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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jun 1960, p. 1

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ORNWEEKLY TIMES Volum 21.Numbr 17Authorized as Second Class mail, Post Office De partment, OttaWw -~ olme 1,Numer17Thursday, Jule 23rd, 1960 Orono Ontario Subseription in Canada $1.50; in US. $250 Colt Derby A SuccessJ" Alieaây Signed OrnoOpan ùate~pooe u pSt Port Perry Horse w ~for Park ?rcgram $100.OO[0iPo prvc yHe : ep 'FJurýd,-eveingi registration The Oronio Orphians Hockey A p o e y e lhD p _____ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r) h 6ýn Parký Pr-ograrn was 1 Club started the bail rligforofakeTnhpbckfi.Frsuhnarngmt Locat ar l Wces L tin le poiaol the Orono Park when re-ý The Counicil olreTwsi ho c une e ot 01erby was a car VI1 hWolClg r supervisor, was in charge of1c(ntly th1e club voted a surn- of $100.1nmet on Monday in the Council thecos til or th aonsi wounei b gretdo~ atrdyat eeootaicrgsrtin o hepoet Chamber when they gave readings eny1W00. Tis latte seto ri ~tac ~ 5J c Seispca UfILVlI Sixtyý-five cliîdreni have a-lrýeadynlbeofylaswihadny * Sarugsto toswo t Po)rt Perry 1rotter, ainiLLlge C.,, ..fliy Thi mov ws upotd by the to_ý*ùne afb-aswihla ýa thrown out. Andcy lK 3lue, take the to)p hovours.:- enroliled and miany others are ex- etrclbt amtig1 hebeen prepared f or- their considera-wa 'Ihs or isowedbyMr.D.J eîwen40an 50mebe fpected before the opening day _)f Ition. Councii also met with the iT-î liis 0oýe yM.D 0ad5)iebr f hopes that it would encourage fur- Dow-ýýson of Port Perry and won the lcAntique a--nd Olassic Car Cl1ub of rite rogramn on Milnday, July 4111. ther donations to this worthwhîîe Road Superintendent and with the Councellor Foster stated hie could T'leo hý 21 :i.ileCa -lhe f ee f or registration is $3.00 prjc.Building Inspector. flot, see why they wouldn't now pur- stae vih 2.2 im. -ie Cam Cnaa eid a picfic and rally at, for a chliid or. $5.00 for Iwo or more.,rjet chase the Hiaie property as it was3 -ber of Commiiierce trophy was pre-, the ational Studl Farmi,n north ofThe largest enroîlment was reg- The Orono Hi-Teens have aisoi Numerous rond projects_ were central to all parts of the Township. seqoted to the owner by H. DvlWnaSundicay afternloon., I see-ntetret ie I terspotwt evenue discussed with Charles Stapieton as Councillor Stone stated that a dump prsdet~±~e a habr.A Aih1e cars in both th an tiu h1g oth etatofwie wr eloe onenerfor~h cow ws aidclss iviios aerndive gru[liwt bu tet acirmte dance this Friday gon toteetn1fwihwr could cculd be set up quite fast on thez Vigiias ooned 'of Mr. A. raîyune hironpôe.n O erlling ii the six to eiglht year, toad e erroperty foratestaer Gi ne c~r~ zo ~laced Dur and nine to tweivýe year grollps. Gordon. Cotter. Building Inspec- adSoemvdta 1 livJ 11g the afternioon th1e owniers put an Stn 'fdta ownship Seuon1 a iMayJnP. ownei)(d by thieir vehicies throughi thieir paces ySitiie1 tor, stated that the I1ew* buling makie a deai with Mr. Hicks o get, 1 Prestonl ofÏ 1i vn. l'here Iruh o the raily wias a V-16 Cad- Astac IoNeeoy by-law. was now ready a dump strtdasSna psibe w retipten hor'ses )ut onite track 1 inevrblt -n spe ),OoLÉIt in13 Thîls vehlicle \vas reading. He pointed out that the The reeve stated th1e Couclhod tcýis. Foot races comrbinied with siby nuthorities in attendance tsqaeft aerhn* .fottptee Cuncil hoter casfctosbroughlt th1e total autjL raceis were a feature of the b1e veryv rare. xlie Atu Ïi1rfoontsophr.Cuelo osr nu~be;of orss a th rae met ~rn _____xnceasng aidthat thîs arrangement