\ -ectest 0f Al ~Àrh'5Pioneers? ln, the f ut1,u r e, schools wiÀll probably have courses ira space end space travel, just as býoys' and girls are now taught al about pîher lands in their geo- graphies. .Iihave found e-very thime I talkl before a group of sciecnce-m ind cd listeners there are quite a few of those questions whichi nieed a-nswers. What enabies a rocket motor to dlrive a& ri when there is "no aiýr te push agaînst?" That is the mnost coin- mnon question, but there a1:e many others. What will hold a space sýta- tion up, after we build il? H ow bigh is space? How dangerous are mecteors? Is space freezing îcold or boiling hot? What about life on other wvorIcIs? I., we uca't s;ee tlhe other side of the mnoon, why can't there be life thereý? If a station is only a thousandé miles up, Why won't the peopie inside feel lhe- pull of the erh Will th'eire ie space %war-s? Can *we ever fly to the stars? These questions need fuil ani- r.wers. To. give those answers as weIl as ail the informaýtion to ýcover fully thýe other questions,, about space, is 1h. purpose (of this book. It is noût 1meanýt as atebok Irastead, it is really an adven- ture story. [t rdeals with an ad- venture that has now barely lie- Zun, but one that bas efldetýs opportunities. Going oI mbitt sîpace will be the greates;ta- venture 0,! ail time. The only evenit that could comrpare toe suh2abreaking away fro-m the surface oferh was something done by a fish, if' the scientists are 1uigI-t. Accord- ing to what maniy scientists lie- lieve, tha-t fish (calied a Cros- soperginor lobe fin) came out ofý the, water and moved about in air a long time ago. This w,,ould mnake him the great- est of ahl pioneers, since he and his chiîdren changed from a 1f.- ira water 10 a life in aqir-alImost lîke ;a mara nchanging froin a -ife i-n our air to one in spàce, 0f course, the fish did not knlow what lie was doing. By ,vur standards, he was an tugly, sutupid creature. Fl. was flot eveni a very remnarkable fisbi. He was mt even very brave; and h.ý certainjly wvas not the best fight.- er 'among fishes. Today, those who suggest go.. ing Outinto space are faced witu Qie same arguments. "There'e molabing Up there to breathe. ex lvuili have 10 live ira pressur-ized s;uitS or they niay explode. What 9GOod will lb do? Il will cmo3t t00 much, %when there are -li Ynany other things that neeci 4lng. Andi just how can wz abeer a slip, when > there's no air to push against,?" Nevertheless, w. are goingX Out mbt space Rightt now, So- viet and American satelilites art exploring space. Maybe il will take ten years, or perbaýp Z twenty-five, tLe get moj1n te the MOOnI, but young people ajilve todfay Wili ,se. it al happen, The coniquest of space is niot ecomnplete yet, but lb is not juet eCien)ce fiction now.. - Front 'Rockets Throug.h Space," by Lester Del Rey. Tj'ie earIiestý knOwn prininig bY impression was don. in Babylofn around 4000 B.C. Enigrave1 stamps Or seals were imres În moist clay, wbiei hWïBS then, N A BEAUT - Farmer Peter Setcl- ro-s;ka 4e put in the shade by ,i Hýrte-pcund tomato h pik- ccl in Iis gorden. King James And The Muiberries- w'hil uber irees were cultivated bDy tbe Greeks and Riomans and we-re found in Nor- thern Europe liy the 101h ceni- tory, it was Jamnes 1Ivho really popularized them in England. Bis alisorbing interest was not for the. deliciously. pungent fIa- vour of their wine-red lierrici, oi thie beauty of their shape anid foigbut for a far iess Po- mantic reason. His Maljesty's in- terestc was entirely commnercial. fle hoped to establisli a silkc- worm industry. Early ina thé l7th