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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jun 1960, p. 1

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O ONO Voluii-,? 1, Nu m -ber 15 ry Thursday, Jung 9th 1960, Orono, Ontario lIMES Authorized as Second Class mail, Post Office Dcpartment, Ottawa*, Subseription in Canada $ 1.50; in US. $2.50' Orono Artists Provide Interesin~g Art Display by Mi/arg-ot Samuel aby's stili-life in oil of a vase ofi flowers was interesting for hier use Thie Orono Art go~i under thle oi the palette knife to achieve an guidng ando! r. Bnnet hve~alriost imipressionistic effect in the bee fuctinin fo th pat eghtbackground. The palette-knife tech- eonths eo us vningn the ngtique is most appropriately used to Oron Pubic choo an there-build up) a -,sense of form in the suits of ths monthsnd i er andackground. Also ,outstanding of experiment were on)I display on Fni- Ms ikbyswr asasee da ;y, June &d and Satturd(ay, June a ch!uri.h and churchiyard, wherein 1t diin Or lo.lTe store whlercin she cmployed a quite sty lized ap- tlhis dispflay was hield vd most 1-oah-t lier subject. Ai-d 1 partic- conenintand facfi)latcd the an ulrI likcd lher smiall oh dof a w',O- rangme~-t ci canases~aail ~holdingsoecards.. Here lier them -nto exele- , avantâge.Dr. colours were soiter, and she ptr IViKeziekidly made his sore-J tohexý_)Prssii onIthe face \very a'aiabe othe--] .xv.Vicki Cotter shiowud a finle de- velopmcnInt liogou er paint. ings. She bhegan thie class painting brs egýt r in , he shw Last ,:is. and she1wseemis to handie the w~eid'ate aprdîiau aout ils nmore exro Sly.Sh, 100, *uses aitaent ani] Iahility a. ah embr Lear and ;pleasing clur.Mrs. A. adatleat w o mrecava)ses McLaren sowdsoxne interesting odispflay, and cach shwed mark- cd rogessand inspiration. DnaisJpriclr01nea1sm 7liprl-clownv;s And Glads ltts stili- tpls showcdùf a numnber ai fine lf-o lres la ri watccolorshis syebeinig' - etic- lieo os' edwt ri it~ r'g-~rd hcolour and ash osdidefeig o.clu ~Vafs~a -s'~n. Al o! hîis rkaniom hav a igh degnee of appr-eciaticin orthle sbiec ith which thley 'ia1. Rulth Taggart shows a won- Mr-. Benhett 1a two pleasing derfiully, developing sense of coloun p)aintings in the show - an oi1 of - tuc, idean. and unmluddîed reds, somie mumis. and a scenic painting orý,ang-es and yellows. Her appli- 'f ,a harbour. :Bothi were masterly in -ation of oils is quite effective. Am1y. their execution and it is no wonderi Van DcaenHciuvel's stili-life in oil of hlis pupis have dlonc so well under i ilkw[ýýecd pods wxas a m-ost uLnusual hlis tutelidgc. They are fortunate t o 1 a id effective tr-ealmenIt. Her, use1 ai haïve suchi a talented teacher, and, auend mutedi browns and ance who is williag and capable oYf yelwconvcys a pleasing' softncessranIïlsmlitting- his abilities to them.I aformn. Equally effective was bern WeL shall look forward eagcrlY toi ail1 of ax clowni--pupp)et whiene she thle next show-, from thie Orono Artý emlydbrighter reds aand oran lges Grýjoup. Te ail posscss consider- l butj mnainitained,( a sympathietic feel- able talent. ing andl approachi. Marg-aret Rick- To AddnMore C ra fts To Orono Park Play Program The Directors cif the Orcino Ama- 1,eur Athletic A\ssociation metý on Saturday eveninig with a good mn- ber presentýi. Preparations wene mnaude for the comtiniitg Auc-tian Sale oni Wedncesday, Junie 22n1dila the Ononio !Muniicipl BuiIdinip. Phoniigi comminittees andf other commnitteesý were set Lup to complete planis for 0hIe auictioni from which !unids anc obtained ci heo -finiance the sum- mier activities. 'lhe puIblic are asked Ici supply items Ici be placed la tjhe sale which will -be sold by public auction by Mn. Jack Reid.