Durham Region Newspapers banner

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Jul 1960, p. 7

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s' jew People To 5ýé1 Their Clothes The city was in the grip of terror. There hadl been an epi- demnie of disappearances- and al] tise victims were men. Younig men, old men, rici men, poor men, one by one they vanishied without trace. Soon the total! reached fifty. - Not a ,shred of evîdencr- miaîniet to show where they had gnone. A farmer vanished on his way to miarket, a policeman, on duty and in uniform, simply disý- appeared. The police were baffled. Then one day a man went to look Over a vacant groLind-floor flat. While he exam-ined the rooms, his dog, Toto, trotted off into the kitchen. In a littie while Toto began f0 barlk furiouisly The man took, no notice. Sd dJenly the dog camie tearing back and tugged at his master's trou- ser leg. With a, sigh the myan foliowed him into the kitchen. Toto was over by the w,ýall -! sniîffing hard, Then he camce back à-o, his master and barked freux- ie£-dly. Cleairly the dog had scent-1 eti sornethi«ng.i The lailord of the flat camez along lànd, after watchingtb dog, the, two men prised. up som-e oaf the, floor-boards. The dog leaped dowu iu to the space and began te dig After a whi.le he lookedi upi, barked once, frantically, antié s5cramrbled up out of the hole. Thse men looked7 down înto the. liole, staring aghiast at the hu- -ilan face whîch Lad been uuncov- eýred. The police arrived and took Up thie floor. In the earth. beneath they found thse bodies of six men. ail lu thieir underclote. Al of themr had been mnurdered, ap- jparently by an axe wvielded with colossal strength. The hunt wvas onm forT. previous tenants o3f the1 ho us e. Tlhe police soon dis<éovered thati on1e prEývious tenant hadi beena dlmn-witted giant . nameti Vasý*le, Besides his hiugd1 size he hiad, enother distinction - his grand- father and three other relatives had al be-en execultei fLor muIr- der! Vasile, a mechanie, had neyeri bietn in trouble with thse polies. Perhaps it wjas his wife'$ infiLu- ence, but durlng iwr lifetime there was neyer anythsing againat hlm. Affer hier deatis in the 9Qs 1here was à. change. He' took up wlAth- Elen?, a woman asq petite and dainty ;and he was 'huge sudeýC slow. About this timie Vasile's father bad suddenly tiisappeared. Tise olti m-an hati seemned to be in gKood healtis aud spirits, und ieh had oa t'resonto comn- mnitý È. Hs body liad not been- foun&ý AtrLhgruesomie discovery Ù1 the. e~ la the police were« Mtj, fa~- o swing into ac- éir inquixies ledi them to - -~ liil u m~i an, a schoolteaéher. who o- .* .cJ>, t'o h'1ave hàd 'a narrosw -escapýie from death iu fthe murdler Hoiw did he coma to bc there? Hae said that at tise railway sta- tion he had met a vcry attractive1 usomauD who invitedi hinm to spendi thie eveniug at hýer fiat. Sha sýaiti ise was a widow. sud hie weuf witb her. Thse first shock he got wag wisen hae noficad a mnau's clotisingi hi her fiat. Evîdantly she had ,kot yet disposeLi of hier late hua- baud's clothes, and, judging by their sîza, they must have beeri1 maefor a giaut. Thie seodshock followed DE YOUR OWN BOSý I OWN AND OPERATE A coî-etroUnttendeti Wea-,ghoseLaundrnmat Equippea Laondry Stars. Met 4004,00Amnualiy Wite- o'lphunle tocietytoi tulli informa, lion about unattended coin- operateti WessnboseLaundromat equippeti, ta lrysore Opportunities in vour comntlty You rmanagýe in y'OO apu;re lim whie ettigg i ncmronie We ini- fol nf oustotal punl;cbs. oB.