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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Oct 1960, p. 7

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From Coast-To-Coast in travelling across Am-ericýa ...the national landscape is mnu c h chan.ged in comparison wîsrth a short decýade ago. In somne cases, the chiangis-1 ;or the b:etter; in others it is in- e-redibly awful. Tourist blight 15 advancing more rapidly than tourist beauty. Where will it I] e,rid? Uncontrolled ribbon dlevelop- ment and mammoth biliboards *long the highway are oniy par-t oY the problem. As an amuse- ment park, Coney Island serves a delightful useful purpose But 4should the Coney Island atm-us- phere pervade coast to coast? Ocala, Fia., is a case in point. Xi is svarnped and surrounded w-'ith small signs a.nd large signs pointing the wvay to the promin- *nt comrmercial tourist attraction ,t Silver Springs. The town kooks ike qa living television iommercial, or perhaps the ig- gest bllboard on earth. Tourist blight appears in vai-, 0d forms. Among the poorest are 'he snake pîts an-d cagedi bear ettractions which are in Nýorth arolina. Stop ait a roadside sou- tenir stand outside the Great ermoky Mountains national park !or'a close-up of a patheticcgd ear. How are these poor creatures Oared for? How were they cap- tured? These questions once were asked brieilly in the Nor-th Carolina legislature, which chose ta preserve the blight and ovur- ;fflk the problem., Then there is the reptile "ýgar- fen" in the area, which uevery. cwvho loves wild creatures éhould see -- not because it is goCod, bhut ta observe how the enimals, scraggly deer, sheep, a bear, as well as the snakes, are 4ared for. More North Carolin- jans, including newspaper wri- ters and the members of the- fitate tourist commission, shouJd inspect it, too. Can this really be the type of attraction they would have out of state visitons pay money ta see? What kind of Americ.a do homegrown vacationers neally want ta enjoy? Perhaps we can escape the blight in national parkis, forests, state parks and highly endowed attractions ik(ê colonial Williamsburg. But withi the rising tide of travel and lei-. mure time pursuits, thlese will n&ever be adequate again. There 1% a challenge here to prîvate enterpnrise ta exercise matureý tasvt and judgment in the facil- i.-les At provides the travelling Public. There's also a challenge tô the states and local communi- ities ta safeguard their noadsides -stnd landscape generally. Along with travel enjoymient, e)iow is the time for proud Americans ta take a hard, criti- ,al loak at theîr countryside and, help decide its future- Michael FrOme in Amreican Fonests ma- gazine. Thomas S. Gtes Jr, MILITARY SECRET -US. Secre- tary cf Defense Thomaîs S. Gales Jr. is a great doodier. One of his masterpieces retrieved fro.m the wastebasket after ca meet- ing is shown below his photo. It looks as if ît meains, "Comae on, boys, Iet's bulid this coun- f ry's defenses until they're like aý granitewI. Giant Tortoises Maiy Be Wîped Out Amang the w,ýorld's oldest in- habitants, tonloises w-,aiched thie risc and faillo! the mig-:hty dinosaurs, anïid survived the hazards of countlcss millions o! cears. Mosi o! the animals that sharcd the world with ihem lu their ealy years have long s'Ince d1isappcared, as have many thai came in -mOuch later time. Civilizcd mari, howcver, seemr set ta -succecd whcre the forcer, of nature have failcd. At bis hauds the giani tortoise bias been reduced from a siate of asýtonishing abundance ta that of preciaus rarity. For the tortoise il was an un- fonltunate day lu 1535 when a Spanish explorer, Fray Tomnas de Berlanga, discovcred R group of islauds in thie Pacifie xoame 700 miles west o! Ecuador, for these islands wene the reptiles' homes. The islands thcm-selves, o! volceanic orîgin, wene inhos- pitable. There was liitle water and only cadti and parchcd, siunted sýhrubs lîved an the almrost baýre nocky land. There was, how- even, anc impressive fealurt about ithemn, They carried enor- DIRTY MISSILE - This Aticas missile getis a king-size scrubbing from T 1opek<a, Kan., firemen before display at a shopping centre. 