O ROOWKL I$ THURS-DAY, JUNE 23, 1960- ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 8 ~- 4 ††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††.r,, S.? IGA ROYAL GOLD 1/2 GAL. CARTON 79c Ail Food Features ,June 23, 24, 25 Effective We reserve the right to limit quantities. LOCAL GROWN QUARAttracttiveily 4Priced Q~~~ ~~ TATUA.O LEKIS. N~O. 1 JUMBO - size 45's NO. 1 GRADE LONG GREEN SLICERSQ QCantaloupes 2 for 35e Cucumbers 2 for 29c QTENDER, CIRISP, GARDEN FRESH NO. 1 GRADE FO THE EFC SALAD Lettuce 2 extra large 25crGREENOMS bunch c RIPE 'N RAGGED IGA PEACHES 15 oz t SOLID WHITE SAICO TUNA. FISEI IGA - SAVE 8 ROYX.L GUEST COFFEE KELLOGG'S - SAVE8 CORN FLAKES, 12 Oz PL DONAL LMIUD CURED PEANtEAL Qra Q CTTAGEou 0 LEST( R L L B[UE 0 B a -1] Q Q CURA[ Q Batt lb 41Pa Q 0 F Minced Beef lb 39c COMBiNATION OFFERQ UTABLERITE SLICED COOKED NMEATS Mac & Cheese-Dutch Loaf 19 6 oz39 Piekie, Pimenito, Chieken Loaf 4' pkgs ORl OO ~ ~ TAP tin 2 for 35c 7 oz tin 29c lb'bag 59c îg 2 for 49c LDDUCK FRESH' FROZEN nge 2 120z 65c ýK FLAG - SV 0 use & Gjarden Bomb 1.29 OL- SAVE 6 luid Cleaner 16 oz 39c .GREEN, PINK, YELLOW OR WHITE leu~ Tissues 4 roils 45c D BANDAGES .tie Ribbon 2 for 49e ESS HEAVY DUTY - SAVE 10c ste, Wax 1I-I tin 59c LL AVAILABLE BONUS TAPE GIFT THE MONTH and Cake Pan ""Ê#E for only foldêr R $75 in IGA tapes 39û PLUS 9/ FOLDER $37.5Ü in IGA PES Orono High School Newvs O ron o Hi1g h Sehbo ol àSt,ýu dcnts Tour Niag-ara Fails Area by 1>oma Glanville seýhedIule. It was an impese On Sunday orning anenthus- lookin1g spot with a Ilighp e iastýIc group of students waitedj fence around the grounids n ~agryfor- a train due ini at 7:15 to black cannons in the corners. The 1!h' Bowmnanville C. N. R. Staition. energetîc tourists ciimbed the bic ck- These students were from Gýrades houses and observed al *ihe emn- 11 àand 12 of the Orono H-ighi Schiool nants of Iliat era dispiayed inter wvho were now making their, an- showc(ases while the fatigued et nuwal sehool t11P attlhe end of thle ed their achin.g feet. scoo ear. TOe studenits selectedl Niagaraî and surrtounding isrit At 2:30 p.m. the bus pulled into asthi choice for,- the tn9 ti Queenston Heights where mnany oýb- trpý1Stai-ned refreshments and stro1Ied a- Thie train ar-rived promptly and suiteaes weefrepaced- by candy Lai Amle unlight streamed in ,ie 0adws as the train qnickly îed thrugh the fields and by the Ir-,içore adding something- spec- ai o te trip. Toronto was the first stop aiong the;é route where a, switch in trains wsnecessary. At this point the stuîdents had the chance to get lost in Union Station and also to stock up on refreshments for the remaini-t der of the voyage.c The students, said fareweil to the train at St. Catherines where they boarded a, sight-seeing excursion bus. A well-informed and courteous- ,bus driver pointed out and explain- ed, al the vantage s'bots along the scenie highway, extending as lar as, Niagara Falls. The driver stopped the bus to let> students see severai freighters pass through a section of the Welland Canai. The boys asked technîcal questions concerning the freighters wvhile the, girls swooned over their occupants.,1 The next stop was in front of a unique-iooking church shaded by the trees along the highway. The bus driver informed his passengers that it was the oldest Presbyterian- Church in Southern Ontario. At! once -the students- requested the driver to ask the, superintendent if they might see the interior of thej church. With ian okay from the bus driver the students assembled into the church cautiously and came out rather amazed at the spiendour of that simple church. -A church ser- vice was held there that morning apparently, as hymn books stilil ay on the straight-baicked benches., Fort _George v as next on the The Sir Adam BeýýckPorPln offered avret nth a fral xplained the functioning of the ~ ~i" P~~n iletsweregiv- ~~~~3~]C tti"s; v hre oir ,hoîngsnb itersti iis im- erigthe fmos-Ranbw rig er, also the batfliandscaped. gardeils aid. the re'jwed Victoria Park diretly opposfe the fails. After the satisfying view of the fails, the students were taken to (Continued on page 5) TUE AN.WER FOLkM 19: ODE NiZE ~PLUBING- HEATING RNER DEALRE OTHE ORONO lIl-TEENS INV-iTE- YOU TO THE SECOND ANNUAL Q 1MIS S -ORONOn' DiA N CE Q..Sponsored by the OronoChme of Commerce QFriday June 24, 960 Q ORONoTOWN HALLQ PAUL bMINACOLA AND RIS OICHEST-:A Q1 Aýdmission, $4. per couple; $3). for Student couplesQ READ YOUR ONTARIO HOSPITAI. INSURANC e GUIDE -if you baven't one, ask your employer or write ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION TORONTO 7, ONTARO LU SHOUJS RED BEAUTIES BOX -w _______~-~ -~