RONO WEEKLV TIMES TUR WALTER FRANK Mc-QUAY and KË o t' REALTORS 177 Church St.Q R owmanville MA. 3-3393 Local News Mr. and Mrs. Ken Tovlmie and famliiy\ of Fort Wî1lia-m visited with MNr. and Mrs. AIt Pigott and friends !atweekend. MatrRaye West returned home aera week's visit wýith hiis grand- pa-rents, r and Mes. P. H-ayward, Bowmnvile.Miss Darlene Wýest is r~r~ ,-x i-x T-z- -r:~ T 1 I Inow spending a week witb ber r p ïnt gradprt s.LK.1AL INE~WS 1 Mr. W. J. Riddell and Mr, Carl Billings have been constructing andI assembl:ing new bleachers wt the, Miss MblMBieo oQlg Orono Fair grounds. These bleauh- --C n M "-0 il, Ar- ors are being placed at the s uthr mi' Mrs. S. R. end of the grandstand. C" ' NluMs ?'e oseM a'd "~"~ ilon alI':of P-rt Hope .Mr. NrmnAndrews is Vis1ii-l Wiited jthMrs. FrrimpPýýnacom-be wýith Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mioffat and ý '>%ýs.Wos Ef(ot n Sunday family. afternoon. Ronnltie Flynnl, son 'f Mr. n M'rs. A. Flynn had his tonsils. re- ? moved last Friday at tche MAemnorial1 r y~ p'yy gy Mr. qand M\11S." "tn l 1' ""AJIL J 3Ix1IKI Ail white, French and Button Cuf fs. Shirt sizes 141/2 - 17.. Reg. $4.95 now only$29 LADIES' COTTON JERSEYS Stripes or plain colouirs. Sizes smail medium and large. Regular price was $3.00 for onIj; .... $1.95 LADIES' SWIM SUITS 20% off any of our Ladies' Swim Suits, printed or plain. Size 932 to 40. SUTM-MER DRESSES We are clearing the balance of our Summer Dresses. Any dress, while they last for-----$9.95 PLASTIC DRAPES Your choice for ,........59c. DENIM JEANS Boy's bine f aded, size 10 to 16. Regular $4.25 for-----$2.49 Friday & Saturday Open AtUDay Wednesdayj&rme COiTTON CREPE PYJAMAS. For Womeu, size 32 to'38. Regu- lar $3.95 for oniy.......$1.59 LADIES' SLACKS Ladies' navy blue denim siacks, size 16 and 18ý. Regular $2.95 ON SALE FOR - ..-,- $1.49 LADIES' SHORTS In black, tan, green and white. size 12 to 18. LRguar 3.75 for $2.50 DRESS LENGTIIS 2 Dress Lengths, good1 quality silk crepe, navy or grey printed pattern. Yard for ... ...... 39c.ý ;trongs Store Open A'Il Day Ma', ogé~ comlfort, low fuel bills and trouble-fr,, performance Comafort CI..snIinat With the lion Firemn CUSTOMI Mark Il W'ith thein~stant clean flaine therea rc no flecks of furnace you use a supersensitive thermostat wlich ot blowing (rom your chiminey or eý,capýng operates the furnace with the stightcst variationa into your homea. Hundreds of tests made 4-vith 1 of room temerature. This ives you shorter. smoke-dotecting Instruments show a flamne that's *more freqiu.nt firing periods, with rexarkably ab*olutdy cîmfroIý the vay moment it's turncd o. uniform indoor temperature. No Inatter bow oI e th unc trs t'fhe fiamcfrnatawiv y "e o ngo uaei l cÎen-o aok, n Sot.nofcxkdcoidbusion chamnber,'iso wasted ou. Owners of Iron Fireman CUSTOM Mark D aumuac.reor-- mr nf-1tsvms fitn Nx ~ t OobefCe.ts wlSI .u élut .y ê.ft lbmofl a. m; pha IrbeCUSTM hm ]a unempmvin kWa» goml ûb a . mrelies momntings s. éum»'4'IOrono Fuel & Lumber Ltd. "-"Orono Ont. Phone 14816 gui1 S andi Mrs. W. Stutt spernt last ~ekat PinecrestLog onRe atravwhile Mrs. Stutt re- maineod fo)r a longer ii Wt niece at rewdl6yv. Mr- Roert . Little who lhas been b ~'-s ome at Newcastre for sorne lime has returnied teo his homei inOoo and! is somiewhatbetr Mr. a;id Mr - .i 'P. P ce n Ir. andM's Walter Chiappeille, 'Porointo visited Mrs. Ivatn Farr-ow onT ueday. Mr. Ry Ilanesswhlias been i visiting tbis s~, rV. F. Milîson tMr.Ivan Farr'ow's' .lehffor bis Wýednesday mj1orning. Mil:ss Audrey BilIings, Orono andU Mis ileen Gibbs-, Oshawýa are f snin-, this 'wee-k of teirlholu- by