11-L exhibition was in conjunction with Construction of nine mît:- aiebae round Tpekaareac. m ous populations o! gigantic tortoises. And so Berlanga naned [hem the Galapagos Islands - galapagos bclng the Spanish word for tortoise. It was not long aftcr ihis that someone discavcned that the tor- toises werc very good ta eut, Ships sailiug the Pacifie took ta calliug at the islands ta pick Up somne frcsh mieat. Que sixc- teenih century seafarer report- ed: "They are exiraordinarily large and fat, and sa swect that no pullet eats more pleasaiitly." Iu the days befote refrigera- tors and cold storage these ter- toises had one greal advantage, They could be kept aýlive lu the ship's hold for aý considetable time without haviug ta be fed, provided - thcy -werc moist and cool. Heuce they wr perfect, form o! food ta carry on a long voyage. Whencvcr fresh meat was required a few of the tan- taises could be killed. Capt-ain Porter, wvho uscd ta caîl ai the Galapagos Islands ta provision, tells us thal "ini four - days we had as mauy on board' as would weigh about founrteen tous. Thcy were plied up on the quanter-cfèck for a few days with au awning spread aven ta shicld thcm ifnom the sun, which ren- dens them very neslless, in order that they mighIt have time ta dis- charge the contents of their stomnachs; after which they were stowed awvay bclow as you would slow any othen provi- sions, and used as, occasion ne- quired. "Na description of stock is so couvenient for ships ta take ta sea as the toniaises o! ihese is-- lands. They require rio provi- sions or waier for a ycar, nor is auy futher attenion ta iheni necessary than that their shelîs shouid be preservcd unbrokcn." Durng the famaus voyage o!f the Beagle, Darcwiu visiied the Galapagas Islands. H1e was ire- mieudausly impncsscd by the "huge reptiles, surrounded by black lava, leafless shrubs an d large cacti, thai seen-ucd ta -my faucy like samne antediluLvian, animiais." Even ihen, afler cenlunies of- indiscriminate colleciing, the tar- taises were silnul nerous, and, the practice af calling ai the, islands ta colleci ihemr for food was dying oui. Un! fortunatcly,, howcvcr, as ane kiud o! exploi- tation wvas being abandoned,a- other was taking is place. Il was discavered ihat the f-at !rnmý a f ully grown tortoise could yield about thrce gall.ons of cdear-ail. Conscquently ithcy were slaugýhlencd in their ihou3-, ands lU awave of ruthilcss cam- 1 ercialism. Fc.i1- many ycars Americari whalcrs made a habit of calling ai the islands on their way home, und picking up as mnany aàs 300 tontoises at a time. Since ihene were several hundred whalers, operating iu the South Pacifie at this lime, huge numbers mnusi have been laken away over Ilîke y e ans. Darwin has le! t us a descrip- tion o! the cnasmcihoDd used, by the wvhaler cnews ta pick oui the besi specimens. "When a toniaise is caughi, the mcan m -akeýs asAit lu the akin under ils tail, so as ta sce inside ils body, -whethen the fat unden the dor- sal plate is th ick. If lu s nat, the animiral is libenaled, and il 18 said ta recover !rom this strange operaliani." By the end o! the lasi century 'the tortoises hbad been complete,- ly wiped oui on several of the ïslands, and on ihe aihers ihcy were becomîng rare. C-ollecting them for ail was stopped, but' they had blle chance lan ecovr atnd builci up thieir numxbeis agalu,, farnuow thcy faced yet third seriaus hazard. Man, had uininlenlionally inlrodouccd rats, cals and dags nit eveny anc o!f the islands-ecaesf.rm hie ships. As they fl1ou1Jished, so lhey killed off the young iýtarbaises a s M ACCOMMODATION A WARM WELCOME! SENIOR CITIZENS Ilq RETIREAIENT- Preston Sprlngs Gardens Ls an address of distinction -a haven of conifori sud content. Private