- The meeting was told. Ibat used - furnIituire, tools, toys and amy use- .ful item ,except clotbing wvould be Dccepted. Homne bakingl will also hew on sale on June 22nd. TheAs ocainarc -arrangýing to11 avedo mate aricles picked up on Ttiesday Junie 2lst. The Sumii. Recreatioi pnj)jogramyjý anid il is thýe intlention ai ýthe Asoc lainand Ithe dir-ectlor, MrIs.Lu, Ic imake im-provemients lii sLsu- mer atîviy. Acommnittee was set Up to study the progrania aad ci m-ake chngs c better the activi- tics aaid increase h!imtcst. Sugges-1 tionts wcre made ii including some better craits such as ccopper work, leathier crait and otesTt was'ai- so suggested that the groups be headed by aduit leaders and conisid- eration for intferesting somee noth- ens to act as suchl is to hefaowd Mrs.Lunainirmedthemeeting- that registration o! childrii for the Park program will be held on June 16 at the Orono MUunicipal Building at 8:00 o'clock. IL was niecessary Ici hold the registration la order Ici set a guide for p)urýchasingl supplies. A oumfi $50.00 was allowed ion thie purchase cof supplies. Am-otion >wa;si maeby the mieetinig that a charge cii $3.00 be levied for registration foruime cilid aaid $500 for a iamilyl Mr1% . J 1Ma'rcotdthat the baIl 1sweterCs for lthe Juinio(,r girls hall tcam nd the Pec Wýees and Juvenles ere eingshippedad shudbeon hand shiorilyý.I a d"cidd 10holda 5050 daw Ici as- j sst a te prchse ii heesweat- Dueta he inacia nedsai the AHletic it xas decddtat s"ilveri collection be taken Up at ahi home- gae.The coaches ofi the teams areIc be askýed to assist with Iis. Mission Band Entertain t Saturday aflernnoonI he nmmbers !DÉ the Oroo ission Baud iheld a apcu(cess-ful amildedligbtfiuateoo ta Ithe basement o! h Ooc ~ ied Church. The aflermoon was ~futhr e-jye with the presen- taIion ci! a short prog-ram by thel larg rgip o! youngsters. On dîsplay was a mumben ci! pro-, jects which hadi been carried on by the eilîdren durng the past year.. The oldler childi-en had on exhibit a scale model ofi an Afican Village while the pnimnany group displayed a mural o! an Afnican Settiement. Scrai) books on Africa, the subject for the yeam, wene also on display wîth other itecmp. The prograin .cOnsisted of musical nuimbers with each g-roup singing a selection of songs as also did the eniegroup, vocal solos wr sung by Sharon Allun and Donnie Aic-Kenizie with piano solos by Joye Long and Carol Gilbank. Following the program the sen- ior memibers of the Mission Band sevdsandwiches, relishes, cookies oand tea toô those attending. Ten card table-s were tastefully arranged and decorated with floral centre pieces.î ; ac h table was supcrvised by al senior mnember assisted by others ,)f thie-Mission Band. The children themselves were served cookies and freshie drink. Bri;de-To-IBe lonom ed 'Y.u.geters Present With Showers Musical Prograin Miss Madelon Allen, daughter of The pupils of the Kelly Kirby Mr.% and Ms Vance Allen has becil Kindergarten Class held their clos- h(onoured with several showers re- ing exercises for the term at the cently preceding her marriage this home of their music teacher, Mrs. monith to Mr. William MadilI. M. H. Staples, along with her assis- Mirs. Mae Allen and Mrs. Flor- -ant, Mrs. Donald Staples, last ence Allen we re co-hostesses at the Tuesday. hiomieof Mrs. Mae Allen, MAay llth Th'le mothers were invfted to see where a miscellane, % shower waswth lswa nucead hield for, the bride to be. AIbout low h ls a odce n f if ty frlends aind relatives *were kntowv the accomplishments of the reetfroml Toronto, Petcrboroj children towards their iirst steps in Jowanvllc endal anid Oronio. Music. The Rhythm, songs and Madlonwasushredto set o Ihythmi Band were enacted. Each .nu uira PgInK and wvhite un- pupil played a piano selection. rel itsreamers n, ow oAiter thie closing, treats were pass- the chair. Aiter beinig proented duttthcidrn with a corsage ofi redi roses' she received many beautiful and uSeýfUl Local .iissocî.z- A