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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Aug 1960, p. 8

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r' v '~~' ~ v ORONO W~EKI..V TlM~& THURSDAY, A1JQUST tS~ 1960 ORONO W- VEEKLY TIMES (Aulthorized a ecn lasm iPst Offi-ce eatet Ottawa) cyC. Frete LditoradMage Subsripionpayable inadnc In Canada $1.50 InU.A$25 Established in 1938,'by \R. A.Forse Publised evry Thrsdayat ithe office Ofpulcto alin ]S'treet, Phone 10Orono,Onao lndutryDesirable Last week a report was issued by h angro teBw mýranville Chamber Of Comimerce wich0 clearly 01oedth finan- c-ial affect that industry has in the operation Of a com1-muity. Thie rep'ort shiowed that a communîty havinig inidu-stial assessment was able to hold the line in taxation to a better dlegree. This report pointed to thie industrial and ýomm-ercial assess- ment which has been growing in Bowmianville over the past few yeairs ut a desirable rate. This growth, it was pinted out, was savîng the gefieral or reside-nt taxpayers a coiisideralble amount on11 their taxes each year. Thiis hias saved the Bowmanville taxpayer a n aýmount Of at least five milîs. Industry and commercial assessmient is recog-nîzed by al municipalities as desirable and thie majority work towards the obtaining of such assessment. Here lui Orono sorte effort hias been made at varlous times to seek indlustry but it often seems that a better effort could and should be made towards this end. Last year a, new firm Iocated at Orono and this proves that indlustry can be obtained. The Village, of course, wiIl neyer see any large f irm bo- cate here but a number of diversified small industries would be mnost desirable. The smaller industries in various fields of manu- facturing would give better and a more stable year-round employ- ment. There is certainly many advantageous in having industry locate in your commnunity and each resident is actually a sales- man lu asisting tQ secure industry and should always be ready to en-lcouirage any firm to locate lu Orono, MIIJLER'S SNACK BAR NORTH 0F ORONO - HIGHWAYS 115 and 35 Delicious Fish & Chips Ail kinds of Sandwiches HAMBURGS HlOT DOGS (>1kSPECALTYSMOKEI) BEEF (JUKSPt;CÈ"'ALTY SANDWICH Fresh Fruilt & Vegetables in Season __ OLASBIPIEC HEARD--Jean aand i'ilEard are ______________ happy to announce the arrivai of, thieir dagtrJanice Elaine, 9jîts. Making Bid F or 6 ozs.; on Tuesday, August 9th, 1960! uat Memorial Hlospital, BowmanviiT;le.1P ltclC re A sister for Ken and EIIen. a-p P_____lCaee M.NoimzmnDent, a 31 yeam old CARD 0F THANKS lawyemr in Victoria, aud l ý formier resident of Clarke Tow,,nship), bas, fun1k ceto our nmany frýiends entered t he RritishColiumbia po and uleighibours for their kindvinc(iai poljiical field.MrDets deeds durilig the past month. Spec- a son of Mm. Waltem Dent anid a il thaniks to the doctors and inurs- number of years ugo iived on ilhe es of Ohw Generai anid Bowman- eýigith une)f Clarke. east of Les- --.ýlemoýialHosptal.kard. He atltended 'iheý Leskurd PUb- George anid Florence York. lic school anid the Omonio Highi a-piSchiooi. He later was a studenit at - iBloor Collegiate in Toronto. W/ i-ful Destruction M :) ent, l ihbis wife asa rut-numig mate areý contesting ai \7ic-1 Re-enitly anu indignanit farimer re- torial riding for the ProgressiVe- siigin the Bobcaygeou amea ý Ce rnsevatives. Their slogan "Put at nnrted toi roiser\va'ion Officer 1Dec-nt ini Victoriat." - Bradshaw that somne uniknown,ïjerý- soni had killed a beaver on his prop- erty. Upon investig-ation, the Con- servation Officer found that the an- imyal hadi been shot with a high- powered rifle. Further examination revealeýd that it was a large, xiik- ingý f emale beaver which had had al litter ofseveral young ones recent- iy. Observation of the immediate ar- ea hinclcated