OROfN(O WFPKIV TIMES THURSDAY, JUNE 23,-1960, TOUR NIAGARA FALLS AREA. mu t(From page 4, -A U Û T 10 ýe:w îA LE their, hotel. The hotel wa's the Kn PeerAniqesEdwardon1 Queen Street jth sd.It was so Iocated th.at it was A MO RIES ORO O a went minte alk rom - ~~The stu lents wr ie hi Fré, ua daîpî5g-e a j free tine s it ws neartn11g sixo Sale commernncing at 6:00 p.m. c 'ock manly left for, supper withi the fl Antiques consisting cf Period Vorni-Lure, Stirling, Decorative Li intentinonf0f visitinig the faiTs af- SChina, Choice lssae aheff ieId Pated Silver, Clocks, Brass teadsAIsudnsee equir- n Copper etc. -îhiýs is an oeutstanding fine - Shipmient of 230 lots, pl to be back in their hlotel r(oom Simported di1rct fromý Eurooe. These art;c!es will be on display f wlv 'loc tat Ceven.iin gThursclay, June 30 frcm 2 to 9 p.mi. Everything vviIl be sold with nereý-serve bd. CataIonue:s on -request. Terms cash. owado H. BRUCE SNIDER, Auctioneer "iradMs Percy Ilwrdo G ~Phone 195 Odessa,, Ontario (Private uine) o omnilevstedo ~ i'ï iir.andRayeWes -anci ilyii, Be ReadyFo Payim A t i v ie swmSisadCp Ladieiq' Catalina Swim Sutits in printed cotton and elastic with printed front papnels of knitted cot- tons. These are new styles this year. Sizes 32 to 38. Priced f rom $8.95 to $12-95 Girl's Caetalina Swim Suits in Elasti4 Cottons and Nylon. Ail flifferent colors. Size 3 to 6x $2.95 $ize> 7 to 16 years . $2.50 to $7.95 STRIPED JERSEYS Boy's Scuutmoor Striped Jer- seys colours of blues, browns, wine or green. Sizes 2 to 6x .... $1.95 Boy's 8 to 16 years._....... $2.95 BOY'S SHORT PANTS Boy's ýCotton Short Pants, color navy or beige size 5, 6 and 6x $1.35 Boy's 8 to 12. Prieed at ...- $1.95 MEN'S JERSEYS Men's Striped Jerseys. Just the thintgs for hot weather. Size M and L. Priced at........... $t59 Boy's Swîm Trunks in Kntitted Cottons or Elastie, size8 to 1", yrs. Priced f rom ...... $2.50 tc $2.95 Men's Sw im Trunks, size 30 --38; Priced at only .....$2.95 Girl's Swim Caps, size up to 8 years.. Colors White or blue .. 95c. Ladies' Playtex Swim Caps. The cap of the Stars. Fits ail head sizes Exclusive water-tite -seail prdtects jiair-do. Attractive fashion design in playtime colours. Priced at ...... $1.29 and $1.49 SPORT SHIRTS Men's Short Steeve Sport Shirts in medium and large ...... $3.95 COTTON BLOUSES Ladies'. White Cotton Blouses in ail differet styles with plain or embroidered trim. Size 12 to 20. Priced f rom . , - $3.25 to $5.95 COTTON DRESSES We have a- good choiceMn Cotton Dresses, plain or patterns. Size,9 to22/2. Priced . $7.95 té, $15.95 Armstrongs *LEMO-ilN LIME e ORANGF> ,,# OOT FBEER Store Open, All Day Monday 'j M give ywou *CREAM SODA Mode and Bott!ed Fy SMvITH iv EVERAQ Ls LTD. BOWMANVILLE j I Mi;ss MaryFoundi passed her St. John'!ls Ablne examinations. ernamre *was iavratyom- ittcd~H frmtelistý. Ss.ArtmrAuti of Calgay Mlrs. Lorne ThomDnpsoni of Blauk- stock andMr.HWahvite - g s J o 'fi o Mr. and Mrs. MîIilton El1iott, of Bowmainville, Miss Marian MKl ve-y, Miss Young of Toronto1 and f Milss Catherine Stewart, Sixthl*,ine 'o w,ýere recent visitors wt Mrs. Fred f Brimacoinbe.I in Bowfý1Nanifle visiting 'MI.S. H. \V.! 1e1l,1Mrs. J. W. J-ewell and MiN1ss Mary Jewell. Mrs E.Gray as ibeenIl isitinig hjer1 thr-ee aghe in ToldoOhw andStneyCreekanDnds day wJih M. ad M"il Wmi. ,Moffat.1 Miss Carlla Irwînl,\ Toron ,wto and M-iss AudreyBlins saw pn Mrs.R. obisonand son Reg J '~nian Hi,Il'. and