century lie is said toha veý planted a mulberry g a r d e n where Cheyne W%ýaik now stands. Certauinly King James lefI no stbone uniturned to inlerest bis suLbjcîs ina tiis project, and equip them t 1o aid hini his veý,ure. Whule he boped "10 perad and require sucli as are of abilitie . t.1 buie and dlistri.. bute. . the numrber of tein thousand mnuiberrie plants aI the rate of three farbhings the plant," lie shrcwdly realized that Ibis exorbitanit price miglit dis- suaýde somne (f bis subjects froni beý(comIing mrulberry growers or silkwormi merchants, so- lie de- uided to get "a good quantifie of niulberry seedes" wbich would bring down the cosl, conid(-er.. abiy! Le-sitiy of his sulijects sbouidI plunge int the mullierry-tr'ces- for-silkworms projects with ina- s.ufficient horticultural knowl,- e-d-e, lie informed tbem th.at lb. round for the seads "imust beý ,easoratily well dunged, amid withall so scituated, as bilat 1h beate of the sun mnay cberisb ilt and the nipping biasts of either the North Winde, orthreb.Eatl, may flot annoy il." Thouigli the face of England May bave chainged greatly be- fwýeen the l7thi and 201h ceni- lunies, thiere is uittle chÀan-e ir the routine of a gardener's if.-, for lie added tbat tb, mullierry plants were to lie sown ira amatli leis so tbat flo one need "in-. danger lbe plants by treadinge jupon bhemn, when elîher you ,wa- 1er or weede luhem," "Bsefore planting t'he muallerry seedes," continued Ibis practical monarcli, "bhey shouild lie put ira water for 22 hours, then haif- dreand cast upora bhe bed, nol altogether s0 thicke as other garden seedles." Then h. added firmfly, "Ina dry -weaàther yoti shail waler thbenmevery two da yes and keep then-i as diean.L from weeds s possibly you but mis N.lajesty'i belpftul in- sýtructions werco not yul finîshied writes Evelyn M. Pinneiliin thi. Chnistiara Science Monitor. Hie also t-old bis subjects whîch xnonthlsof the year Ibbc imul- b)erry, seed sýhould b. so-wn, al- lowing for frosts, even iUhos. "nol so sharpe or of loing con- inuance," and aI whiat heigilt ohri growth ffh. -roots of lb, plants sýhoulcibe cul off. Anti oncýe more he referreci t 1h. ec.d foi, watering and wein add-. ffng, "always bhavce, a gare tia take away thb. many Lbeandes? or succours that mrAy ri anjy w'ay hinder their growvth." (Waag bha L1h. origin of h l.ese da'y "ukr Finaliy ho bold his patient yubjecbs thal 1 je.! o r wlien e 'plants ire - waxen e*trùrig, you May lreniiove thert Iintoe ë* hiedges CI you-r fields, or tineý other grout-nds." Ànd fAir thosý« gager mnulberry growers sti11 tlhirstinig for further instructions, lie adtled thalt thcy shoida- washave "a special care tc place tbem that they may re- ceive tbe benef il ofthe snne, adnot'lie shadowed or over- spread by anY neighbouring TPhiathIe royal protégés àd a a a a EARN EXTRA MONEY Agentsý, Clubs, etc. Sen Canadia's fincat. Xmaa3 Cardas, NOvaiaüs, etc. Ove'r 250 items inclodiug Deloixe, RZelilous, Val. vat, Chiroma, Evenyday sutd Personal carda, Waps, llibbous, Toys, Books, Doils; and[ Jewelmyv, Maniy Gift Itemis. Prompt Service. For colomedi catalogue sud sampflas onuapproval, phone W. V. JEANDRON (GREETING CARD M0, 12F,3 RING ST.E., lRamlton, On)t. 1Jl 4-1311. BtABY CHI4KS NEW low prices on 10-12 week old pul. lets, aud( tare hicks. Prompt ship- ment. Dayolda fa order. October.