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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Aug 1960, p. 8

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t... t- t- OROQUO WEEKLY TIMES THURSIDAV, AUuSTlr lith, 96 ORONO EEKJJY TIMES <Auhorzedas Seconid lass m-ail, Post Offie epatmn oy C. Forreter- dior aInage Accidents Off The Job Youir job is not )1so daiigerous as you might thinik it, is. Non- or1k accidents seI o be the mnaJor bobyrap fo-r aIl of us. The National Safety Council niow cites noniwork cies asa "veritable Fifth Columnikt" ini our midst, and ta) red1uce- the toli isa No. 1 challenge to sa(fe-ty iin thie f's. Wliat are the facts about this "Fifthi Colum-n?" Nonwork ac(cidlents- those occurrinig iii the hiomeý on the lghasand in public places- account for about six out of se>vven accidentai deaths ini the United States. The toil last vear wýas 77,200 nonwork accidentai deathis of workers and members ofý' their familles, 13,800 deaths in work accidents. This means nonwork accidents took about six times as many lives as work Home accidents aTone brought death to 26,000O persons last ea.Nearly one out of four, victims was a chiid under five years î f age and about one out of two victims was more than 65 year- Workers suffered 2,250,001) disabiing inijuries off the job lasi 1ýeaïr as. compared with 1,950,000 disabiing injuries on the 1ob. During the same period the cost of off-the-job accidents to in- ýÂustry wvas 550 million dollars and three billion dollars to work- er's and their familles. -Most accidents can be prevenited. We should il practice ,atery -- everywhere -al the time. MILLIER'S SNACK B3AR NORTH 0F ORONO - HIGHWAYS 115 and 35. Del«,-iejous Fish & Chips Ail kinds of Sandwiches HAMBURGS - HOT DOGS OUR SPECIALTY SANKD BEEF Fresh Fruit & Vegeta bics in Sea son .1 M ------j wooI5WARD)--At Memorial Ilos- pital Bowmanv\illeon. onMy iAugst SI!.1960 RandcolphWod wrinhis 82nd yarhusbaýd of' the)ý latýeMrartLunaddar father of Jam1-es Murreil, Deel)iv er ae Mrs. Fred,ý Smîth} Bow- m'anviP l'iad Vla(Mrs.Chre ITaylr)Osaw. eric ws e at thle Mo"rris FunIeral Chiapel, Bowman111viille On WcnsaAug- 'slthal .. nemn rn Cemnetery-.a- KENDAL NEWSI ih Bo ,,stock of South 4berica visit -- i3 !I!the ixth i elas, week. He said hie \anted to show his daughI 'ter and son where he was borwn. T',efarm 15 now owned by Mr. R. Manning. I Mrs. A. Jackson with !,er daug-1-1 ter, Mrs. Wm-. Honey and grand- dlau ghter Mary l{oney are spending the week at her home 'n Kenidai. Mrs. Jackson keeps weýli and has a fine memory. Slie wiil bý eert ing hier ilinety-first birthday later this month. Mr. and Mrs. John Heliabust and Miss Mary Sf even's spent the week- end at their farn. Mr. F. Hempstead will bie wlth us next Sunday morning at 11:15 a m. (intended for last weekr Miss Lang )f Toronto is vacation- ing for a week with Mrs. SwarbrIck. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Morton, Gor- don and Marilyn, hiave returned from a motor tnip ,j Minnesota where they were vis'Iting his sister and familyI. OLASýSIFlED SECTION Mr CarmanCnsh. , o f e game o h ~isis to be pae in Kncknar Barr,1ie at of00 p.m The return game Wili layed ln the Orono Par on Saturday, Aug-1 be started at 2:00 p.m., The local boys are a)lreaidyrear- inig for i-bis, thoir first encounter,' his year in the O.A. plad ns "ol sure te be o ut te support ihem. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE A beautiful dwelin onlarge lot on CntreStret, Oonio.Ail conl venencs, anyextas.Owner de-l Rc.aIil Estate- 12K'gst. E. Bowýimanlville1 Phone , MA. 3-Ï,"30 HOUSE FOR SALE Mýod"em 4 -r.oom Bungalowgar-i age and breezeway attached'. oid Apply A. Jakexn-ani,< phone 1738,i WANT TO RENT IN ORONO Hîgh School Teacher and f aniiy want o e nt aome n O (ronn Mr. Charles Arnnstrong, coach of vlL-)rl a")leL theOroo PeWes-inftmsus Contact (fhe Orono Times. a-c that this local group of boys won Ilheir f irst OBA playdown series WANTED TO RENT t'ram i u>ackstock by., default. The Blcktok ntry failed to appear Moidern accommodation in Orono., for thIý f h-st game wic was '(e by professionai couple. have been played in Orono. Theyl Apply box 2(X). Oronlo Weekly then conceded the series to Oro.no. Times, Orono Ont. a-c Pr-esentlv- the Orono) PeeWees arej awaiting word frqmrnthe O.B.A. as to their next opponent. This Word FOR SALE a epeced o b coingthrugh Gendron Baby Carniage. Good very shortly. condition. Converts te a stroller, _______________________ Bue and gray. Wednesdav. *TT was nnt-î. IAppIY MIs. 'M. Luin. Teleplione T-? ,v CI4Wh-fr- lok as is ±opie 1Orono 5R8. a-c Sudvevenig<Rc ueir ity and race discrimination.Ma' most dangereus myth." His tx %vas Ephesianis 2 - 11: ",He, hath brokeni dowi tlhe rniddle wall of partition." FOR SALE New rye straw, shiredIded, baled in square bales. Arrnlv A 1-0Y,4ov Pont.YP001, Mrs. E. Smith is spending a week Orsek, ex uilimr- hn ehn OI - ln Cobourg with ber aunt 'Miss M. Orsekrnx udy:or-poeBtay2R1 - McBrida.1 ing at 11:15 wiil be Mr. Fr'ed Hemp-FRIST E Lynn McMackin i-sbenP- s-"tea1d, the leader of the Cobourg FRI RE forthepas ba ben cmp-Kilty Band. Those who 1have heardFO RNT ing fo h atw weeks; at Pig- hlm speak before know'1-w will hÏa\e! At Enterpmise on TighwýAay 11-5, eon Lake with the Girl Guides. aý fine message. Let us have a good Apply Bill Homner, R.R. 2, Orono. mv, ýof Toronto s;pent tuma out.1 the ho)lidaýrwekn with Mr. andlWIRSSSWNE Mrs. J. A.Carscadden. Miss Catherine Stewairt is at-; ATES~WNE Mr. Alfred Dbsnattendedi the tending te SratordFestival this' Stc-ady empioyment, empioyee funeral of bis father at Duitsford onwek benefits. Aýpply Bamboo Restaurant Highwýay 115, north of Oronio. a-P- 7100O Pheasants Released [n Cla rke Anid Darlington Twps. Building a bouse? The annual distribution of pheas- ants from the Provincial Gamie Bird Farmn at Codington has been -o- pltdfor 1960. Total producton was lin be neigh- bourhiood 0of 36,000 pheasants con- sisting of 21,5,50 chick, 12,500, 'pouits and 1,200 aditits. These birds were distributed te aind released in the Huron, Simcoe, Linfisay, Tweed and Kemptville Districts. In the Lindsay Forest ,District, the bulk of the allotmen,ý,t of 6,000 j chicks, 5)00 pe)uits and r600 aduits were released in the regulated townships of Carke anid .)arlingt)n, Durham Court.. eneraliy Speak-I in--. the mast suitable, habitat fors,ý pheasants in the Lindsay PistIrict l is founi in the southern townships along Lake Ontarlo. In an attempt to establish strong populations, 'a fair number cf birds were reieased la the iinity 0f the Codlringten Farmn and Pres- qu'iie Provincial Park. It should be notedi that the 21,550, chicks distn-ibuted -te-the varlous1 districts were not rele(asedl immedi-l ateiy. Suitable brooder facilities are maintained in thereuae twn sflips of- eachl district and hemre thie day-old chicks are fedi and cared for LlilJ. M v au f ilet pSuil stage (6-'7 mWeeks whIen they are released--. The expense of feeding and rais-' ing the birds is borne b-y the regu- I lated township authorities. Prior to i- Ireitease as imany oirias as possible' are lgbne by the local game commîrns,ý1ons' with assistance and guidance fromi Conservation 0f- ficers. j The purpose of leg-banding pheas- ants is te obtain data for assessing- and evaluating -the cnnbiinof