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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Aug 1960, p. 1

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ono treet PFair, V Volume 21, Nulnber 24. Thurday Augst lth 1960, Orono, Ontario Authorized as Second lass mail, Post Office Departmnent, Ottawa Subseription in Cànadla $1.50; in US .5 81k9 Rod eor,' T o ni*g h t 'Tousseau -Tea HleIld RandoIph -Wordwaid I ae ytr icse jl lie death of Randoipli Woodi- At Orôno FatroGrounds 'ad occurred at BowmanviI!e O rb iio F aL. G r u ï î,ý s Forl emorial Hospital on Mondaý,F r V l a e O r n Last Satu1rd'ay afternioon, August illness. He was in his 82nd year. __ Over tenty attended the month- insurance rates. 6t1,rosa taws edfra t1n a elh adfo h n rnýreg riet-eBt h o~ on o -ielare Mr. an s. Jes uded attended a spil iwte were tested from fifty weI of Commercee, a onehThursdayr. ndveninJssémeeting in the Orono Town Hall, ia the Village. This test proved thiat las wichnunbe ws mdeUpof in canîal e o hldonAugstof erparnt, M. ndMrs. WITi.Woodward, he mariled the late called by the Orono Police Trustées the water in 25%, of these wells gurý-ts from the Orono Park Bad 7h Mr. A. McLaren alsoi reported Armstrongý. Beautiful bouquets of Bih' Oip'rc f 1t-lie *iýowmnanviîcv. that hie believed that' +lie sale Of gladioli and sweet peas dcrae' 1iarae Jane Luain ln Peterbor- at which two members of the On- was unsuitable for human u 1se. Ki Ismen Club and Harold Cornleil tickets on the Travel Trailer were the home. ough in~ 1911 He had lived in i3ow- tarlo Water Resources were pres- Thirty-six percent of the sameil ot-eop.now sufficient to pay for il. - manville for 10 years before which ent te present- information pertin- wells wvere sîtuated toc close toj of OPI The guests were received at thc hi, home was ianOi-oao. ent to a Mur,'-ipai 'Water Syst-em sept-ic tank systems. The Healtîh, Th';e president, H. Duval, report- Considerable discussion revolve-d door by Mrs. Wm. Armnstrong, Ms for Oronio. Mý.Ken Sharpe, §uper- Unit report aise point-ed out that dc tli'at 1 conideration had been giv. arounid the construction -)f a nieWuJ Baxter of Hamilton and MarY1Artrdepce GoyarVisor of Water Works and Mr. the average ground area per fam- Fraxi CampeIo inanc1depat-- iy uniemapacentrlosecion o t-li en t-) holding a Bike Rodeopn -, wmming pool la the Orono Park. Ann. 'Tire and Ruliber Comxpany, lie wvas Fmantrepented nanhe Comîs -illaget inacently,60squaren -fet aýýIl chlral h ra hsrdoThe Chambe wmigpo q-' Eiglit girls from Ms.Armn-, ia member ef thle Loyal Orhdrnite eaTisooo brS migPolCMangeateth pe et.Vlag msîon ,60 qar f wouldd be hield som-etime prior to t-hemttercomae tle C -j strong's Sunday School lass, San-aIhimeig ate hn'tercgizdncs cairiîval, he said, wit-h awards lie- brta h hme ldea~mdra iBcwins, Deanna Cale u odgc rn n a ahrn f R C. Forrc3t-er, chairman of t-le rat-r -an mt-o ,fl sec ae nfes- ngpresented to t-he top scoring of $2ffl0i1& to the Park Board for' sary ad ar amnBalunStt ofs nied15,000nB squareolce rutescfeet he() childrea at the Carnival. Me t-len tne swimming Pool On COmplttOn zTamb tlyn :an ;Marey ynn Bllr t. al'sUte lOooPlieTutes hiedth her areàs in the Village have als,7 inioue oprlCreic -aof t-le pool. The committea re -t sevdutl30;MigrTyelmnle.meeting and ia opening t-le meet- been not-ed t-o be overcrowdd