- INovepmber broillas should ha odered raew. Raquait list, sec local agent, or write Bray Heýtdhery, 120 JalIn Nerth, Hamilton, Ont. BARN EQUIPMENT FQR SALE BADGER Northlanid barn lenes s;Ilo unloaýders, auger and tube feed ara, round-the-sllo feeders, feed carts and, barn equlpment, fully equipped for complete installations. Comiplete st ock availahie at warehouses. Hsrold ow andi Sous, IlR.' No. 1, Belmnont. Ont. Phione Rarrietaville 76. EUSNESS PROPERTIES AGBD couple, Pavement Village gen- eral store iucludlng equlpinent, stock, large living apt. only $21,000. Good tarms. $3900 montbly turnover, pros« perous fa-rm airca. Wmn. Pearce, Real- tor, Execter. FARMS FOR SALE 60 ACRES levai dlay loami. 5 acres in bush. Duplex bouse witb self containe(i spartrytant 2 miles from rapidfly ex. pandlng, city. Mixed farmning ares. Close to ighýIway. Apply to hMc. Geo. A. Wolff, Pli. No. 2 ST. TRIO-MAS. On. tanrio. This advartisemaut la publiled, frc as one of the maFny henafits of:- THE ALLIEO SERVICES (CANADA) F.O. BOX 1029, LONDON, ONT. DAIRY farm of 150 acres. Early roiug clay loan land Nvith Toronato mlilk con. tract. Graval pit on property. 15 rooma brick bouse" Location enables this to lie used to advanttage witb tourista. Will sall i th or witboot bard. Apply M4r. Harold E. King. R.P. No. 2, CAN. NINGTON, Ontario This sdvertiseinent is publishad frac as one of the many banaefits of - THE ALLIED SeRVICES (CANADA) P.O. BOX 1021,, LONDON, ONT. 187 ACR2ÈS, 160 worlaable. 12 room brick, bouse, 2 hatbrooms. Rarn "L" 8ý1 x 45 x 70 x,, 40, stands for 48 head with watar. Barn equIPPed with millkc lime. ras contra;ct for 1000 Iba. milk dsily. Will sali witb or without 108 bead. Apply Mr. Esmracat BRanardt, R.R. No. 2 HAWKESTONE, Otro This sdvertisemient ia puh)lisbaed fmect as one of the many beaiefits of: - THE ALLIBO SERVICES (CANADA) P.O. BOX 1029, LONDON, ONT, 250 ACRES. suit father, son. Týwo good brick bouses, où furuaces, bafbmoorm, good barris naw steel roof s, concrete, silos, accommodation for, 75-100 cattle loose, 5000) hans, automatlc feed, water. Drlveahad 28' x 80', abundant water li buildings and pasture for 75 cattle. *536,QO0. Win. Pearce, Realtor, Exater, Nation-wide -Seai'ch For "Outdoors- Girl" Anter naption-wicle compebi- lion wihl! be conducted during thb ,9ha1 andi winter months to flnd a typical "Outdo-ors Girl o-f* The inner wil li eselected frrn, a group of finalisîs aI bthe 1961 Canadian National Sports- men'e Show whicb wiIl be helci mu Toronto front Macb 101h la 18th. Atr-r being crowvned "OuI- doors Girl oh Canada," the wi- ner wilbo, th. recipient oh a $500 Dominion ohf Canada Sav- ings Bond a nd other valuable This unique competitionli f (olntly sponsored by tbe Ontario éeeablon of Anglers an-d Hujn- ters and the Canadian National Sportsmîn's S5how, Any Canadian girl, wibh th, oxeofraoprofessional modelx ;nd pfssiOnaI 0ahhieles, Ilu oit- gible ta enter providling qhe par- lED FARMS- WANTÊD FAItMlýS wantedi, 50 acres and more, good buildings ni-id streai on thre projperty. flarry Saing, itealtor, 455 Spaidinai Ave. Roomn 202, Toronto, Ont. FARM CINR NEWV Allis.-Cbalm)ers 66 Big Bmn Ail Crop Hlarvesters complete witb Scour lileen. On sale thia week and uext, S1500.00. E. P. Ahey Limlte<t444ý WbrnlifaR. S. London. GE. 2-7597. FARM and industrial tractors. loadera, backhoes, combines aud halera. Al m.akas and miodela. Lows~'gt flnancing rates and mtost reasonable pricas. Your Maasey-Ferguson Dealer, Ranson Sup- ply Ltd., 124 King St, W., Stone,, Creek. FOR SALE MISCELLÂNEOUS BUCI<EYE Ditchar 1".