T 'W-lu ~ 21, Number ~ŽO Thursday JuIy A4thi 1960 Orono Ontaio ES Authorized as Second Glass mail, Post Office DeP*rtmneft, Ottaww Subscription in Canada $1.50; in us. $2K ParkBoQrd Asks PuWiïc Support To Raise $12,500 Folr New Pool, DIng iepatweek t 'he oron' or wiAth the resuit that the Board ism ,ii , , rt) drawý up a final con- The i traci(t for th~e construction1 of a tors in1 Swimminig Pooliii.the O rono Paý.One thiý Final arrangemenets are expected Uent Of to h e cor-a-e4 ojnttMtbetween deL the Board and the coiflractor, Part* Brooks. ner Plumbing ,and He-ating. i . TL't Thursday, evening the Boarda ld a meeting wILth aIl t,;mernbers pres-~n- t i I me~eg he Y3ard ecddthat if a'-ji~ ast be - aken towards tIIe' constlnctiOnl of a Aew mpol this year- chat nn- injg vouici have 10 starft rmnediateIY it was feit, that, is was doubtful chat thie Tw i oni was goixrg to pass the necessary by-lavn in oýrder that teBoard could oDbtain aà ban- fnom- the Bank. It was also pointed out that the Ohamber Oomittee had not come f o)rth as yet with an-, means of fînancing theo construc- tion 0of The pool other than seeking thI su port Tf the ToWship Coun- -Il --~as also stated at the meet- ing tha the Býoard1 could not get enedt uami-thus they :-nust therefore hae hecaish before thàey cudpro- ceeed withi constr-uution. Iin order to finance ïlhe constru(- ofn i ie pool die Park B3oard de- cidJed by motion that theywod app(lal l-o the puli Lr public sb suip'tions. Thiis %woi-ld be inaugu-, naited as soon as poýssible and a -,c&mrmittee was set up for this pr pose. Thlose on the commîttee are E. 1 De!ut, ehairman, Aima Cutte il,j Ireasurer and E: H.- Samuel. Thel objective which the Board hope ffl s aaise amnounts to $12,500.- 0f îthis amount the Board lias already putj iii every cent they have, a sien of $500.This was made Up of ,$2000. cash and bonds on' whichE tis was, increased by ýth -âe announce-j on -)f ainew '!irmi -f Honey andi W. ý,Grant .Brooks, formerlv f Darlingtoni Township is associ- ated wvi±h Port Hope lawýye-r Russeil C. oeiîon the new firje. Mr. Hon)tey has practlcedl law in Porl Ho)pe sLice 1949, andl sincei GRANT BROOKS sacted as slctrforI f Port Hopeý. Don Wesh T o Re preseof Durham_4-11 Clubs Donald Welsh, Bowmanville PI R,. 4.ias been selected to nep)resent Durham Counity at the Provincial 4-H1 Leadership Week to- be hIld a theï Ontarlo Agricultural Collegeq f~mJuly 13 to 22. Oiie young inan is selected -fnori4 eachý county in the pro~vince. to at-. tend this week wîhich is carried ou, by members of the Extensioa Bxraich as well as the staff at the Ontario Ag-ricultural College. The purpose of the week is tao develop leadership and citizenship with the young people who are now becoming inte - work in On- tario. nr. Welsh was suggestedt for hlav- ing completed eleven 4-H club pro.