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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jun 1960, p. 7

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Rýeît;*h Say Amierican-Made TV Progratms Too Brutal By TOM A, CULLEN NeWspaper Enlerprise Assn, L ondon -- The British Broad- eýasting Corporation bas barred the sound of bonas baing brokan lion-,its talevision programs., F'rom now on, the shariffa and villains of TV Westerns, m-Vst shoot from the hip, and no fan- ny staff. No bona-crunchîng, eýye-gougîng, kaives protruding from backs, whippîng scanes ail of this is out. So are monalecrs la modern draesa, and . ba(kground music used to creata a "f'rightsening aI- m-osphera." It's ail part- of the BBC's erack-down on violence, parti-' cuiar]y in televîisioni programa tha»t iara likely to ha 'sean by ihidIô an. Il could have an af- f'ect on Anicain makers of TV filmnrs. For nexl 10 the domealic markaet, Brilain is Amerîca's hast customier for- TV serials. Already, , Amairican TV film makers ara bag,,iinýg 10 feel the pinch. Two épisodes each from «Laramie" -anid "Philip Mar- lowe" have been dropped by BBC on the grouinda Ihat they mighl "cauisa offense to view- ers." American riWesterns ln gan- eral ara being carafuily- scrutin- izaci for unnacessary violence. 'Brjiain has only wotaev sion channels, the non-com.mer- çýial BBC and the Indapendient Talevision Atbority, which la ruen along Ama-irican lines WviIh e(tmmercial aponsorship. So ar ITV bas iýssued nio set ef rules comnparable bo the BBC'S aýnti-v(,iolence coda. L-i Hollywood, N ews pa per Enterprise columniat Erskine ononreports lha bas sean no maove ia the teliefilm ibusiness markîng an anti-violence trend. Iîe prediets that the violent se- aiesq will wind up on ITV char- nels ia Britain, adding: ("Aflar reading English lab- ld neWspapera, 'mn convinced the English people prafar tea and mayhem to lea and crump- aIs.") The camnpaign was hastened by the recent mnurdar of nine- year-old Iris DaWkinis of South- ampton, stabbad 39 limes by a boy her.own age Who confessed: "I have sean stabbing on TV . . - 1 Wateh al tha murders and I like the way they track them downý and question them." Th-is murder caused a public outcry fromi parent-leachars and other initerasteci organizations. Worsa than violence in ils im- pact aipon) children is emotional inaecurily, according 10 Ken- nath Adam, controllar of BBC- TV, programis. The BBC, Ihere- fore, wili eut from lelevision shows scenes of cdesertion, cruel- ty at home, friction batWeen par- enta, In genaral, ail material lîkely to have aýn adverse affect on cblidren Wihll ba kept from 1he BBC acrean until aftar 9 p.m. by Which lima the childran are supposad 10 be aslaçp. Under the new anti-violence coda the f oiiowing are out for 9 Bad habits in "goord" char- actera, sach as chain-smoking. * Disabiamant andi injury useci to« sharpan a dramatic criais. Also, ambarrassing par.. sonal, handicapa such as alutter- *Brutlity in fighting acanas, and thea use of blackÎjacks, knives, wýhipas and bottlas ias weapons. Out for bolh adulta and chu-m dren arz distastefu, scanes of violence t owards women and animnais, Also, adulla wîfil not be allOWed ta see scenas of con- lrived violence, or shots whieh dwell toûi) ongon the gruesome, bloody aspects of a fight. SCENE PFROM. PETER GUNN: No broken bones on the BC. Ride With Nobody fIn Driver's Seat!. At first glanice, il looks flot Ieo anlika an ordinjary, famhiliar- *hiite Chevrolal convertible aven thouigh il has nýo aîaering wheel or acclerator- pedial. The Gen- eral Motors engineer in the dri- er's seat juat twists a fewi diaLs îo start the car, aýnd movas aa amal stick 10 steer il, on-to the., rircular roaci which mar s the broad greenln ahifid RCA's- David