~ .Vov ongei fivainî oeriod a"t 1O i flthlv intalllnnc'il '( OU CC. eIe Ia ,ri ad t] vcefroni a na. tional or.-'anizaiou ibt-.is l ie;ed ave-r iI50 nie a woenn like you 40 into bwýusertnteievsN v perwoenc Ilneeessýary Mocleatt lveat. nient ihi proven new profitable sufmaiebsiness of-aemne tsaigoppotunlityt10 a'!pOule wbo waOt bown fbis own fuieaCoin- paore Oourcopteogr AtO CANADA LTD. 54 Advpnce- Rocid Toronto 18, Ontarjo ROg-er 6-7255 IIEADLY DISPLAY--Deputy War.- den Shermain Grouse, 5u-rveys a dýisplay of. weapoos con'fiscated through fthe yeara f rom m-mates of the Kanscs Stit enenary -closelY 0on the first. As tisey stoodi tegether lu thse fiat there waa, atraIrp 0fh.eavy feat and tisa door mas fluug open to re-veai a tnountain of a man, grasping a clea'ver. Tremn-bLing, the littIe teacher xhrank -w-,ay frOm hlm, Trany- tloaiily be iooked abotthini for Witis ï grirn amile tise giaut contemrplated bis terror, Tiseni, raiaing thse hatchet h., rubbed ak huge thumb on its shining edge., H!"ise rumblei, rmoving for- ward. "la tisis ail you couldi brmng me for s-upper to-uigist?" With a erried squeak, thse teacher diodged a great swig of tise cleavar aud dived between tise giaut's legs. He filung him- sýelf tlsrough a doorway, leaped down a flight of stepsansd, gai- vauized f0 frenzy by the Soujnde, of ponclarous pursuit, bolted iuto th)e disrkuess.- The ltt~man, oniy f00 tisanký- fuil for his escape, and ashamed toý confess his Ilapse; 1told uobodIy. But tise giaut ai-d luis cloir,' paUu were, not to, I.uow that, -uld spee-diiy decamped fromn theirloggs 'l'le Pair Split up, but now theIL police had somathing f0 work on, and oua day a Sfroug force of officars surprised tise giant. Vasile Mwenf w'ith tisem with- out a struggle. Ha w,,as takaen back t o tise fiat and madç te vilew tise- six bodies. S le said tisat Elena had lured ail SiX f0 tisefilat. lis Lusuai Pro- Cedure hadI beau fe get thera drunk, bash tlsem ou tise luead xiud then strip aud robs tlem býe- fore burýing tise bodies Tise clothing nehai s oICI L f0aag f au-d boue marchant. Elenia was eventually pickeý:d up in Bucisarest. lu tise meantimle detectives caiied on ise rag andi boue, merchant who Irevealed tisatt Vaýsile luad solc 1hlm, not sxbut about fifty Cmenl's suifs,. Tise poli-e vweutf L 0 work ou Vaýsile again,' butlie %vas silent unf'ii they' vaiiowed hlm fo catch) aI gimpse of Elena in csoy Then jlue beglan tf0 talk again ,msd aqs a recsuif nine more bdies were found. ilte weut on t f0 til aeumore, anId fthe police, diracte(i (o ïa lonely spot li the woodts otidce tise city, du7gup anotharj eigis)t bde1inciuding that 0f Vasile's So far, about haîf nf tise m iiss- iug mer, babeen iaccouuteýd for. Tise police ýweît baek tb Vasila. li1e ey' ed (hlem lun bis slow ,,way sJud puiled afnl:is moustache. Yes,, he IdMitfed1 hle had forgotten fa tell tauof tii Is!ebgesgav Of alh. If wa.