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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Aug 1960, p. 2

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M ORONO WEEKLY TItdI Swimming Pool Fund Now Stands at $5,317.62 Mark List of ContributorsOooRstuat2500 I Mr. and Mrlis. Uowelil Rowland 5.'00 Oronio Park Board $4j500.00 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stephens 5.00 r.and Mrs. W. B. Hloar $25.W0 K. Reitsma 5.00 rRoy Foster 20.001 Mr. and Mrs. V. Robinsoni 25.00 Mr.Rowefla E. Dea n 10.(00j Miss Alma Cuttel 5.0 M.and Mrs. Wm. A. Grady 2.0 Mr. andMr..H.Sme 500 M.and Mrs. K. Schoenmakýer 1000Ms. Emma Lunn 5.00 Jonand Roy Patton 30.00! John iShioenimaker 5.00 11r, and Mrs.. 0. Chatterton 25.00 JE. Dent 25.00 Sand Mvrs. S. D. Holmes 1.00 M\1r. and Mrs. R. Forrester 125.00 FnkDrinikie 1.00 -Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Reid 25.00 Childrens Penny Fair Mrs. W. Stutt Mr. and Mr. George Dunie W. K. Lycett Mrs. H. Hardy Mrs. Florence A Brimacor Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Atkir J. Walker Mrs. Aima Bowen Mis. Fredl Kelly Rolph Hardware A. E. WVest Mr. and Mrs. Sehauffler Francis Tennant Joan Ransberr-y Mr. and Mrs. V. H-omnevoc Terry Myles John M. MaclRae Mr. and Mrs, Don Staples :6 THURSDAY, AUGUST Ilth, 196( 7ý3 Orono Garage 10.600 Ralph M. Willis ýo jîo.oo Mary Lynn Bailey 25.00 -Mr, and Mrs. Edward Grahami 2.00( Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Miilson )mbe 25.00 Ellen Milîson ins 10).001 Catherine Milison (o.()o!Mr. an d Mrs. William Madili 5 Mrs. Coryell 50 Dr. and Mrs. A. F. McKenzie 2.0Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Farrell 25.00) Mr. anid Mrs. Francis Quantril ooo'Mrs. Dorothy Bailey 5.001j )od 5.00~ 25.001 25.00 I get a lot moreca for a lotless money .:. The symbal cf unmtched quolîty .. . proaf of Chvrlet's reno~neJe ttentiant dti pr,-mîsing a longer, trouble-Free -,2, fr your cor. Chevralt big you this hollmark of engieeriýng perfection in every, modul. J'.... .I's the mos? exciting advanca thot ever came betwveen you sus ad therood. Eacli spring soaks up bumps wlt a smoother, quiatar teescopic ation providing a ride un1reûmed of with the leaf springs you get on mony oher cars. ......i..... i~.~... ~ f 1W MD ID 'i ..... 1 . .11 b E~4 ~ c 22b0C BOWMANVILLE Cliýoose fthrift in the I*-Ihrift 6 or Econorniy VP Or goc for ony degree of power you want with yoUr chûice of Chevrolet's super-efficient YBs. Remembher, ChevroIet gives you a wide selection of unhectoble powier teamns. ere's where (hevrolet's superlative roo.dholdinq talents start.. This extra rigid design gives you oaimfoe grip of the rood And the durobilîty of the X-built frame is jus? anothli Meosure of (hevrolet safety for you. Mai-irrfinish keeils your Cevrolet new-car brilianît yecirs longer. And udret there's m ult-stage rustproofing that helps Ick crrosion out. Two more reasons wliy su maGny People are takieg a shine to (hevralet. It's sofety first witi (hevrelet al the timie. Those big Saifty- Maister braGlces are air-Ccoled for fade-free stoipping peWer. And Chevy's extra large Woded inings lus? longer. anather measUre of economy for yo. Her's real stretch out roomiiness for six bigj people. And thýere's incýhes more entrance roon. . . ne or awkward clrbrn.Yes, in the diver's sect of your Chaevrolat, thres fucam cusioniai, under you aid pure pleasure abead. When you boy your 1960C hevrolet you're Iooking oheod. You knaw that the greates? passible rtura wvfll ba yours crne trade-in tfime.Tat becoiuse most Canodians rea!ize thot Chevrolet is Cada's mos? popula, Most exciting car. Add up ffhe cfvcsntages c! owning a Chevrolef . .a nd you'IlIrec;lize you're cactuclly getting c; lot miorec cr thoIn you've ever had beforel - COURTICE 50.00 would have been to pump it from 15.00, Lake Ontario which would have be- 2.00 en beyond ail reason. However this 10.00 cotild be a reality in the future. 15.00 5.00 In speaking to thxe gathering Mr. 5.0Sharpe also pointed out that the 0.0Ontario Water Resources Commis- 2.00 sion and the Ontario Municipal Bd. .5o o0 not permit excessive costs for 10.