- jects, la whklt he was finst on three )ccajsio)ns se-cond 01nce, ilhird -,hree times, fourth once, f ifth once, s3ixth oneAnd le noce. 111 diio hle was the high contesta nt 5In 'thýe Initer-Club JdigCompetition lun Id(airy cattlie in 1958 at Guelph and was *ied for second je the Inter.1 f lbCorapetition in swine judging, -competitions, et c., ljaving plIaced, I igj the Canadian Hoisteiný Ju Cn ompetition as ,,ell as be- ing- the highl contestant the p)astl two years in the Durham Coun»T Live7( Stock Judging Comrpetition. H- lias also been nominatda posbedelegate for National 4-H Club Week and those who arechs -uni w4l ba .serected at the time of diProvincialI4-H Leadership Week gricultui TraveIs 300 Miles In >1913 Forid Mnli. Ken Adams, the owner o! ai Planr Talen.ted Attractions For Orono Street Fair in an -antique car tour which start- J n r. Ross' GillIart, special eveut% ed Monday whien a group let Lon- ro o e tSI(~ committee chairman of the Ororio don, Ontario bound for Brighton. Chamber of Commterce, rrtedQn Mr. Adams is aceompanied onl GLA RKE UNION Thursday last. that lus cominn1tee- the np is wfe nd hd ~ PL~L $COOL ESUTS ad made final arrangements for t h e ri p b y i s w f e n d a d . n P B L . C S C O O L R E S L T S o u ts ta n d in g e n te r ta in m e n t w h i ed t Tuedayeveingarive ~nPetr- Promxoted to Grade 9-Hloward will appear this year at the annual boroug-h without anj mishaps. Staproton. Fred Saman. ýChamber Carnival held in the On Monday 'the group of over Promoted to Grade <-Manlene month of August. twety ntquecas tzavlld fomPelletier, Norman Nixon, Rickey London to Guelph where they stay- Dawvson, Leonard Crawford, f3i-anl The special entertainment staied. Ad overnight. The second le- of theI Ishiii. MIr. Giibart should be an outstand- tnp on Tuesdlay brouglit the touri Recommended- Gordon C-ýowling. inlg attraction and will feature TV to eteborug. O Wenesay Promoted to Grade 7-Anna Mar- artists along with other well knuvin L3righton was che target. Wednes- le S'ctt rce5Jan si names in the entertalamnent field. day evening the group are to bc rmtdtoGae5Jan si Georg-e Wade, a favourite for many guests of honour at a chie banquet K-enneth Phoenix, Bobby Pelletier. years in the music wonIId, will 1e in Prt 1lope iRecommended - Branda Cowling. makîng his appearance at Oroe inPor Hpe1 Promoted to Grade 4-Douglas on August l9th when he, alon'g >with. It lias been pointed out that h Stapleton. Recommended - Sandra his orchestra will provide the mfusieý 300-mile trip is a tour and not a Gibson. ifor both round ani square dancing. race and the route takes the en- f Promotod to Grade 3-Caroline 'lhle dancing will again this year 13e trants to Stratford,. Kitchener, Adams, Ruth Scott, Myonica Ver- held in the Main Street and wili J-uelph. Toronto, Port Penny, Peter- orughe, Lois Phoenix. Barry Gibson eneompass a mùch langer area thàr, b)oroughi, }avelock, Carnpbeltford, Recommendedi - Eddi Cowling, Lar-.in previou's eans. This will e and Brighton. OvernigJht s tops , were ;ry Saidercock. Gresscn pernei r George's seebnd appaarance in Or atGuelph, Peterborough and Port Prmtdt0Gae2Mrln n.Smeeasgohpaydt Hope. The average speed of thie trip Adams, Doreen Pelletier, Dawn uniilr Street Fain. is anticipated at 25 miles per hour. Brr. îm Ber, Teacher, Miss B. Holmes. Others included in this talenteci and terrifie show are Vînce -Mount- Drummou4-MfacArthur the guests were relatives of the ford, a hilarious 'funmaker and bridecapable emcee. His performance is ThePasor.Rev Rssel, as hereputed as tops in song, jokes and Nuptials Master of Ceremonies ?