-süsmawbere ouf in tise ivoodis bey.ond tise Cit y but lue lad orgôtentise name ecf theý a a a Q. 194w cal] I defrost frozeil footlsisnlabout half tise uSu1Al tim.e? A. Try standing them in front of an electric fan. Q.How eau I prevent olive ohj £romn becoinug rancid? Aý Add two lumps 0f sugar to ak quart jar of the olive oil. Q. How can I1 rernove odor froin a refrigerator? A. Place fhree tabiespoonfuis of vanilla extract in a cup sud fput tisis lu the lower part of your refrigeuýàtor for several 'ri iour S. Q.low can I remnove orne rnldew that hais formied wlde patches on sone of rny leather- jbouuid bo)oks,-, traveling bags, and 0ther leatiser Rrticles? A. liub somie clear pefr.ole-uin jC1e1y liberally O-ver the mlee Iareas, allow to remnain on for iawhlle, aud then w-ipe off tfior- oughiy with a di~r clofl. This treatment alsoý tends to preserve Ithe leatiser by renawing it3 oh Icontent, Q. ai you Suggest an -fiin jway to prepare steaks thaot are t. lie serveti rare, mediuirî, and well-done? A. Yout can dlo tisis ail1 at tise iamie time and lu tise same length of time( by placiug on the, broiler tray coIispla'te1y frozen fdA Gforl RARE, .jpa-rtialiy- thawed steaks for, MEDIUM, anud unfrozen steaks for WELL- DONE. QHow ean 1 remove very Ytubborn black soot and srnoke marks frorn a brick fireplace? A. Try giving tise -flciug Bn - En1tirely new surface. Use a car.- boruudumn block and rub frmnly ail over tise surface of the stain- ed bricks. if'tisa contrasf bes- tweeu these bricks- aud the restj 0f tise f acing is verymakd :go over the otisar bricks lightly f0 give tham ai]lthe samae toue. Q. How canri 1remove ruat stains fromn white waslsable mia- teniais? A. Spread tise stalu over a, vesse,' of boiiing wiatar. Squeezc- lemon juice Or tormato juice on tiese tain and .aliow i7 t to(jr- main a few minutes. Than rinse lu hot water. ýRepeat proces.s sepveral timnes. Or, moisteri the stan ifh sait and lemnon juice and Place in thse suin, adding lemi- on juice as it dries, or lsold over. ithe spout' of a steamniug teakettie. Gadnfurnifure takes on a newý, lease of life wt a fresis coaf o-ýf paint. Work in flue saa aud if indoors lu Shed or garageý spraad newvspa.pers to catch paintl drippiug-s. Brighit coiours look betaainst flueLgrcee of gras- auýd trees. 7-S [au,, "Watcis ouf for hlm, Gladys- he.'s the fresheat !l~h aroundt~# bABY c4lcIC5 PROMPT sl4pmient Bray dayold and started chicks, at new 10w prices. Ae. hntchlng to order. Book summier broÎl- arsariow. Sea local agent, or write Braiy Hatchery, 120 North, H4amilton, Ont. nUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BRICK building, including three flats, Stre, bulît in freezersý, refrigeration, suitable for any type 0f food buslne,, in business section. Store is now fialu and grocery sbop. Best offer for cash o ustantial down po.iyert witli termis. Seiling on accouint of old agu9 and sicknes. Ruth Gldberg, 3 65 Walsketa, Windsor, phone CL. .21460, eyeniungs. CANOEFOR SALE CANOES, tough ruggsul ilbreglass, 1M t. long. 37/2 inch beanri, easy to carry, onlîy5,1 lbs, "$179.00 delivered'-. Nik- gara Portager, 2041 Carrnian St.. Nia. gara Falls, Ont. Phione EL _4-98M5. CONSULTANT -- REAL. ESTATI PERSONAL service vacation snd sni Lar properties, Ion gest eyPerienced. Satisfled clients. Fred H. Reid.PBroker, 43 Victoria St., Toronto DOOS FOR SALE REGISTERED Boston BuiL pupples, Bindla black and white, litter of ine. Phone jAckson 4-1214 or write Mrs. 1. Schranm. 16'7 Cambridge St., Godericli, Box 970 SIIELTIES (Lassie, apartnient sire) pup- pies. Yearling bitches, breti. A17 regi- tered. Pp1ll Robins, Oro Station, On. tario. rARMS FOR SAzýLE ONE hundred! acres, tiled draineti c'hoice Clay loani, con ,iliway, Perth Clounty iBari1 45' x W5' teel stanchions, 2 silos drive shed an5d oilier buildings. B.roomed brick bouse, new oil furnce, bath sud cupboards, hot and cold water, large 1jîwn with 55 mnaple trees, 17 reglstered, accrediteti,Ilisted, 1101. steini, crop anud eqipment. W oi Newton Ont. Teplephione -Milverton Ud 90 ACR-ES; day Ioanin, vicinity of Rice Lake. -rooni hounse' lbarn 90' ;x.30', con- crete silo, including -barn equlpmtent. Good waiter, $8,500, M. J. Bowes, 2M Slfton Court, Willowdale, BA. 1.96i9. 