. Somie dual purpose cockere1s, too. Seov local agent, or wriite- Bray Hatchery, 120 John Northi, iam"Ilton, Ont. BOYS' SUMMER CAMPS KARAMU BOYS, CAMP (powassaft, near Norila gay) 7 to 14 years. Quai!. fled- Red Cross Inistrucetors. Supervlse4 programmes. Two - wek or monthly Céampi periods avallable during, July and AuiguSt. For descriptive folder zap- ply now: Kairamu Boys' Camp, 29 Rutsh- Iey Drive, Scarborough, Ontario. Y. M. C.A. CAMP WANGOMA BOYS 9 -16 PROGRAM of boatingý, sial caoetipping9, camlp craft. etc. Finest equipmlent and leadership. Near Ban- ùroft. Write for free folder. East iTons VMCA, 900 Coxwell Ave., Toronto 6. CAMPING EQUIPMENT HEILITE Convertible-Camping Tra.ilerLg -Sleeps 5-6, 230 ls - 1 ivhee-l - sets campil 1 minute- Free ltteratuire, Aberdeen Camping Traitera Sales and Rentai NU.' Hope P.O. (Itamilton) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WF T canfïind an honlast iman with at ca1r I1xil set hlm Uopi bis owrl (Sales) business without Invesîmnrt, ful or part, timie. Appiy to General Mînager. 609 Scofield Ave,.Wnsr ont. NArION-WIDE, electro-masa,gerentai outiets are seekibig sdditional reliable and able men to organize tin their areaa. They wiill control ail rentais sud salea of ouiatoalyadvertised prdc.No triflera please. Muati bave a mirnum of $2,000 to inveat. Toni muIbe In thie '1500i1 - e5,O ali- br.Write Loumnar and Associates Ltdl., 3089 Baïthutrst Street, Toronto 19, On- tario BâE'YOUR OWN BOSS! OWN AND OPERATE A Coîn-Metereci Unattended Weistinghouse Launidromeat Equïpped Laundry Store. NetI4OO-$8,0OAfnuslly Wýrtc or phoue tdalor f ulIinf'orma- hou ,about tunattenudcoi-peae Westlnigbouse Lauindromnat eupe laundry store oppprtunitiea lui your commyunlity. You manage in your apare timie - while nlettintg Ibiglain1comae. We finance 90%" of your t otallurcasae. olier you lonigeai fjiusucing period aet lo-west emontbhlyinatalimeaita. You re- eive training and advice f rom) a na- tionaýl organization that bias bieiped over 8'500 mnen and womnen like you do inrto buiness ltrtiiemacives. NO ex- pcrience neceýsaary. Modest invest- ment. Thia proven new profitsbl81 automiatie buaýineas otrers a mioney maigopportunity ho auyonle who vants taowýn bis ownî busIness. Coni pare our compflete prograni. ALD CANADA LTD. 54 Advance Road Toronto 18, Ontario RO9jer 6-72.55 BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE A lFA1NTAïTIC hbuy, d u oillursa, mnuatiiiove tu .adry eclinate. Oar sacritieijig' a well etblbdservice station, ,uto rcckers, used auhitýio- bil# and fairiri iniplenient sies Service station lias rodniy worksfbop. weLl ighted car lot dasoliine gallon. ageover 100,000 yearly, Moderiiil living quartera. Auto Nreclçing, 10 acr-es wýith 4 large warebiouses. Tbere hs a sagrn~numiber of used sç>rs, farm acinryequment, moOtains et parts, snow plow trucks, garage equipmnent, w'elder, cittiug lorcl1es. stgami cleaner-, spray painter. bletc. Everytbing ;goes except, bouaehold furilituire This is an il yeVar srounid Pa:ny sided profitable bsnuawithi