and 'rrdcdCroa onl fteSheila Bi ing pDinereset ndnted the Peasons %why thewlic oidaeandvrefet OPPiý who outlined the various as- was movad and sacoaded by F. E. Bai-rabali, Dianee anGadbaret- an4 ptsof the Rodeo) and the tests Lyceti and L. Lowery and -passed. Patsy Jones servad until 5:30. Predeceased by one son, the Jat, . the Police Trustees had pursued theon the healtfi of the resideats. Mrs Rhodes and Mus. L. Lutin Prîvata Robert- Woodward, lie iS astablishlag of a wat-er system for, T is imperative, stated the chair:- tha- ~~ul li giea.Ha tated -ba G.Waton tatd tat -haClim-poured tea until 3:30; Mrs. L. Mc- survived by two dauglit-ers, Mrs. Orono.math-tiscnmavhveaf t-erose of sich a rodleo was to ber would have a bank balance o)fGeand Mrs. J. Cornisli, Mrs. John~ Fred Smith (Hazal) of'Bowmaaville The report- stated t-bat t-is area wte o vroe tfi -a inst1!Il into the childraii the respon-j around $200.M0 aft-ar accounts were' Armnst-rong and Mrs. E. Grady until and Mrs. Chailes Taylor (Velma) of la whc Orono was iocata wa-ter fr emanatonof t-lieHlt h lbltyo poelyoertnga~ paid.15:30. Oshawa,_; a son James Murrel cf iag t-o grow la population. This fact Utth eometabi aowathe systei w,,ýh hvOuL1d carry over to the time i Showing t-ha guests thle loveyDeep River; aine g-raadchildren, was establisliad, claimed t-le chair-Untt salhawtesyei thnta th cld oldledrvn a LsieAlttwsaponedc wedding gifts were Juae Armst-rong and one g-reat-grandcldlc. man, tlirougb such reports as t-besbude risycoserd mot-or vehicle. man t-o look after the Santa Clanad Margaret Araold of Hamilton.,- Gordon report and other sucli fiad- ThTrtesrpotftert-t Po)ints will lie giVen for mechani-1prd oh edlte -i er Assisting wîth t-le servînjg ware The bodiv rest-ed al:t--le Morris ings by similar bodies studYing ed t-bat Muaicipal wat-ar Would al- cal fitniess of the bicycle, balance, Hl-arvey Partaer brougit- before C-liv Armstrong. Velma Watson - Funieral Home in Bowmnanville for this phase of t-le future Of T-eliow lot sizes to be 7500 square feet_ brkigstopin, igalin, iur tli Camert-e ee frpublic and Mrs. Dl. Harnass. sriel -ecipe t ..o ontriy. Oaa such report st-at-es t-bat-rat-ler thntb rsn ,0 8q t-est- and an oral t-est-. Thare _i11e asrmlat-ieVlaal No sol- Saveral showars wei-e haîd for W-edcnesdav, Aligust- 10. Rev. Harold t-le population of Canada is t-oe -fsur et adtu rae s iinmber of divisions la wbicl t-be ut-on to.t-aprblemwaSrouglit- jMary Ana in Hamilton and Orono. sTreqoutarel Uita hrlices h 5 ro 99t- 90 f lnnd aoud hu ratrn ed.A uni bosand girls may enter and prizas fort-h. I T - -' i n Bowm-aaville coaduict-a -h e- re rs-a' epot also rafarred cpl-a-a yte, ta-dt-acar wi h giývan for t-ha wianercof cd Herb Duvalreport-ad t-Ï-da e -H P 71fo uit r'Clubice. ntermant- in Orono Cepetery. - -aegnesreot hr sn a, ath rses e owuld group. Crest-s willaaiseliespresent-ed in-O---.