s. jNor-, man Andrews, and family, Mr. N., Andrlews Sr. and Mr. Fred An- irews visited on SiaturdaY withMr Biest Quality Fuel 011 anà'D S-oveO at i,,e1rcost REASOABLEPRlCEut VIe G"OR OL Teepoe saa RA. 5-1ice -Oruno 16 ~Q~Q~OCE2DClei Pyà and 'Mr s. -Ja ck M offat and family. vyPOab jlE8 duv slb Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Norton ar holidaying in.the Easternpoinef Mr. and Mrs. Mv. Sabin and Miss Boyv's 9 ounce Ar-My Twill Pants, black or antelope Agnes Ferguson, Rochester; Mr. f sanforized, sizes 8 to 16 years. 'Reg. $2.98 for $2.-à9il and Mrs. Archie WVatson, Betty Anno and Larry, Waterdown, visited with g Mr. and Mrs. Alex WVatson.o Mrs. C. A.Cummî11ng, wmngLnen Tea Towels striped, size about 23x30". vjlle spent a few days' with her Regular price waý 39c. Sale price .. 3 for $1.00 siFter Mrs. Hçeber 'Souch. 0 Mrs. Waller Seiener, Lethbridge, j Alta., is spending this wýeek with hersiser _Ms.Nei Pote. ,1 j Fruit Juice Tumblers, 5,12 oz. assorted. Mlessrs. WV. J. Riddle and Fred o Graham of the Orono Oddfellow's f Sale Price......................... 6 for 49c. attended Grand Lodge at the Royal é York Hotel Jast week. f Mr. and Mrs. B. Mclsaac cf Wind- o srare spending a few,, days at tlieir j Large Rubber B ails, regular-49e. Special for . 39c. To Choose f Kitchen Knife, stainless steel, riveted handie . 25c. 'Miss Orono' Fridciy Night [i Striped Turkish ToWels, size about 20x36 inehes Thre ontstntswiî,Regular price 49c. Sale price .... ......... 39c. dfjay. evening, vTiewv for the titie of. "Miss Orono 1960". The final choice f *will be made Friday at the Miss Or- Ethylene Juice Set, large container an-d 4 tumblers ono Dance being lield in the Orono l assorted colours. Sale prie complete ...... 63c. rown Hall. The dance is sponsored by the Orono Hi-Teens and every- one is invited te be present. The proceeds from the' dance wvill fi Large Mixing Bowls, Duraware, break resistant used te assist in financing a new C patc eua 9.frol...... 6c swimming pool in Orono. pate eglr8c o ny....... 6c Trhose seeking the tLitle of Miss 0 ,Orono on Friday will be Miss Gýail i Willis, Miss Bonnie Couvier and'O ~ Suf oefralcide' he'clr Miss Margery Tyrrel, ail a re stu- E squire Sefe'z fralcilrn he, cl 1 dents of the Orono -High Sch.ool. black. brown or white. Regular 35c. fori- .25e.,u The prîze money is beîng suppliedj' by the Orono Chamiber of Comi- g..o 1merce vvith the donation beîng Lcrce A1 ' U * 1 1 made by their presîdent. Liorce 1lsor1,s, just arriveu frfm £i nglaTIu The Hi-Teens ask for the support pealpon for..................3e of everyone in this venture se theV niay assist to a greater degrýee the financing of the pool. Everyone is a-ssured of a good timne. flflIf ORON 5cTO *$1.00 STORE THE LINDELL SHOW u Iu , From CKVR-TV Channel 3, Barrie OE RD YE E IG wi Il p resent a p rog ram iin the ORONO TOWN HALL ' SATURDAY, JUNE 25th at 8:30 sharp Two ûheurs of variety - comedy and music Pantomnine and the Mlagie Black L ight Sponsored by teBallyd-uff W.A. Admission 85o and 50c. UNITED HIlC Orono Pastoral-,' Rev. BasH Lerg SUN DAY, JUNE 26th CHURCH -SEHRVICýES K-irby - 9:45 am Orono -11:00 am Leskard 2:00 p.m. SUNDAV SCHOOL Oirono .- 10:00 a».m. Kiby-,1:00 a.mi. ORONO TINSHOP Flower VasesI for theI CEMETER 50eôo R.E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Orono, Ontarîo A ' ________ 1Evenings Friday & Saturday Open Ail Day Wedlnesday N "À 'À 'À N N N N N N À,, N N N 'À