OI~,Q~O W~5~LY TI~d~ES THURSDAY, JUNE 9th, t960 ~ -~ 1* -~ - ----.------ - KRAFT MEDIUM CHEDDAR uCRACKER -BARREL 12 oz eut 5 5c 0 INGERSOLL - 5c OFFg CFIEESE SLICES -8 oz pkg - 2-for 55e BORDENS CREAM CHEESE 8 oz 35e g) 0HI-N-LO CHEESE -ROLLS 16 oz roll 35 g go IGA CHEESE SPREAD 8Soz jar 29c-g 8 LACK DIAMOND - COLOURED OR WHITE gCHEESE STIX- coloured or white 8 oz eut 4 1 c g0 0 g gPOTATO CHIPS Humpty Dumpty 10 ()z pkg 49c g KAM LUNCHEON MýEATsqave 5c 12 o-..tïn 2 for 49c IG A T EA B A GS-Su nny, Morn save 12c pkg of 50 33c IGA LIQUID WAX, save 30c 32, 'oz tin 49c PUREX TISSUES plink, yellow, aqua save 9c 4 rolis 49c ALL F000 FEATURES EFFECTiVE JUNE 9, 10 Il- WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITES SWIFT'S "BUTTER BALL" PREDRESSED' GRADE A TU RKEYSL 4 TO 10 LB. AVERAGE ,lb 4c lb cello 45c IDELICIOUS TENDER SWEET KERNELS U.S. FANCY CORN CALIFORNIA NO. 1 RED RIPE BEAUTIES STRAWBERRIES 3 pint $LMO THIN SKINNED VALENCIAS SUNKIST ORANGES doz 59c [GA ROYAL GUEST RINDLESS SLICED SIDÙ-E BACON FRESH FROZEN HONEYIlDEW ' va 6oz tin 2for 45c NOW AVAILABLE AT YOIJR ICA STORE A BIGGER BETTE R ASSORT31ENT QP FR OE E GIFT FOR IGA CASHI REGI STER TAPES IN IGA'S NEW CATALOGUE ýFarm Managemen-,,t Fa r --.oec t For Dut h am Fedeýra i n Duirham County Federation of xnrcrs WL11 rece ve a fr00 i p Agrcutur hldits final meeting eutevof Pan Arnerica A __rs for the summier mionths on1 Thur's- to he UnitedRigdlom. dlay evening, June 2nd, at the homne, W111,1-is stili goding forwardto Af its president, Mr. and MUrs. Har- -~ards a Farm n agmn ln vey Malcolmn, Yelverton. 1 ~This %will be one 0of the nmain p yý_o- M,,inuites of the previous meeting jeets o;f theFe termiand towi'ip 1wcre read and approved'.metg will býe leld to acqua!Int i-be, farmeris of the deta ils of e The secretary reported the Fedm-an uther informnation cani be eainCamp-site in the Durhamn, tiedfonMr armpe g F'orest had been used as a campingrcltr ep;,naaoay om grounid for a local Boy Scout group t Federationi director, or th!e - ,id tlie Boy Scout Association retary.g A~ thie Greater TForonto Regionfor. e week-end tif La.v1-4 and 15.1 Reguilar Ymonithly' vDîrectors imeet- hIjs property has beenl used for ig will be discontinuedl during vrlyears by local Boy Scout JulMad AUguLst. <, oýups but this was the first time Ms acl ere eilu -hec Scouts of the Greafer Torornto Ms.-ýll(O 1s"dadeiou gon has used the site. A letter nrsigthe appreciation of this ,vop as read. For te last several months the u"mFederationi have been in- eeigon behiaîf of a Newton- viefarmer who suffered thie loss .tý an animl \whichi died whiile be- t n tsted for BruLcellosis ini the arablood test. This was an un- 'ouaeincidentl,;lhe animial ap- paetydying of hieart failure v Ille -hvcniia as obtainling hie bjlood samiple. No alwnefo r i loss of t his kind is included in thie Brucellosis Act. 'Fhi farmer haý,d appealed for special consider- Iationi to the Veterinary Gýener'al to v, aai- It was then hie ,apealed f iM r e from (ihe .ederatfon 1u'ug te sec.-fleidmani. 'l'le Fed- e'ration decided to chiampion h farmýiier's cause and atgain brought thie case to the attention of Dr. K. F. ells, Veterinary Director Gen- ,,ral anid also to the local Federal Member of Parliament, Dr. R. P. Vvn.Agatin both thie Federation and Dr. Vîvi-an were told by Dr. Wells that whîle the 'Department was sympathetic, nothing could be docne because the Act did not p)ro- vi!de. StilI not satîsfied, Dr. Vivian expiored furthier and fi:nalm'y p- pealed for consideration uander the sýuppl)emeintary estimatIes o h Dept. of Agricuflture passedi thisl yeaî,whereby 'Provisiorn was ?made, foi a) ,ertain number 0)t,- .f cases Wher aIma-I:iin thle cureof -a conta- gîuusdses cnto pro gramme, W-ith thle co-operatiion0of Dr. Wells thIis caIse hias beeun recommi-ended býV th Dept., ofAgiutr and will be subcquntl prsenedIo Treasury foi' paymenî. Thus whle it has been a lon;g Jhard str-uggle and the 'tire- leýss e-fforts of Dr. Viv-!ian il would appeartha tJ next IMarch thie farmer wi ecive partial paýyment foýýr Iis - ost animial, - anothier Buirhami Fed- A 1Dairy Prinicess icompetition is being, sponsored again this yeair b y theý CNEthe OtroMilk pro- dui(is Go-oinaiiýting Board and the Teleram.It is lhoped Durhiam Couty will again hiave a Pince1("ss in the competition. -Buce Taylor' ant RaphLarmner wýere appointed a cmmîteeto represent thie Fedier- ýation in thiis project. The PrýovinicialJ int wasbly expreý(,ssed to her by 'ruce Taylorji. Meeting adjourned ta mre ofM'.at Mrs. Eric Fallis, Mr augLycttwill f ly to 1NashI tIle, ennose Tis wveekend where e~ ~~a wlreorda'mater record of ie Of hissang)Içs ad ij alsoCdO thle )l onlte 1record. g Cmmiteemetat the Park on uûs iv igitwh'e thley discussed "C 'ct of thle new swimming ~'A-'3 Hleermnehow to) make use of thie existing dressingrooms. Last week the Ladies Auxiliary and the Group Committee of the Orono Boy Scouts held a mneeting 't the home of the president 'of the iGroup Comm!iee Horace Best with seventeen presenit. Tenitative ar- rangements were discuIssedl on c'amping for both the Oronio Cuibc and the Orono Scouts. Furiher- in- formrationi is to-beaabe later, '>i]!,owing adistrict meceting in the I Town of Bowmanville. PLUM$ING -HEATING' BRER1DEALERO ouo ANY 0F THE FOLLOWIfNG TO DONATE? Furniture - Toys - Paintings- Bocks - Touls g Garden Equipmuent - any useful item or g HRome Baking. g to the Orono Amateur Athletic Association for, their j Being held on Wednesday, June 22 g urono Municipal Building Please phone Mrs. H. H. Barlow or Mrs. E. H, SamnueI g' Iems wAiil be picked up June -'tstg g Proceeds to sponsor Chilldiren's Sportsg r -A 'A A- r r -7' A r, MAPLE LEAF WEINERS RED RIPE BEAUTIES U.S. NO. 1 lb 49e 1TOMATOES 14 oz pkg 2 for 45c 1 ORO'NO WEEKLY TIMES ,rHUFt&DAY,'JUNF- 9thp 1960