-the Past- growt-h factor oft-iVlmk the Vilaea oedaîal t-o cadli chld ant-rad la t-hae on-a'et ing -bat-aldageisa-madrhen latownClu Bîl Kilpatrick als-o spolka tle , éand was considaring sett-ing tupa:Tra vels To Toronto Lagea opulation la tedt-a ro r- loc-at-ion for industry. Iadust-ry la suje-and point-ad out-tlie t-mport- p-i- ii.teVll'g. MeLAI 10 by 1984 expected t-e aacht-urn balps oconsiderably in boistar- iin - t- 0hé-ohe from t-is iman la t-be Very hs at-Mndyt-i -Driar 3,620 b'ri4 Te préent- popull> n -i ica ta-,d,,,4g of any 7n,anc cf tha sdliam la-duc(-ig 1t-bThspi11n( fi uilo of0ooi19.Inve ofiana tn1 inl laproper lawvst-o ha obeyed 1near future. It- was aq1st-ta ot -ryClbad a trip t-oTOI,-- e V ce<- -n fOrn s90 l iwo unicipaîit-y and lesseas t-he - ýg 1 et-base, indications t-ha Police Trus an tbeprpa lanlig f -lai apace for an office and living nt-o. The day hagan at- iglit t-brt-yte ai-tbt-th1ilaems - nburden of rasidant-lal owaers. que. oarent-ai wa nadaif iewae -wit-î a tour of t-be Pickering Yivïe- prapare t-o ha able t-o accapt t-hase T"le rpotfurt-her st-at-ad ha-,t bikes locta lat-li Villge. tock ,Fnrms anad t-be kilIing ~pant-1 Mis;s Elizabeth Odlumn of Wbit-by,, aCddadr'esponsibilitias of a de Lt- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýý1r wsdcddtohlt-aodoTnt-Toooamator-lois an, interviewer for t-ha CBC, population. The growt-h, said tbsem cos ofinvstI in awatr osy- a-t-b rac a-t-aOrn F l j r Girls 'Wi n tleToi-ont-o élevators seeing feed bas bean in contact wlt-lit-le festival jcliairman, is inavit-able and wa mnust - em wasand inest-ment- la our o grud- toniglit, Tbursdaýy, ecrn- jLAILj i ing.baging oparations and c il convener, Mrs-. Samuel wit-b regardhardytomet-icalngan c> ui-yadùrgesva6p ma-,ncing at- 6:30 sharp for, ragistra-1 ~v'at extractors. For t-ha noon meal Poul- t-o an interview about-t-ha, Orono berayt me hscaleg n t.-or Ihis centra,. i ea cairman st-at-ad t-ion MrbDeSapaewfippit-d -oyflb amerhar taa-e -oa raaFetial _____ hanofefitsitee loo lcfict-lisr-B-Qgrteowt-h.y f would comae t-c Ororo and liad t-o ale h oé.TeOrono Junior girls tnow liold Master Bar-B. The , t-li o r-eesial 0f j i i te The report-aise st-at-ad t-bat-a! comae as la alct-ber cent-ras whbo la thurstthalFad.Tnaf-ron iotTefsivlwllh ad a -i Municipal syst-am would supply ad-;face t-ha présent- day condition,; ef l. ïeportiag on tha siga-athtli second place i ler sfbl gram hegan by saeing t-be egg gi-ad- Orono Town Hall on September 8t-b, 1aquata and safe wat-ar for everyone.'growt-li ad contamination. 'rIe in- so. u cf taVae ht-be pr en t-,I eaguawicbas i-t-bree t-rag-tiauilding at Wast-on. The mam- 9t- and lOt-b at 8:15 p.m. Admission -Ha refai--d t-o a survey made by stailation cf a wat-ar syst-em to-dajy H.Duaî, t-t-d ha i ld ee tbeadwilin ie-o-yrean-l o-bers were shown around lt-ha Master wiII lie 75c o dlad5e for1 er_ýtdbut- t-bat-n nuinhar Of cliang- ai- t-haNewcast-le Junior girls. This adisad 0 o-t-le Northlumberland - Durliam (Continued page 2) eract-ed t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ing station at-t-ha Unit-ad Co-opera- chidran._______________________________ as,5 wera t-o ha made la order that- it vict-ory for Orono was won by a Faads Farm, and givan an extensive cIud ha more readable. This wasi score of 18-4l. 1fio h olr iiin sw t-o ha do-ne, lat-be vary near future. Maria Hlooey and 'Sharon 'Willis Puir dviinas 1llaTress and d pire-or and thacf t-oi-oft-ia're Ganaraska Op1en s N ew.. commit-tee and said t-bat-t-be spacial wbulie Peggy Hancock beld t-ha dut-- Oui- spécial t-banks t-c Ron Brookýs priza tropliy wil lie on display in com-)l-mittee sat up by t-liaTow,nshîp les cf ctce.Five fu-1inlngs and Pet-e Bonis, who lhelpad arrange t-ieP bli rary wlndow. liad as yat- ,net met-. it wns expe'ct-ed wera layd.1 the trip wit-h t-be Dapart-ment- of Agý- E . I U that t-bey would do 50 sometime 't-is Oi-ono's stroniger ]liitters were, riculture.1 There will lie aiglit -pinys prasent-- G a rd e n i-i i i i 1 a r k mnont-b. Ha aiso report-ad that t-bey Peggy Hancock, Charyl Cooper' î, ed instaad of t-be aine originally ad- hnd been t-o Toi-ont-c and lad oh- Sharon Wiiiis, Faye Nicholson nand Cars wera driven hy H on Briook, vr-sedet- -e at ia d taiiied ncoura.