that no damage or flodding to land and property hadt occurred as a resuit of 'beaver act-i ivity. This beaver was apparently destroyed for no v2lid reason byî some trigger-happy and irrespon- stbl i hnter. It is permissible under the auth- ority of Section 35 of the Ontario Gam-e and Fisheries Act for any landownem to destro'y certain ani- 8mais and birds in defence or pres- Iervation of his property by any means at any timie. In the case of fur-bearing- animais for which there iis a closed season, he mnust report. the killing- to any offioer of the lYe-1 partment of Lands and Forests EXT ERIOR- INTERIOR Painting and Decorating Free Estimates any where any time Cali ColIect: R.A. 34355 P. M. Simîpson & son 41 Ontario St. Oshawa For Complete C omfort Coverage Ail Around The House INSTAL A McCar -asy Winter Air-Condîtioner DESIGNED TO DO A ",,* BEITfER IIEATING JOB ' AT A LOWER COST' ! SAVE W1THI TIIESE i NEW FEATURES *Ngw Quadri-Levei Bower. *New Efficienlt Heat Excl-angee 'vm~t- ip * t'4 Flter Sentinel *smooth,potveM IayEs *N.ew Aut0matk Controls, Hum- SOLD À-ND)INSTALLE-D BY ROLPH HARWARE PREONl, ýE 1i3 - OtNO, ONTAR-10 within ten days. The regulation was initiated sev- ei-al yeams ago and was designedj paRrtially, to assist property owners, lu eradicating nuisance beaver hihwere destroying valuable~ land and property by flooding.Un der som-e circumstances, destmoying of nuisance beuver is.-quite nieces- sary and justifiable. As theme was no proveil damagei to~ land or trees in this particular instance, there would alppear to be no0 justification for such iridiscrim-l mnate shooting- of a beaver. Conservation of o)ur reuewable, natural resour-ces, whether it be o)ur forests or wildlife is îhe responsi- biiity of everyone. Conservation mneans the wise or ruoderate us o-f the -reat naturai weaith whicli Mother Nature has so bountifuIly endowed us. One couid say then Élhat obedience of the laws and reg- ulations and good sportsmanship re- flect, our good manners to Mother Nature. SsEuiropeau Econ- Omfy SurgingAhd RoainW. Ross Strîke, QC Friday told the Rotary that uiesý there is a change lu attitude be tweeu labor and management wc in Canadla are going to have somet serlous effeets on~ our nationial e onomy- Mmr. Strike retur'ied recentl3 from a vacation trip to Great Brit ain and Europe. He was describinç lis trip and the changes he lias not iced in the European ceountriles sînc( lie was f irst there .15 years ago. According to the speaker, the ec .onomnic conditions in Engiland, wlier lie was iast there three vears ag( h las picked up and. is still forgini 1Mentioning Franc, Mr. Strik( suid economicaly France is stili big- question mark. The question ii the minds of everyone in France fi after DeGaulle- at "Everywhome in Euirope there i f tremendous u-psurge. Europe lias I been dormnant for sometiine but j Europe is no longor dormant.' There is very littie unem-nployment in Eur- ope and the days of everyonle want-I ing Canu1dian1 and U.S. good(s is j ovwer, We in Ca-nada are- goîng to have to tigliten our beits and tack] ý thei pmoblem of our national econom-ry!I and change the attitudes betwee n1: labor and management, or we are going to be in serlous trouble," 1Mm. Strike said. The speaker mentioned and had high praise for Switzprland. There is not another country lu the worid where wealtli is more eveniy divid-e ed than it is liere, lie said. There are no slums and one sees very e TV sets or antenna. The eritertain- ment of the peopie is In folk or- ganizations. STAR R-DYMIOND EVENT BIGGEST Tlic th 9,nnuai Starr-.Dyýmond picnlC held at GreeýnwooDd Prk Aonl 1SaIturdaly attracted the largest at- f tendannce ever witli an estimjat-d; 80-0 pres;ent. Blessed wlth wiarm i n- shline and balmy breezes fnd ac smooth runrning cprogriamIt %vas ýv-; ident that everyone hiad a wonder- fui time. Thisis the oly polltlceti party picnlc nwbelnig continued In the province and. as Hn. Matt I)yrrrnnd ptIl, "earec showing leadershlp -tnd gnngtmgt.An occasion liehsgives your re-presentatives oppidû),,ortumity to meet the H-on. MîULke Sb-ri, ogrtIae the~--I- cmte nits excellent or- gaiztinand noted-( that the nic- ic, wvas gettÏ,ug bigg-er and bete? I ahyar. D SECTION REAL ESTATE FOR SALE A beautifuldWellingonlagelo on Centre Street, Oro.no. Ail con- vinces, mn(etas wner de- J. VANJ NEST 11 inýStE. Bowmnanville PhneMA. 