TMIIR$AbAY ÔOTÔmER gï2060U 'ROUND DURHAM TEACHERS ATTEND CONVENTION Many teachers from the disti4i Building a fliouse? or remodieling your -present ~one then contact Floyd Nicholson Phone 2191 Oronto Foundations and Septic Tanks poured. Forms available. Jerseys Crepes Wvvools Silks AT A RARE LOW PRICE DRESS SALE SLIMS AND SLACKS Here's a rare opportunity for customers to Slims and Slacks in all-wool plaids or buy dresses at a rare kow price. We have dress- plain flannels. es in printed Jerseys, Crepes, Wools and Silks Slims priced $11.95 Slacks '$12.95 in ail new styles anid colours. Priced from $12.95 to $24.50 LADIES' CAR COATS WOOL KIRTSLadies' Car Coats in suede or poplin. Col- New materials and styles in wool Skirts, ors beige. goîd. green and red. slim or pleated. Priced $14.95 to $22.50 Priced Fromn $7.95 to $12.95 GLENAYR KITTEN SWEATERS ALL WOOL BLAZERS Ladies' ail-wool Blazers, colours red, wine, Exquistely feniinine Kitten in fabulously blue with white cord trim. Regular $6.95 easy to care for Banlon in beautiful muted Sl rc 29 tones for Faîl. No piling, no shrink or stretch. Sj rc 29 Just machine wash and quick-dry. Turtie neck Pullovers or with tbutton trimn on centre panel. Different colors to choose from. ¾/4sleeves. Pullovers priced $7.9à to $9.95 FLANNELETTE GOWNS Cardigans prieed $995 Wonien's prînted or plain Flannelette Gowns, sizes small, medium or large. ;Priced $2.95, $3.50. Extra Ige $3,95 JUMBO KNIT SWEATERS' Jumbo Knit. long steeve Cardigan wîth collar. Priced at ....... ...... . ........ . .$13-95 FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS Jumbo Knit Pullovers with hood ...- $14-95 Jumbo Knit Pullover wîth V-shape ribbed Women's printed Flannelette Pyjamas. p~anel front with collar. Priced ...........$14.95 size 32 to 40. IJumbo Kniit CurlingCardigan with zipper Priced at $3.95 ~ topockets. .Priced at ............$14.95 OTHER SWEATERS CIIILDREN'S PYJAMAS i 100 perçent Btany full fashioned Raglan Children's printed FIannelette Pyjamas, shoulders and semi-turtle neck. Priced _, -$8.95 size 2 to 8 years priced ........... $2.25 to $2.95. 100 percent Wool Cardigans, prlced $9.95 GirI's sîze 10 te 14 priced at .......... ......ý.$2.95 Eveninigo Friclay & Saturdlay Open Il^11Day Wednesday Store Open Ail Day Monclay 8~ D EATH S KERSLAKE- At Mý,emorial Hospi- waBomanville on Thursday, Oct- l ober l3th, 1960, Frank R. Kersiake, ag-ed 80 years, beloved husband of, Bessie Mlaude Short. Service was ý held at his late residence, 34 Con- cession St. W., Bowmanville, on Sat-I Urday, October l5th, at 2.30, termnent Bowmanville Cemnetery.* Ar- rangiemenits by Morris Funeral c'ha- pel. SLEMVONý,-At Memnori,- ýHospfitai, IBowmanville on Friday, October 14, 11960, Cyrus William Henry Siemon. M.D., beloved husband of Edith Ma- bel Virtue, loving father of Harold, Toronto, -Marlon, Colorado Springs, Boyd, Niagara Falls, and Keith of Bowmranville. Dr. Siemon rested at his home until Monday mnorning- at il o'clock, then at Trinity United Church for service at 2 o'clock. In- terment BwavleCemetery. Friends xho wish may honour his - memory by donations tLo Bowman- ville Rotary Crippled Children's Fund. Arrangements by Mlorris Fun- eral Chapel. UNTED CHIWRCN Orono Pastoral Charge Miînister Rev. Basil Long SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1960 CHURCH SERVICES Orono - 11:00 a.m. 7.30 p.m. Rev. Philip Romeril of Blackemtock, speaker at both services Kirby Service is withcirawn Leskard Ser-vice wilI be at 2 p.m. SUNDAY SCHO<>L Orono - 10:00 a.m. Kirby - 11:00 a.m. Leskard -'l-00 p.m. V M uNY * r- ..n à Y -- -- hing west on the highway when the AUTtruck crashed into the side of hfic (sN W FORMERL.Y LIVED M1r. and Mrs. Roy Webber of attended a convention in Hunts. I N ORONO B3owmanville were dinner guests of ~t vlle astweeknd wen hey ereMr. and Mrs. Clarence Allin rec- -present for two workshops. Flrst of James McPherson Gay, 65, died ently. Mthe workshops was on spellîng with in St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterbor- M r. and Mrs. Victor Wilson and the second on Creative English. ough, Monday as a resuit of a two- Mrs. Austin, Canton