-ng infomation r Linfla yrreil.Pet-e Bonis and Bob Cot-nami, Assist-- ed u efi fc htiid t-anadeacurainginfrmaioni-eLina Trrel.at- Repi-esant-ative. say lias hean foi-ced t-o Witlidraw. The Gai-dan Hill Conservation Aut-horit-y since lt-s founding. Ai-an feat-uring a 30ý-acre pond on an Opaniag n ddiasss o-fwecm iold 1 1lrvond site. as nfficiallv on-.wei-e nii5ae hv Unit-ad Countias, New Attractions Adde,,dý To Annual Street Fairý Tuis cmigWadnesday avaning tbiougboiit-Europe. tbt-id anual Chambr cf Con-î Anothb ig star for t-be eveninig malrce Street- Fair cornes t-o t-be Vii- I -il ha t-lia ratura, attPPagoI l lange et Orono wli az-dancing-, îridas tnumba cfears, of lGaoiga ae aidd-girns will bild frtbon -b 'e renowned as one cf Caaada's out-- t-li st-reet will ha fenced off as in orchestra wii aise provide t-le mus- t-he past- and an evening cf planeIed c for t-le dancing whidh il1 be, activ i-es wl ust ot-lomee eld on t-iae Main street- under t-be ing at- 6:30 p.m. stars. The dancing wiil feat-ure bot-h The Special avent-s coommittee eof round aald square dancing wvit-lion t-be Cliambar lias arranged a spacial chargý'91 e ing macle. An attendac and eutstan-ding program cf enter- charge of 25e wiil aliow anyone - talajment- for t-le enenival t-lis yaai-. view vt-iae progrnm and aise t-o an- 'rliis program wili take t-ha place of joy t-li dancing. t-liasquare danicing, compatit-ion Added t-o t-is prcgram wfiIl e Whicb was lid for, t-li fi-st-t-wo an-b le Lusual games of chance, a large nual carniivaIs. Mi-i-Go-ouind and aven aFeri-is I H-ead-iining t-ha programi wiii ha Wheai. The TraVel Traiter wvill find t-be apula- VinceM Mountford whoja naw cwaý'er on Wednesdny, Aug-1 ,wilIl act- as emcae anid deligbt t-ha. ust 171,111 wien t-eliucky ticket- willi rvowd -l ti his humour. in addition 1ba drawn late la thbe evening. j Madry -Mae Demae-s will provide 1 The Caraivai Chairman, Dane ýàoveIt-y and ~acrobatie dancing au ond, is expectiag a record at-- ~,7Shpe Liva i, brig t-o -bisai-n;tedanc t-is yaar as varicus new ftlisspcaur juggllng act-s fero ntrs t1hgjclbr ave been wnelihalas becomne famrOUS addad. ened Friday atternoca hy Alex Car- Wnarden IEniNelson ef Dn-tfordl, Thr win R e use O n own hip rut-liai-s, MLA for Durham and A, and by Reave Stewa'Tïrt-Gi-ny cf Hp Thown RfseO TwshpFr. 11hnrdson, ,hief- conservation Townislip). Guests on t-le pae' enier o h Depai-tment- cf plat-foi-m wI.o spoke hriefly were,ý R o cis Cou d B ing $30 . F ne Planining -and Davalopmeat. A. . Dalrymple, agricuit-urai rap- R oOnt-ai-b Planning$3nd0. Fineop-resentat-ivatfor Durbam Countyý; mnt MiPnisngW.M.nieelwîe Port Hope's Mayor Michael WId- Trownship Council imat in t-bei- iliCuniaddivsdt-ea- wns siat-d t-o conduct t-be opening, yka and Reave Roacd Budge;Rev ragular mont-lly session on 'ruasday t-blishing cf Co:x Tralier camp was unable t-o attend. Lloyd HoTot-on et-f Cavan; ReeveR- August- 2 wit-b ail membars pi-es- wit-b