largýe turnover. Located in Western on- tarlo on busy blghway, flie outskirts of towp. No reasonable o[fer and termis wvill bie refused For, further informia. lion write B3ox 837, Hanýrover, Ontlario. RESTAURANT aaid service station wýith t hree-bedroomi apartmrent above, situ- ated on No.' H*lbwayý about fi,,e 1ff]es fron] St. Thonas. WiIi seal about fifty persous at a tlme, building la firat classa condition and large park'ing -es, vvil take countryi part pay, iii bealila reason for sîin.Planne or wite Geo. iT Cross, Broker, 88 Myï,rtle St. Th)omas. VARIETV store, bulilding, bu1sine('ss asud stock for s.ale, vell locate i incentral village of 'Manitouiai Isud, Establiala ed 18 years. Wonderful aummiier tae Large modem 6-room-. uptairs spart ment. Cash. Contact Hlarold r,. loper7 riox 6, Mîndemuoia, Onti. WATER PWFR FOR SALE BEN KOCHER RR 3- ALLENFORD FARMS F09 SALE 125-ACRE dlay loami farmi for salIe, plenty waýter, bril ichouise, bank barn. Seenie Geor.gian Bay district;~ about 2 acres bush. WiII seil eiquipped with stock end ilpieets or alone. priced for qulck sale. Contact Joe Wlggins, 111-2 Creemore, Otar1o. 220 ACRES dalry fan iiai Peter- borough. 12-rmr modem tonte house, (2 baths), large bama, 54 head, ile, water pressuire bouse and lbara, milkv contract, price $32,000. ROBT. J. Lawe-ýs, Realtor, Box 363, Peterborougha,RM. 3-4741, FOR sale: 118 acres, 95 acres tillabie, balance fl absh, two neyer failihig wells. Spriug iin pastur-e, gooci barn, Implement shed, two garages, hemi bouse, d.airy, grauary, chicken house, moe Ine roomeud hbouse, good base- ment, el1ecticihy, telephlonie, sebool bus passes door; cheese, factory. Appirýy: Geýorge Ahlea,ý Box 486, L'Olgnal, O"- tario FOIR ïflly eqipjpeifaii nd farna lands cliMy. Maddea, CE. 5-5263. We- have -several fsrms to choose from, Lara Osbemý, Broke, PA. -2-5504 1 19% Eicbmioud Road, Ottawa ">, Ont. - Haroldi 0. Poapst Broke-r Winchiester FýARM - 100 aecs - mh-ýlk contract - Bik cooler; Stable cleane-r, 60 blead purebmed hoisteins, ntew power mna- ebinery, mo(demp homle, 18 miles fron Ottawa. Phone Danl.DwaKeumiore, Mtelcaljfe 19 R 4. FARM MACHINERY FR SALE PLANET JR., tillera, gardea tractons sud attaclameats, baud and power vegetable seeciers, cultivatomsansd fer- talazer maichines, granular msudhurli- cide applicator-s for il seýeding eqnlip- imeut, cuitivator steels and aweeps te fit a11l makea of farni citivators. SER TOUR LOCA,ýL DEALER John C. Graýham Co., Dlsýtribuqtora, e88 rideSt. North, Leamnrgtcn. PhonteFA. 44051I FIASHILIGHTS j RECHIARGEABLE fPocket Fsbilt - No batterlies ueeded. Piugs into bouse A.C 100-120 volt outiat. $3,50 postpasd. Free detaisý. Frank Lessi, 195-ai Mug- gala Street, Sydaepy, Nova ýScoia. GLADiêLUS BULL£ 100 Gladiolus Bulbs, $2 IN tell varlet1ies, te bloom Ibis sunmes' r Po5hpajid.Wratziaud ic F'arm, llarow, Ont. I4ELP WAANTE0 FEMALE COOK sud camp ssstatfemale, for farm labor (camp, June-ci. tApply b letter, glvlug exp,eece suid neferen-i ceto Mrs. }Iarold Sriitb, Vlneland. Statin, Ont. MEDICAL G000 