lav nS itu1 rt.ay ]st M i - aind Mr-1 1\1 l)i uuntùond, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. urmc'd A,'rlS. Nui] Porter ailM' s C. S. Mebare spent thie weekýed with Rev. and Mrs. Basil Long - and fam- f ily whio are on hiolidalu th 1-e prov- Iuce of Quebec. A number of people in anid ar- ound Oîrono attendled th-e opening! cerenionies of the jiew "Garden1 j Hil11 Conservation Pack atCGa rd en1, IHil las-, Friday. Mvr. John Patton and 'Mr,.Rind Mrs. PRoy Patton visited ir cous ins, Mrl. and M\,rs. Wesley Campbeli at Snielgrove near Brampto)n lastU 1$unday. M N r. and M rs. Orville C al ce Don d an-d Deanna spent al few -' at Balsani.Lake., and Mrnd Marvin Linnd -Mr. and Mrs. Ens eta11c family are onacapn trp o the East Coa'st. ~Continued from page 1) -(,(,eýdbynatural forest orhs 'bee Watedto Tiew trees. Contibuingmunicipalities and iyaeHope, leScthar ch-airman; CakHrwl oe' P(cHope, J. L. Sylvester; Cavan ari.A. C. Mjorris of Port 1fp ý)ietOlan; and Hamilton, HiltonO -secretary-treasurer. Udrthe supervision of D. R. district forester for -Li-g district, D)epartment of Lan ds Forests personnel éiarriied eà-ut a feef ihtngdemui',str'ation hy.' foma airpiane.g Mr Ran presented «M\r. Cruh cswitb bound, engraved copy of the Ganaraska Report. Teachers at tLIe(.sehiools whlicb i -on the contest sponsored by the (Q Ato it o find a anme for the = newcoseratonarea were 5nltio- duced at thie ceremonY. Thiey, were Mrs. Inez Todd, S S 10J (Osaca), and Mrs. Hýeln Simpsoii, S S 15 (ec tlhe name which the Authority ac- eptted were Garry Fowl,-er, Sh aroni I r~,Sharoni Elliott, WVayne Be- bee i and Mark B. Elliott. Refreshiments wvere served after, th(e ceremony by ladies of the North Hope Homne and Seoo Associatioft. uliITEI ýý*ÏICN Orono Pastoral Charge Minhster Rev. Basil iong SUNDAV, AUGUST 14tti CHURCH SERVICES Kirby- 9:45 a.m. Orûno 11:00 a. Leskard- 2:00 p.m. SUNDAY SCH1OOL ~ ~Xrb> - 1:O&a.m. For free professional heating advice PARMNE LUMIINtG & EAING ORONO, ONTARIO PHIONE 178S2 Ask us about the many advantages of ant ONL HEATING * ~ UNIT Frce ir- SPÀ l MEý'dNTS UJN TIl',OCTOBER 1, 1960, Our interest rates are the lowest in town- ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR-THE BEST Evn-loNursing Bottie, regular 39c. for .. 33c. Ladies' Ankie Socks, Cotton, white and assorted colors. Regular 25c. This week 23e. 5 pair Sfi.{ Boy's Denim. Overalis, navy. Five pockets, zipperL fly,7 sizes 7 to 12 years. Regular $1.98. Pair now $1.69 Ladies' Wedge Shoes of dress leather, high heel, color cream, sizes 4 to Il. Reg-ular $3.99 t This week for ............ Candy Cello Bags assorted Toffees. Reg. 29e fo-r 2M. Children's Straw Hats Western style, assorte4 colors. Regular 69. for only.. ....... . Large 18" Vînyl Beach Bails. Reguiar 79c. for 59e._ Luncheon Sets, 20 pieces. Don't miss this set at $2-98 Pyjamas, Ladies' Flannelette, assorted patterns sizes 34 to 40. Pre-season price.......... $239 Doli Sale,,niear-ly ail our doils at greatly reduced pA-ces. A smiall deposit will hold any doil you URONO 5c TO $1.0î) STOR'E OIPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS UAw R' 0Ne0 T1 ë S 0 Ail Kinds of- SIIEET METAL WOR¶< PLUIING FIXTURES PIMPS and Pt[MP REPAIRS PIPE ani FITTINGS DRAIN CLEANERS B.-H. PAINTS Etc. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS L.E. LOigkAN, ?rop. Phone 11816 Orono, Ontario '1 r J N 'N 'N N 'N N 'N N 'N s N N 'N N N r 'N 'N 'N N N 'N 'N N N. N 'N 'N N 'N t,, 'N 'N N 4,, 'N N N N 'N 'N 'N 'N N N 4 s N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N - N N 'N 'N e 41 ,ma 1 1 . 1 ', ; ý - , "I, .. - - - - - -1ý 1