98 ACRES ln Egremnont Tws.p. 818 acres' workable, balance pasture. 9 roomn framne house, large harn and shed. Stable wiil hold 22 head. Drilleit weli and Hydro. 1/j mile from-i village and school. Apply Mfr Robert eber115 Couniteas Street, Durhani, Ont. Thist advertlsemient la publishied frece as ona of the mnany benefits of:- THE ALLIED SERVICES (CANADA) 1629 DUNDAS STREET EAST, LONDON, ONTARIO. 100-ACRE ltirn for, sale in Hfuron county, Ont. Excellent land, voung9 orcha,-rd bearig. good trout streani. fine bilidinigs, hydro, close te town, bighwvay, cisurchies, achool bus by gate. Real buy; carir possession. Box, 215, 123-ltit Street, New Toronto, Ont. 195 ACRE, niatural draqinag1e, fani for sale situated o0n Highway 7 snd q b.- tween Kitchener and New Hamtrburg, Plesity Sprsug, Water and Dilled WeIL Red Brick, 2 storey house, eqLppe0d wtli pressure systeinithreaeeba, large bank barn. Contact Ban EXîonde. rich..Pfiaden, Ontario 300 ACRE fsrmi for sale. Rien, black. loami soul throughout. 20 acres bulsh, remnainder tillable. Goodî bouse, on other buildings. Ideal for grain or adaptlng to large volume Product ion- Une Beef or Dairy. tNow being fallow- sd for fail wheut. Can bepuhae very reasonable. Open to offer. Pur.ý ther details, write: Edwzrd Blaumes,, Route 1, Aima, Ontario. 100 ARES or sle. Housela bt -in çupboardsand baîliros. Barnu.56 x 68, Water on; lp. and hydre, to both Houie' and arn- cNw roofs ou botls buildings, iMtr. Wilmer Nichol- son, IE HOLSTEIN, Ontario. Thisa advert la' tispubliied frees us c'le Of tlb ýn'iï enafita Of, - )OLN. ONTARIO. F ,LàýDA m10 RTiE4 FOR SALP..1 FLORIDA TOP location, p bgi way for flsb camp, motel, cafe, siglit- seeing boats, cven f a mi0o o sWaul Sprngs. $15,000 witli tennis. iBox t67, TaIliab)assea, Fila (LRD Near Ocais) CIENTRAL Florida, unilevaioped bigli rolling ranch land. 320 acres. $85 par acre. 15 acre fanm witli biouse M2,500, Msusny othiers. Sun Land Reaity of Flor. ida, 813 N. StteRd. 7. W Holyw,,ýod, Florida. FOR SALE -- MISCELLANEOUS WAICH dog alarn) for, your car. Makes, suaak t1iieves run. Easy to install, any maka. Only $5 95. Postpaiti. Al!ieti Imi- port Agenicy, Box 35.Station '"H'" Mfoutreal.j EUBBER hose anti haitiug, plastic pipe, re., uew sud used at greatly reduced prices: pliona, wiite, or drop lu sud sas: 'Snowdauei Induistrial Rubiter & Plastics, 91 Bruce ïtireet, %saa u tario. lRA.3-68 S-PECIAL for Parniera Wbiolesl pnîces - Rubberizad canvasses for aIl miakes combines uat dealers coat. Save 11p)bto$30 par cbuvas. For wbolesale prîices refer b Ibhis ad vwhlen ordering, ChatbamilFarni Equipment No. '2) Ily. E RJ. 1, Chatîsan,. phonie EL. 2-1070ý. HEIF WANTED -OUT 0F TOWNI CHICAGO J ob Opýportunitiesi llotb mai e anti female. Oven ,r itns $1.- Thomias Petros, 540ý4 So, Mo7sunt, Chicago 32, Illinois, U.S.A. #t¶EDCAL ITS PROVEN- EVERY SUFFERER 0f RHEUIMATIC PAINS OR NIEIRITIS SHOU&D TRY DI>(ON'S REMEDY. MUJNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 ELGIN OTTAWA. 15Exprss Cïlct. POST*S ECZEMA SALVE B-ANISH hue tormeni 0f dus eczemz eashes sud waeplug sik ijntroublas.