wvouidý f0 twnty-ine zL liere- wer twe carse at 11 To other v7ehicles whiich caught, it 10 900 square feet. Cottages, not be satisfactory for th1e needs of raiery theey wer cars Mode the Auburs The Oronio United Chiirchi Even. ol aea rao 0 qae 1eTwsi.Dn aordmk b 11e irs elmintio rae 04Orno. Ken -Adan]s hadl hîs' Th niu iiso ruhng Auxiiiary held its reugular couet ifv not usd ear oun 50 f sqa ine, immedi,'e larrget wi 1h1 Moe T.odi eso anld bnck mnemories of other days 10 mionthly meeting on June 16 in th1e cottage was usedt the year round teDerby-, MayJane P led Ille "i< WoVod drlovTe his 1931 MoILdelAbt r ~aeadM.Hc wa oloe lseyb eadow- r saa La Aen Camn many of thie spectators froma the Sund'cay Schl 0 Auditorium- then il must conform with every as- bt aeadM.1lcs ý,vayfew e hamp, owned by J.)Iilo Potoo droavaLre is rn 191 Moe0shawav area. The president, Margaret Arnott, pect of the by-law,,ý and must have aý 711e_,vnc enrbf ).R J. iar, r-T or auto thsw There wa a191Mcauln conducted die -meeting, beginning fioor aren of 720 square feet. A letter from the Ontario Fire( ýýe il11%R.J TggrMarsILFrdhail'soth ho. heewofficeM was receivedngfr hesn n con-als ffce asreeve cr oio, Queen Attorney, pi~~~~~~~~~~aced tirid Lti osbl htite n11 odel 45, with ils original licence1 ihakn o 1esnig0 anQi~-iein Atorey, A.. iGeney 'seo paisl group ma comen' Ortae; 98Bikegtclne Hymn 288 foiiowed hy theý- Lord's The Building Inspector said that cerning- their, survey for fire- leY, his goup nay cme toUr- Prayer. Recording secretary, Joani hit was checking on ail building in fighiting equipment for the Townîi icoLl. ici. 8 urec, wnd y cO it teirauos. a 94 hele.wth aseixr a 1920e Couvier rend th1e minutes of. th1e the Township and was endeavour- ship. This letter was referred to the 10we1 ny paid G. Grati nd- Castenrn-nt cue ae 193n29 uckmtr qLSpro;aî- previous meeting. and treasurerling 10 bring everything up te 1the Fire Conmttee appointed by Coun- Gyps ~eeGratan.d Stas193 i--i R cou , n 1935 Cadiac tor l voe orn a,12 c- Knthy Armstrong, gave th1e treas- standard of the by-law. He asked cil somte moniths ago. Council ap- In_,s 11 eod eeriin reGrtai ia car,5 aa a 190Pectrouda,- Lahln, Moden 25wia four cyM ue-S reot in that a. very tor Council's decision on ant Tee proved te hiring of Mr. Donevan- Andy fic sUecond fllmto ryC a Lincî. otetl a 190Pe c r d ant inc glqrint ade a5 La li e AIlou generous cheque hadt been sent by Cream Stand at the Royal Station 10 make the necessary survey ini ~~~4y~~ lVayqçnnnItge nqyoff on eldive nnd sea Roilsthnee vèhicle were aL nuSaled 111tle W.A. ladies by Mrs. Irwin for near 1the 3rd line on Highwny 115 order 10 estnblishi n road thirouigh 111ei assstnc the Evenin Auxil-s andun a Lunch Barii Osorwa ofOooo 1eR roet ot fOoo hor-se ownied by L_ Hooey, Peter oc mo1s in1dn a oncrjlOhw.-iary hiad given towards th1e Hockey 115. Approval was given providinig OshwnSoialC l n Orn1J da1orn.a.0n1f1eode0crsl 11 i ?Banquet. il was remnrked thiat we both meet the standards of th1e A petition from Newtonviile was nf;:c N., Bracelet, a Hiampton ore One of 111e ouitstanding models visio)n was a, 1913 Model T Ford of th1e Evening grioup aiwnys 'con- building code. tabled in whv1ich il wns relquestedi urveuy .ilîsonl i1ý nnd Londa S sidier il a privilege- 10 be of assist- ta h ieakb xýddfo Girl. I ~~~~~~ace 10 111e Wo)men's AXssoca)n at A letter was received asking foriht11,sdwl eex~ddfo -' Su da Se oolIVitubrs our anylim. . tentative approval. t0 proceed withi Arnold Wade's 10 Smîthi's cornerý Su da 'Schoo finalr CTmounrihn Arrangemnents ee:nade for a High