½ in perfect shape. -Money maiker for owner enrd- farmer. Box 2M7, 123.lBthi Strect, New Toronto, Ont, -ATTENTION Car Ownera s - Police estimiate 30,000 cars wil ha stolen this year. Protect yours. Instaîl Automnatlc Alarin $995. Alliled Impomt Agency, Box, 388, Station R - MONTREAL. JORN Resu Sprayar. Low Boy Model, excellent condition, privately used, Seven Rundred aud efifty dollars, coat twanty fwo bundred. Also one wvsy discexine f cet, uinety fiva dollars. Orchard Soldc. Tho-s. Prica, Cooksville, P.O. Gasoline sud oU h)anîdling equlpmieuf - Tanks, ucw asdud osd - Tank trucka Truck tanks - Viking pumpsansd pa1rts Goodyear boses Johns &ai ville iiinlg - Pipe usad - .Tankil traili era Usýed Wasbmohila car wasbhers Special: $250.00 R. ST. GERMAIN 6568 St. Lawrence, Montreai, Que. FOSTER PARENTS #,ND EMPLOVMENT WANTED WANTED. Underatauding foster par. enta capable of auprlsng girls 0 ,Scho-ol ag. Thesa gils have person- ality problamsansd will ha under board- l'g care. Domnestie employmnent is also required for grs16 fo 18 lu s good Fatuily settlug; reasonable wages, Ap. ply Supaintendient, P.O. Box 307. Galt. Ont, GREETING CARDS "CH~RISTMAS Carda carn yout extra4 money. Details Gem Gracting Carda, 7 Dcanfiald Crescent, Isligtoni." HELP ANE BAKER-t, breadan psty ota wall axperieuceti, hakery locsta1ëd 1.5 miles out of Ottawa, steady job, good waea. Rafarences required. Box 1le, Richmond, Ont. Razeldean 930R12l, I4ELP WANEk MALE TEMýPORARY FARM H.ELP la requir- ceI as a msuît of an accident. Some experience wvith Songe militera. Apply to Mr. Austin Glabu, BERVIE, Ontario, This adivertiscment la publisbed fre as oua of the many hanefits of:- THE ALLIED SERVICES (CANADA) P.O. BOX 1029, LONDON, ONT. WANTED. Beef ,,attle berdaman wltb general farming e-,prence for smalf Augua baerd bodring western Onitaio. city FlïillY man arouud 40 wvitb soui Interasted in 4-H1 Club preferred. Frec bouse permanent position.- Apply stat. ing experience, wages expectad. Box 215, 123-ith Street, New Toronto, Ont, ticipa-tes in some form of oue- door sport or recreation. Nomin- alions, how,,ever-, mustb le sub- mitted iy Pa fish, game and con- servationogaiton any place The closing date for entries, bas been set aI Feliruary 4tbh niexl. Clubs wishing tu nomini- îate a candidate should wribe to bbe Canadian National Sports- men's Show, 85 King Street East, Toronto, for entry forms, A cash award of $100 will also lie2 paid to the Club or- other organi- ,zabiýon su-bmitbing the nomina- tion of the wînning contestant. Truc ink from~ lampbiack la behîieved b bhave been invented around 400 A.D. Ina China. The inki flrst Lused by tbe Chines. bas chanigedi very littho sin-ce tbab tlint.. The ancient Chines. made thieir Iak carboni by letbing flamnés froin burnlng tung oil deposit on thoe inside of porcelain cone5. I PERSONAL agi a lilu BU HELP WAN-TEO MALE APPLIANCE SIM EA ESTABLISHED appliaue sud hardwvare store located vwitbin 20 miles of Tot. auto equires the serices of an, ex. pemleuced sud courteous major electni. cal appliance aervlcemran, 25 ta 40 years of age, one secking s position that offars opportunitias for advancamaut. Knowledge of Television au asset. Good- 1worklng conditions with hospitallzation aud pension plan. $3,400.00 to,$4,200.00 par year sccomdlng tu expenience. Apply ln wmting to Box. 211, 123, Eigh- teentb St., New Toronto, Ont. ME DICAL COSTIPATED? Bce cured now for lifel N 4o Drugs! No Madicina! Satisfaction Guiarantaed1 Ony $,00. GABRIEL. 