bathrooms; luxunlous sittlng roomas on bedroom floora, Spa- clous, wel-furrnlshed lobby. A~bouitwoýv acres of terraced lawn8. Our train- ed campeteni staff under the super- vision of reglstered1 nurses la eap- able of serving ail but those reqilrlng hospital or institutional care. Monthîyr rate for single roonzs $150.N0 te $200.00 meals incîuided. Write for further iformation asnd lliustrated ; amphlet. Preston Springs Gardfens, restau, Ontario. AGENTS WE have a few terriiorles still opena for agents to selI aur Premlium Quai. lty Farmn Seeda. Complete Uine of ail Farm Seeds, liberal commissions. Write ta MWartin Weber Limilted, 330 Phillp Street, Waterloo, Ontario. Phione SHer.. ivood 5-610b. AGENCIES WANTED ATTENTION GROCERIES WHOLESALERS CANADIAN manufacturer offernug sieamesas Mcro-rMesh hosicry, speclallY packed for, grocery store. in beautiful polyetheleue bags. Guaranteed firat qualiy. Only $5.65 dos. Plus tax. Sain- Se s on requesi. Box 222, 123-8tth treet, New Toronto, Ont. BABY CI-ICKS SOME started chicks, also 15-22 week pullets, avallable prompt shipmlent. Dayalda, dual purpose, aPecialty ePgg prdcrta order. January-February brollers should be ordered nawv. Con- tact local agent, or write Bray Mtch. ery, 120 John Nerth, Hamltoni, Ont. TWEDDLE Chlck Hlatcheries anuouie that they haâve secured the exclusive franchise for the now famous Cash- man Hi-Cash Straini Cross eg1g-tYPe chickzs for ail of Eastern Canada, sud Manitoba sud Saskatchewan. Cashman pullets have won rnany friends iu the Paultry business lu the United States sund Canada, sud we predict Lthat, withlu a year, they wlll be ans of the mast popular if not the most popular aud profitable layer in Canada. Cash- Man pullets have also won mLauy fegg Iaylng Cantests. The mastireceut min) was lu thc Missouri Raundoni Samipî Test lu competitian wth 57 pens frani the tUited States aud Canada wth a net profit of $2.72 per bird, which h s rsmarkable lu a year of low prîces. Last yeaýr lu the saine Couitest Cash- man pullets were lu second Place sud i 1-57-59 lu founth place. Osaliman pullets have mast won the Flarida Test with the Isigl peu ansd the higli heu. Seud. for ths Cashrnan folder glving ful details about this outstauding layer. 'Also ssk for Early Order Book- ing Price Lisi. Yeu save $200 per huis- dred on your Cashmau pullets if you order before December lat, and you eau take dellvery anlytime until August 3t,1961. TWEDDLE CRICK 11ATCHERIES LIT). FERGUS ONTARIO BOCKS FREE! Catalog I00 interesilug, un- usual Books. Wlde vanieiy of sub- jects. For your fres copy write tn- day ta: Darco Distsibutars, Box 383, Grand Falls, Newfoundlanid. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES G SW 3A51 Self-Serve laundries are growlng lu populariiy aUl over the country. Steady customers are tapidly lucreaz. ing because of the exclusive Spralator washlng action. Easy Self-Serve Laun- dries are awuer operated sud are profitable. Like ta owu an 5Easy Self- Serve Lauudry? If you have $6,000 or mars ta invesi ws can set you up lu a bujsiness that bas great profit poten- tion, requîtres Uitile supervision wiâ nlo payrall luvoîved.,elphoins ,,,write for full details. Easy Self-Serve Laun- dry Division, General Steel Warss Ltd., 76 Miranda ave., Toronto 10. RU. 7-2471. DO YOU NEED EXTRA CASH? THXEN stari seluSn the lang-eai assOrt- ment of boxed Christîmas Cards availi abel aaa. Eugllah sud French., Alsa namie priuted Chistnmas Carda aud a marvellous selection of gifi wnap- plug materlala, plus lovelYiyluexPenisve gifi items. Everyday carda, 'Paysamiu Novelties. Large Profits aud ihey sel lile lhai cak[es. Na expenience neces- sabry. Write today for our iusirated catalogue sud Price Lisi. A lovely $1,25 box free wth your firsi order. Ma p le Leaf Greetlng Carda, 14,07 Bishap Si., Dept. K, Motreal. BUSINESS PROPERT9ES FOR SALE DRY cleaulug plant, ,,;th cold storagt unît, lu Napauce; 2 aparnments sud rtore for extra revenue; thriviuig buisi- ness. ruce J., aaRatr aa ue. MOTEL, Vunuits plus -bedraom living, quartera, well located on Na. 2 If 1gb. way niear Napanee; ulely furnished, broadlaamiý, TV. Grosslug$,0-$,0, est, round business. Bruce J. Wag1ar, eaîtar, Napance 14UMMER resoni on Ray Bas, knowul as ,8lakewvocd Lodge, acconmmadates 40 guests (dhing hafll; 2-acre site wih ýý'watenfroutage. I11 healili foc!e ktaie f.r, this popullan resori. Bruce J. Wagar, Reaitoýr. Napausle. EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION LAIN op ta $100 weekly ass paretiffle Busýiness Associis ,No expetiene aesded. Pleasant wark. 