ànd pro- gags. Mary Mac Demerilbîn -posed the toast to the bride, which to hier audience novelty dancing Baskets of white peonies at the ,as fittingl epoddtob h and acrobatics. Seppo Leive, billed altar and( nosegays of lace anl lily- -gomwoas rpsdtetata one of danada's top stars wýill of-thue-valley on the guest pews in to the bride's attendants. to Whîch also be present to display his b tebautifui Uiiitect BapIst Church the best matn respondled. 1Hej als, liant t iggling.- His acts are listed in Sussex, N.B3. ±orinefied the settinlg1 ead three telegrams. Tte guest as sensational. fon a lovely wedling he Carolyn4u J. MacArthur, eIdeÈr daughter ofj book wa Ss cruaeb isexu l r. Found, Cannival Chairmnan, MrIF and Mlrs. Hlanford D. MacAr-1VruSseNB pointed out that, hie f elt that thc- thur' Of SusseX became th@ bridCe ýf 1 Later M.Nr. and M'rs. Drummond Chamber should make a nominal Alexander Reesor Drummnondo, o left on1 a wvedding tnrp through1 New chiarge to, the Carivai\ý.l this veau 0f Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Drum. Br-unswick, Nova Seotia and the and suggested a sum of 25c. This mon10f]0 Orono, Ontario. Rev. A.' Cab)ot Trail returnîng through New would allow everyon.e to enjoy theý 1VTrris Russel. Ps or af i,, i iýnp1an<1 Staite. Forgoinpgawav entertainment and also allow them Church, conducted an impressive ti, I douhie r 'ermonv and r. J. ch he bride wore a beige Imen suit ress with brown suede ptfrse and ,1-thin-a çhne and beitge iTinves.j Jlg made. Ç-hilren are ti if fre Tp Phi _'roposaidwaýj oven wNas fel lii whic way ir 1t th givenr Aids. tooka tuthorsteptowa as te be- porol by ppovngte quotati m--ade ýby Parîner pbl -4,g a' 1{eatiagfraGuieCrnn ol 30x,ý70 lngwtbto filtrig plantan oteitmsTettl cost of thîe quotation a $249.0 Teplans submitteO by tarten wverereviewved 'bY anenglaer onDi which MnI. Dent reportedl. 'On Thurs-C day ighýt, tonîlghtý, theBodan and n.r Partuer are- to 1meet to1 drawe up a contract i-rder that eouibructloun can ibe uti4ertaken as soon as possible. The coritractor hias already agneed to constniM2tig the pool on a stage pluýi. - Ia accepting 1h15 plan it, wasj and Oatanio a college chum ,and Thte hostesses Mrs. W. H. Carman friendo h.gro.Teu Bride -To-Be flonoured M/rs. HLE. Milîson, Mrs. Gordon were Mr. Pat Wllli.ams and G c W;,ýatson and Mrs. Lawrence Hooey Towen, both cousins of the t ,erved a ýdelic)pjis lunch. from Saint John, N.B. - 1 .'lit LIV1L4.4.ShIoGwe'Cubhesi Given in marniage by lhen fa Mis Nnc Kng,- id-t-bea Kten showet' Monday- everti'n- the beautiful bride was gowni Mis Nacy ing brde-o-b, for Nancy at the home of Miss heavily bnocaded satin with1 Iau-_ghter 0f Mr. and TMrs.'- Wý L. Diane Gilbart a-nd eachi girl- brought Empfire waist and bodice, CegII wa-î hOnouWed wt a iicl er favounite recipe, lily-point siceves and fullbfl< ýatious- shower on Tuei-sdaly even- I iss Connie Tynrrell was hostess ,,Kirt with cathedral train. ng , in.ti~e (04d ,'eýws f o Nanoy hast Saturdayý ev,,eninIg!jewels wvere peanis, aiîb er fi Aboutgty ý frýinds ~~ -~ e~ a't elwsattaehed o a i 'et and th HMaIll asbeautifulfly hrhome. Iseed peani]s, silver beadis aîrid tne.Shie ùcarnied a ýcasca, - -. I ie orchidls, ,stephan0otîs andi ~n a wite Bble. j- lonur asher s1 orCha Q 0 II I ellov saI e, dfitted1 Ui*~ cd ckline ad fuil Street skia-t. She carried tla osg Fufteen members of iÏ Oroo i metîng tat!the Orono SIga ha-maue ichysanitliemunýiisitancv er of C been counpleted:iland was ow ïread,, rose buds. The --bridesmaids )rono Ru