ý00 installing such a service nor do they 2.00 allow unsound standards of engin- $8761 Mr. Campbell then addressedi the meeting st-ating that the estimnated $5,317.62 cost as submitted by the engineers was $175,000.0. This amount, he . p'ointed out was not a definite fi- ure as only that would be obained Twacite r when tenders were let and opened. TeVillage he said, could easily af- (Continued from page 1 ford this amount but before it w ldbe allowed to spend any a- will be cheaper than in the future mount on such a project it would aýs il would have been ten year's,,go, have to be approved by the Ontario he said. - Municipal Board who have the fin- av a nsc matters. He also R. C. Forrester then stated that, pointeçi out that the OWRC coul the Trustees hadl been considering not deal with the Police Village wvater for well over a year andj for but rather with the Township which the above reasons vere concerned j as a municipality. with the problem. ïIe also said htbro h aý common well systern was 'con- Mr. Campbell. a membrote sidered for a sub-division, in the f WR inance departnient, poine south of th.e Village using plastic J out the advantage0us of \working pIipe. This waýs discussed With the 11through the OWRC. He said they' OWVRC who1 discduraged the estab- \I Otild have the advan.-tage of lower lishing of suc-h a plan as it conl.dlinterest rates \vIich were now at not be extended nd \ouldpssby .5 The Townisip vouild not have prove less adequate than deSire,ý, 1ta seli debentures as thieOWR As a resnit and ntIle rcmed o finance the project W"ilI ation of the OWVRC a sulimission 1funds macle avaîlable through the WUS~~~ to~U~LUii prpvi~cia1 treasury. The Commisson he said would own and operate the system until it was paid for whîieh would likely be a period of thirtly years. The mechanical operation would be handled by someone lcl ly under the supervision of OWRC engineers. start test drilling to establish if a ooce oDoO suitable supply of water could be found in Orono. At this point the chairman intro-1 duced Mr. K. Sharpe of the Commis- sion who outlined the various feat- a a uires of the test drilling.* M EE. y. Q The test drilling, statedl Mr. K.Y U so Shar-pe, has proven that suitable Q wvater and a quantity is avail ablej in the Village, proper. It hias been 11 establishied that one wý,eýll ould be M)ADE YOUR DONATION establishied in thie north and anoth- ein the sauth botti capable of -up-j TO THE ply-inig 75 gallons a mainlue. There Q wouild be littie difference in the Q two eli e said. Be pointed out U that -it had taken seven test hioles-OR I O C M U TY adto-aehlsbefore en-Oiighi ioOO C M U U Y water hiad been found. Me said It 1 had akena little longer tha XS I M NG P O U D pectedl to findi water in Orono. The sfl i NG P OL FU V co0st ta thle ilage woufld be $7200. g which will be paid ac over a, fivo7e perod o te ORC.ACT TO--DAY, for your donation wiilI speed the coni- ilstruction of the new pool at the Orono Park. Either site, he sai1d, wouild pjro- duce a wvell which although-I rated 1 Donations mnay be mailed to Mviss Aima Cutteil, Oironio at 75, gallons a, minute would u.p. or given at any of the stores in orono. Receipts upl ta!50 gallons a mlinute fora i,! lI e provicled for ail donations. peidolim-e. The proplosed sys- tem would serve hoth domest anC rono ComnmuflitySwinming PoolFudf for- fire- use. B-e said that th,îey wve e1Finance Conmmittcee most fortunate ta finci water intef E Dent and E. H. Samuelu e ýVillage as there ud b n cs o f ppn It ihe Villaýge. If su'- ~ icetwater, had net been fallnd'Inl tihe aýrea the conly othler alternative QANAIDIAN NATIOnNAL E XHIBI1TIO10N S PE CI1ALS Burl.ey Bus Lines Limîte^ d Going Zaily Front uiguist7t RieontEBus andi avoid, worrqsng abouth driving i ha vy trai-C, parkýing or codn o on thcstreet Cairs usstake pssngrintc ibition Groundics and rman thre frtecneineo asnjr untl 1 mnuts fter eveniflg grandstald promne eev grandstan, iktsnWatBw B uss DaiIye From Bowmanville ugs 7hto 5Septein er 0ot FRPOM - ALL OTHER POINTS $CI-IEDULIED AUG. 29 - SýEPT, 5I DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME I1 S I 7:25 KwrtaMaples 7:30 Je)netvîile 7:40 BaIyduff 7:45 Pont'ýY pool 7:55 Enterprise 8:00j Kiýrbty 8:10 orono *8:45 BOWMANVILLE A.M.ý i:35 1:25 1:15 1:05 12:55 12:45 12-.35 12:15 4.25 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.35 3.00 7:40 N,ýest!leto0n 7:50 (GBlackstok 8:00 Burketon 8:10 En nis k 1;len 8,:20H amnipto n * 8:45 BOWMANVILLE Read Up 12!55S 12:45 12:35 12.25 12:15 ARRIVE 10:15 A.M.L AT T RONTO EXHIBITION FARES INCLUDE ADMISSION INTO TORONTO EXHIBITIONý GROUNDS SAT., AUGUST 3Oth QONLY - SPECIAL EXTRA BUS WILL LEAVE C.N.E. G-ROUNDS FOR BOWMAN~VI1LLE ONLY AT 6:30, P.M. CHILDREN - HALF FARE FOR INFORMATION PHONE: BOWMANVIILtE MArket 3-3811 Fare 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.35 3.25 3.00 ROY W. N'ICHOLS GSHAWA RAndolph 3-7171

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