ocylunch was served ato M e t MisJanle Knox and M-Viss Marlyn ýýidledîick were co-hosttuses at the meig) ."a .lome of Jane Knox on May l8th at Ameigo e oaAsca-1 a recipe shower where the bride to tIan of Girl Guide S was heid -onI be recieved her girl friends' favour- Mona vnigalhe home of hto recipe- and the ingredients with Mrs. Hlarold Cobbledîick with eighit which to maiçe it. ldispr-esent. l\rs. ROSS Gilbart cardthe meinýig uand the secre- About fifteen girls were present tay' r.KnGasyra h and aneandJoanAlln sowe minutes of the previouis meeting some of MrIs. Ar mstrong's movies 'Mrs. Cobbledick gave the treasur- ,f the ercdings of other Orono 1t (-uple. iers report Jane and Marilyn scrved a lunch A discussion followed on Ranger cif Tuna Burgens, cakýe and ice jIeadlership) but nothlng de! mite cream. was done and this matter hias been Iý,t for the FaIl mwhen the different organizations mneet again aiten the Skatng Cub Io!ds summer vacation. It was announced that Mrs. Fred 2ngLyc ett, MUrs. Roiss Giîbart and Mns. Aorna i e ~tng amsby have been appoîntedi to thle 04 aiic Council o! Girl The Orono Figure Skating Club Gýuides for a Ilhrce yer r. hield their- annual meeting on Mon-I A new Girl Guide Canif Site lias day >', night at the hom-e cii Mr.Dn been purchased lai the Haliburton Tenn.Fourteeni were present district and on July 9th a, Guidel wýhen (the gmciup endeavciumed to ce- picici is Ici be held thiere la order' ect a new slae iI( ofîcers. Ito acquaint people with thIloa At the prescat time thle Club is tion. It is hoped that a good numii-- witýhout a president and vice presi. :ber cii Guides, parents andLA decnt wvho are Iio be appciinted later.f membens will endea1vour Io nmake Mrs. L. -Asliett was elected secretary this trip. with -Mrs. A. MIcGill treasuner and Mrs. R. West,1 Mrs. J. Walker, Mns. 1 It was decided Ici provide ice D). Mencer and Ms J. West as dir- I cneam and c-ake for the Guide and ectors. Mrs. S. Barrabali and Mrs. D. Teanant were appointed' as the ýostumne comnmittee and Mrs. B. DuniA thecourse o! 'the meeting týhe group discussed the miany activ- ities unidertaken dunîng the ,>ear. K E NDBALNEW S A shower was held for, Madelon Alen at tle home ofi Mrs. Ben Ma- Vil"' on MUonday evcning cii this week. i.adie-s attcaded from the Sixth Lîne, Ononio and Kendal. Several met the bride-to-be for the first time. She recelved many beautiful Býrownýie Closing ccrem-ony which is beiaig held this Friday night. The meeting closed auflNd Ms. Cobbledick senved a dfeliclous lunch. guIts. A social liime_ wýas enjydb ail. Kendal Sundcay Schoocl Aniver%ýp- s'ary will bc- Junie 19th at 11:15 a.m--. Rcv. H. Turner cii St. Paul's, B.owý- manville will be the( guest speake-r. Special music will be given by the children. Mr. and Mrs. Robent Carruthers left on Iheir wedding tnýp Satunday cvening ion the Atlatic Seaboardl and Virginia where they ýwill spend the next two weeks. Th ree Finalists. Chosen For Omono Hll Parked For High School* Musicale by Stella Morton The Orono High School presented a most enjoyable Festival of Music; in the Township Hall, Thursday,1 June 2, under the title "Breath of Spring." Mr. E. G. Witherspoon, Principal, welcomed the audience and expres- sed appreciaion to those respons- ibie for the program -and lovely îloral decorations. The Glee Club, under the direc- tion of MUr. John Ford, made a de- ~ightful appearance, with the ýgirls ni blue gownis 'withI white collars, -nd the boys in white shirts withI blue ties. "Nicodemus" under the direction ocf Miss Hobbs. Mathilda w-as playe4i ;by Faye Faulkner, The Vicar 1W Les Hopper, Johanathian by Robert Robinson, The Grandi ather by Grant Greenwood, Elma by Lîndi Hughes and Nicodemus by Ralph, Greenwood. Those taking part took'1 their roles well. The Corps of Majorettes under., their c-aptain, Constance TyrreiL, and