were guests Mr.AinleyMcGe, ron ws car collision at the intersection of appointed to the. executive of the Hlghway 28 an-d 115 last Fridayev.WtMr.HwdWasonS- East DrhmInspectorate group. enling. day. ____ Mr Guyforerl livd fr a Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. COBORG ISTS$2900tim e ln Orono on Mill Street . is Carles Wood were Mr. and Mrs. COBOU R LSS P9OGR wif e predeceased hlm two years David Phasey ani family, TyrQne, WINERWOKSPRGRM ago whiîe residfing in Orono. ýMr. and Mrs. Marw,,oodl Heard Fn- The Public Works committee of bniskillen ,\,Ir. and Mrs. W. N. Hos- Cobourg Council brought in -a re- e d .1 N w kin,HI-armotny. commendation for a winter works n a e s ýMr.and Mrs. R. E. Logan, Mr. prgrm hich would resuit in a Inspiring Anniversary services and Mrs. Charles Wood were supper total expenditure of $29,000 with were' held in the Kendal Uie guests of Mrs. Salter and Mr. and Reev Heean aid hathe hpedChutrch last Sunday, October l6th.: . Hrod'ate,'aptn o Reev llenan aid hat hoe 11 the morning, Rev. T. R. Norman, Ms aodSleHmtno flhe town's share to cost apprim-BA. of AMax was the preach er on Sna ae$20,000 at a recent meeting. tett"no yeotha mut Mr. -and Mrs. Roy Barrabail en- W ry omittee would f md some- be about my Fathier's businesýýs?"'tertained at their home the week~ *thing that could be done under the e ena Choir rendered the an- end of October 8th, the occasion prora. hm,"Thle Prayer's Thanksgivng" being their twenty-fifth wedding' t accompanied by-Mrs. A. Swarbrick aniniversary. Their daughter Mar- Piort Hope and Bowmanville are ,tite organ and Miss Judy Foster ion, Mrs. Robert Horner, Oshawa alotaking aCdvaintage of the Winter sang the solo "rlhe Stranger of Gal- and senýilswr rsn n fiWorks pr)iogram assistance. ie. Rev. R. C. White spoke of c ngrlatis were reseient an knowing Mr. Norm-an's grandfather ngautiis er reeedb SNALCHILD IS KILLED an h eoisc ap red hone calis from their daughter B .shi I th evnig, ev.D.Wood- Anln, Mrs. Robert Gilmer, Saskat- hoýuse, B.A., of Port Hlope preachied chiewan and son Neil who is withi Atwo-year old Blackstock boy1 an înteresting sermon and the mix- the R.C.A.F. in Winnipeg. va killed Friday whien a stove ini cd quartet from Welcomne gave Mrs.' Ivan Farrow is a patient in thec backyard of his home fell on thiree lovely numbers \vith Mrs. Memorial Hlospital, Bowmanville. ghlm ICmbl as the organist accomi- Badminton got off to a grand Richard Johin Lawrencue was play- paningsat at eneda nd ria in yhmsl o afwmnue - Miss Clara S(eens of Peterborough withi a considerable numnber presenti rndnoon when hîis mother went wvas a visiter with hler sister, Mrs. botights.Th, Club wlWti -to look for, hlm Shle saw a two-bur- Re.E lduring thjeweknd the next week, re-organize and pre- î~reecrcrangette '\as oetu1 bed, and thle boy pinnorl beneath i Rev1 T. R. Nor 1inan and twin1 boy'\s pare plans for thec winter months. T1,11 ea boy hias a wekodbu ere dinner guests with Mr. andMiKent Lauizon andim!*r. R. ther Ashyxatin ws bame asM . G Catcart on1 Sunlday. Johnston wvill be holdingmrng the cause of death. MssA. Beeo of Torento clsss o stud(enjts andanyne ls spent thie holiday weekend with Mr, 1 vh o wshso learai the gamie, ev- NEWCASTLE MAN 0'(d Mrs. F. Sïtoker-. . I ery Sauray lTese seýssionjs wlbe FRACTURES BACK -MrIis. H. Foster is visiting with lier held in the Orono Commrt mohe adfamnily in fBedlford, \"r- Centre commencing at 10:00 a.m. Chris Barchard of Newcastle re- îb1i.iiflia. atrdy.A cevda broken back and several Fourteei)n members from KJendal d begivnning trlof t rday. Ag broken ribs- when a tr-uck, loaded attended the(, banquet atHapngodyumeofteOoo ih wit sndcrshe ito isve ie hnour-iing6th Anniiversary of theschool studenits have already ini- on Hgw~ 2 just west of CurvWmn' Institute. Judyv Fostei tmtdta hy iltk dat Inni, AMonday morning. sang a song- cf 60 years ago, accom- age of these classes. Polcesad arhad astrve- anied by Mlrs. Westheuser. ' On Tuesday, October lSth a carý _______________________________ 1) The Bowinanville Choir Society load of Rebekahs journecyed to Portl ________________________are