A "Pç-VOUtiOn in The Kitchen If 0y t be a good cook. Ir, acii receently paid off hand- smyin the sum aof S25,001 to the winner of th~e grand bake- off in the Pillsbury contesit here in Washington. If miay have been merely co- inýcid3entai that Mrs, Frank 1-1 Schnuelle of Crab Orchard, Neb., is a farmer'--s wif e. Yet, when, you corne to think aci if, if figures. For ,vhat did she bake? Just agod old, down-to-earth boai if bread. If was glamouired up, au bit, to be sure, but if was the- simplest, rnosti basic of ail foods just the. sane. And who, after ail, shouid kno.(w better than a. farmer's ýwi fc how ta bake bread? The "rawinr"they eall her now. Thaf figures, too. Ask- td what she planned f0 do with ber prize rnaney, she replied: "f think l'Il put some ofiti into the f arrn," Like rnost farni wi-ves, she zan pitch in ýnd do farrn chores !If mecessary. Milk a caw? «'0f course Lecan mnilk," she replied ias if the question wrere absurd; Jif f y "Toe-COSies" Light Up the reinrdeer's nase with a RIED sequin -- charm fats with these cozy slipper socks. JIFFY! Knit a sipper in a-n evenng-jsfonc flat pie-ce plus ribbed cuit. Thrifty gift! Pat- tera 928: directions for chul- drcn's siýze's -4 ta 12 inciuded ' Sendi THIRTY-FIVE CENTS %sfaïrnps ceanot bc accepf cd, use postal note for safty) tamrf is pattern ta Laura Wheeler,, Box 1, 123 Eighteenfh St., New To- ronto, Ont. Print plainly, PAT- '"ERN NUMBER, orNA ME ùnd ADDRESS. New!. New!v New! Our 1960 Laura Wheeler Nedecraff Book ia ready NW Cramurned wifh exciting, unusual, popuflar de- signs ta crochet, knit, sew, erm- blaider, quilt, weave - tashians, home iurnishings, tays, gifts, bazaar bits. In the book FREE __ 3 quilîf patterns, Hurry, scnd 25 cents for your copy,.. Thnaddied: "And 1 use a one- This, 1 learn frarn the Dcpamt- mentfoai Agriculture, is quitrea trick. If. means going about if the hard .way. A sense ai bal- ae i bviously important, or anc, ol indeed be in a posi- tion ta cry over spilt miikz If turns ouf that Mrs. Schnua- elle is nao "Sunday" bake. She doesn'f bake just for contests. She makes brcad et ieast once a weck at home, staring iaoaves~ and rails in ber freezer. That is why fhe sciection aif the Nebraska farrn wife for first-prize winner wifh hem bôai af bread seemns ta put things back inta perspective again. No chemnicals ie her recipe fo kïcp the lbai soi t and prevent if frorn malding. No preparcd ix ta simrpiify preparafian. As a matter ai fact, that kind ai bread seldom sfays aound long enough fao get moldy Gr stale. If seemns pdd that bread, the cornmaucsf ai ail foods, is today such a strangIer to the fu- mily aven. The smielioi baking boaves is sonething canfined fa the area ai the commercial bals- ery. But that, they tel' us, is progresg -- and ai course we, shouldni't wish if away.' If is,,a.s fhey say, a part ai aur new freedarns. "Feedom tram kit- chen chores," accomding ta no less an autharify than the De- partrnenf of Agriculture. The departmient, in a recent rupblication, called "The, Food Wc Eat" cornes up wi th saine rafher startiing, statistics on the techniogica evluin! the kit chen, writes Josephine Rip- ley in the Chrristian Science Monitor. Not only dacs fhe average .housewfeý.oft today nat bakte her awn bread;. she offeen doesn'f really caok the meaisshe places betare hemi farnily. Such meals 2osf more, but seve time, and the dcpart ment has figured if aIl ouf, in dollars, cents, and, hours. Take three "rcady-fo-serve" neals cosfing $6.70 'for a f amily aiftour. if the housewife, had pepared these malsherseif, the cost would have been somne- wbere betwveen $2 and $4.50, But if woid -ýhave taken f ive and ionie-haif haurs ai her timte, corni- pared fa only one and one-haif- hours ta gef the three "'readéy- ta(-serve" Lmeals oan the fable. This lis admittedly ani uniikely siqtioni, since maost famlles urse