ý Post's Ecaansa Salve will not disappoinit you. Itltciug, scaliug sud buruing ecze- Ina, ados, ringwormn, pimplas sud foot eýczela w ilIl responid radl1.i0 the sLtiileass odorless ointmenit. regardiss Of bow stubborni or bopalesa thiey seeni, Sent P*si Free n r celpt Of: Fric. P-RICE $3m P ER )AR - POST'S REMEDIES 104.5 St. Clair Avenue Esat, TORONTO R MACHINERY FOR SALR e UCKEYE MODEL 302 DITCHER, TWO> BABS OLD. Has donle about two huri- dred hirs. work. Ten thousand witli &Il equlment. Phone lendale 1-2229. NURSBS TRAINiNa SCHOOLS ?,ARN TO $65 WEEK as Practiculk rurse. Learï, quickly at home. No bigl *chool necessary; no aâge limit. Write for free booklat, tesson samplesý . Post Graduate Sehool of Nursing, Boom ft. E70, 131 S. Wabash. Clticago.- MUTRIA VQUR OPPortunity - ThIrty pregnant .maIes avalilable, litters guaranteed., TOP qtality, pairs or triosý. No bettce utock avallabie at any price. Charlotte Erunt. R.R. 1, lOng_, Ontario. OPPORTUNITES FOR MEN AND WOMEN SE A HAIRDRESSER iONCANADAIS LEAWIG rCHoOOÎ Great Opportunity Learn Hairdre.sshng Plaatdlgmfled profession; goodj wages ]housanïds of succeýsful AMarvel Graduates mierioa's Greatest System ~l srtdCataIfogie Frem Write or c'Il ÏMARVEL I4AiRDRrzSSINO SCHOOL 35S Bipor St. W., Tarante Branches: 44 RKing st. W., FHaniuiïon 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa. LADIES Dumas Female PillJs $5.00, Lyoni's Drugs, 471 Danforth,, Toronto. eTI h id Sense ,eClub for suc. es.Qu stinsanswere<l. Confidental. Enclose stailiped env'elope. P.O. Box 15,Mnotc tario." DRUG STORE NEEPS BY MAIL. PEE-SONAL.1 needs. Inquiries invtted. Lyon's Drugs, 471 DanfýorI;i, Tronto. ADIJLTS' Personal Rubber Goodg. 8d assortient for *200 inest qquaîity, testecl, guara1nteed. Mildin pila sesled package plus free BirtIlGotriol bokldet and catalogue of suïpplies.ý Wes5tern Dittributors, BOX 24TFi Regina, Sssk. GET 8 HOURS SLEEP NERVOUS tension may cause 75% 0 ïaeçkness, Particularly sleapIessnes,, litteryness and î irrita)iitcv. S1eep. cralm y;Our nerves with 1"Nappaý",10 fr*.0 50 for $4.00, Lyon's Druga; 471Das forth, feront,,. PHOTOGRAPHY ~FARMER'S CAMERA CLU BOX 31, GALT, ONTr. Films devecloped and t8-magna prints 40ý 12man prints 60e Reprints 5ý eachi KODACOLOR Davaloping roli 90ý (rlot lnoludig prints). Color prints joý each eta ATnaco snd Rktaclsrone 05 amm. 2 x Posures mounited lu alides *.2.Color prints froni slides .32ýeach. ý ony*-e funded In full for unprinted nePgatives., POULTRY New 10w pricesi on KImber K137 pui- Ifets for July snd August, youtr 'chance te purchase once of the best laylng breeds at rock bottera 1prices. Ais. avallable, our other tires Oistanding IaSrers: Tweddle 400. Twedui1e 401, Cali- fornia Grey X White Leghorn. AU ~Popular dual pu rpose breeti. !ur"ke roulits: Bronze. Broller chieks: Van lress X Arbor Acres White Roc k Van- tref s X NichoLs N. 18,Starieý pul- lets, ail ages. CatalogZue. We hatil evasry weeklu nthe Pear. TW.EIDLE CHICK IITATCHTEIESD LTD. Y'EIIGUS ONTARTO ISSUE 29 ~ 1960 PRoPERTiEs FOR eSALE HUNTERS! 456 Ïaecs o deeded land4 for salde, good deer, ipooe uckanci Prtridge huntlng, acsil ycar, Oua f the best pnivate locations lu, tItis area, idjeal for P groappof imen, wantlng a private ihu:ntlnýg grounti. Write te V. A.,MMraGior Ont. 4MILES vwest Peterboro. p-aved High- way, 28 acres, choice land, sýpnng water, idteal for suhdjcividilng, v8-roorn brick house, modennized. Gas furnace, good barni. Apply Waljter EBowles, R,R, No. 1. Ida. LOOKINC, for a1 pla-ce ro relax*? Over-ý looklng trolut strean-,l Hropcuuty, 2-storey brick hom11e, imodem c fouveni- ences. stable, about 2 acres of 5gardee, landi aspherries, ml fruits, lots oi, trees andti fOwers, ternis.Rlichard t graïm, Wroxeter. ont. CALEDONIA, ONT. 1-, STOREY, 3 badroons, ap litie gemi, inuSt be seen to be appreclated. 