gliving a musical concert-on Fni- Perry to visit Maybelle Lodge. The day evening, October 28th, sponsor- occasion being the Installation cf STAFFORD BROS. ed by the Kendal Women's Assoc-.Officer-s for thec new terma, 1960-61.j .ation.; Sister Edina tIex, District Deputyj ilMr. and _Mrs. Geo,-rge Clark of Tor Presidenit and staff fromn Ganaraskal oh~ nto spent the weeiç-enia at 77, Lodge, Port H -ope, doîng the work. Monuinental ok% home ;*f Kendal. Mrs. Harold Snell, Danny and Bob Phone Whitby 552 o_______________ f Toronto spent thle week-end with 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby _Mrs. Ken Gamsby. 1N OT ICE Miss Darlene West spent the week FINE QUALITY Reserve the evenîng of Friday, '11d with hier grandparents la Bow- MONUMENTS A ND December 23rd for the Orono High -nanvlle. MARKERS School Annual Formai Dance. a-c M.adMs osTyo n Let us erect a handseme, dig- COMING EVENTS famnily spent the week-end with Mr. nified monument over the. rest- Public meeting of the Orono Arn- and Mrs. Charles Taylor. ing place of your loved oflSS. ateur Athletic Association to be Mrs. Harry Mercer is a patient la It's not expensive. And seelng held at 8:15 pjrn. on Thursday even- the Mlemorial Hospital, Bowman-1 this fast tribut. wiII give inig, October 27th. 1960 in the Orono ville. yuendiess comfort.Cmuyenr. 'Fhsliliece h Orono Trustees will be at the YOU Annual meeting Please try te attend Orono Municipal Building next Mon-. ________________day, Tuesday and Thursday evea. ________________________________________________Ings te answe(_r questions ia connec-- tion with Municipal water from 8 t e l! p -' .1 mALWys LO@K TO ImPâURAL FOR TIIE lEST M'WALTER FRANK tJMcQUAY and KIDD REALTORS 177 Ghurch St. O Bowmanville MA. 3-3393 CANADA'S LARGEST ALL BLACK CATTLE SALE the "500 HEAD" 100 Breeding - 400 Feeder and Stocker AT THE SALES BARNS LINDSAY $AT., OCTOBER 29 The 3rd annual sale SPOnSOT7 ed by the association. AUý, sired by an Angus bull. The feedler and stocker cattie, -100 of them, will be calves and yearlings, both steers and heifers. There will be 100 head or more of breeding cat- ie, most of them registered. Many cows with calves at foot and re-bred. Sale will start at 1L1:00 a.m.. with the breeding cattie, and the others will fol- 10w. Lunch available on the premnises. MALCOLM BAIILEY, Mvanager, Uxbridge, Ontario i ORONO TINSHO1P Ail Kinds of- SHEET METAL WOR¶< PLUMBING FIXTIJRES PUMPS and PUMP REPAIRS PIPE and FITTINGS DRAIN CLEANÉRS B.-IL PAINTS Etc. FIRE EXTINGIJISHERS STOVJE AND FURNACE PIPESIMade to Order R.E. LOGAN, Prop.I Phone 11816 Orono, Oaiario N - i --. N -~ PARTNER PLUEBINC HEATING ORONO, ONTAIRIO PHONE 1S7* let us instali a new Iow-cost, fuly guaranteed Esso G96 OII FURNACE for safe, dependabIe iTimoîl-he.atîng comfortj 0 ýC C C <- = C C c <r> 0 OUTSTANDING Cardigans, wool blend, button front. jacquard IO trimmed. Assortd colors. 1 Boys' v neck; Girls round neck. Sizes 4 to 6x Regular each $1.98. Sale Price........ $1.6 êZ flliiden's 2 piece Sleepers, fleece lined. Colours Pink or blue. Size 2, 4 and 6. Special-------98c QChldren's Slippers. Colors -white, blue or pink Q Regular pair $1.98 This week-----------$.1s.59 fJeans, Glirls lined. pla id Chino cloth. Pockets Shaif boxer style. Size 3 to 6x. Reg $1.98 for $1.67 c SMen's Work Socks, good weight, all nylon & Q Regular price 79e for ................67C QSocks, Youths cotton Viscose and wool. Haif Q elastic cuffs. Assorted patterns and coloirs. Regular price 59c. This week 2 pair for ...... 99c Cups and Saucers, fancy assorted patterns Reg. 9set. This week 2 for .................69 Boys' Plum Drawers, ankie length. Sizes 8 to Q16 years. Regular 98c. Sale Price ..........87 ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE L OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N * N N N '1 N N ~~~1 -s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N *~1 N N N -.4 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N A N ~ N N N N N -.4 N N -.4 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Armstrongs il only $300.00 *Convenient Budget Terms *As low as $30.00 down *Up to 5 years to pay 0110MO