Couacil. The g-oup raquested Adidressing n crowd cf 300, Mr-.be--BwncMavr;nd e- cne rt-inan-st-o b osdr toCruhr ai btote Gn-ut-y-Raeve Wallace Jiblo t-Haf l Final raadings wragivan t-wc hy- t 'muaier Camp By-lnw. Council- naraska River Conservation Auth-r- -avr'Wa laws at- t-bemeetin. y-e y-ai ae - Criutla-spadtrbu-et- tbeGn to n.Teeb-aslors Foster and Dent- xoved -t-bat-lt-y wliidh purchnsed t-lia]and and MyrWaynsi -i a proh)ýihit t-be t-rowiag cof refuse a- t-eeeve and Deputy-reeve investi- huilt t-ha pond and is new manngiag woudri-t-ei-hPtHdet-roi, almat- long t-be Township ronds and aiseo gate t-is raquest- and report t-heur t-la consarvat-ion area. Hea lsot-riwchPtHoesvtly on lot- 16, Concession 2 in t-be Town- fiadings hnck t-e(Council. ria,-emncplta hd interest-ad. Ha said t-bat- while Poýrt sipi of Clai-ke. The maximum pan- A latter was racaived trom Mr-. A.cotruet-tliAthiystieni hope bias sutfered fi-om fîoods -'n tit toi - tiiowing refuse on Town- Wallaca la wlicli la t-ndred lils i-y and t-ha Unit-ad Coutiais of t-be 'pst-, t-be Atbi-ty workla slip ronds is set la t-ha by-law at an rasignation t-o t-be Orono- Park Nor-t-lumberlannd and Dur-ham' jraefciest-ation seemed t-o ha reduc .ii am )n e $300.00. Board. -Mi-. S. B3. Rut-liaiford wns ap- whosa rontd deart-ment- huilt t-ha, aready t-beIlikelihood cf serionsE peit-ad by Counceil t-o f111 t-lis vitc-va rond wbich serves as a dam floods. Mi-. Bruce Yeo addressed Councie nyfrtliepn.Manpr ocf t-be dam aadî nsking t-bat a fuil widt-brdhAroovl a rcevd i-mt-be Mr. Cari-ut-bei-s said spýecial ci-ad- pen n bte osrvation, ne const-ruct-ed bat-waen lots 23 and 24 Departmeat- cf Pigbwnys designat--lit should go t-o Elmere' Scott-, t-be, slow dewn spring runoff, but- ie- on Concession four of t-be Township. ing Cobbledick' St-reet- la Orono as Au-brt-' diirman and a formier c-reaýtt-on area bas ben reat-ed wit-b Af t-r casdea l dicssion, Mr. a hlrough street. I Reeve cf Hope Trownship, and t-olparking spaces aind picnic tnls Yao wns assui-ed t-bat Council wvas A latter trom t-be Nrt-biuhibealnd jprof. St-unit-ryt ofQua(ea's Uni- adsimnba-n n iha iaarstd n idnngt-ierod la Durham Healt-h Unit re "Sept-la verslty, f ormeriy clairman aad are aéncouraared. whnowners adjacetLt-o t-harond Syat M RefuS ',tated tn-sd Pît easrpeeta-v.TeGnrskn Aut-lority, one et- coma et-o semae agreamaent t-o provide refu-.se, could ait-ler ha buried or -Mïr. 'Richardson, wVho was t-lieI t-li fi-st- wnit-rshed( aut-boriies t-Q t-e aesay land -to-e vden. The paa on agricultura lanad sucb -as nuit-lor et-t-ha original Gannrnska ha foi-med la Ont-niol, *wvs t-be ii-st- prasent' rond, it wnvs st-at-ad, is a orcbards nndcut-iatédinto t-be 'ReIpor-t \wbich lad -c orat-ion t-o undeortake î-active- conservaion foi-ed rnd.greud f t-be Aut-horit-y la 19416, dlesciied wrk. It- bas ncquirad abot 770& Mal ýýCo-x, Wilfrad iCo)xanad t-heur Cuni is t-o ee- agan ri Sep- some cf t-le conservation progrnms awres cf laýd, ail etof bcb s ait-le slcorR. Conat et-f Ajax mat tambIrer 6tbh. which hava hpean cnrried e'ut by t-le ý 7Cn-nido ae5 S-wl D (Donatons Isted n pag 2n inaeiwae ,o ,uu tIuu1 DU (Ô -p -nàt ii wn-s f i s t e'd - 'o- h -- - p a g- e Ë, ý ' 'Donated taAate $5>312.62 $7yOOÔ $9'Y 1000 $11,000 e ý ý $12,500 1., ugut i thFun For, I., -Augut' 17th veryone

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