introduced by drummer Paufl Ta3mblyn gave a snappy demonstrà- tinof marching and Istage rLoutî,ie -Mr. Ford thien led the audience and Glee Club in a sing-song with 1The program open edwith a ii. joui XcUiadUellZ dbt thepiano,. warmng u nuber atil " ' Tils was followed by a group cf- ReM"bY Rogers, followed by the Negro Spirituals sung unatccomr -'njoyable sclection from State Fi aid"O Lord I'm Tircd(," " 1it's a Grand Night for, Singing," ota So, "Loiiesome ValIeyý,- and1C cnding withl the lovely, rhyth-1 and "Itfs Me, O Lordc." Paul Ta- mi1;c "On the Street Wherc you bly-n very ablyý led the GC-Je Club Live" from My' Fair Lady. 'Thle I whileMr Ford sang the Solo parts,' igesarc, to be commended for These showed fine' training in Sub- theexellntenuinciation and fine tic shading and -bending of tome. "neof rhythm made apparent in Miss Peirce then pleascd theý this first group o! songs and con- audience with a group of delightful, tinued throug-hout the entire pro- sec'ular songs, "Romance," fromn gram. Miss Wanda Hobbs accoml- The Desert Son- by Romberg and o)anied at the piano. "Summer Time" from Porgy and The second group consisted of EBes., by Gershwin. She was accomr- two sacred niumbers sung uacm ane by Mr. Ford at the piano. panied and marked by fine phras- The applause indicated an encoreý ing and excellent bass support - and Miss Peirce sang another popu- "O Mom coi Beautty" by Sibillus, and lar sclection, fromn "Thie Pirates orl "Bless the Lord, O My SouU" Penzance" aiter which she, was< M\iss Diane Peirce, vîsiting guest presentedi with a boquet o! ilowers,. soprano from Toronto, then de- The closing group ofi sacred muni- lighted the audience with her inter- b)ers by the Gîcee Club were una&:, pretation o! twyo well known sacred companied and beautifully sung - selections, "Holy Art Thou" by "The LordJ's My Shiepherd]", "Hark, Hlandi and "The LordWs Prayer." The Vesper Hymn," anid "Now theý She was accompanied by Mr. Ford Day is Over,." who further showed his fine sense Paul Tamblyn thanked Miss )f nu.siciansip at the piano ln the Hobbs, the pianist of the evening, roue ofi sympathctic co-operation and presenited hier with flowc-,rs. U"e with the soîoist. -as spoke on behaîf Of thle Gîe Mliss Piresang with the e Club Ici Mr Ford expressing sincereý Cluï, hi the îctgruup i , fSea --preciatioii for his leadersipt Shanties taking the solo part la ov_1i er le pst three years, and me-ý the first to,"Sienand(oa'h" :and grct at is lain1he staff aitith 'Tom's Gone to Hulo". "The Drum- fin ribute, aiter wich M Ar. Forci mer and the Cook" was sung wýýith c(d1iifthle sehool term. Tt was a a refrcshiag f ast temipo and "the ,Was presented with a hnsm sioliis fromC1 Grn . il and 12 emphia-letr travelling case as a token sized the interesting mralin"A )f lheart-fclt gratitude and esteemn. Roving-I."lie will be sincemlIy missed la this The Gîce Club) thea an a group (, 'mmrunity as hie has given gener- athree songls, m, Sing This o)usly cii his time and talent on R'oudw)Ivith Mc" in which thiere \vas numerous occasionis. 1lis work wvith_ a catchy muisical- laugingi effect, the young people will long be re_- twvo shrfolk ,songs "nLittle nw'mhered. indians"! and "'John Brown's Body"- The Alumini members joinecl theý sun uacomanedand wýith a Gic1e Club to close the program wý,ith, fine blcain cii--o voicýes la th(- sus- a irciusîng rendition of "Oklahorna. ~ taîned chords. Il1 was a delightiul evening and The programn was varied by the1 those taking part are to be compli.- presentatlion of a comnical play mcented on such a fine performance. 