a comnbinatian ai toods - uînpreparcd, pertialiy prcpared, anrd ready fa beaf and serý-ve. Ail in ail, the Deparfmnent di;;- covered thaf Amneican f amiIiesý pay soi-e $4,500.000,000 a year mare taday than fhey did jrn 1939, justu for the ca nvenienice of having sone ai the warfa f o oacd preparatian tranisi rrcd, tram fthe kitcnen ta the tactary or restaurant. Even thouLgh frazen foadz have becarne standard equip- mient in the kit chen, the ft2ý,e ai frcsh -J'fru1its and vegetables la far tramn just a irnemiory. The, amaunt ~of frcshb fruit, and vege- tables shipped into New York City alane each year "would fi n train reaching tram iTexas ta _,w York," accarding fatheîý Departrnient study. î As tam tarm wives, su-h a MNrs. Schnuelle ai Crab Ore-hard, -,eb., wheýn they want fresh ve- getalbles, they just grawv theni. And the saund ai snapping beans or the crackding ai pea pods is as f arniliar in the tarin kitchen as the snell ai baking bread. HATS OFé - Nancy Anne Flemfing, Miss Amnerica 1961, bam the happy job in New York City of s5eIecting the hafts shel wecr as the counr/s h4eauty queen for the nlexi yeur. MEDUSALIKE - Juil. Stokes displays the newest thing ini wrap-around hats cia five-foot indigo srngke, Yesterdlay we had a ur first rain in six weeks,. . and were thle birds ever enijoying it. A dozen littie junicos were having a grand Uirne in a puddleý near the back door and there were m io re varieties of sp-arrowvs aro)und than I1 ever saw before. The lawn was black With, tari- ings and thie sunflowers bending, and swaying with the weight'ai nulmerocus biuejays that ca-rne to harvest the seed. As for the feeding- station, juncos and spar- rows were sarigail over if,. 1inside, outside, and on top of if. Yes, it a, great morning for the ,birds and I spent qiîte a ýbit of tirne just watching theTr en- jo)y it, Ditto waîhe only one who was ,vorried -- watching birds fromn inside the house waï,sn't her idea aif fun. But you can be quife sure 1 did't let her aut while there were- so rnany birds ,around. Wel1, !last week wvas a week Week's Sew-Thrifty PRINTED PATTERN L4892 tw, in charrer-a, smar't dress for school and patyretty pina- tare! Bath are B EG 1ÏINN" EElR- EASY swnand Ihavewd- ski;pping skirts and big bowýs. Printed Pattern 48392: Chul- dren's Sizes 2,> 4, 6, 8, 10. Ple!case sec pattern foryaaes Sund FIFT-Y CENTS (stamps cannat be acccptcd, uise postal note for satety) for this paqtter.fn Please print p-lainly, S I ZE, N A ME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order ta ANNE ADAMS, Box, 1, 123 Eighteenth St, Nqw Toronto, Ont, SEND NOWi Big, beautitulI, C"OLOIt-IFIjC Fail and Winf cm Pattern Caf alog bas over 100 styles ta scw,, - scbool, carcer, hali-sizea. Onl'y 3541 ta remember-and a week in which we were very giad ta have a TV set. We wouldC.n't have rnissed al the I.N. speeches for anyfhing. We didn't always knobw whefl theY lere camfing, on so if sometimes happened Part ner wouid just nicely be starfing infa a job oufside and i wvouid eail ta himj-"Come aid hear Diefenbaker, or MacMii- !an," as the case might be. They were wonderful but we were stunned beyond b)elief at Khrush- chev's, violent and ill-mannered inrterrýuptiýons,. whiah were only exceded by bis ownl speech oni Saturday mmin.How 15 it Possible lfor "he United Nations ta mrake any headway whihe deaiing wifh such an .)utragcecus character? Most ai the fime 1 was listen- ing vo sp.eeehes in between can- ninig and pickling; peeling a few onions. and then running back ta 1hear more, Strange, isn't if, that we can be st) infent on keepinig udp with our own littie cdores wvhile the peace ai the wold is beïiig verbaiiy threatened? You would tbink making mustard piek-ie was frightfully important.' And so ît was, et the manent. That and canninig g ra p es, plunis, peaches and piekiing beets, straighit irorn the garden. Before 1 was thmough the house was reigwith the odor of vinegar and pickling spices. Partner thought 1 was crazy. 