Sar'noff Resaarch Canter in Princeton, N.J, But then comae a disconcerting eeW minutas. As the carmve along at about 20 mpli arounti the lig-ht quarter-mile course, tise driver flîpa a sWitcht, takas bis hiandc off the joy stick, and turas arouind bto'alk with the back-scaal passengars. The carî e;lays on course. A hundred farEt c,1irceely ahead anoîhar car ils ila the middle of the track. The paisseungars braca f'or a collision. Even ti le dri-ver involuinlarily hiis lefit foot toward the <b'aa pd~Y~IPbut 20 feat ffI¶ ý tiacar aýheacI, tlse con- vetilesows dw. yitIaif and stops. Tis eîodn r prformn- &iice(2 put on recently for a group of 150 Iihhway experts, was ihae iaioni's final demonisîraion i)f Conýceived ini 1953 b--y Dr. Viadl- mir Zworyk in, trie7-ya-d RC ceLiSt whtneldihe. tletrni ee anýd elecîroni mic- rocpe, ih ltcroi hb !bas I t(omjr pueisbur- J'ed in I1naà pav '11.t: A -1uida -l"e cable dow.a the cantar of the lane to kaep the car on course, and a clely spaced sarieas of rec-, tangulai, wire loopa the size of a car. The loops set up waak mag- netie fields andi wher. a car pass- es through these, a trai of elec- Ironie signala is left bahind. The sîgnals, stored inl a computer, can be uised o contrat the nexl ear'a brakes and accelerator, or to fla.eh a series of waý,prning lightm along the road. Actualiy, thie RCA highway was prelly well developed by 1957, When Ils visual-wamnig capacilies got a prelimirary trial on a 300-foot stratch of roaci in Lincoln, Neb. Now for the firal lima-i, though, there are cars 10 use the road. Deveiopad by GM engineera over the past thre years, the cars - the convert- ible and a hardtfop - are aqaip- peci with sc-anners and sîimple compaiters so discernîng lhïey aven react diffarently bt wet and dry pavement. 1'here are still planty of buýg la Ihae systemn, though. "TWo c our biggaest problama," said Dr. Jameis 1Hili'er, vice presidenl of RCA Laboratoria s, "ara deaer and akida. Evn ln the distant future, thea, sstcimn ill probabiy be us-. aci only for Jimited accass high- ways, which could be f anced l to prevent pedestrians from wan- deigon the lanes, But vWe knwfrom exý,p erianice that deer sceam ablea b gel ovar evea high fenes.Wih tha autonialic sys- tum a car isn't as likely 10 skid a, wýhen driven by a huiman ha- iing but once it does, the skid will be ïbadO beacause the balilt-in guid- anc astem:n doas just the wrollg a M am CLASSIFIED AGÉNTS WANTEO AGENTS %wanted ta sailI Melaînsand stainlessteel cuitlery. Write Box 114> Kitceer,, Ont. MEN and women Demonstrateanmd sali our new Jiffy Eleetric Teapots. Fret demonstrator ta persons witb rafereni- cas. Murlbart Agendaes, Reckvile, Yarmouth,, Nova Scotia. . ARTICLES FORRt SALE «DESTROYER" for use ln ouldoor toi. ets. Rata down te the earth, savas' dleani4ig. Directions. Tisousantis of usera, coast te ceast. Price $1,00 par, caa, postpaid. Log Cabia Poducts, 322 York Roati, Guelph, Ontario. BABY CI4ICKS LOWER prices ia affect on Bray day- olti anti alartati clckî, prompt abip- ment. Sea local agent - or wriîe BenV Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BE VOUR OWN BOSS 1 OWN AND, OPERATE .A Ci etrdunotte4ndpd WestinghoueLaundromatf Equipper ýLaundry Store, Net 3,0-800Annualîy. Write 'or phone today te: Fuil Infra lion about unattenudicn-prti Westinghous~e Laundromat equijppet laundry store opportunities layour community. Yeni manage in' your sparQ> time - wbilîe ettlng hlgh incomae. We finance 90% of yeur totl prhae ofter you longest financng perloti aI lawest montbly. instalîments, You re- celve training and ativica from a na,- tional organization tisat bas baelpeti over 8500 men and womiPn like you do Ista business !er tisenselvas. No eýx- peience neaasary. Modest invest- ment. Tis aprovPn