1 STOIIIY store wth apanrtinenit ý rear, Central location. 2 FAILY dweilllg, aultbl)e .for elderly couple, addltional lucoma. 2 STOREY. 4 bedroornibick hlous, blocks froni stores. BRYCEJO S BoArrister, Caledonia, Onit. TEACHERS WAKNTED TEACHIER, protestant, wih nterm. diate diplomia sud to act as principal, Session 1960-1. Apply giin fli par- tiuasto W, Ilogg, Sýc.-Treasý,.joli- ette, Quebec. TWO qualifiedl Protestant teachlers for Township School Areea Ne, 2, ïBenmont snd. Metliuefi. DutIes 'tocofnc Sept. lat, 1960). Salary seacedie lnforce, APPLY, statiug salary sud qujalificaý.. tions, to C. F. Steenhirgh, Aom l151, llaveleck, Ont. TEACHERS vraqutred fer uewly-bult grade school, U S 32 WaTb5,goon - Red- vers, Ried Lakce Road, Ont,, le cons-, mience Sept. 1960. SENIOR TEACHER - *,0 per ýjb numi. !NTERMEDIATE TEAýCHEXI- 4,0 per anuumn. JUNIOR TEACHER e 350 a n. Apply stating experlence to, Mrs. X. MeCuligh. sect.-treas. ONE iPROTESTANTTACE FOR GRADES 1 TO E FOR HAWI< JUNCTION PUBLIC SCHOOL 20 minute drI va fromr the Trans-Çaniîe, Highway No. 17. uorth of Saulit Stie. Marie. PLEAS! s4,ttculfcton n aap u1so nanse of Y our asat insprector. APPLY toH. I'? Bron cha,,irnan iUe No. 1 Townships 27 jani 2U). DISTRICT 0 F ALGOMA4 I 4A W K J q u c i t l o n , O t r o SUMMER RESORTS. OURIRDENLotige. Americanj plaa%. homsse cooked i eal1s, good ,fIshtng sit lsunting. Plin, wite »eth l4cRau DIVINE Lka1t 1Lodge, fr.e lilustrated Ilterature wtil shGw yoli wht thig unique and . ellchating . pplac as te off er. Port Sydney, Mus-kdka, Otario. CHAUMONT PERlIER INN Ste. Marguerite station, p.Q, FISIT this lovely Swiss Chalet In, 4uperb location in heart of Laureis- tiains. Exce-llant foodi, swlminlng pool wlth beach, plivate lake, good fisluig riding, golf In vlclulty. Rate s*60.04 ta $75.00 weekly, Anlerican Plan. Write direct or telephone Hudfson 5- 7395, Toronto, for informa-ï.tionï, Ü'-4.2 Cd;LASSIFIED ADVERTISINO portable $99.50 . tarins S1 49.50O erm- 0L Ti.olivettýi Leffersa22, thé- oortable portable, laici ig iin-d slirn, you'Il positively jîoyswnin ict vyour aide, The Olivetti Studio 44 is t.he choike of rnany ho prefer he-avier machinle, yet stili waut portabulity. Both" machinies provide ail the important femtures -f oce sî ize typewnri ers, plus special Olive tt i featureaý th ït sav e t ie and nak1e for necater typing, 'suai aes haîf-line:, and ha'! -lefterci sýpacing thlat let you inusert olrnlttedîlattera and r-exawts Esci cornesi" sici vera ecse. Corne iin and see for yourselt why "It's SOnice f0 tyýpc (on an Olivetti!" Choose uour-Olivetti portable, At bette-r stores everywhere, or ?vrite OLIVETTI (CANADA) LYD. 481 University Avenue, ToronIto 2, Ontorie,. 'b N N s' N N N N N s' 'b 'b 'b 'b 'b -'b 'b 'b 'b 'b 'b 'b 'b 'b N 'b 'b 'b -'b 'b 'b 'b 'b 'b N 'b N 'b 'b 'b 'b 'b 'b 'b 'b 'b f N -N N N N N N 'b N 'b 'b N * N '~1 N '-s 'b N 'b 'b 'b 'b 'b 'b 'b 'b '-I N 'b 'b N N N "b - 'b 'b 'b - N N j-,,- N 'b N 'b v-I 'b 'b 's N s --s 'b 'b 'b 'b N s-, -'4 s s- N N 'b N 'N N N ', j--' 'b N ýe ý, e .

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