1'Why don't you give- it a. rest,"9 he said, "you doni't have taglet it ail done in anne week." He also oftered ta heip, Can'ti1 peel the beets or sorniethiig, lhe wouid Say. My answer was alxways Elle sarne-"Thakslte best waS' yau, can. help is ta ee out of mny road." Any warnan wiii know w'hat I rnean. Slippery beets we,-re h1ard enough for me fa skim, 1 don't know how Part- ner expecced his stifL, arthrific fingers ta handle the job. My goodness, did you eùver know the days ta draw ,in sa fast? For the iife of mne I can't sec whiat purpase daylighit sav- ing serves at this time of -the year. Theme isn'f any daylight ta saveanwy We might just as weil ail be backon standard fimre and thu 's save a good deal af confusion. Last week, if you rememiber, I nicntioned Patner havinig a litffle extra wiing donc, And have I been giad of that night,- lighf in the hall. Thaf started mne thinlring about cnfetaining, especially eldemly f olk. Have you ever wondered why people gettinrg on in years, are no fo anxious ta sf ay avern'ighf away fromn home? One reason, I amn sure, le, because fhey are! wake- lu i-and restless at nighf, otten hating ta visif the bafhmaorn at nig-ht for fear of dis tumbing the rest i the household; perhaps flot quite sure -where the. light ,witches are and atraid ta put ther-n on anyway. A nighf light ie the hall might hclp a lot. And here are a few other sug- gestions. Put a dlock in the guest rooirn. A restless persan naturel- iy wonders about the time. He or shewakes up . . . is- it- jus< T El OFI QU T.o« make the next years the best years of your life ... màeans planning aid saavmng.. . now. Whatever your hopes and desires anay be-a new horne-college education fai your children- new leisure ta enjoy> Canada 13avings Bonds can help youý realize them. CANADA SAVINGS B3ONDS are cashable et any time at full face value, plus interest. They are really like dollars with--interest coupons attached. THEY POAY INTEREST ANNUA',LLY-with an average yield of 4.71 per cent per year for ten years. THSEY ARE AVAILABLE in unite ranginà froni $50 te 35,0W. The Emit of the new series la $10,000 per persan. CANADA SAVINGS BONDS are simple t» buy-for sL otr systematically out of current incarne. To miakie the 60«'s thie best years of youir life,, BU3tJY THE NEW GAMA&DA S9AVI MS *OMDU NOWI1 AT VOUR BANK, AUTHORIZED INVEESTMENT DEALER, STOCKC BROKER, TRUST OR LOAN COMPANY, OR THROUGI- VOUR COMPANY$S PAYFIQLL. SAViNGS PLAN. aferrndngh,.or is nea>' marning? Sornetimes ýifi zgwa'hýït of a d1rink t1hat keeps a) persaon awake. Or Perhaps lon-ging for a littie nighttimie sniack. Th* 1ýrredy is simple. Fi'a ýsmi-all thermnos wifh whafeve.r your vis- itor rnay like Ia drink. A srniall glass jar of plain cookies nighJt also be appreciated. Generially speaing a poor siceper nearly always dozes off'towards morn- ing so assure your visîtor if will be quite ail right if she should sleep in. She rnight welcome a cup of tea first thiing in' the miorning.ý Make sure of that, overnight so as not f0 disfurh hier unniecessarily. 1 say «"her» but if appiies equally well te "hirn-". Grandpa rnay have rest- less nighits fao. At home he rnay have formed the habit oi sitting in the livingroam for a while, rnaybe srnoking a pipe.- Not a good habit but a man is surely entitied to do what he likeés in his own home. Away frorn home decency demands that his noe- fumnai habits be more restrained -and thus adds ta bis restiess- ness. His hostess, whether friend o r relative, can m;ake his stay a lot happier by g-iving. a littie thought fo his creature comforts -and thereby lessen his fear of disturbing othýr folk, at night. One thing the new compact cars have done is gef fiamiliea closer fogether. ISSUE 4 3- 1960