new profitable aulomallc business oüfers a moaey- making oppertunily ho anyone' wbo wants te ownbis own buslaaas. Coin- pare our complete pragrara. ALD CANADA LTD. 54 Advance Roud Toronto 18, OnÏtarlo ROger 675 thing - At steers the car away from the skid," Additional scani- ners to control skids wl prob- aibly be designed,- Dr. -Hillier said. The broblem of deer i% tougher, but he hopes there'uý enough stait in a deer's body ta conduct electricity and sýo trig- ger fthe electronic systemr. Surprlslngly, the automatic highways won't be very expen- 'sive. Today, bèfore mass produc- tion, the price (including instal- lation) of the electronic equip-. menýt la estimated to beý only abouat $100,000 aý mile,rogy 30 pe-r cenlt cf the cost cdf con- Structing eah ile of' non.-elee-- tro-nic hig'hWvay. The prica oit aUtomatie cal, eonrtrols hasn't beeýn So closelY calculated, bult GM figures tiey may coistaî- where from $100te $0,000 rper auto. They Are Reailly Short of Cash! Il you decided 10 hIcave sa hair.- eut in the Italian village of Val-, leagricolo, it Would cprobably cost you a pound of corn. Or if your Wife fancied a, cap 0f coffee she %Would have t10 offer an e.ýýgg as payment. Not that ail the local residents are starving -- the reason is that the village is the poorest ý in Italy, and due to the shortage of money the villagers pay for everything by a system of barter and exchange. 1 Only tb.ree peopleý in the vil- lage draw a weekly wage - the mayor (a much sought after, and frequently changed position!), the poli-ceman and -the local~ élerk. The most prosperous resi- dent is a eeventy-year-o 'Id veter- an of the first worMd war who draws a monlhly pension! Brothers' Keepers Our jaded, cy.ýnical Society needs occasional demýonsqtrations of how pure Christîanity works. Such an axamiple has bean giv- an Ok1iahomans t1his waak by m em b e rs of tha Meninonite churches Who h ýave dropped their owR cities aniitravallad BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (CE creains, soIt! Inivestigatte ia ps sibîlities !il ibis tremen , dous business. Can be lnsîiled in your present store In addition ta your regular business. Smnal l investmlent; large profila. Box 212, 123lth Street, New Tosonto, Ont. NON-food itemns for self-serve stores, As we receive aew Uines we wifl shipi you 6 oaiy of ascii itemr priced l9e tu $1.98 ratail -Yeu can test-sel' these Items and ra-order at your leisuira. Re- turn any unsold marchandise ny ' 'timet for a f ull rafund. Cancel Ibis î'ervt:ce any lime. -Juat drap lus .a lina. AJI marchandise shipped C,.O.D. oppald. W. H. Smith,, Cliflord, Ont, BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALEt GENERAL store and equlpmasit, 2 gae pumps, storaroom and gerage, aIse a- 5roomed bouse,, plus bhath and fur- nace, sali reaaoliablê. Apply to box No. 22 Port Rowan, Olnt. 1MOTEL EIGIIT iidividua-l unîts, sn-tack bai', Rase gas pumpa witbegbt roorn bouse, on 2½ acres IraIiaded proparty, frontage on Iwo bigbways,. Aslng price $35,000. Suibltial 'da pay- ment. Nets weil over 1,3,000. Boxý 550 Duinaville, Onario. SASKATCHEWAN Llcensed IMotels Far Sale- 35 roomas, $60,000 wlith $fl0,00 down; 7 rooms, e$15,000 wlth $b,000 down; 7 roons, $1ý7,000 wlth $10,000 down, 10 roomaý, $75,000 with $55()000 down; Ilro1 a, 30,000witb $15.000 down; 8 rooma, $27,0K) with $17,00n down; City 55 roomai, $390>000 witb1 $180 000 down. BONNEAU'S AGE'ýNCIES, ReaÏ Estate, Grave!lh ourg, Sask. MOTEL, year rond o peration, Storey, 8 Bedroomas, ToilaIs and. Ballisa, Louage, Sunroom, Dinlng Raoul, ilce- an, ,Office, Owincr's Quat r Fuît Basameat, with Racreetion Booml, ont Billard Table. OU1 Heating, DTwo ainnox- buildings, 4 bedroome, tounage aad bath In aacb. Tbree sleeping cablas bolt "ald cold water, centre.t! lt. ½ace of land beautîfully ianàscaped. 