'L'0 o slllug. Ap plication information $2.00. Caver'Y, 920 Reservois,. Crauston 10. Rhode Ta- leand. FARMS FOR SALE FARM, 50 acres sandy lýoRm. al W01k. abis. Rock %roll, &al modierrcouveul- suces, large hanse and barl E1stI Gingeilh Zurich Oui1., R.B IPlon FAIM,ý for sale. 100 aýcres_ g0o1 blîd 1nga, ail workable !ud, 20 acresnwi sded pasture 25 acres faîl wheat, Wiii sel] wth crop, ipeei u ilvestack. Wite Peter Van i ce lR. . Sautihwld Oi. How Cas 1? By Roberta Lee Q.flow can IreYv.sm axie-.greaise stains fromn a pair O! my husband's trouslerS? , A. 'Unless, the grease spot co- tains au lot of diri, carbon teitra- chlorideuual does the trick quickly. Should the stainis Bp- pean raîther heavy, lubricate them insi wl7tli somne white miîn- oral il, theni flush this fram th fanewith carbon tetIracioride. FARM EQUIPMUNT «DEPENZDALITE" gasollu.. and propane dz'lveu Uightiug plants for farm arud borne standby. Aise separate genera. tors for tractor beit or power take-offl drive, Betiger Industries, 5iratford, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FEPMILLS SUXPLUS stock of new Tornado No. 16 feed mMll, baUi bearlug wlth happer. Mýusi seiI $49.00. Send for circular Fed- eral. 185 King East, Toronto. 344 PAGE CATALOGUE 200 USED clotiing lot $2. Qnantity dli. counts. Waiches, smoing articles, fig- urines, binoculars, etc. Schaefer. Box 370, Drinmmouldvllle, Que. NEW Atamatie Wood-Burning Stoveb wlll humn from twelve ta elghlteen hauts Write for comiplete information to: J. T. Counolly, Rlteway Manufae. turing CG., 187 Wolslsy 'Street Peter borough. Ontanla. LARGE NEWN 1960 CATALOGUE GIVING yau a wonderful selectian of religlauis glft 4tems, plaques, pins, gaines, bocks, ibles. Alsa 1960 cata-ý logue of aacred rcaordings, sent post, pald only 254 lun coin or stamps. Add 15# for record catalogue. THE LITTLE CHAPEL BOOK Shoppe, 816 Caîborue Rd., Sarnia, Ont. HELP 'WANTED MEN aud WOMEN needed Iu cies, iowns sud vllages of Western OntarIo ta, dîstribute SUNMASTER 5-YEAR LIGHT BULBS. FULL OR PARTTIME. Top commissions pald. AUl of eut sale people are maklng good maney. Suri- mnaster, 770 Quebec, London, Ont, Plhons GL 1-8688 HUNTING ACCOMMODATION DEER LAKE LODGE ACCOMMODATION 4for 10 ta, 14 huni- ers, deer, bear, partidg-e. Excellent ac- commnodation and mneals. Liceused g udes aud daga $50 per week. Wm. Detta Jr., Soih River, Pa.rry Sound district. Plbons FU). 6-2227. EGARN More! Boakkeeping, Salesmiais sip, Shartliand. Typewrltlng, etc. Les- ,3ons 504. As* for frpescircular Na: 33. Canadian Correspondence Courses. 1290 Day Street, Toronto. LIVESI OCK REGISTEREI> Ayrshlre helfers, accred- lied, Uisted vvlth ie and quality. Due sýarly Octaber. Reg. Augat R. 5, Gusîpli, Elora Highway. Dehoru yonr calves wlth a Polled Shorthorn Sire früni Donnywelt farmel, Miona Mils, Ont. MAIL ORDER eUINESZSS ,10 MAILORDER Businesses for Sale, your namne impriuted, directions, sta- tlouery iucluded $5,006 $abbaih Year Vacations, 311 Trumbuli S.,R-285, Hartford 3, Conu. MEDICAL 00OP RESOLUTION - EVERY 9UFtERERt OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS, 8I4OULD TRY DIXONIS REMIDY. MUNRO'S DRU9 STORE "S5 ILQIN OTW $1 .28 Ixpres oleet WANTEI>: 5,000 MIN AND WOMEN snffenug froni al muscular.painis, ar- thnItls, nervous tension. GET QUICE RELIEF! Write for Free Salonpas sample today. HATIONAI. PRODUCTI 346 Sabiston Street Nanaimo, D.C. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISHI the tormient of dry eczema rashes sud 'weepingain trauibles. ?oat's Eczema Salve wilI nai dlsapolint you. Itching, scaldinig and burnlng ecze- ma, acne, ringwormi, pimiples sud foot eczema wili respoud readily to the stainlesodoless caint1beent, regardlest o>f Iiw stubborn or hopeless they sesin. Sent Post Free on ReceîPt et Prîct PRICE $3.50 pUR .IAR P OST'S REMEDIES 1265 st. Clair Avenue Eêsat, TORONTO MONEY 10 LOAN WE have money 4avallable for first sud, second mnortgage oanis on far1m and towu prýoperty' current rates of inter- est. Payments arranged ta suit your tincarne. Jas Miar$e Ltd.. roker, 2 Wellesley St. W., Toronto - Box 244,' Sudbury. a a * e OPIPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES unlImlted availahie through The Franchise Bulletin Can- »ada's, only franchise magazine. WVrite today, Box 223 123 18th Street, NeW To7ronto, Ont. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN DE A HAIR'DRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignlfled profession; good wages* Thausands of succes.sful Marvel Graduates Amerlca's Greatest Systern Mlutrated Catalogue Free WVrite or Cali MARVEL IIAIRORESSING SCROOL 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branchies: Î4 King St. W., Harilton 72 Rdeau Street, Ottawa NURSES AND NURSING, ASSISTANTS WANTED JOSEPH BRANT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Burlington, On.tarlo Applications are invlted fromr *0fteglstersd Nu rses 9 Certlfled Nursing Assistanti a Apply direçtor of nursing Joseph Brant Museum 1240 North Shore SIvd. NUTRIA WILI. NUTRIA SE YOUR FUTURE? AUl the signa point ta a bright and brul- liant markçet for this luxury fur. but iguccess wilI cone only througb propel breedlng methods, quality foundatloe stocýk, pus aprogram based on on business methods. Ws off er al of tblu te you as a rancher, uislng ont excII- sive breeders plIan. Speclis off ertir t hose who qualitfy, "earu your nulI4i rsder our co-operative rauchers plan". Write: Canadian Nutria Ltd. RR. 1 Rchmond ffii!, Ontario. PERSONAL ADULTS! Personal Rubber Goodal SU essortrmeut for $2.00. Finest quaUity testsd, gusranteed. Msled ipa oealed package plus free Birtb Contro bookiet a n d catalogue of suppies., Western Dstributors Box-24-TIF. R18 gina, Sask. PHOTOGRAPHY FARMERIS~ CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. Films develaped and, 8 magna prints 400 12 magna prints 60e Reprints 50 each. KODACOLOR Developing r*o il1 900 (not including prints). Color prints 3W, eacls eytre. Ansco and Ekiachromae 35 m.m. 20 et- posures mnounted lu'nsildes $1.20. Color tL nuis from slides 324each. Money rW unded ln full for uuprlnted negatives. POULTRY FOR SALE lif-LINE PULLETS 4000 vacclnat 9 ready to lay. We wilU deliver, AppW WWly Vanaverbeke R.1. No. 1, Sirat lord or cail 336 W. 4, STRATFORD. SALESMEN WANTED Sailesmnen Wanted TO REPRESENT THE OLD RILIABLEr FONTHILL NURSERIES TIRRITORIES OPEN IN COTI4 TOWN AND RURAL DISTRiCTS COMMISSIONS PAID WEEKLY NOW BOOKING ORDERS FOR FALL 1960 AND SPRING 1961 Write' Stone and Wellîngton Ltd. P.O. BOX 40 FONTHILL ONT. SHEEP EEPGISTERED North Couu.try Chev1lit sudl reglsteted Oxford Down ramsayasîl zwfes. Ernis TIoltn, R. 3, Walkettofl, QUAI IFIED DIETICIANS REGISTERED NURSES CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANTS for greatly expaudjed liospital pragrani. For furthe r Information appîy ta: The Hamnilton Health Associationt Box, 590, H'amilton, Ont. ISSUE 42 1960 COMING BACI< TO THE BOSOX - Jackie Jensen (lcft) îs ail am--ilci as he sits in Redl Sox owncr Tom Yawkey's box during the at mare-Sox game after anni-ounding that he wIIrcturn ta the teonf for the 1961 seasan. Jensen qui! basebalI last ycar, saying ha didn't [ike eithcr the enforced and prolonged absences fromn hi: wife and farnily, or the flyingo schedule requircd of majo lecguerï. CLASSIFNEO ABVERTISINO 1

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