7459 iChamplain, Chicago 19, Minois. PROVEN REMEDY - EVERY SUFFERER OF RI4IUMATIC PAINS NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1,25 Expres Cllc POST'S ECZEMA SALVE RANISH the tormreut Of dry eczCzam rashes sud eeping fakîn troubles. L> rests Eczeina S'alve %vll not disappoint you. Itchiug, scalding su1d hurnuing exze- mna, acna, ing wormi, pimplesansd foot eczema will raespond rcadily to the staïiesodorlesaolumntregardîs of hpw stubborn or bopeleas tbey secin. Sent Pest Fre. on Receîpt of PrIe. PRIC! $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1165 St. Clair- Avenutet'"s, NURSES WANTED NORA FRANCES HENDERSON HOSPITAL. INVITES applications jfromngaut nurses for g1eneral duty services, permi- Saracut sud sommier relief. Excellent personnel policles and fringe bandfits. APPLICATIONS wlth full details te 1.UPERINTEN DENT 0F NURSES NORA FRANCES HENDERSON HOSPITAL RAMILTON, ONTARIO REG1STERED NURSES ELIGIBLE FOR CALIFORNIA REGISTRATION SALARY la -tep witb yearlyi- N urse-Anesthefist AND Part-Time Supervisor SALARY STARTS AT $464 TO $50i1 Surgery Scrub Nurse $415 TO $519; WITH EXPERIEýNCIÊ START AT 2NO STE P. HAVE moderun esidence, $15 moutly. iRetiremeut sud social s;ecunlty. WEITE - Director of Nurses- Tular. KUngs Hospital, Sprinigville Califorulax, U.S.A. WILI NUTI BSE YOUR FUTuRE? M1 the aiguis point te a brigbt snd bru.; liant mrket for this loxury fuir. but sucs iicomaneouly tbrough proper! breeding mnethoda, quality founidatian stock, plus a program hased ou eound business methods. We offar ail offila ta you as a rancher, usiug aur exclu. sive breeders pl;an, Speclal offer te those wha qualify, "cearra your iiutrtit uslder aur co.operative ranchers' plan". Write: Caixadisn NutrnaLtW., R.R. 1, Richmond1Hill, Ouniro. SCROOL principals or established teQ. chers for cachi Province ta acf as oua' ares representative i part capacity for the hraid inaw Encyclopiedia CÉanadia-a, se seusstlonjally wrltten up i editorials lu Time, MacLeana ,and iaading news- papera, ac'rosa Canadla. This la the firat ay) only CanadIian Encyclopedia, and ai uiust i very achool. Leada for iachool purchases sip p lied from îthou. sad now ou baud. W rite D. Simpson, Diractor of Schol sud Llhrsry Ser. vices, 66 Ptailey Crasceut, Scarboraugh, Ont. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN ANC WOMAEN ME A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADiNO XSOOL Great Opportunilty Leamu RJirdressing Picasant dlgnifiad profession; good waiges. Thousanda of auccasaful Marvel Graduateý Amcerica's Greateat Systeus lffîstrated Catalogue Fa Write Or Cali MARVEL HAIRDRESSINO, SCI400L M1, Bloor St. W., Troronto eranche S! à9Klrag st. W., Hamiiltoni R- ,ideau Street, Oâttawa "MAKE YOUII OWN WILLI" 8imle, 4inexpensive. Approved forilCnia Provinces. Two Will foraly O National Formas, Box 483)13, TLos Angeld LADIES - Dumnas rme Pilla, *5.00. Lyon's Drugs, 471Dawrh Toronrto, DRUG STORE NEEDS !&Y MAIL PERSON.AL needs, Inirlea nivtedY. Lyon, s Drugs, 471 DsnfÉorth-, Toronite. ADULTS! Personal RbbrGooda. 86 ssortient for $2.00. Finiest quality, tested, guaranteed. Mailed In plail aealed package Plus 1fr-e BIrt ContreR1 bookiet sud catalogue of su1pples, Weitern Ultrlbutors, BOX 24TF Regina: S4sk. GET 8 HOURS SLEEP NERVOUS tension may cause 75%et' alcknass. Particularly slpeseh jitterynes sud irritability, Sleep, cali4 your nerves wlth "Nappa", 10 for *.0 50 for $,0 Lyon's Druigaý, 471 Danforth, Toronto. AUTHORS lnvited submlt M,,SS al types lniciudinig Pes for bock pub.. î1cation. Reasoiiabla. terril. StockwefU Ltd.,Ilîfracomibe, Englaud.Esd.89> $100.00 REWAUD wiil be al for tu formation leading te the :capture auJà. conviction of the personas respoîilve for the tbeft of- the folowing:- Two miares from Mr. Roy bîazton of R, No. 2, Dalkeith Ontario. Ona welqh,,s 1600 1,a., black wiltb wblta petch 8" xV'ý "" between cyca. Second welghs 1300ý iha. ail biack.