500' fronlage on Lanke Kasbaýgawigamnog, 750' frontage on Hlgbway 121. About 2/ miles from Haihurtoni Village. Pramisas fully aquipped for continiued oparation. Reaisen for sellag lI elb Puil Sale 'Price $'63A000. $25,000 ash Mortgage arranged. FLOYD E. H1ALL, REAL ESTATE BRO11KER, MINDEN, ONTARIO, PHONE, MINDEN 23 COLLECT. CAMERAS IMPORT "GEM-16" Cameras. Mundredl percent profit! Sead $300 bankniotes for airmailed sample camera. Details free, Gens Indusîrial Corp., CPO Box 545-C, Tokiyo, Japan. CANOES FOR SALE CANGES, tougb rugged fibraglass, 15 fI. long, 37½ ýinch bearn, easy ta carry, enly 53 iba. "$179.M0 delivered". Nia. gara Partager, 2041 Carmean St., Nia- gara Falls, Ont, Phsone EL. 4-9895. CATTLE INSECTICIDES CONTROL THE FACE FLY WITH tise 'BEST" Cattie Oller anti Insectici ede 011. This serlous tila asi ready aýttaclng Cattla in great u- bers. Several satisfied usera practîcalir eIailsiated this sst during 1959. Start treatment early for effective contra!.. can be bang lan pastures or feed lots. Kils lice ail winter and fliles alilauna- mer, Save 50-75 Iba. oneascii aima treatadl SEE your local dealer or contact George E., Gilbert Equij)neosl Ltd., Lealngton, Ontaio. Phlone F1A. DOGS FOR SALE SCOTTISH TERRIERS MALES anti femiales registere.Ex cealent brecling. Trimm-ing * Speclafty HaraSieKennela Registered. Hwy. 74, Belmonit. Blmeant 422-R-17, FARMS FOR SALE 100-A*C-RE farin for sale la Huron couiîy, Ont. Excellent land,. yeuag orcisard bearing, gooti trout streain, fine bildia'ga, hydre, close te tewn, bigisway, churclies, achool bua by gate, Re-al buy; early possession. Bx23 .123-l8th Street, New Toronto, Ot 195 AýCRE, naitural drainage, farn for sala situated on lflgbwayv 7 and 8 ha- twaen Kitchener and New Hamiburg. Pleaty Spring Waler and Drilled Wail. Redi Brick 2 storey bouse, aquippati with pressure systans, three place bach, large bank barn. Contact Earl Mlonde- rich. Baden, Ontario. FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE INTERNATIONAL Cub Tracter, hy- draulc Uift, corn cultlvator, fieldi cul- tivator. plow, disc, packer; two wbeel traliar. Priced to sali. Abner G. Martin, Route 2, Elmira, Ontario. PTO. Fox forage harvest pick-up ai ern attachmeat. Two baavy duty wag- ons wthb Halîx forage boxes, PTO. Clayton Stelaman., R. 2, Wellesley._ EBERSOL'S / MILVERTON Ebersol Snow Blowertt Ebersol Feed Mixers Ebersol Electric Hammer Milîs Ebersol Feed Carts EBERSOL FARM ELEVATORS EBERSOL GRAIN THROWERS EBERSOL SWIVEL FEEDING CARRIERS Ebersol Seed Mixera, Ebersol Threaher ShreddJers Casweîî Farro Crates Caswelî Wayo Craee Casweil Cattie Curriers Contact your Dealer or Write Ebersîol farm ýEquipment Couipany Limited, Mlverton, Ontario, Phone 171. AiDVE RTI SIN G HUt,WANTED LABORATORY TECHNICIAN -imine- diaàtely -. 5 dlay week Apply Super- Intendant, Uxbridga Ganeral Hospital, Uxbridge, Ontario, MACHINFRY FOR BALE FEEO MILLS SURPLUS stock of new Tornade No. lU feati milîs, bal hearing wlth hap- per, must sel $49.00. Senti for circu- lar. Fatieral, 185 King E., Toronto, MEOICAL, HAVE YOU HFARD ABOUT DIXOWSý NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC PAIN POST'S' ECZEMA SALVE ' SANISH lise terment 0f' dry eczema r-ashas aid wecplng s k i n tr.oubles. Post's Eczema aSalve -'01l not t-ilsppeint yo lb'gscallag anti bumnnag ace- Maa acnep, rlï>gwiorm, pimpIrs anti foot Ieczema ,,w i il respônti readlir tote ik tstainlesa, oela oamnregabrtles aof sl -ubborn onroptesthev seens. $eMnt Ptst Fret 0on RLectIpt Cf Price PRICE $3,50 PER ýJAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 Si, clair Avenute Eaat TORONjTO MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE COMPLETE set of slgitly usati sieat metai machines. Telephane