hatchery raised birds to e he unt.! Thie le- bands are made, -f al: umin- um with" a serial niuuber and a ne- quest te notify the Depatmnent of. Lands anid Forests Ltnscribed there- i"During the pheasant htýinit in tlhe ýLind-sa-y Forest- District this faiT (Otbr8 - 29 icuiealhuntl- ters purchasingspcatonhp- cense s in Clarke and Danlington twsiswili be ise a gamne bag-> cenisus card for repomIîng i-hein su- cess lor, alac of it). It is ha0ped thlat every hunter will co-opemate and- as- sist in fi-bis survey by repori-ing leg baynds and] by mailinig in thieir sur- v'ey ucds te the Dprmn-at Non-reý'sidlents of Car or Dam-- lingi-on Townships must pur-chase aiý ýspec(ial township lcns coýt $S323 each- in addiltion te r-he $100ro- vincial Hunliting Lcen sebeor huntin for peasantsù, foxes or rab1- bits in- either of thiesei-nhps The -pheasant bag hJimit i, 3bid ofwhc not -more than1 2 shbah be Ihens. one theni contact Floyd Nicolsou Phone 2191 Orono Foundations andi Septic Tanks poured. Forms availabie. STAFFORD BROS. Phone Whifby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE OUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let us erect a Iandsome, dig- nified monument over the rest- ing place cf your Ioved ones. It's net expensive. And seeing this lest tribute wili give Yeu endtess comfort. Ilamiitonm Inms urance Sel I rvice Saie Hamilton INSURANCE IN ALL IT'S BRANCHES The Homc insurance Com-ý pany - cme :of the world'ls iargest - has a brand new auto insurarce plan. It costs Much less because lt's offereýd only to preferred risk drivers. Clirm servicjýes caver Cand and the 1U.,. Claims are set- tieti fairiy anti quickly, at home Orawyi Firec, Li e, Aocidj(ent & Sic-k-I ness, BurgiarY,.. Plate.. Glass,j Bailer, Liability Sadie Hamiltonï PHONE ORONO IR16 FiRST MORTGAGE LOANS F-I il n AF. MKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN -and SURGEON Office Hceurs 1 P-14N E -1471 ORONG DR. R. .1. TAGG ART VET'ERINARY SURGEOM Phono 10616 Orona, Ont, LUê&L liaw re.ce C. M asoi, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT> Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Homne MA 3-555j W. KÂY LYCETT, Barristes' - Solictor Ithe Offices of R. -R, Waddell Q.C. MAIN ST., ORONO Teleplio.e 138 SOrano L. J. SKAIFE B-Y APPOINTMENTS Lycet'lIsuraulce Office IN SUANCE Cecri& Lf j SEE OFFICE - MAIN ST., OROINO Phone 12516 Res, 1790 JACK REID Anetioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and- Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis and dates Phone 5 r 1 Oroue TED JAC"KSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of ail alias and at reasonable ratas Communicate with himr at Port Perrv, Ontario Orono Electric PHONE 129 CONTRACT0RS FOR FARIM and 110115E WIRING Free Estirnates APFLIANCE SALES Prompt andi Guaranteed gepaira to ail kinds cf Electrical Eqïuipm3nt andi Appliances aus4iaMotors -Water a'r -Radiios -Stoves - irons Our, quality andi service leaves notliing to be desireti Ask the rson who bou gh i,-a fro us- a neighbour, frienci or relative - The RUTTER GRANITE COMPA,'NY 73 Ontarioi Street PORT HOPE' " Largest Display in Soiuthcrn Ontario" ~1 ii~ For Complete Comforf' Coverage Ail Around The House1 INSTAL A........ A Winter :. .. . . . . . . . . . . ..... . ALr&Condïioner JDESIGNED TO DO A t -BETTER HEATING JOB« AT A LOWER COST' SAVE WITH THESE NEW FEATURES '~New Quadri-Level Blowver. New Efficient Heat Exchanger New Filter Sentinel *Smooth, positive iMeClary-Easy Burper. New Automatire coitrois, Hum- idifier, Filters. SOLD AND INSTALLED BY ROLPH Ha RD a WARE PHONE 143 ORONO, ONTARIO 5 11 l il, :

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