ý Police Eind Law enforce.. ment zagencle s arte. cclded. Ail ii. formation to:- THE ALLIED SERVICES (CANADA), P.O. BOX 1029q, LONDON, ONTARIO. PET STOCK SIAMESE l<fttans. Pedigreed, Homne Trained. fl1cathy ai ffctet at.Choý- colate, Blue, isud seal Pit.Iroa4 show, ',inner f . e, R 1, Byron, Ontario 342J3. PHOTOGRAPI4Y ULTRA FINE RMWAI PROFESSIONAL fine grain developtnl for your miniature flm- 104 par ex- posure ,vith one deluxte- enargement «f each. Quazlity devaloplng sud prlnt- ing - 504 for 8 exposuire roll, 70ýfer 12 exposure roll, wf;tb .,ery print as-n tifully cîarged. For the ul;).timate la q~uaUity, milyour films to: ApeýX Phote Priniters, Box 23, Station E,, Toronto. SAVE anoney ân ynur Mim. Freo catalJog.ue. los Jmiso,74 Lokeshore Red., Torouto 14. QUALITY enlargements from iyour favourite print or negative.Faon nagative, 5 x 7 400, 8 5- 10 M5, Il x 14 $1.50. No negative, add 6-5e. Apex Phote Printers, Box 25, Station E, Toronto, FARMER'S CAMERA CLU& 4OX 31, OAL.T, ONT. Flimadevelopied sud 8 magna prinits 404 12 magna prints 604. Reprintfs 54c ,(b KODACOLOR D)eveIopitng rol9 (not inlclu(ljnt prints), Color llrints 30N eacb extra., Ansco and Ektachroinf, 5 mm.20 e posures mounted in $lle 1.20, Coerl printa from slidea 324 eacb. Money re. Arnded In fulfor unprln)te-d ga~. -PROFITABLE OCCUPATI-rO-NS - TR1REE mnouth manerabrîip wlth rega.. 1er nmonthly benrefits iuclu-dlung iodel- StaIncomne and royý)ty privilege0. oythesa fun filled opportunîtie4ý aE',il 5ý1 00 te: 2Modçela, Ber 13303u, Teiup TAXI BUSINISS FOR> SALE T-AXI BUSINESS - Down iown, ovt 2,000 population in Soutil Western Or&- terlo, aise cavera a beavy popuîate 3iirrour.ding ares. Town turned wet.e5 cars, owuer 11, 58,000. Apply at Mkselaêj Sokyrka, Reaitor, Waterfordl, Ont. Phone RII 38323 or fi, '3-392. TIACHERS *ANTEDS .BLACK< River TûWn$bihp School Aresz No 1 requires a teachier for a i'ur4,, sechool of 35 pupiLs, Grades I to V Inclusive. Salary $3,000 ta, $3M,80,d. pendJng on qualificationis and experg.. enee. Thle achool is 12 miles west 0f1 Matheson on -Righbay 101, Apply te Mrs. Neily Griffithas, secratary, 3h11. lingtou, Ontario, statinig age, qualifica,- tions, ex-,perirece and nine 0 f ladt la- spector. PUBLIC Scheel Section No. 1, Stevanae, Thunder Bayý District, requires lu S ept. 1960, a quallfied teacher f or grad!es ;i tj 8. Teicher'a F4-ýeartion s alay sched. uie ina ee.ect. Frlhdtearcher'ag* ivili accomlmodlate nmarrlcd couple, *valiablce at $15 par month. APPLY ira writing, attinig aga, aca- demie qualifications sud naanid- drescf last inspector, to C. Riach, Sýec.-Treas.. ?.S.S. No1(, St !7evns, On. fanao. iqSSVE M3 - 1960 AMUNARD ùmto Europe under o %0 r à% t 39sparkling Atlantic Sun A thouscund miles cilong the shelItered, scenic St. Laiwrence . then four mnemorable doye, of sun and fun. Soul the Atlantic dt its refreshinq best. ellOM IMONTRtAL ANP Q@U5C 1IV E RNIA AUG. 12, SEPT. 2, 23, OCT. 14, NOV. 4,26 S YLVA NI1 A AUG. 19, SEPT, 9, 30, OCT. 21, NOV. 12 *Fala rta evc S A X ONIA AUG. 26, SEPT, 16, OCT. 7, NOV. 18e Cuisine te. delight altse CA RI N THIA AUG. 2 6, SEPT. 16, OCT. 7, 29*anipatemve 4AILNCS TO ENtOiqR5, SCOTTIS AND FRENCH TORTS - Dt-resopn ALSOPFAS T, fReQUINm.lNGS FR OM t<w YOr cSablzesfor ,smth suilirie e275 Ibs. fet .baVgggeoîwnc 10% REDIJCTION FOR ROUND-TRIP 1INTI4RIFT SEASONI *Ail included in yeur Cunaýrd ticket SEE YOUR LOCAt AGENT Ho ONE CAM SERVE Yeu SETTER e, Cerr Be &CYWeîigtnBt Teronto, ont. __ I~I~ T.l.aEMpie 2-9lit GUE LZBT *QH AY AUIAI AOIA*SIANCe YVNA*CRNA VRI AOI ATO E ~1 N N -s N N N N. N s ~~1 N N N N N N N N N N N N NI N. N N. N s- N N -4 NI 54 N N N N N N. 's 'N 1 N i N N N N '4 N NI N NI .5 '1 NI N '4 N '4 N -.5 N s N 'N '4 N - . N s' N N N -s