Shsake- speame 15-R-10. Appîr Mm. P. H. Acker- man, Shakespeare, Ont., lLR. 1. CEMENT MIXERS FOR SALE 11/2anti 4/acublc'feet. On akida or mubiser. Goodwin Chuck Co. 27 JARVIS STREET, B3RANTFORD 15L. 3-2811 NURSES WANTED General Duty Nurses FiOR niodema) 50 bed baspital. Rasiti- ence accommSodation avallable, 40 hour 5-day waaek. Gooti personnel banafts. etartinU salary* new graduatea 3275.00, wlithexperience $285,00. wlthbOntario SupercViser' of Nursing requirati. Stqte e-xperlanca andi salany axpecteti. Ad. dresa enquiries te: The Atiminialmalor, Sioux Loklout Genenal Hospital, P.O. Box 909, Sioux Loout, Ontanie, NUTRIA Bonnyvlew Nutria Mutationis TOUR opportuaity -- Tbirty pregniant femrales avaliable,lilttera g-uaran1teeti. 'pop quality, pairs or trios, No beltar stock aivï,"able ,at any price. Charlotte B ui, . R , !R ing, Ontario. OF INTEREST TO ALL EARN More Mýoree! Be a Collage graduate. No classas. Baclor, M4as- tecrs, ýDoclera Dagrees. Cisarterati Col- lage. Write: Wade Hamnpton Collage, Floranca 1. South Camroias, U.S.A. OF iNTEREST TO WOMNN FREE! Plastic rail'-bootis for purse ori 'peçkeat Seid 25ý for postage nti hanti- ling te: Pollak, 1621-21ÔA'venule, SI Martin, P.Q. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRCIRESSER. lOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great OpportulîrY Leama Haindrassing Pialait igniiati profession; gooti wvagea. Tisousanis I0, ccsaful Marval Gradulatas Amyerica'a Grealeat Systen) llîusînated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEI. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 35Plaor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 Ring St. W., H.amîlltont 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PERSONAL DRUG STORE NEEDS BY MAIL PERSONA,Lneetis. tqinsinVàteti LynaDmugs, 471 Dbftfortis, Toroatoà. BOY Troubla? Girl Troublle'? Lovet Trouble? Don1't siffan a day longer when expert iadvica can bhe oblaiseti so easily, qucdanti cieapîr. De- laying anti bagling iaa m-ean total bass of your chanice. Senti me Y011r problemn with $5.00 for promipt pan- sonializet ianairsis ofwia' wng anti what teo do. STRICTLY CO1NFIDEN. TIAI,. A. C. Mirtl),n.3BoX 1845, McComb, Mijss., U.S.A. ___ SEEKING TALENTEO CANADIAN GIRLS TO PARTICIPATE FOR tha tille (if Mis.s Canada anti $6,00.00 la scislarsliips. Age 18 te 26 yeans. EDUCATION: Equtvlalnt 1 2 years of iigi sachool. TALENT: ceunIs double pointa aven aihen ivsio>.rIes close Juna 301h. Wfrite Mjisa Canada Hleatiquartena, 21. John St. S. Hlamilton Ont. for appli- cation fermas. GET 8 HOURS SLEEP NERVOU)tS tensionj may cause 75% cf sickaiess. Paticularîr .aleapiesaneas, jiltenyneFsa ant itrritabillty. Sjeep, calmi your nervas witb "Nappa", 10 for 31.00, 150 Ion $4.00. Lyon'i Dmugs 471 Dan- fontis, Tomante. PROPERTIES FOR SALE APARJTMENT b ouse lwo acres aI lanti, Tiverton. Beal location, ceatan of ffydro Atomic Projact, $11,500.00. Terras. Reason pon bealth. Phone F. J. 1or Box 30, Tiverton, Ont. IN nortb Grimsbr, 2/5 acre witb cot- tage, liVîag-dining roons, 3 batirooms, a u %AVEI SAIllI SAVI Films developad and e nmagna prinIs LÀ album O 1* magna p ilIalbum 0 Reprints 5ý asci RODACCLOR Developingroli $1 .00 (not încludlng prints). Calor priais 35d each extra. IAnaco and Ektachrome 3b m.m, 20ex posures moutnîed ln sildes $125. Color priaIs froni lides 35d eaeh. Money refunded Ia full for unprl»ted nega- tives. FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB Fox 31, & INU am BOX 31Y , AT, NT BUJY chicka wvhen egg prîces are 10w; not when they are high. Why? Wben t1bey are low, fewer poultrymen buy; when they are high, every poultryman buys., Now la the lime to buy. For maximium egg production, we oiT er four high apleed layera: Rimber X-137, JTweddle 400, Tweddle 401, California Grey X White Leghorn. Dual purpose: Rhode Island Red X Lght Sussex, Ligbt Sussex' X Red, Red X Barrad Rock. llroilera: Vantress X Arbor Acres Whie Rock, Vantress X Nichols No. 108. Turkey poulta: Bronze. Older Black, tirst cross Blue Spotted Ilvbrlds, Landracp. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CIIICK-HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO SALESMEN WANTED WANTED: Salesmen and Dstrîbutors for faat aelling seresol products. Write Qulckle Preducta of Canada, 1$6 Col- borne Street East, Oakvhile, Ontario. STAMPS, COINS & HOBBIES 1960 STANDARD Catalogue of Cana- dia Coins, Tokeas zand Papar Money. (The racognized, authority), '$175. Oh- tainable froin local stores or Canada Coin Exchange.,'80 lchmond Street East, Toronto. SUMMER ReSORTS; CHALET Bruneile, Sportsman s north- arn rendezvous on Remi Lake near lÇlapuskamsîig.Modern accommodation, finie French cÙisine. Phone 414., write Andreeanmd Rafle Dirneille, Mooubeans, Ont. DIVINE Lake Lodlge, frec illubtraîad. literature w sh aow you. what Ibis unique and enichaaîing' place has te off er. Port SydneyMkk, Ontario. ROSELAWN LOOGE, BALA ROOMS, cabinis, aU ruLnning water or private bathroom, 'fine food, beach, sunimer sporta, friendiy' mederate, wrte or phone Roselaýwn Lodge. Bala 'vuskoka. Blue Water Conference NEAR WALLACEBURG, ONT. CHMRSTIAN FAMILY RESORT $3.50 te $8.00 dailî; ail recreational facililties: eveni- in eeting; Bible anti miissionary speakerb. Folder, Write 153 King W., Chahbans, Ont. Le Montclair MOST OUTrSTANDINhI RESORT IN FAMED STE. ADELE VILLAGE I. Largest awlmmliing'. pool in the Lau- rantiana, 3 diving hearoàda; alide. I. iluiaaedRubico tennis court. 3Cosiest cocktail louinge. &.Meala beyond compare. S. Riding, boating, movies, golf and drivlng range nearby. &. Social and sports programn under a director, 7, Summer theatre, art centre, music for dancing, S. Catholic and Protestanit churchas in tihe villag-e. Ouftanding Vacation At Reasonable Rates Write For Polder R. T. Couillai'd Le Mofftcîair, Ste. Adele, P.Q. TEACHERS WANTED BLAKE Township Scisool area require. quailfied teacher for gra4es 428 ln mod.- ern achool. Saîaýry $,3.,5u00.20) miles front Fort Williamn, Daily bus aervicýe 'Dutie» to commence Sept. 1960. A-pply tating qusalfications. experiencean l amse of lait ifapector, to O. Zimnmerman, R.R. 3, Fort Wil Uam. CLARENDON TSA recuires leachers, principal for, Plevna 2room school and otisers, Firat clasa certificate required. Saayoffered: $3,000 to $3,200, accord- ing to sciseol and experience, Pleast state lastinlspector. For information c2ontact Mira. E. A. Card, secretary- treasurer, Plevna,,, Nortb Fronitenac. ST. EDWARD'S modjem Beýparat* Schiool at Nipigonl, Ont. Requires'! one Prlmary Mathods Toacher andý teacis- ers. Situaited 60 ;ümiles, from tire Lake- head -oi Trans Canada Higbway. MVod- ern tewa of over 2700 population. Mini- mumi salary $30i00. Exýperience $l50x4. Annual incremient $200fx4. Apply stating1 quaýlif'ications, and naine and addreas of lastI Inspector te D. J. BaaningL, Nipigon, Ontario. WANTED, oe Pro!faýssor for Ws grade Migh SchiooL, 2 Prjefes;sor.s for Prim-ary Schol Grades 6, and 7, boys' cias. Salary open,. iApply ite: Catholie School Board, P.O. Box 118, ïManiwaki, Que. WHITE RIVER PUBLIC SCHOOL REQUIRES FOR SEPTEMBER A qualified teacher te act as princinait two-roorn schoel teacblag CGrades 5,to SALARY: Basic $3,300, $100 par year for experience up te 8 years; $500 for principalabip; $1,000 for B.A. or equî- valent; $200 year increment GîTE experleace and namas et 11,t inspectera R. G. MEALEY SEC RETA RY-TREASU RNR BOX 97, WH4ITE RIVER, ONT, ISSUE 26 1960 "I andarsaad hle's i big ad- vertisingmn' .........

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