23 Colts Entereci In Cham' .er Race Derbv 'Miss Orono' Crown' n Thurs a veng ythe Orono onordthîs mb by Ihe lii- Chamer ii ommece held tir uTmen. Th, atrogaiainare Thrýiee f inalists for Ibt "MssOn- ja rdywre Bni1oven eua othymeiga heo1 liîa -1 Miss - ý dance fo Pna coatest wcre chosea on Fniday Margeny Tyricl ad am yie 7i04is. 31 no ei cusstauan wîb wny- hîhail poes wîhvllgo Iowardsý cinglsIat the Orono :'-ri-Teen Thmeegirs WiHlsek tho crmo f i Wo p esen uM. H DuaHl, pm-'. simming pool ut Ibe Orono hne hIdilathe OronoTown Hall. -cno ndv ue 4hwecencaie emeig ak hsefinalists.wcnc chosca îrom a the Orono Hi Tecas hold the i Thepresient(cilcd lon Mn. H. 4k. W.Redrpotd Ihat g ou ci 1cmlocal beauties who "Mss nono" dance la the 1 Onn owsand nead alte a iain 1rt hreclshad been regist- weercdby their sponsors la Town Hall. Oa Ibis ccigant-frthe nmaay heurs aifwNk and crfor the annu,1al Chamben ciE the "Miss Ooo contest. Those able bNsaaper Ccolumnisî will eadcrsip he bas giuse dulIng Thé' Commerce ColtDerby being hpl la choen t te peîiimay cnteî maire thechoice =anMss Oron OF atwo years 'ua thecommuc nt ono on satunda, Junelsth.:i- chsna h rlmnr ot twill be rwed f. uaistated theCham1ber af ý)i ai sweeao mpedfr The big eveto- ue21liî !mec ihdIi hn n bseet -nark 'the seconid ann"ivcrsa' i- t he Lýowes for. his Èlcadcnsbpipnlathe itmwas repontedIhthe"oni coatest whichwa won lasI yeariscbool, the churciliand -ther local sWga had yet 10 b, ompleted andî fterroon Tea 53 Miss MlarHinCobbîedick Theourganizations. lie also, on behali alsaia no fwuîer actin had de- dance, 10 whicb vnym is inivited, o)-f the Camen 'wshed Ihlm w',eil velopedl on Township Fine Protec- MIrs. McarnIe Mission Band w4ill icature the liivl rusc)f ia bis -new ccpaio. A like letten lion. Ilwa decided that theod Ledr1hanked ail wo had îurmed Paul Minicola and bis orchestra. cas aisci addessedIciu Mn. Johin f ax miii should be lied wxith Sce )11 atIc the tea and abso paid tnibute Proceeds from the dance are ici go Fordi wbo is also laving Onrono Ibis LO.D.A. as a possible location fori t0 those' whci have assisted hem dur- towards a new simmmgpool. ymar a!iter teacbing la the (rono an industry. [119 the >car: Mrs. Dnuimmond who On Friday lasI the judges wý,eme: HIigh Sc-hool for the passt thrce Dame f'ound ýlr(-Polcie Ibt every- bas helped so capably mwitSte sing. Mns. H. Barlow, tirs. H. Cobble- years. Here again the pursidpnt ting seemed to be lYrognessing inlg anmusic,; jMs. ChPallice, MIrs. -lick, Mvrs. D. Stapfles and MirsChbas. pAinîed Ici Mn.For' wonk aI the favOurably both for the Colt >Uerbyr Wmi. Reid., Mrs. L. AsIctt Miss Airmstrcing. Those sponsomed in th chowith h MaGîceClubthe and the A1nnual Camival. Ai-chie [Sheila Barnabali and Miss Deanna 'ountest were Betty Braacb, Donna Cb1unch and w'ilt te youmg peoiple MdeLaren stated tht t he draw tickç- Chlc.Couvier, Mary Fouad, Mamgery Tyn-!c iIhe community. ets onl the Travel Trailer wcre sdi-j reli. Bcianie Couvier, Sheilal BaÈra- A motion, passed aI the meeting, ing extremely mwell and thazt a gcodý Theo fcno' actîvilies were bail, Gayle Illis, ynda Aln gave, the approval for the purchase vetuma should be realizedonIi ioud msîcmiciabl bythse I-Roma Glanvileamd Kathy Foster. o! $20.00 o! film whîch is Ici be item. tending and also by the children Ail entrants hiad Io ci ecither stu- taken aI the ronmo Colt Derby. This The Chambrofi Commerce nexî wnao cndeavouned Ic imake il a suc- dents or nicir stuiderits o! fice0Or- film will be edited and compiled Ici big event wlll be the Colt Derby on, cess. The ladies of t'le W.M.S. sup- ciao High School. be used as an atdveirtisîiing s1cheme Jume 151h whenl a large crowd is plied the lunich and hielped ila the The Orono Chamber o! Com-'ifon the Derby and the Village.. A hoped ion. A nme flclhre Inîhen A umo! 25.0 as eal nce are supplyîng $25.00 Ici as-.! sum ofi $25.00 was also voted for the have been entcred in the event ize fci Ih ta.sist with the contest. Miss Or-ono contest which is being whlichl should stin up local interest, . .............. . 1,

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