School la Courtice. Tlîis was tilfu op -o bt h ,lnn flow,ý,ers 10 be p!aced in .11e Church necessary statêd th1e Reeve as 1the BY-LAWS LtIis weeouIfor 10- rpy ' (~. r(Ian urn 1emn of July adMilibrook school had received ap- The thirdi and final reading of a TeyfnseiIefwig or-ive kaks Training Aa p ugus. teml TreiadOveproval individually mnaking il nowidebeniture by-iaw 10 maise Clarke's der: AnyK lue, Virýgiia's Boy, ._______________Mlonoffered te, do this for that- necessary 10 have, approval for th1e sh are forlh xesono 1eBw MayJn ,±lAdi ve hmp eid Courtiýce school, The letterci was! mnanvilie Hospital was given. M P, ea"IowvIew per ~~tabled. loabe wsalter sk Cid MyGataRoger t3oy, IOn Sunday morning, ten mem- meeting we wýenit out onto 111e Anivtto1a xeddb lotbe a etrak Socil Caita , Quee Atony esfo 1eSno i Sunday I loveiy grounds and eooked OuDoarifrur rru 1 ii ing for a meeting with Counicil Traîler Camp By-lnw was also) Theconolaionrac fo 11e Sho)ol Ciass and five adulîs lefI aI lunich on open barbecues. iller at lie cotg agan this year i hM.Bre n oncinwt givexî three readings. The by awv o~~~clock~~ frOuMs .E- r-ICîr guidesî for the. day then took, dalae -n setsh ouI ail reuiton gvmn 'Fil rac til o'cockfroi IMIs. W E. rm-place of a July meeting. A very dsmage outn sough byultin Mr ]3ur ýoJlts e1lmînatedl îin the first tuwo wýas strong's hiome 10 go 10 111e Fîveu t tu10a open air worshiip service.!go odfm asaw~be n ley. No o1bjection was voîced by11esabs1ngo.arierCm won)i by Roble r1obisndàrg-Oa1 ntd Cuc Traininig This service was followed by a tour' joe.IDr' adeeyn Counili agninst telephone rate la- ndi stogtwl tpaysc Bracelet. Th1e lime of this rc(e Ca,ýl _'ýmp near Paris, On tario. of t11e benutiful grounds. îokn owr 0fi ervstCreany 11etoohlpoeesalsmnsi 1e Township, 2:1,6. Those olwigBracelet 'un- 1From th1e main building named, MVargaret Arnott reminded us of.opay der 1the wire xere Lond(es irAfler a two and a haîf hour drive "The House of 111e Initelrreter" We Ille Plans for 111e Sundny Sehiool - APPROVE DU MP SITE wbylsfogaaecle. 1eter Mýacý N, GýYPsY Lee Gr'annon1, ýv-. a rrived aI Five Oaks. Our first marvelled aI 111e loývely view of th1e Pic-nic and asked as mnny as ould A letter wvas receîved from th1e Twor e lawfr abag coIc t Vicky S Direct, Sitigle Sadie and aciiywsaBbeSuygroup Grand River and 111e Camp, 1c leopn hi hlrnadCues, Health Unit stnting that lion an' o 1eesalsigo t(~~~~~~~obeto hndit been reiaee ral fcy1 ccmat hï hide u'te and collecting of samneWr Pady . rato. eldbyRe. ntn,1e retor of -rounds. At th1e hours of 6, 9, 12 n asili aigti very piens- obeto a en r in 11hafieiniainRnthCapAf1rtiinformai 31 elisrn n evryn sto s t d aor th against 111e use of th1e Hale proper- gîven w edns Lacýe Lslisl-l iritaion 111e s Lm- ____________________ whatever they are doing \vhile n. n 11absnc ofr Joer. B wty for a dutmp site. The lelter, how- Laryee 1e otî heari wia firsf fi schper pasg sbigrn. oplaser f o hBtarMsson ever, staledl that t11e site had been A b-y law 10 estnblish 1the Orono driven ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýru byM.W.i fOoo rurigafn.gons evotion or Cssistbilan Dua enapoe o onhpPo nd th1e outy Centres Flas oifel anthe r Oronot wihorse! e ouerthsws1epototeyisdsdrainasgvnltismte Joan Ihen introduce and 1prha the 111e facl thtth ar dbe alrt ,ndsît lau'ýC ts ff,ev a ndl rcco rded o nl whaih wnst taen T -ý abl tn bor 11ý eveng Mrsove Carl Dow To nsi Gusiei Scoî own ,V edd divn 1 ree 10lusas aadetsg io-weeehdorpcncdevoled orker aSUieb iacquval~et a ieaaial I$20arldou f11 y n ié l-Irod Eooy rosed11e fnih