RE$SOLUTIO0N- EV ERY SUFFEREA OP FRI4EUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITI SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMIEDY. MAUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OITTAWA $1 .25 Express Coltci POSTIS ECZEMFIA SALVE 9AINIS-Ue telrinent ot dry eczrma rashes asud weeping sii troubles. Poah,'s Eczuma, Salve wull Pot disappoini youklclng, scaliug sud bulrniajg ecze- ma ce, r nr, pimples sud fooýt eczema whi meoônd !readily t10 the 0f fioW s!,tulloru or), hopeless they sýees. Sent Post Frac on ltecelpt of Prica PRiCE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 st. Clair Avenue esat rORONTO MISCELLAN'EOUS FO.R SALE PURE MAPLE PRODUCE MAPLE sýrtip ïlu specially sýeaied cana, 3 pur galion, 12' or'16 per case, 7-54al ea.-1,o maple tlinlsaine can, 904ý. Two-ouuce baves sgr 24 pleces per box $225. AU ospad Wifrid Lari- 'ier Sailut Zacerie, Quebec. MItSSLE PHOTOS CAPE CANA,>,VERlAL, Missfle ?oea Tbnin!lg actio)n pictures of ithe Free Würldi's migltiest missiles. Set of tibree 8 x 10 'phofo0W . l.sets aaiai ] tas. Titan, T'hoý, Juno. Space Poe.Su $1 for caca set desired. Canaveral Plioho's, 1205 j,,0tpoulca Lae, CCco. MONEYTGTOLOAN FUNDS Availabie. Mnyto Loan o ottier securihy. Phone or riteDan. ~niiniL1v"nvsîmets Lhdtý,, 99 Avenu poard, Toronito 5, -Ontario. -WVA. 2-3662. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMENr ME A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA,'S LEADING SCHOOL - Great Opportuihy Learn Eairdresslug Ple-asant dliýguifled profession; god wsgs Tousauda 0 -f succesau Mavu raduates 1110 rsted Ctalogu)e Free Ws,7ite ur Cali MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 36Bloor St, W-,toronl-o Bran i 72. ideau tret taa - PESNA DRUG STRE .NEED'S BrY MAIL PERýSOI'4Alneetis inqinis vif ud a s e e MES. WANLESS CHIV7EiCrON-- Elee.. trolysis Clinic, permanent hiaiprnrmov- ai, face, neck, eyýebrows, .eggs,ara underarnris. Free cosltton 24 Wel- lugiotn St., GE 2-1467 Louýdon. GET 8 KOURS SLEEP NERVOUS tension may cause 75l',oS sickness. Partlcularly ,aieepiessnessc jItterynesa aund lrtblt1 le callîn your nervea with "ap' 10 for, $100, 50 for $4.00. Lyou's Druga 47J Dan- forth, Toronto. PHOTOGRAPHY SAVEI SAVE! SAVEI Filmas developed su'd 8mgaprnts in alum40 1magna prints inilbm 60 Repriaits 5ç"ac KODACOLOR Developlag rol $100 (not lncludlng printa). Color prints 15 ecaextr, Pnsco and 'Ekiachrome 35 nm n 20er- posurea mouated lu sJides $.5Comor prints from sildes 354 sca. Moe refunded in f ull foruurutdnea tix es, FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. SSENATOR Dunlop Shr-awb'erry plant% Beat QuaIity," Weil rooted, Dîsease Free. $810ù00 $4,50 500; $'1.25 )10.Sblp aay- where in aaaParcye aro.Route e, Trenton, Ont. PROPERTIES FOR SALLE 140 ACRES of pasture for sale const- pletlely fenied.