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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jun 1960, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKL Guids A d Brwnis Ivite I ~'~dStalking and G uide,,;-A nd irown es I vite ing Gamne for Firsti MageY Tyrreil pi Parents To Fr"day -Meetin1g tne Ohi Tuesday night the Guide and thie nother are particularly pse. n l nieeting began at 7:30 with inspec- se to cor-ne and show their Inter- A number of the C tier,, roll cali and collection waý,ýS est inhe Guide miovement. There successful in' pass taken up. We rehearsed for the en- will be a short programme and at 'J Yhnis Ambulancei roilment ceremony and planned the i lihe close lunch will be served. mnvleTeswe programme which will be held on 1reli, Diane Gilbart, Friday niglit. Oni Saturday last the Guides and Major. Captain Grady assigned certain ilheir lëader went on a hike. JudY. The meeting closE Vagg, Mary Lynn Bailey, Lynda, mariner. jobs to the Guides for this night Pears, Troy Taggart, Faye Nichol- which is to be a closing meetingof ,o n areHoy asdtherjRreme h the season for Guides and Brownies Fire Lighiting test as part of thieir, ;i1 Guides and The Guide and Brownie Leaders } 2nd Class. ring your m6ther. hope that as many as possible will attend this Golden Jubilee meeting Bea Vandervein, LynnJ M McMakin'M SBE PREPA RED FOR SUÛMMER COOL SUMER RS DRESSES A carefnee Summen with cool Wash 'N Wear Cottons. Cottons that help you enjoy the summer, put you in sunny spirits, because of their relaxed easy-cane wayls. Wash and wean them as often as you like with iittle on no inonin g, take them along. on. your . tips They'il makie your living easy this summner. There are checks, polka dots and Dan River fGinghams.- Priced f rom....7.95 to $12.95 Ne-w COTTON DRESSES an-, riving tisweek-end. SHORTS Shorts and Jamaica Shorts in Dan River Ginghbarr. s. Whipc)ords and in Ci-ecks. Priced from f.$ -0 t $3.95 Sliim Jims in same mnaterials, size 12 to 20. Priced fnrom .... 375 to $5.75 COTTON BLOUSES Sleeveies-, dtrip and dry Blouses. Cotton . hat r' littie or n0 inoning, size 121 Priced at ........ $3.2â an WHITE SHOE'S Step through su mmeri corp cont, wea ring a1 pair ol attractive white shoeýs,.M Sandais Flats and Squashi Pniced f rom ...... $3,25 SPORT SHIRTS Men's Sport Shirts in cotton and Dan River, wrin. cotton it Dri-Don. Sizes medium andl large. Priced from .. «....$4,ý95 t WHIPCORD PANTS Mën's and boy's Whipc Pants in beige or greeni, shz 18, Men's sizes 30 to 38. Priced- from ......$ý4.25 ti Armstrongs Store O All De Monde Y TIMES THURSOAY, JUNE 9th, 1960 Tracking, Local News )assed hier Stalk- MJr. Jojhn Patton and Mr and and Troy Tag-Ms Roy Patton accompanied hy 1.1r. Harvey Aikens, Millbrook vis- Chris Maar- ýIed their cousin Mrs. George Winn, L55 Tracking. an,ýd family at Coldwater on Sunday; uids aso ereThey also visited cousins in Orillfa 3udg i there and Lindsay. course in Bow- Mr. Wm. Carman, Mr. Orville -e Margery Tyr- Chatterton and Dr. Keith Taylor and Suzanne spent the weekend in Northerni Quebec on a fishing trip. ed in the 'usual MNrs. K. Taylor anîd daug hter of Brampton spent the weekend with meetig ,,,Y,'er parents. Mr. and M-%rs. M. Chat. Brownies andteon Mrs. Wm. Cowan is visiting her iryLyn Baleydaughter Mrs. Stevens, Scahboro. Lisa Samuel, daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Samuel entertained a nium- ber of hier young friends at her _________ Ioiithay-ary, yesterday afternoon ýWednesd1ay). 1 Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Hall and 1ilughier ~Elizabeth of Torýonto visi- ted on SUnday with Mrs. Joseplh 'D Mrs. E. Ford, Toronto spent Amiong the guests attendingig te Brow-hqhesweddling i lamil- 'Lon on Saturday. Junie -4th were Mvr. Cotton anxd Mrs. J. L). Browvn, grandparents requires of the groom; Mr. and Mirs. IMward to 18. C. Millsonh, Miss Marion Brown R.N.I Mrs. Fred Tfamblyn, Mrs. Everett id $4.50. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. M\ýilton- J. Jamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tam- olyn and Miss Myrtie Tamblyn. Miss Iva Linton, Toronto spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. c in col, Liniton. in colMr. *and Ms.George Cole, Mrs. fthese Rowena Shierry and Mi ss Lois ïXTdgje SIierry, Port Hlope e Sunday vis- wiis\ithi Mrs. Heber Souch aýnd I heels.Lnarry aiey to $6.5 r. anid Mrs. cari BlngMissj fAudrecy Billings visited Ms.W.J.1 0 Ir'cfl n Touronto on Sundy. Miss Anin Best andMr. Wayne, liooey wereween guss it Mr. and Mrs. Hrc ±tanid rayon, family. ikl-shed Mrls. A. Gerry hiad thiemsotn ~1 smiiIo ail on Thursd,,ýay ad br eak hier Mu1,iss J0 AnmiRthefor ,ornto yo $5.5 Geeral Hospital, spen-ýit ithe we ernd with her prns Mr. and Ms Sý B. Rutherford. iMr. Paul Ruther- ford_ and Mr. JhnSoWuhrnalso s ~visited with _Mr, and Mrs. S. B. Rutherford. codMr. and rs. Ew,ýinig and famiily f le 10 to were weekend visitors wvith Mrs. C, S. MeLaren. Mrs. Elliott, Nova Scýotia is vîsit-l ùo $5.95 ing her sister 'Mrs. R. E. Logan andC Mr. Logan. I The entertainmecnt commiittee f C pen The Durham C(entr-a i Agricuual I Society is again sponsoring a iDra-l ayma Festival'of one act plays to bei 0 held on September 8, 9 ,and lOth ini conjunction withi the Orono rFair. Entries will be seen fromn Peter- f borough, Bowmanville, Whýliitb, o Pickering. Lindsay and Orocno, f eight entries in ail and wîll be ad-, judicated by James Deani of Toron- Joan AIlin,Maer Tyrreil, Di- ~ an4ý Gilbart, -Suzanne Major, Non- f man Aluin, Archie vLarüen md Bruce Mercer successfully passed f the St. Johin's Am1bulance Coýur-se which was given at thie Lioii's Centre at )3;ow ianiiville.g I Congratulations tuoloug Gamsb)y who lias sLuccessfully pase hi third year in CîiiJnineigat f ljnivers'ity of Tooto,. He is cm11- 0 ployed for the summer by United fi Counties at Cobouirg.0 Mrs. Jim Ma\Iýjor- and Mrs. Ken f Gamsby will leave Sunday to spenid the next three d'ays at the Royal York Hote , TrJattendinig the - sessions of thle Rebekah Assembý,ýly *: lof Ontario. 1j SUNDAY, JUNE l2th CHURCH SERVICES Kirby - 9: 45 a. m. Or'ono -- 11:00 a.m. Leskard -- 2:00 p«.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Orono- 10:00 a.m. Kirby- 11:00 a.m. Leskard- 2:00 p.mr. gLUNN HARDWARE g PHONE 1661 - ORONO, ONTARIO f g SPECIALS TILL JUNE 1 5 O LUNDAY FENCE (Cash and Carry) g 7 wire 40 high, reg-ular $1.17 for $1.10 a rod fi 7 wire, 48 high, regular $1.23 for $1.15 a rod f 8 wire, 42 high, regular $1..44 for $1.25 a rod 2000 Steel T BAR POSTS, 7 foot, regular price $1.15 ON SALE FOR........... $1.09 NAILS 100 lb. Kegs regular $20.00 for ... $14.95 Phiileo DEEP> FREEZERS, reg. $395. for $279.00 o Philco Regular price $399.95g gAUTOM-ATIC REFRIGERATORS ..... $349.00 f MOFFAT Regular price $219.00 g AUTOMvATIC RINSE WASHER....$159.50 gPAINT SPECIALS - igai. $3.49, qts. 99c. White and Green g POWER LAWN MOWERS $39.95, $19.95, $59.95 SnemSTEAM IRONS, regular $21.45 for.......$14.95 f ELECTRIC TEA KETTLES for the low price of .......... $7M8 j AUTOMATIC TOASTERS priced at a low of ....... - $14'95U We Continue 'to You oneyon Thurs., Fni. & Sat. Seii 0 Scotch Tape,. Regular 25e rolis for............ 19 0o Children's, Tee Shirts, sizes 4 to 6. Ail white I JRegular price 29c f6dr........... ......... 251c Pedal Pushers, assorted stripes. Sizes 2 to 6-x Regular priçe 79e for ............69e f JSlim Jimis, assorted colors and patterns. Size f j5 - 6 - 6x. Regu--Llar Price 87e for.......79,c Spoolies Hair Curlers - 5 on a card. Regular price 29c. Haif Price Card ........ 15c iRubber Sandals, thick soles for ail sizes Priced per pair..................... 45e and 59e Bubble Solution f oir the Kiddies reg. 19-c. for..5c Plastic Windimills for only ............5.i 0TinSandl Pails and Plastic Shovel comi-plete 25c. < Week-End Cand y Treat, Pattercrsp Ch-oeo1aie f Coated. Haif pound f or .........29C. lJRONO 5r TO $1.00 STORE 1 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS f nn -i .ï cLn Eveninigs Friciay & Saturday Open AH Day Wedrnesday Smith Deveragos ,..THE FAMILY REFRESHMENT À FLAVOR TO SATISFY EVERYONE e LEMON LIME eGRAPE eROOT BEER eORANGE eGINGER ALE CREAM -SODAj Made and BottL'ed b BO WMAN VII.LE

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