n pomlio fr 11eanua deby jspprfre f urny Oýhme. writh11 oksede sPeb-ya forp which ilk stould ie mAin: fia apprvaln a mot eaing Cyonv 111 frsthet ivih alie o 71e las aprcilesMs r.I d e als pild u thatMr ery an Foser. in as inte ou 2.0 45 us afrcton ors1 utçr1 ereswihhl sîogs nterstl ponlainnig 11eJ this wouldh pra 111 dump d hl- ta 1eTwhpcudntp plnt of>-i excamee there wash ah n 1ec-prlo o 1eo ewy n aeil wt self mak ng11 ecsaychre e bakin fa -aniefr 11 eeoo Imckreod.On11e scodrrp ube o ams peaîn aog 11c pretsi povdngfodan Iiswrkofotanîgan dsîi10ths uforlili-eTonsi uli 11 Polbla hdben ,p lird i p si ý7 n ,,s-tt Til B. 1 ti - C ive baa M ber. S of 111eron T his l--l suchr as elastic ',hreads, need1'DoIesiesii uris tlprAuso .Ti of~~~~~~~~~~ýone outn~vil 111e rerehmn Vernon SigrTprlytetc,1 hs had ~ ~ o ersea an a; home. Mrs. a:Downalal ý1 siton This even ,il ag lionie lale( lJi i V both ie ScotU pvilJo1hrls and enlenimen ,a rJemared Ihallakr. work la over for whicit vudbmaninlapra oamton Colour~~~Iupe wasor jouddedn hnci -11e race -vll utg11___nruiy r.:ow n hn byMis onieBal, Mris .u-11lCl eb nerergthr in oured Hen co-) A ttred t rand iotr n t g a moe p BHroc Miiss Jane îo ang ii so XI wasks realzeT fromà 1the yen-hi olu 111e Ona eisauefr ay-Rthrodgveavr n '0 -rc Pald Irln.Tee il wr dc-trNrt' Yor s in adresameingleo ten alk ad uig 11e tdy jdi th 4u Jn 2,190 Bo paid dlein withal.*l tUe or le se Cakte Townsipv Rchret mîlin o an lahfrcmtfe. TU Mrp igi an tecgne- au-ad ificltes nouunlrie by ommite hel a ling onsp Mon-1 thn sreso lw h aree nowo- r~~~~~iý a4bn pai~(~ i B h re nt muicpial afirs aMssoaisi AfmcaaOtoe a nht uing l il1 OronoMncplIîe eeotic ymmes eeveP;S upi 1!Y tec 0 l- ras o fti tra Coii ia 1957 f Chni ti n g utu ev and thieei i o w .i l owisJa ln ad lifr1 ak Por m e iv~71 Comrc.,e proos 10is haveed bt B ujit AtC)ooP r dîSdrn hc ei1epiiiebliefs and ctmrs. 51e r Lvrn By wr polilan1flan-1-ali'n Toront Conct Mr inger c igt,s on- on\e side1 carr odem bLekrreetgteOnaiwihIcywlouie1emy TU jin omi.le f 11 roo owigtren Also tha 1er tenehs11 onetpro r1 e drugs and p comeis ut on-1 omnt rgamsBac.Ioealn f1 omte n discuss ~ ~ ~~ o tUtosrcino wm eesr hane ose. H.ae Mf erny on Sideen UIgiger peop, mayi buy nrd. use ou i wrdqetosbogT rth y res passeil l'h" nccsy yw enbk- j 10 el i lepiIs1 evee Jon Wincrme6. su-,Ire o hemeal 0f i a l cure andk Th'e 1Cark oundip $1500.0. On ifr11ei receatl rogmnm, Te munty entesAd.Thi mae l o HeltU Dr.a Cutyzi Lîeal Association Dm di-btes meectinmers hc îileued by 111ite ed eetn ommt Mon i wc TUe ComiutE j possible taI n grant ay ie -ob-iy makn tUm uncement afist a er ssse in tfrU 1-askIgof e angt the oron lM190.nicwili pay 1ed c of$2.0 ad ee mmcd~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~n 10ve asis aihispo.Te71 or o wis11 p la 1etpco Mm. Sier' ad- th cancer dresig by)Mary Rer-e wBuipdin.d ouI, tUaIr 1re Cmmiee tMaI suhtiingwoioe als É bynw0ck tUe nd wi$ coerl fr50 m Coni or B1e back irs -ous Ucý, "Crmn MncplfrhoaIboutte-acs-dsnoreuahsegaî 0relsse nrds 1e progomamnls. before~~~~~1ýot Counck whenci tUe pn3 by-r -roem"a maoleril an e ptbe pcfcognztsbt:ay s 11eCm caehpflo x der reeivd wth Ue esut tat l ws aso oined uI Ua ash peve of pltial lnin 1957would j intro u re 51 nd Mort r who f Hv FL prog loms iss J11oMnipaîy ovtebokeigsse 111e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ & - - comic pnsc n1 -eomid preen pool wol no ,i4l -3 avi ihm e of tUe ouiyouduswhn v1r benut p- Mr.- Eibc ouTndhayiem ae a Cwmit s pretops e omi-e i ~ -j;; - - - --------- - ---- ----

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