metaurnt for the. irlnnhl s of!the bride,. and wone bot peinner mt, hig.thMn . Dvai, hpresident reported on the goIwnIs .of mauve oýrganza reslid echaire te e hting. Swýý'Iiming Tank Committee hi umauve satin and carried nos TI-e pesientreprte tht te' as appoîntedi followinig the laxst of yelowv chrysanthiemtim s E~hmhe wold atther nxt meetetiiîg. This committee is com- mauvi\e rosebuds. A1 wore mat nghave present the Honour Stu- posed of Dague Founid, Lyall Lowery, picture hats and shoes the (ents of the Orono Hg School, Fred Lyc-(ett and H-. Duvali. This )f their gowns. Their lewels tlog wthoneparnt Ths eet-commi-ittee, hie stated hiad met andl pearîs. Miss Jane Anne Wi ing is to be set aside to pay tibute h adl committed the Chamber of made a sweet little flower tor i studes wlopaed withgadhon- Commence to assist in nepaying a dressed i a floor length go thur no thr respeetigra s a nof $8,000. which they- hoped yellow organza - aer -satin. nhred rnoShool.thee e tgwas ewould 1be backed by 'the Township wore a wee -hat trimmted itl unfrmei hat- her wee weleof Clarke. This backing. hie said, of-tbe-valley. Jane A,)iie -carr hionour students this year. A corn- la o e enrcie.Ti s aito avyl n mnittee of Gordon Cotten, James sistantet asbeed n eceie chioa- bskeet o-f auve, Iyelw ramiu Thmblyn and- Ross Gilbart wene ap- itnewsbsdettreçn we esadylo oêù pointed to arrange for a suitable ditionIs which the committee- Ielt The bnide's mother chose a memento for thie occasion and te the Parkt Board must first adhere lace dness with fitted jacket, makenecssay ~amanemets. to. These were: 1.- Have one coe-_ picture hiat and accessories.- The treasuren, Gordon Watson i tractor responsible for thec whole ican Beauty roses- fornedli stated that the Colt Derby hiad net-I p-oject. 2. Com plete the pnoject at sage. The groom's- mothéi' W ted the Orono Chamber of Coin- fne tinie. 3. and that the Chamber dress of embneidered pilk uor mience a sum.- of $50-0. Balance inI finance committee have somte say in; with white hat touche4, wlth the- banik at the pfeseit fimie stands the plan. The oresident funtheri and white accessOries. lHen- c- a~ 875O0.Theptidnt conrat.-stated that 'te Chiamben Committee was red roses. - laîtéd Mr. Found ýind his committee was awaiting -the plsfo th mdaey-floigte for the success oi the Derby. J. C. Change House which the Park' mony aq receptýOn for over on Tamblyn and Harvey Partner Board was to supply ami that the dired guests was held in thi t _ ýàit g he,. ,.nnrnvai1of 1creation r- eo*f thle chu-tel- a Vote -of thanks to Dace I Boaru was awaiiing me--- Scomnittee for the worklja by-law- to back the boan from the ýt mbt the show. I Township of Clarke, The pool wasl ýy Partn-er inf.rnmed thei (Continued, page 8) The head te candles in three tien m ýývê.tisinig eould ýttd that thdsyear mvas t0 13e added as [n. Thiý is àn_-xt,aY rry-Go4LRound whiè ýced on the Main->t,. d the gýoom ýii$b - - Genenal., Centàýfqr 1guests were f rom~ i-; nrene, Ontario; int Jôhin-and Moniy long S1l 11. nvwing: bride is Hi araof - le ofl ýath1er .egt s -s s s 4 '.1 s s s aaÉied receetly at Orono -Un-I Mr. andMi rs. -Vance Allen and the- Church ýere Mn. and Mrs. Wat.- bridegroom s tf1 h son of Mr.' andi ill. The bride ,thé former Ms Pion ,Allen, is the daughter o! I Mrs. Bec Madill, ail of Orono.