3--230 HOUSE FOR SALE Modern 4-room BEungaljow, gar- age and breezewa atached. Oi hleating. Apply A. Jkmn phone 1738, Orono.c-p FOR SALE TIwenity-three Leicester Ewes for sale(. Phione 14IR16, Orono, R. D. MWorton. c-c NOTICE Notice to Orýono Higli Scliool Students for coming yvear that wisl Bus Service by J. A. Carscaden. Please write to me by August 27 ,s0 1 can arrange our tr7iPs; alsi; Grade 13 students to Bowmanvilie Only those who have 'not previ ously used our Bus need Write. J. A. Carscadden. Orono ï a-1 AUCTION SALE 1 have been favoured witli in- structions from Mr. Bart Pyle toi seil by Public, Auction the etie' liousehold effects at bis resience ilu, the village of Pontypool on FI- day, August l9tli. at 1 pan. sharp. Household fumntureý, tools, Sta-ý tion Wagon, Truck etc. 1 This good fumnitume and car willý be sold as Mr. Pyle andc family are goiug.- to Britain immiedfately after this sale. FTermns: cash. Positively no re- A. F. MeKENZ1E, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours 2:00 to 4:00 p.M. 7:00to 8:00 p, Saturdays and Wednesdays by PHONE 1471 ORONQ -DR. R. J.- TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON 1Phloneo 10616, Orono, Ont. Lawrence C. Masoo, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE. ONT. Phones: Off ice MA 3-5688 Homne MA 3--5553 W. KLAY LYCETT, A, In the Offices3 of R. R. Waddell Q.C. MAIN ST., ORONO I TeIephoie 1,38 Orono L. J. SKAIF Chartered Accoumiant BY APPOINTMENTS Lycett's frsurance Office PL . mctonelP.O. Box 63, Oronoý Phone125 Building a Flouse? or remodjerling your prescrit one then contact Floyd Nicholson Phone 2191 Orono Foundations and Septic Tan'ks pourecj. Formrs ;available. STAFFORD BROS. ïIonuineiial Work,ý Phono Whitby 552 38 Dundas St. E,1 Whltby FINE QUALITY ~MONUMENT$ AND MARKERS Let us erect a handsgome, dig- nified monument oiver the rest- ing place of yeur toved oses. tts not expensive. And seelng thlis Iast tribute wilI gieve yeu endless c.mfort. flanîikons lasurance Service Sadie IHamilton IN5UftANCE IN ALL IT'S- BRANCHE$ Th4 Hueo InguranceeCom- peny - *ne of the w#r1d's W~r@eet - h"e a brend rnew auto tresranice plen. 1$costs nuh bem beoeu.. W. *effored *nty te preferr.d r#&k drIvers. (CIîaIm servic"es ev*r Canada end the U.S. Ct*irn are set- tled falrly and qubokiy, at heflome orAway. Pire, Liue, AoeidfflI & Sick. nes. *gay,.Pîâte,, Glass, BolIzr, WLM4Uy. Saie Hamilton PHONE ORONO IR16 FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS I IN SURANCE Ceneral & Lie FRED LYCETT FOFFICE - MAÎN ST, ORONO Phone 12515 Re$, 117M5 JACK REID Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Cons-ýuit me for terms and dates 'Iphone 5 r 18 Oront TE!) JACKSON Autiitioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of ail slun and at reasonable rates Communicate with bim at Port Perm, Ontario. Orono Ele'ctrie PHONE 1 29 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOTJSE WIRING Free Estimates APÏFLLANCE SALIES Pi'iro an Cuqinee Rp tr and AppIiances S'~as Motors V YVater Har Radiczs Stoves .Irons Monuments r4 Our quality and Ser'ice lae nothing to be desired Ask, theý person. who boDught f rom uz- a nihor fin rrelative The IRUTTER GRANITE <JOMPAI NY 73 Qntario Streeýct Pt'R Pl 1DE "'Largest Display, in Southe*ie r

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