[lias aspnng fed cre,ý2K could be ,kamm)ied for trout pion-d[l,à miles froin paved bighiway, Aýppfly 1r Elwood Wrigbht, liE. No. 2, COOKS- TOW-N, Ont. Tis avrt 1me ,l pullsbed free, as one oýf the many beniefita of: THE ALLIËË) SERVICES (CANADAI 1624 DNOn T'R.EA ST, POU LTRY BUY chlicka aow andi cash la on the, bigla egg porices we are sure to bave ibis FaIl and Wiuter. We hhave four outstaadflng egg breeda, ail Iaying white sbelled egga: KmbrK-13H, TwedeIe 400, Tweddle 40j1, California Crey X Wliite Leghorn.AMil popular duýal urpose breeda: Ied I 'XLiglat Sussex, Liglat SuIssex X lIed,' RedX Barrefi Rock, Broilets: Vantres Arbor Acres White Rocký, Va7tress X Nichiols No. 108. Turkey poults, Bronze. Oldier pullets, ;;Uags.Cat- logue. WE LECIIICK HATCIIERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTAIff SWINE AND TURKEY 15G SERVICEABLE Landrace boars $50.410 LAcombe, tither sex 231/ months. Gen- uine wiid turkey eggs $1.00 escla, Mer. 'vin 1Powe. 1R5, Aylmer W, Ontanlo. 100 D TIEF. PBtitish et ais 210 200, $,5 200 diff. Canada $25 Lave tapPeaks Istln, UaIre. TEA£CHERS WANTED P-RINCE Edward County, Nortb Mary4- burgh TtDwnIsbip Scbool fBda7rd, requîtex teachers for rural achools. Average en- roliment. 20-25. IDties h cnte nu Sephember, 1960. APPLY glving referencea,exriu, qu-alifications auj saalary cexpected. Arthur cC ocSec-Treaa. Pîton Onai. 1111.5. Phone Picton. GR S- QUALIFIED teacher forrua sehool, Grades 1-8, in Prince Edýwrd coïsnty, Please repfly statlng qaiiain.cx- pesience and Ilasi inapechor. Mrs. Do- ree $i4l, sec.-treas, S.S. No. 6, North Marya'buIrgb, ai.No. 'lPiçIon, Ont. QUATIFIED Protestant £ece or S.S. 'No. 12, Osgoode <Scotch Scbool). Appiy taugqualifications sud snilary ex- pecef'I. Duties tocoe eceSept. 6, Elwin Hil31, Sec.-Treas.. R.R. 1,. Mtclafe, -QUALIFIED tieacher for Separat, Sehool No. 8, l-luntiey Duties V o comi- mence et Grades 1 to ,Mimu saar 3$,ü000. Apply giv-Ing eprec and naime of lest in.pector b ,Mrs. M. Ont RICHARlDS Landling, Jocelyýn sdSi_ Josephi Townahip School Ae Board requires four, quallIed Prtet-n tcacher,,s for September ltesea radLme 1 Io 4. 5 10 8 1 to 31 4 10 fi APPLY, stating qwalaficatlons. up'i ence, narine of Isýt hinspectý; o 0M Frank B rason. Richardýs Laîna. ýoOi.- SOUTH Brighton Twp). Schouîl ,are e quire a Protestant teacher ýüta ea fourtïgrades, 1, 2, 7, 8, lu a rurAl scool as Per SisyScbedule. Mnmmn experienice $3,000 00. Bulles fCommenc Sep'tember 6111. 1960. Repfly salgExperieuice, S iaiisd asat lspcortet Mn. Cecil Alexander 'Sec.-Ti-eas. R.R. 1, Brighton, Ont. TIEACHER re-quired for mdmcolna- try sachool, Sudbury dstit,4miles from town, starling Sept.term.20 ho 25 pupils al rde.Apl siniig quaifiatinisd sary e "'Icted ConrafçI SrueSvc.-T!reas.P.S.S N'o. t BadiMKroOnt. WAnED fer CATiIoi!C qHcIU CPHOOL formthmlc Be-tween $(0-600 codi o P. BOXN89 aCuLASSUFIED ABVERTISINO N N 'b N -s- N -s -s N N -f N 'b '-'f b, 'b N -su N 'b 'b -'f s" b N - N N N N N N b, N N N N N N N N N N N f.' -I N N N 'b 'b N N N N s N N N 'b N 'b b --a -b b b, N - N b b 'b "b N '1 --f ~'1 -N N N 'b, --b N 'N N N y -s N N N ~1 N N '-f N "1 b b b b, b, b, "b N b, b b N N b b, ~~1 b N N N N N N N N b N b S; N N N N N

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